Genesis 49 
Titles for Pericopes/Passages in Genesis:
The Creation of the World |
The Creation of Man and Woman |
The Temptation and the Fall |
The Judgment Oracles of God at the Fall |
The Story of Cain and Abel |
The Beginning of Civilization |
God's Grief over Humankind's Wickedness |
The Judgment of the Flood |
God's Covenant with Humankind through Noah |
The Dispersion of the Nations at Babel |
The Promised Blessing Jeopardized |
Abram's Solution to the Strife |
The Blessing of Victory for God's People |
The Cutting of the Covenant |
The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah |
Jacob Cheats Esau out of the Blessing |
Jacob's Flight from Laban |
Dinah and the Shechemites |
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife |
The Cupbearer and the Baker |
Joseph's Brothers in Egypt |
The Second Journey to Egypt |
The Reconciliation of the Brothers |
The Family of Jacob goes to Egypt |
Joseph's Wise Administration |
The Burials of Jacob and Joseph |