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Text -- 2 Samuel 3:35 (NET)

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3:35 Then all the people came and encouraged David to eat food while it was still day. But David took an oath saying, “God will punish me severely if I taste bread or anything whatsoever before the sun sets!”
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · David a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Tact | SAMUEL, BOOKS OF | Oath | Mourning | Mourn | Lamentations, Book of | Ish-bosheth | Hebron | Funeral | Fasting | Fast | FAST; FASTING | Entertain | David | DECEASE, IN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND APOCYPHRA | Abner | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

TSK: 2Sa 3:35 - -- cause : 2Sa 12:17; Jer 16:7; Eze 24:17, Eze 24:22 So do : 2Sa 3:9; Rth 1:17 till the : 2Sa 1:12; Jdg 20:26

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Sa 3:35 - -- To eat meat ... - Fasting was a sign of the deepest mourning 2Sa 1:12. The fast lasted until the sun was set.

To eat meat ... - Fasting was a sign of the deepest mourning 2Sa 1:12. The fast lasted until the sun was set.

Poole: 2Sa 3:35 - -- To eat meat to refresh and cheer up his depressed spirits, as they used to do at funerals. See Jer 16:5 Eze 24:17 . Till the sun be down i.e. till ...

To eat meat to refresh and cheer up his depressed spirits, as they used to do at funerals. See Jer 16:5 Eze 24:17 .

Till the sun be down i.e. till evening; for then fasting days ended of course.

Haydock: 2Sa 3:35 - -- David. Hebrew, "to cause David to eat meat" (Haydock) at the feast, which usually accompanied funerals, Genesis l, 3. (Calmet)

David. Hebrew, "to cause David to eat meat" (Haydock) at the feast, which usually accompanied funerals, Genesis l, 3. (Calmet)

Gill: 2Sa 3:35 - -- And when all the people came to cause David to eat meat while it was yet day,.... The custom was to bury in the daytime, and after the funeral was ove...

And when all the people came to cause David to eat meat while it was yet day,.... The custom was to bury in the daytime, and after the funeral was over to provide and send in food to the relations of the deceased, and come and eat with them; as was also the usage with the Greeks and Romans w; See Gill on Jer 16:5 and See Gill on Jer 16:7; and kings themselves used to attend those feasts; for the Jews say x,"when they cause him (the king) to eat, all the people sit upon the ground, and he sits upon the bed;''but in this case David refused to eat with them:

David sware, saying, so do God to me, and more also; may the greatest evils, and such as I care not to mention, befall me; and even more and worse than I can think of and express:

if I taste bread, or ought else, till the sun be down; perhaps the funeral was in the morning, as funerals with the Jews generally now are; for otherwise if it was now towards evening, his abstinence from food till that time would not have seemed so much, nor required much notice, and still less an oath.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Sa 3:35 Heb “Thus God will do to me and thus he will add.”

Geneva Bible: 2Sa 3:35 And when all the people came to cause David to eat ( o ) meat while it was yet day, David sware, saying, So do God to me, and more also, if I taste br...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Sa 3:1-39 - --1 During the war David still waxes stronger.2 Six sons are born to him in Hebron.6 Abner, displeased with Ish-bosheth,7 revolts to David.13 David requ...

MHCC: 2Sa 3:22-39 - --Judgments are prepared for such scorners as Abner; but Joab, in what he did, acted wickedly. David laid Abner's murder deeply to heart, and in many wa...

Matthew Henry: 2Sa 3:22-39 - -- We have here an account of the murder of Abner by Joab, and David's deep resentment of it. I. Joab very insolently fell foul upon David for treating...

Keil-Delitzsch: 2Sa 3:6-39 - -- Decline of the House of Saul. - 2Sa 3:6-11. Abner's quarrel with Ishbosheth. - During the war between the house of Saul and the house of David, Abn...

Constable: 2Sa 1:1--8:18 - --V. DAVID'S TRIUMPHS chs. 1--8 The first 20 chapters of 2 Samuel are divisible into four uni...

Constable: 2Sa 3:6--5:17 - --B. The Unification of the Kingdom 3:6-5:16 The writer also documented God's blessing on David in this re...

Constable: 2Sa 3:6-39 - --1. David's acceptance of Abner 3:6-39 Abner was the strong man in Israel. Ish-bosheth was simply...

Guzik: 2Sa 3:1-39 - --2 Samuel 3 - Abner's Defection and Murder A. Abner defects from Ishbosheth. 1. (2-5) David's sons born in Hebron. Sons were born to David in Hebro...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF SAMUEL. The two were, by the ancient Jews, conjoined so as to make one book, and in that form could be called the Book o...


TSK: 2 Samuel 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Sa 3:1, During the war David still waxes stronger; 2Sa 3:2, Six sons are born to him in Hebron; 2Sa 3:6, Abner, displeased with Ish-bosh...

Poole: 2 Samuel 3 (Chapter Introduction) SAMUEL CHAPTER 3 The war between the house of David and the house of Saul. Six sons born to David in Hebron, 2Sa 3:1-5 . Abner, displeased with Ish...

MHCC: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) This book is the history of the reign of king David. It relates his victories, the growth of the prosperity of Israel, and his reformation of the stat...

MHCC: 2 Samuel 3 (Chapter Introduction) (2Sa 3:1-6) David's power increases His family. (2Sa 3:7-21) Abner revolts to David. (v. 22-39) Joab kills Abner David mourns for him.

Matthew Henry: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Book of Samuel This book is the history of the reign of king David. We had in the foregoing ...

Matthew Henry: 2 Samuel 3 (Chapter Introduction) The battle between Joab and Abner did not end the controversy between the two houses of Saul and David, but it is in this chapter working towards a...

Constable: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) Introduction Second Samuel continues the history begun in 1 Samuel. Please see my comments regarding 2 Samuel's title, d...

Constable: 2 Samuel (Outline) Outline (Continued from notes on 1 Samuel) V. David's triumphs chs. 1-8 ...

Constable: 2 Samuel 2 Samuel Bibliography Achtemeier, Paul J., and Elizabeth Achtemeier. The Old Testament Roots of Our Faith. Phil...

Haydock: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE SECOND BOOK OF SAMUEL; otherwise called, THE SECOND BOOK OF KINGS. INTRODUCTION. This Book contains the transactions of David till the end ...

Gill: 2 Samuel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 SAMUEL This book, in many copies of the Hebrew Bible, is carried on without any new title put unto it; the reason of it is, becau...

Gill: 2 Samuel 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO SECOND SAMUEL 3 This chapter begins with the continuation of the war between the house of Saul and the house of David, 2Sa 3:1; and...

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