Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Psalms 99:2-9 (NET)


- Psa 99:1-9 -- Psalm 99
Bible Dictionary

[nave] SIN. Index of Sub-Topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to, Defining, and Illustrating; Confession of; Consequences of, Entailed Upon Children; Conviction of; Forgiveness of; Fruits of; Kn...
[ebd] heard of God. The peculiar circumstances connected with his birth are recorded in 1 Sam. 1:20. Hannah, one of the two wives of Elkanah, who came up to Shiloh to worship before the Lord, earnestly prayed to God that she might...
[isbe] SAMUEL - sam'-u-el (shemu'el; Samouel): The word "Samuel" signifies "name of God," or "his name is El" (God). Other interpretations of the name that have been offered are almost certainly mistaken. The play upon the name in ...
[nave] SAMUEL Miraculous birth of, 1 Sam. 1:7-20. Consecrated to God before his birth, 1 Sam. 1:11, 22, 24-28. His mother's song of thanksgiving, 1 Sam. 2:1-10. Ministered in the house of God, 1 Sam. 2:11, 18, 19. Blessed of Go...
[isbe] SANCTIFICATION - sank-ti-fi-ka'-shun: Etymology I. THE FORMAL SENSE 1. In the Old Testament 2. In the New Testament II. THE ETHICAL SENSE 1. Transformation of Formal to Ethical Idea 2. Our Relation to God as Personal: New Te...
[nave] PRAYER. Index of Sub-topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Answer to, Promised; Answered, Instances of Answered; Confession in; Importunity in, Instances of Importunity in; Intercessor...
[nave] PRAISE Song of Moses, after the passage of the Red Sea, Ex. 15:1-19. Of Miriam, Ex. 15:21. Of Deborah, after defeating the Canaanites, Judg. 5. Of Haah, 1 Sam. 2:1-10. Of David, celebrating his deliverance from the hand ...
[isbe] PSALMS, BOOK OF - samz, (tehillim, "praises," cepher tehillim, "book of praises"; Psalmoi, Psalterion): I. INTRODUCTORY TOPICS 1. Title 2. Place in the Canon 3. Number of Psalms 4. Titles in the Hebrew Text II. AUTHORSHIP AN...
[isbe] PILLAR - pil'-ar (matstsebhah, `ammudh; stulos): In a good many cases the Revised Version (British and American) substitutes "pillars" for the King James Version "images" (matstsebhoth, Ex 34:13; Dt 7:5; 1 Ki 14:23, etc.). I...
[nave] OBEDIENCE. Gen. 18:19; Ex. 19:5; Ex. 20:6 Deut. 5:10. Ex. 24:7 Josh. 24:24. Num. 9:23; Num. 14:24 Josh. 14:6-14. Josh. 22:2; 1 Kin. 3:14; 2 Kin. 18:6; 2 Kin. 21:8; Neh. 1:5; Psa. 1:2; Psa. 18:44; Psa. 25:10; Psa. 99:7; Psa....
[isbe] ORDINANCE - or'-di-nans: 1. Old Testament Use: This word generally represents chuqqah, something prescribed, enactment, usually with reference to matters of ritual. In the King James Version the same word is frequently trans...
[isbe] OF - ov: (1) In Anglo-Saxon, had the meaning "from," "away from" (as the strengthened form "off" has still), and was not used for genitive or possessive relations, these being expressed by special case-forms. In the Norman p...
[isbe] MOSES - mo'-zez, mo'-ziz (mosheh; Egyptian mes, "drawn out," "born"; Septuagint Mouse(s)). The great Hebrew national hero, leader, author, law-giver and prophet. I. LIFE 1. Son of Levi 2. Foundling Prince 3. Friend of the Pe...
Jesus, The Christ
[nave] JESUS, THE CHRIST. Index of Sub-topics History of; Miscellaneous Facts Concerning; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Ascension of; Atonement by; Attributes of; Compassion of; Confessing; Creator; Death of; Design of His...
[nave] GOD. List of Sub-Topics Miscellany; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Access to; Compassion of; Creator; Creator of Mankind; Eternity of; Faithfulness of; Fatherhood of; Favor of; Foreknowledge of; Glory of; Goodness of...
Glorifying God
[nave] GLORIFYING GOD Commanded, 1 Chr. 16:28; Psa. 22:23; Isa. 42:12. Due to him, 1 Chr. 16:29; for his holiness, Psa. 99:9; Rev. 15:4; mercy and truth, Psa. 115:1; Rom. 15:9; faithfulness and truth, Isa. 25:1; wondrous works, Ma...
GOD, 2
[isbe] GOD, 2 - II. The Idea of God in the Old Testament. 1. Course of Its Development: Any attempt to write the whole history of the idea of God in the Old Testament would require a preliminary study of the literary and historical...
[isbe] FORGIVENESS - for-giv'-nes (kaphar, nasa', calach; apoluein charizesthai, aphesis paresis): 1. Etymology 2. Pagan and Jewish Ideas 3. The Teaching of Christ 4. Conditions of Forgiveness 5. The Offended Party 6. Divine and Hu...
[ebd] connected with a throne (2 Chr. 9:18). Jehovah symbolically dwelt in the holy place between the cherubim above the ark of the covenant. The ark was his footstool (1 Chr. 28:2; Ps. 99:5; 132:7). And as heaven is God's throne,...
[isbe] FOOTSTOOL - foot'-stool (kebhes; hupopodion, "trodden on"): The 15 Scripture references to this term may be classified as literal or figurative. Of the former are the two passages: 2 Ch 9:18 and Jas 2:3. In these the footsto...
[isbe] EXALT - eg-zolt' (rum, gabhah (mappiq he), nasa'; hupsoo): The Hebrew word most often translated "exalt," "exalted," is rum; "to lift up," "to be or become high." It is used with reference to both God and man, e.g. Ex 15:2, ...
[nave] CHURCH, the collective body of believers. Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics Called in the O.T., The Congregation, Ex. 12:3, 6, 19, 47; 16:1, 2, 9, 10, 22; Lev. 4:13, 15; 10:17; 24:14. Called in the N.T., Church, Matt. 16:18; ...
[nave] AARON Lineage of, Ex. 6:16-20; Josh. 21:4, 10; 1 Chr. 6:2, 3; 23:13. Marriage of, Ex. 6:23. Children of, Ex. 6:23, 25; 1 Chr. 6:3; 24:1, 2. Descendants of, Ex. 6:23, 25; 1 Chr. 6:3-15, 50-53; 24. Meets Moses in the wilde...


(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
Agungkan Allahmu [KJ.72] ( The God of Abraham Praise / Yigdol )
Muliakan Allah yang Esa [KJ.45]
Tuhan Allah Hadir [KJ.17]
Ya Khalik Semesta [KJ.16] ( Come, Thou Almighty King )

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
"The way of the land of the Philistines"refers to the most northern of three routes travelers took from Egypt to Canaan (v. 17). The others lay farther south. The Egyptians had heavily fortified this caravan route, also calle...
God's recounting the news of the golden calf to Moses gives the reader the divine perspective on Israel's sin. Moses stressed three points in this pericope."These three points--idolatry of the golden calf, Israel's stiff-neck...
The people's rebellion against God was not something they could undo. Consequences would follow. Nevertheless Samuel counselled them to follow and serve the Lord faithfully from then on. They should not fear that God would ab...
The texts of the individual psalms do not usually indicate who wrote them.1However some of the titles of the individual psalms do contain information about the writers.2This is the only really reliable information we have as ...
The messianic psalms are perhaps the most commonly known type. They predict the coming of a messiah. Franz Delitzsch broke these psalms down into five kinds. The first is the purely prophetic, which predicts that a future Dav...
I. Book 1: chs. 1-41II. Book 2: chs. 42-72III. Book 3: chs. 73-89IV. Book 4: chs. 90-106V. Book 5: chs. 107-150...
The psalmist called on all nations to honor Israel's God who will one day rule over them. This is one of the enthronement psalms that deals with Yahweh's universal reign (cf. Pss. 93; 95-99). These are prophetic psalms since ...
The psalmist rejoiced in the Lord's reign in this psalm. This is one of the "enthronement"or "theocratic"psalms that depict the righteous rule of God on earth (cf. Pss. 47, 95-99). They focus on God's sovereignty over His peo...
The anonymous psalmist extolled Yahweh as the great King above all gods and urged the Israelites to worship Him alone rather than disbelieving Him. This is another enthronement psalm (cf. Pss. 47, 93, 96-99)....
99:1-3 Because the God who reigns is so great everyone should tremble in reverential fear. In the temple God dwelt between the cherubim (1 Kings 6:23-28; cf. Ps. 80:1). The cherubim were representations of angelic beings that...
Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89."In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus, pp. 55-77. Edited by Donald K. Campbell and Jeffrey L. Townsend. Chicago: Moody Press, 1992._____. Lord of Song. Portland: Multnomah P...
This pericope contains one of Jeremiah's "confessions,"a self-revelation of the prophet's own struggles to cope with God's actions (cf. 10:23-24; 15:10-12, 15-21; 17:9-11, 14-18; 18:18-23; and 20:7-18).219The heart of this on...
"After the oracles against wicked kings, there is a promise of a righteous one, the Shoot of David."313Jeremiah just announced that none of Coniah's descendants would ever rule as kings. Now he went on to clarify that a David...
"This is one of the more difficult passages in the Book of Ezekiel--if not in the whole Bible! The reason for the difficulty lies mainly in the lack of sufficient data to reach precise conclusions. There are many terms and ph...
43:6 The prophet heard someone speaking to him from the temple, and there was a man, probably Ezekiel's guide, standing beside him (cf. 1:16).43:7-8 The one speaking from the temple, undoubtedly the Lord, told Ezekiel that th...
14:9 In that day Yahweh would rule over the whole earth. He would be the only king; there would be no others. His name would be number one in the earth; there will be no other so-called gods (cf. Deut. 6:4-5). This verse refe...
This section brings the parallel stories of John's birth and Jesus' birth together. The two sons had their own identities and individual greatness, but Jesus was superior. John began his ministry of exalting Jesus in his moth...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
At the time of the first fight at Eben-ezer, Israel was full of idolatry and immorality. Then their preparation for battle was the mere bringing the ark into the camp, as if it were a fetish or magic charm. That was pure heat...
Thou wast a God that forgavest them, though Thou tookest vengeance of their inventions.'--Psalm 99:8.WHEN the prophet Isaiah saw the great vision which called him to service, he heard from the lips of the seraphim around the ...