Acts 14 
Titles for Pericopes/Passages in Acts:
A Replacement for Judas is Chosen |
The Holy Spirit and the Day of Pentecost |
Peter's Address on the Day of Pentecost |
The Response to Peter's Address |
The Fellowship of the Early Believers |
Peter and John Heal a Lame Man at the Temple |
Peter Addresses the Crowd |
The Arrest and Trial of Peter and John |
The Followers of Jesus Pray for Boldness |
Conditions Among the Early Believers |
The Judgment on Ananias and Sapphira |
The Apostles Perform Miraculous Signs and Wonders |
Further Trouble for the Apostles |
The Appointment of the First Seven Deacons |
Stephen's Defense Before the Council |
Saul Begins to Persecute the Church |
Philip Preaches in Samaria |
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch |
Saul's Escape from Damascus |
Saul Returns to Jerusalem |
The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit |
Peter Defends His Actions to the Jerusalem Church |
Activity in the Church at Antioch |
James is Killed and Peter Imprisoned |
The Church at Antioch Commissions Barnabas and Saul |
Paul and Barnabas Preach in Cyprus |
Paul and Barnabas at Pisidian Antioch |
Paul and Barnabas at Iconium |
Paul and Barnabas at Lystra |
Paul and Barnabas Return to Antioch in Syria |
Paul and Barnabas Part Company |
Timothy Joins Paul and Silas |
Paul's Vision of the Macedonian Man |
Paul and Silas Are Thrown Into Prison |
Paul and Silas at Thessalonica |
Paul Before the Proconsul Gallio |
Paul Returns to Antioch in Syria |
Apollos Begins His Ministry |
Disciples of John the Baptist at Ephesus |
Paul Continues to Minister at Ephesus |
Paul Travels Through Macedonia and Greece |
Paul's Journey to Jerusalem |
The Roman Commander Questions Paul |
Paul Before the Sanhedrin |
The Accusations Against Paul |
Paul's Defense Before Felix |
Paul Speaks Repeatedly to Felix |
Festus Asks King Agrippa for Advice |
Paul Before King Agrippa and Bernice |
Paul and Company Sail for Rome |
Caught in a Violent Storm |
Paul Finally Reaches Rome |
Paul Addresses the Jewish Community in Rome |