Jeremiah 48 
Titles for Pericopes/Passages in Jeremiah:
Jeremiah's Call and Commission |
Visions Confirming Jeremiah's Call and Commission |
The Lord Recalls Israel's Earlier Faithfulness |
The Lord Reminds Them of the Unfaithfulness of Their Ancestors |
The Lord Charges Contemporary Israel with Spiritual Adultery |
Israel's Reliance on Foreign Alliances (not on God) |
The Lord Expresses His Exasperation at Judah's Persistent Idolatry |
The Lord Calls on Israel and Judah to Repent |
Warning of Coming Judgment |
Judah is Justly Deserving of Coming Judgment |
The Destruction of Jerusalem Depicted |
Faulty Religion and Unethical Behavior Will Lead to Judgment |
Willful Disregard of God Will Lead to Destruction |
Jeremiah Laments over the Coming Destruction |
The Lord Laments That He Has No Choice But to Judge Them |
The Coming Destruction Calls For Mourning |
The Lord, not Idols, is the Only Worthy Object of Worship |
Jeremiah Laments for and Prays for the Soon-to-be-Judged People |
The People Have Violated Their Covenant with God |
A Plot Against Jeremiah is Revealed and He Complains of Injustice |
An Object Lesson from Ruined Linen Shorts |
A Lament over the Ravages of Drought |
Judgment for Believing the Misleading Lies of the False Prophets |
Lament over Present Destruction and Threat of More to Come |
Jeremiah Complains about His Lot and The Lord Responds |
Jeremiah Forbidden to Marry, to Mourn, or to Feast |
The Lord Promises Exile (But Also Restoration) |
Individuals Are Challenged to Put Their Trust in the Lord |
Jeremiah Appeals to the Lord for Vindication |
Observance of the Sabbath Day Is a Key to the Future |
An Object Lesson from the Making of Pottery |
Jeremiah Petitions the Lord to Punish Those Who Attack Him |
An Object Lesson from a Broken Clay Jar |
Jeremiah is Flogged and Put in A Cell |
Jeremiah Complains about the Reaction to His Ministry |
The Lord Will Hand Jerusalem over to Enemies |
Warnings to the Royal Court |
Jeconiah Will Be Permanently Exiled |
New Leaders over a Regathered Remnant |
Oracles Against the False Prophets |
Seventy Years of Servitude for Failure to Give Heed |
Judah and the Nations Will Experience God's Wrath |
Jeremiah Is Put on Trial as a False Prophet |
Jeremiah Counsels Submission to Babylon |
Jeremiah Confronted by a False Prophet |
Jeremiah's Letter to the Exiles |
A Response to the Letter and a Subsequent Letter |
Introduction to the Book of Consolation |
Israel and Judah Will Be Delivered after a Time of Deep Distress |
The Lord Will Heal the Wounds of Judah |
The Lord Will Restore Israel and Judah |
Israel Will Be Restored and Join Judah in Worship |
Israel and Judah Will Be Repopulated |
The Lord Will Make a New Covenant with Israel and Judah |
The Lord Guarantees Israel's Continuance |
Jerusalem Will Be Enlarged |
Jeremiah's Prayer of Praise and Bewilderment |
The Lord Answers Jeremiah's Prayer |
The Lord Promises a Second Time to Restore Israel and Judah |
The Lord Reaffirms His Covenant with David, Israel, and Levi |
The Lord Makes an Ominous Promise to Zedekiah |
The Lord Threatens to Destroy Those Who Wronged Their Slaves |
Judah's Unfaithfulness Contrasted with the Rechabites' Faithfulness |
Jehoiakim Burns the Scroll Containing the Lord's Messages |
Baruch and Jeremiah Write Another Scroll |
Introduction to Incidents During the Reign of Zedekiah |
The Lord Responds to Zedekiah's Hope for Help |
Jeremiah is Charged with Deserting, Arrested, and Imprisoned |
Jeremiah Is Charged with Treason and Put in a Cistern to Die |
An Ethiopian Official Rescues Jeremiah from the Cistern |
Jeremiah Responds to Zedekiah's Request for Secret Advice |
The Fall of Jerusalem and Its Aftermath |
Ebed Melech Is Promised Deliverance because of His Faith |
Jeremiah Is Set Free A Second Time |
A Small Judean Province is Established at Mizpah |
Ishmael Murders Gedaliah and Carries the Judeans at Mizpah off as Captives |
Johanan Rescues the People Ishmael Had Carried Off |
The Survivors Ask the Lord for Advice but Refuse to Follow It |
Jeremiah Predicts that Nebuchadnezzar Will Plunder Egypt and Its Gods |
The Lord Will Punish the Judean Exiles in Egypt for Their Idolatry |
Baruch is Rebuked but also Comforted |
Prophecies Against Foreign Nations |
The Prophecy about Egypt's Defeat at Carchemish |
The Lord Predicts that Nebuchadnezzar Will Attack and Plunder Egypt |
A Promise of Hope for Israel |
Judgment on the Philistine Cities |
Judgment Against Damascus |
Judgment Against Kedar and Hazor |