The Song of Songs 2 ![](images/lines.gif)
Titles for Pericopes/Passages in The Song of Songs:
The Country Maiden and the Daughters of Jerusalem |
The Shepherd and the Shepherdess |
The Beautiful Mare and the Fragrant Myrrh |
Mutual Praise and Admiration |
The Lily among the Thorns and the Apple Tree in the Forest |
The Banquet Hall for the Love-Sick |
The Season of Love and the Song of the Turtle-Dove |
The Dove in the Clefts of En-Gedi |
The Foxes in the Vineyard |
Poetic Refrain: Mutual Possession |
The Gazelle and the Rugged Mountains |
The Royal Wedding Procession |
The Wedding Night: Praise of the Bride |
The Wedding Night: Beautiful as Lebanon |
The Wedding Night: The Delightful Garden |
The Trials of Love: The Beloved's Dream of Losing Her Lover |
The Triumph of Love: The Beloved Praises Her Lover |
Poetic Refrain: Mutual Possession |
The Return to the Vineyards |
The Palm Tree and the Palm Tree Climber |
Poetic Refrain: Mutual Possession |
The Journey to the Countryside |
Double Refrain: Embracing and Adjuration |
The Brother's Plan and the Sister's Reward |
Solomon's Vineyard and the Beloved's Vineyard |
Epilogue: The Lover's Request and His Beloved's Invitation |