Exodus 23 
Titles for Pericopes/Passages in Exodus:
Blessing during Bondage in Egypt |
The Birth of the Deliverer |
The Presumption of the Deliverer |
The Call of the Deliverer |
The Source of Sufficiency |
Opposition to the Plan of God |
The Assurance of Deliverance |
The Ancestry of the Deliverer |
The Authentication of the Word |
The First Blow: Water to Blood |
The Institution of the Passover |
The Deliverance from Egypt |
Participation in the Passover |
The Victory at the Red Sea |
Water at Massa and Meribah |
Victory over the Amalekites |
Moral and Ceremonial Laws |
The Angel of the Presence |
The Lord Ratifies the Covenant |
The Materials for the Sanctuary |
The Table for the Bread of the Presence |
The Clothing of the Priests |
The Consecration of Aaron and His Sons |
The Sin of the Golden Calf |
The New Tablets of the Covenant |
The Radiant Face of Moses |
The Building of the Tabernacle |
The Making of the Lampstand |
The Making of the Altar of Incense |
The Making of the Altar for the Burnt Offering |
The Construction of the Courtyard |
The Materials of the Construction |
The Making of the Priestly Garments |
The Breastpiece of Decision |
Moses Inspects the Sanctuary |