Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Zephaniah 2:1-11 (NET)

The Prophet Warns the People
2:1 Bunch yourselves together like straw, you undesirable nation , 2:2 before God’s decree becomes reality and the day of opportunity disappears like windblown chaff , before the Lord’s raging anger overtakes you– before the day of the Lord’s angry judgment overtakes you! 2:3 Seek the Lord’s favor, all you humble people of the land who have obeyed his commands ! Strive to do what is right ! Strive to be humble ! Maybe you will be protected on the day of the Lord’s angry judgment.
Judgment on Surrounding Nations
2:4 Indeed , Gaza will be deserted and Ashkelon will become a heap of ruins . Invaders will drive away the people of Ashdod by noon , and Ekron will be overthrown . 2:5 Those who live by the sea , the people who came from Crete , are as good as dead. The Lord has decreed your downfall, Canaan , land of the Philistines : “I will destroy everyone who lives there!” 2:6 The seacoast will be used as pasture lands by the shepherds and as pens for their flocks . 2:7 Those who are left from the kingdom of Judah will take possession of it. By the sea they will graze , in the houses of Ashkelon they will lie down in the evening , for the Lord their God will intervene for them and restore their prosperity . 2:8 “I have heard Moab’s taunts and the Ammonites ’ insults . They taunted my people and verbally harassed those living in Judah . 2:9 Therefore , as surely as I live ,” says the Lord who commands armies , the God of Israel , “be certain that Moab will become like Sodom and the Ammonites like Gomorrah . They will be overrun by weeds , filled with salt pits , and permanently desolate . Those of my people who are left will plunder their belongings; those who are left in Judah will take possession of their land.” 2:10 This is how they will be repaid for their arrogance , for they taunted and verbally harassed the people of the Lord who commands armies . 2:11 The Lord will terrify them, for he will weaken all the gods of the earth . All the distant nations will worship the Lord in their own lands .



Bible Dictionary




Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • "As the laws increase and the constraints grow, the people seem less willing or less capable of following them. At this point in the narrative we see that the whole order of the priesthood is thrown open to direct confrontati...
  • "The Babylon oracle revealed that world history, even in its most threatening and climactic forms, is so organized that the people of God are cared for. The Philistia oracle confirmed this by insisting that the Davidic promis...
  • 30:4 This oracle concerns all the Israelites, those of both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms.30:5-6 A time of great terror, dread, and unrest was coming. Men would behave as though they were in labor; they would hold themse...
  • In Jeremiah, prophecies concerning foreign nations come at the end of the book. In the other major prophets, Isaiah and Ezekiel, they come after oracles against Israel and or Judah and before oracles dealing with Israel's res...
  • This oracle is similar to the one in Isaiah 15 and 16.555Other oracles against Moab appear in Ezekiel 25:8-11, Amos 2:1-3, and Zephaniah 2:9, but this is the longest one. It is very difficult to say when Jeremiah gave this or...
  • It is appropriate that this section appears at this point in Ezekiel, between the messages announcing judgment on Judah and Jerusalem for sin (chs. 4-24) and the messages announcing future blessings for Israel (chs. 33-48). I...
  • Ezekiel previously recorded an oracle against Ammon (21:28-32). Its placement there was evidently due to the presence of "sword of the Lord"terminology in that oracle, which the other prophecies in that chapter also contain.2...
  • 25:8 The residents of Moab and Seir (Edom) had regarded Judah as just one of the other nations even though the Judahites were blood relatives of theirs (cf. Jer. 48:27; Zeph. 2:8-9). This attitude reflected disrespect for Yah...
  • 25:15-16 The Philistines to Judah's west had also scorned the Israelites and had sought to destroy them (cf. Judg. 13-16; 1 Sam. 4; 13; 31; 2 Sam. 5; 2 Kings 18:8; 2 Chron. 21:16-17; 28:18). Therefore the Lord would stretch o...
  • 8:2 Evidently Daniel was in Babylon when he had this vision, but what he saw, including himself, was in Susa (Shushan, AV; cf. Ezek. 8:3; 40:1).293Daniel probably knew where he was in his vision because he had visited Susa. I...
  • 4:6 The Lord had brought famine throughout the land to warn His people about their disobedience and His displeasure, but this judgment did not move them to repent (cf. 1 Kings 8:37). Famine was one of the curses that God said...
  • "It is in 2:1-5 that the prophet establishes the basis for the national crisis and the future collapse of the nation. It was not the imperialism of Assyria or the fortunes of blind destiny that brought the house of Israel to ...
  • The Book of Zephaniah has been called "a compendium of the oracles of the prophets."9This is true for two reasons. First, Zephaniah's general message is similar to that of most of the other writing prophets. Second, he used t...
  • The key to the Book of Zephaniah is the phrase "the day of the Lord."This phrase appears in most of the prophetic literature of the Old Testament. As we saw in Joel, "the day of the Lord"can be a past day, a day in the relati...
  • I. Heading 1:1II. The day of Yahweh's judgment 1:2-3:8A. Judgment on the world 1:2-3B. Judgment on Judah 1:4-2:31. The cause for Judah's judgment 1:4-62. The course of Judah's judgment 1:7-133. The imminence and horrors of Ju...
  • Zephaniah's prophecies are all about "the day of the LORD."He revealed two things about this "day,"first, that it would involve judgment (1:2-3:8) and, second, that it would eventuate in blessing (3:9-20). The judgment portio...
  • The Lord gave more details about this worldwide judgment. It would include Judah. Zephaniah gave more particulars concerning the fate of Judah (1:4-2:3) and Jerusalem (3:1-7) than about the fate of the rest of humanity (1:2-3...
  • 1:7 In view of the inevitability of coming judgment for idolatry, it was appropriate for the Judeans to be quiet before sovereign Yahweh (cf. Hab. 2:20)."This is a call to the people of Judah to cease every manner of oppositi...
  • This section of the book (1:4-2:3) concludes with an appeal to the Judeans to repent and so avoid the punishment destined to come on them if they did not repent."The prophet meant in that terrible description of approaching j...
  • Since all people need to seek the Lord (v. 3), Zephaniah revealed that judgment was headed for the nations around Judah as well as for Judah. He selected nations that lived in four directions from Judah to represent all the n...
  • 2:4 The prophet announced that destruction would overtake four of the five cities of the Philistine pentapolis (cf. Isa. 14:28-32; Jer. 47; Ezek. 25:15-17; Amos 1:6-8). He listed them from south to north. Gath had evidently d...
  • 2:8 Probably Zephaniah linked Moab and Ammon because both nations descended from Lot (Gen. 19:30-38) as well as because both lay to Judah's east. Both nations had taunted and reviled the Israelites from their earliest history...
  • Having announced that divine judgment would come on the nations around Judah (2:4-15), the prophet returned to the subject of Yahweh's judgment on the Chosen People (cf. 1:4-2:3), but this time he focused more particularly on...
  • The people of Jerusalem needed to wait a little longer. The Lord would soon rise up as a devouring animal to consume His prey. He had determined to gather nations and kingdoms that were wicked, including Judah, and pour His b...
  • Having finished the revelation dealing with God's judgment of the world in a coming day (1:2-3:8), Zephaniah now announced that He would bring great blessing to all humankind after that judgment (3:9-20). As in the section of...
  • "Then"signals a major change in time as well as in the focus of Zephaniah's prophecy. It is a hinge word that serves as a transition from judgment in the Tribulation to blessing in the Millennium. Then, after these judgments ...
  • 3:10 The descendants of the Lord's dispersed ones, the Jews, would bring him offerings of worship from the farthest corners of the earth. The rivers of Ethiopia, probably the Nile and its tributaries, were at the edge of the ...
  • 3:18 In the past Jews who lived far from Jerusalem were very sad because they could not travel to Jerusalem to observe Israel's annual feasts. They suffered a certain criticism from their fellow Jews for living far away from ...
  • Chisholm, Robert B., Jr. "A Theology of the Minor Prophets."In A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament, pp. 397-433. Edited by Roy B. Zuck. Chicago: Moody Press, 1991.Christensen, Duane L. "Zephaniah 2:4-15: A Theological Ba...
  • 1:11 It was particularly inappropriate for Israel's priests to despise Yahweh because the time would come when people from all over the world would honor His name (person; cf. Isa. 45:22-25; 49:5-7; 59:19). Incense accompanie...
  • Luke recorded this incident to show the method and direction of the church's expansion to God-fearing Gentiles who were attracted to Judaism at this time. This man had visited Jerusalem to worship, was studying the Old Testam...
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