Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Titus 3:11 (NET)

3:11 You know that such a person is twisted by sin and is conscious of it himself.



Bible Dictionary


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • 3:14 Failure to abandon the idle lifestyle after having received the further warnings in this epistle should result in increased ostracism (cf. Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 5:9, 11; Titus 3:10-11). This discipline would embarrass the o...
  • I. Salutation 1:1-4II. Instructions for setting the church in order 1:5-3:11A. The appointment of elders 1:5-9B. The correction of false teachers 1:10-16C. The conduct of the saints 2:1-3:111. The behavior of various groups i...
  • As usual, Paul began this letter with comments that not only introduced himself and greeted his reader but also set the tone for his emphasis in what followed. The emphasis in this section is on Paul's duty and the nature of ...
  • "After a brief exhortation to Titus (2:15) to teach these things' (at least 2:1-14), Paul returns in this section to the major concern of the letter--'good works' (i.e., genuinely Christian behavior) for the sake of the outsi...
  • 3:9 On the other hand Titus should shun what was worthless and unprofitable. In view of the context Paul especially meant those things the false teachers were promoting (1:14; 1 Tim. 1:3-7; 6:4; 2 Tim. 2:23). Examples of thes...
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