Can you recommend some magazines on preaching?

I'm sorry, but I am not familiar with any of the current magazines that are available. May I, however, give a word of caution as you read on homiletics or the preparation of sermons. We need to be on guard against the use of Madison Ave. techniques to get certain desired results in a congregation. Such techniques manipulate from wrong motivations. Rather, read and study to improve your ability as an expositor who truly expounds the text of Scripture and trust the Spirit of God to use that to change the hearts of the people. What people need to hear is the Bible expounded out of exegetical study that explains the text in its context, etc. There is far too much 'agenda preaching' or using a text to promote a preacher's hobby horse or something he wants to see happen in his church, often for selfish reasons. Too many preachers today want to be sensational, entertaining, and exciting. So they turn to the novel, the different and so on to draw a crowd or to be popular. I think a lot of what I see and read falls into that category. It's God's Word and God's Spirit that gives power to preaching and it is the Word that changes lives. See 1 Cor. 2:1f.

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