Joshua 23 
Titles for Pericopes/Passages in Joshua:
The Lord Commissions Joshua |
Joshua Prepares for the Invasion |
Joshua Sends Spies into the Land |
Israel Crosses the Jordan |
Israel Commemorates the Crossing |
A New Generation is Circumcised |
Achan Sins and is Punished |
The Gibeonites Deceive Israel |
Israel Defeats an Amorite Coalition |
Joshua Launches a Southern Campaign |
Israel Defeats a Northern Coalition |
A Summary of Israel's Victories |
The Lord Speaks to Joshua |
Tribal Lands East of the Jordan |
The Tribes Meet at Shiloh |
Israel Designates Cities of Refuge |
Joshua Sends Home the Eastern Tribes |
Joshua Challenges Israel to be Faithful |
Israel Renews its Commitment to the Lord |