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Ezekiel 8

1 Ezekiel, in a vision of God at Jerusalem,

5 is shewn the image of jealousy;

7 the chambers of imagery;

13 the mourners for Tammuz;

16 the worshippers toward the sun.

17 God's wrath for their idolatry.


sixth year .... sixth <08141 08345> [in the sixth year.]

elders <02205> [and the.]

hand <03027> [that the.]


I watched <07200> [I beheld.]

glow <02830> [amber.]

Amber is a hard, inflammable, bituminous substance, of a beautiful yellow colour, very transparent, and susceptible of an exquisite polish. When rubbed it is highly endowed with electricity; a name which the moderns have formed from its Greek name [elektron.] But, as amber becomes dim as soon as it feels the fire, and is speedily consumed, it is probable that the original {chashmal,} which Bochart derives from the Chaldee {nechash,} copper, and {melala,} gold, was a mixed metal, similar to that which the Greeks called [elektron,] electrum, as the LXX. and Vulgate render, from its resemblance to amber in colour.


stretched out <07971> [he put.]

wind <07307> [the spirit.]

door <06607> [to the door.]

statue <05566> [the image.]

provokes <07069> [provoketh.]



look up ....... looked up <05375> [lift.]

gate <08179> [at the.]


see ........................... see <07200> [seest.]

great ...................... greater ... than <01419> [even.]

far <07368> [that I.]

great ...................... greater ... than <01419> [greater.]




practicing <06213> [that they.]


figure <08403> [and behold.]

These images portrayed on the wall were no doubt the objects of Egyptian idolatry, the ox, ape, crocodile, ibis, beetle, etc., as we find those idols were painted on the walls of the tombs of kings and nobles.

figure <08403> [every.]


Seventy <07657> [seventy.]

Shaphan <08227> [Shaphan.]

men ........................ each <0376> [every.]


see ................................. see <07200> [hast.]

elders <02205> [ancients.]

dark ..... chamber <02822 02315> [in the.]

see ................................. see <03068 07200> [The Lord seeth.]


greater <01419> [greater.]


north <06828> [toward.]


see ........ see <07200> [Hast.]

greater ... than <01419> [greater.]


inner <06442> [the inner.]

entrance <06607> [at the door.]

twenty-five <02568> [about.]

backs <0268> [with their.]

facing <06440> [their faces.]

worshiping <07812> [and they.]

It seems that the Jews had incorporated every species of idolatry into their worship, Egyptian, Phoenician, and Persian; for this evidently was the Magian worship of the sun.


trivial <07043> [Is it a light, etc. or, Is there any thing lighter than to commit, etc. for.]

putting <07971> [they put.]

So the Vulgate has, {applicant ramum ad nares suas,} "they apply the branch to their nose;" which Jerome explains by "a branch of the palm tree with which they adored the idols;" and it seems plainly to allude to the Magian fire-worshippers, who, Strabo tells us, held a little bunch of twigs in their hand, when praying before the fire.


act <06213> [will I also.]

shouted <07121> [and though.]

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