Numbers 16 
Titles for Pericopes/Passages in Numbers:
Organizing the Census of the Israelites |
The Exemption of the Levites |
The Arrangement of the Tribes |
The Assignment of the Levites |
The Numbering of the Levites |
The Numbering of the Gershonites |
The Numbering of the Kohathites |
The Substitution for the Firstborn |
The Service of the Kohathites |
The Service of the Gershonites |
The Service of the Merarites |
Separation of the Unclean |
Contingencies for Defilement |
The Distribution of the Gifts |
The Separation of the Levites |
The Journey From Sinai to Kadesh |
Journey Arrangements for the Tribes |
Moses' Complaint to the Lord |
Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses |
The Intercession of Moses |
The Israelites Respond in Unbelief |
Rules for Unintentional Offenses |
The Judgment on the Rebels |
The Atonement for the Rebellion |
The Budding of Aaron's Staff |
Responsibilities of the Priests |
The Portion of the Priests |
Instructions for the Levites |
Purification from Uncleanness |
The Israelites Complain Again |
Rejection by the Edomites |
The Victory over Sihon and Og |
Balaam Refuses to Curse Israel |
Balaam Accompanies the Moabite Princes |
Balaam Relocates Yet Again |
Balaam Prophesies Yet Again |
Balaam Prophesies a Fourth Time |
Balaam's Final Prophecies |
Israel's Sin with the Moabite Women |
Total Number and Division of the Land |
Passover and Unleavened Bread |
The Feast of Temporary Shelters |
Vows Made by Single Women |
Vows Made by Married Women |
Campaign Against the Midianites |
The Death of the Midianite Women |
Purification After Battle |
The Distribution of Spoils |
The Petition of the Reubenites and Gadites |
The Offer of the Reubenites and Gadites |
Wanderings from Egypt to Sinai |
Wanderings in the Wilderness |
Wanderings from Kadesh to Moab |
The Southern Border of the Land |
The Western Border of the Land |
The Northern Border of the Land |
The Eastern Border of the Land |
Women and Land Inheritance |