Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Psalms 22:2-31 (NET)

22:2 My God , I cry out during the day , but you do not answer , and during the night my prayers do not let up. 22:3 You are holy ; you sit as king receiving the praises of Israel . 22:4 In you our ancestors trusted ; they trusted in you and you rescued them. 22:5 To you they cried out , and they were saved ; in you they trusted and they were not disappointed . 22:6 But I am a worm , not a man ; people insult me and despise me. 22:7 All who see me taunt me; they mock me and shake their heads . 22:8 They say, “Commit yourself to the Lord ! Let the Lord rescue him! Let the Lord deliver him, for he delights in him.” 22:9 Yes , you are the one who brought me out from the womb and made me feel secure on my mother’s breasts . 22:10 I have been dependent on you since birth ; from the time I came out of my mother’s womb you have been my God . 22:11 Do not remain far away from me, for trouble is near and I have no one to help me. 22:12 Many bulls surround me; powerful bulls of Bashan hem me in . 22:13 They open their mouths to devour me like a roaring lion that rips its prey. 22:14 My strength drains away like water ; all my bones are dislocated ; my heart is like wax ; it melts away inside me. 22:15 The roof of my mouth is as dry as a piece of pottery ; my tongue sticks to my gums . You set me in the dust of death . 22:16 Yes , wild dogs surround me– a gang of evil men crowd around me; like a lion they pin my hands and feet . 22:17 I can count all my bones ; my enemies are gloating over me in triumph . 22:18 They are dividing up my clothes among themselves ; they are rolling dice for my garments . 22:19 But you , O Lord , do not remain far away ! You are my source of strength ! Hurry and help me! 22:20 Deliver me from the sword ! Save my life from the claws of the wild dogs ! 22:21 Rescue me from the mouth of the lion , and from the horns of the wild oxen ! You have answered me! 22:22 I will declare your name to my countrymen ! In the middle of the assembly I will praise you! 22:23 You loyal followers of the Lord , praise him! All you descendants of Jacob , honor him! All you descendants of Israel , stand in awe of him! 22:24 For he did not despise or detest the suffering of the oppressed ; he did not ignore him; when he cried out to him, he responded . 22:25 You are the reason I offer praise in the great assembly ; I will fulfill my promises before the Lord’s loyal followers . 22:26 Let the oppressed eat and be filled ! Let those who seek his help praise the Lord ! May you live forever ! 22:27 Let all the people of the earth acknowledge the Lord and turn to him! Let all the nations worship you! 22:28 For the Lord is king and rules over the nations . 22:29 All of the thriving people of the earth will join the celebration and worship ; all those who are descending into the grave will bow before him, including those who cannot preserve their lives . 22:30 A whole generation will serve him; they will tell the next generation about the sovereign Lord . 22:31 They will come and tell about his saving deeds ; they will tell a future generation what he has accomplished .



Bible Dictionary



(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • Dalam Dana Penuh Kerusuhan [KJ.260]
  • [Psa 22:4] O God, Above The Drifting Years
  • [Psa 22:4] ’tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
  • [Psa 22:5] O Lord, Our Father, Shall We Be Confounded?
  • [Psa 22:16] O’erwhelmed In Depths Of Woe
  • [Psa 22:21] Now From The Roaring Lion’s Rage
  • [Psa 22:22] Amid The Thronging Worshippers
  • [Psa 22:23] All Ye That Fear God’s Holy Name
  • [Psa 22:27] Ends Of All The Earth Shall Hear, The
  • [Psa 22:27] Now Before Thee, Lord, We Gather
  • [Psa 22:27] O Master Of The Waking World
  • [Psa 22:28] God Of Our Fathers, Unto Thee


Sermon Illustrations



Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • The texts of the individual psalms do not usually indicate who wrote them.1However some of the titles of the individual psalms do contain information about the writers.2This is the only really reliable information we have as ...
  • The messianic psalms are perhaps the most commonly known type. They predict the coming of a messiah. Franz Delitzsch broke these psalms down into five kinds. The first is the purely prophetic, which predicts that a future Dav...
  • I. Book 1: chs. 1-41II. Book 2: chs. 42-72III. Book 3: chs. 73-89IV. Book 4: chs. 90-106V. Book 5: chs. 107-150...
  • 2:4 David envisioned God as ruler over all sitting on His royal throne in heaven not at all threatened or worried about the plan of the nations, but laughing at its futility. The figure of God sitting on His throne is a commo...
  • The title of this psalm identifies the writer as David. All but four of the psalms in Book 1 of the Psalter (Pss. 1-41) identify David as their writer, all except Psalms 1, 2, 10, and 33. The occasion of his writing this one ...
  • On the basis of God's protection of those who trust in Him David asked for protection from those who were pursuing him, perhaps Saul's men (cf. 1 Sam. 22:8; 24:9; 26:19). He felt like a helpless lamb that a powerful ferocious...
  • David asked God to keep him from the wicked in the world who are vicious and proud.17:6-7 The psalmist based his request on God's loyal love for him as seen in His deliverance of those who take refuge in Him. He called on God...
  • 22:1-2 Again David felt frustrated by God's lack of response to his cries (cf. 13:1-4). God would not answer David regardless of when he prayed. The Lord Jesus quoted David's words as He hung on the cross (Matt. 27:46; Mark 1...
  • The pattern of David's thoughts in this section is very similar to that expressed in verses 1-5. It is a second cycle of the same lament and confidence expressed there.22:6-8 By comparing himself to a worm David was expressin...
  • 22:11 David cried out to God to be near him with saving help since he was in great danger and there was no one to assist him. He felt very much alone and vulnerable.
  • 22:12-13 The psalmist felt he was at the mercy of his enemies as a person is in the presence of a dangerous bull or lion. Cattle grew large and strong in Bashan, the territory east of the Sea of Chinnereth (Galilee; cf. Num. ...
  • 22:16 David compared his enemies to wild dogs that had him surrounded and were waiting to finish him off. Already he felt as though they had begun to tear him apart by biting his extremities, his hands and feet. Years later t...
  • The psalmist pleaded with God to rescue his life from the fatal attacks of his foes to whom he referred again as wild animals. He cried to God to be near him and to act swiftly to save him.A marked change in David's attitude ...
  • 22:22 In view of the Lord's deliverance David vowed to praise God publicly. God saved His Son from death just as He delivered the psalmist from it. In the latter case He did so by prolonging his life and in the former by resu...
  • 41:10 David had asked God to restore his health so he might repay his enemies. This may seem to be an unworthy motive in view of the Lord Jesus' instruction to love our enemies and do them good (Matt. 5:44). However, individu...
  • In this psalm David sought God to deliver him from destruction. He was experiencing criticism and rejection from the Israelites because of decisions he had made to do God's will. He asked God to deal with his oppressors, and ...
  • This psalm expresses the faith of an older person in need who had trusted in God for many years. The writer is unknown to us. He combined elements that we find in several other psalms to communicate his thoughts (cf. Pss. 22;...
  • Another anonymous writer poured out his personal lament to Yahweh (cf. Pss. 22, 69, 79). He felt overwhelmed due to an enemy's reproach. He called out for help from the God he knew would not forsake him....
  • Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89."In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus, pp. 55-77. Edited by Donald K. Campbell and Jeffrey L. Townsend. Chicago: Moody Press, 1992._____. Lord of Song. Portland: Multnomah P...
  • The trust of the wise son (vv. 5-6) comes from heeding sound teaching (vv. 1-4), and it leads to confident obedience (vv. 7-9)."Teaching"(v. 1, Heb. torah) means "law"or, more fundamentally, "direction."Here the context sugge...
  • Isaiah now announced more about the work of the Servant (cf. 42:5-9). He will enable people around the world to return to God, similarly to how the Israelites would return to Jerusalem after the Exile. The response to God's s...
  • As mentioned previously, this lament is an acrostic in triplets; the same succeeding Hebrew consonant begins three verses instead of just one, as in the previous chapters. The verses are about one third as long as most of tho...
  • 4:1 Amos opened this second message as he did the first (ch. 3), with the cry, "Hear this word."He addressed the wealthy women of Samaria, calling them "cows of Bashan."Bashan was a very luxuriant region of Transjordan east a...
  • This section is a lament and is similar to many psalms of lament (e.g., Ps. 6:3; 10:1-13; 13:1-4; 22:1-21; 74:1-11; 80:4; 88; 89:46; cf. Jer. 12:4; Zech. 1:12).1:2 In prayer the prophet asked Yahweh "how long"would he have to...
  • Matthew concluded his selective account of the events in Jesus' childhood that demonstrated His messiahship and illustrated various reactions to Him with Jesus' return to Israel.2:19-20 God's sovereign initiative is again the...
  • It was common when Jesus lived for forerunners to precede important individuals to prepare the way for their arrival. For example, when a king would visit a town in his realm his emissaries would go before him to announce his...
  • Jesus proceeded to elaborate on the dangers the apostles would face and how they should deal with them.In His descriptions of the opposition His disciples would experience, Jesus looked beyond His death to the time of tribula...
  • Matthew's emphasis in his account of Jesus' crucifixion was on the mocking of the onlookers.27:32 Jesus was able to carry the crosspiece of His cross until He passed through the city gate (cf. Mark 15:21 John 19:17). Normally...
  • 27:45 That "land"(Gr. ge) was abnormally dark from noon until 3:00 p.m. Matthew's use of geprobably indicates Israel. Darkness in Scripture often represents judgment and or tragedy (cf. Exod. 10:21-22; Amos 8:9-10). Matthew's...
  • Jesus' temptation by Satan was another event that prepared the divine Servant for His ministry. Mark's account is brief, and it stresses the great spiritual conflict that this temptation posed for Jesus. The writer omitted an...
  • The appearance of Elijah on the mountain led to a discussion of his role as Messiah's forerunner. This conversation developed as the disciples followed Jesus down the mountain.9:9 Jesus again commanded secrecy (cf. 1:34, 43-4...
  • 10:32 Jesus and His disciples were travelling to Jerusalem from somewhere in Perea or Judea. They had not yet passed through Jericho (vv. 46-52). Jesus' position in front of them, in typical rabbinic fashion, suggests His det...
  • Mark did not record all that happened in the upper room. He stressed the announcement of Jesus' betrayal and Jesus' explanation of the significance of the bread and wine.14:17 This would have been Thursday evening. Because th...
  • 15:21 Probably only Mark mentioned Simon's sons because the Christians in Rome knew them or knew of them (cf. Rom. 16:13). Evidently Simon became a believer in Jesus. Mark mentioned very few people by name other than the Twel...
  • 23:33 Luke alone called the site of Jesus' crucifixion "the place called the skull"(Gr. kranion) rather than referring to it by its Aramaic name, Golgotha, and then translating it. This was undoubtedly an accommodation to his...
  • Normally the executioners of a criminal received his clothes following his death.591John spoke of the soldiers dividing Jesus' garments (plural). The Greek word translated "garments"is himatia. Usually when this word occurs i...
  • John did not mention the darkness that came over the land as the other evangelists did (cf. Matt. 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44-45). This is noteworthy in view of John's interest in the light and darkness motif. Perhaps he di...
  • Abbot, T. K. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians. International Critical Commentary series. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1897.Aldrich, Roy L. "The Gift of God."Biblioth...
  • 4:16 It was customary under Roman law for accused prisoners to have a preliminary hearing before their trial. At this hearing, witnesses could speak on behalf of the accused. In Paul's case no one had come to his defense. Thi...
  • The writer next emphasized the future glory that the Son will experience to heighten his readers' appreciation for Him and for their own future with Him. He did this by reflecting on Psalm 8. He wanted his readers to apprecia...
  • Having explored the concept of Jesus as a faithfulhigh priest (3:1-4:14), the writer proceeded next to develop the idea that Jesus is a mercifulhigh priest in the service of God (cf. 2:17). A high priest must be faithful to G...
  • Adamson, James B. The Epistle of James. New International Commentary on the New Testament series. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1976; reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1984.Bailey, Mark...
  • 22:12 Jesus Christ repeated His promise to return soon (v. 7, cf. 1:3; 22:20)."Nowhere is a date set, nor was there any definite promise that the consummation would occur within the lifetime of the first century Christians. N...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • The meek shall eat and be satisfied.'--Psalm 22:26.THE flesh of the sacrifice of his peace-offering for thanksgiving shall be offered in the day of his oblation.' Such was the law for Israel. And the custom of sacrificial fea...
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