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Text -- 1 Kings 7:19 (NET)

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7:19 The tops of the two pillars in the porch were shaped like lilies and were six feet high.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: 1Ki 7:19 - -- Made like the leaves of lillies.

Made like the leaves of lillies.

Wesley: 1Ki 7:19 - -- Or, as in the porch; such work as there was in the porch of the temple, in which these pillars were set, 1Ki 7:21, that so the work of the tops of the...

Or, as in the porch; such work as there was in the porch of the temple, in which these pillars were set, 1Ki 7:21, that so the work of the tops of these pillars might agree with that in the top of the porch.

JFB: 1Ki 7:15-22 - -- They were made of the brass (bronze) which was taken from the king of Zobah (1Ch 18:8). In 2Ch 3:15 they are said to have been thirty-five cubits high...

They were made of the brass (bronze) which was taken from the king of Zobah (1Ch 18:8). In 2Ch 3:15 they are said to have been thirty-five cubits high. There, however, their joint lengths are given; whereas here the length of the pillars is given separately. Each pillar was seventeen and a half cubits long, which is stated, in round numbers, as eighteen. Their dimensions in English measure are as follows: The pillars without the capitals measured thirty-two and a half feet long, and seven feet diameter; and if hollow, as WHISTON, in his translation of JOSEPHUS, thinks (Jer 52:21), the metal would be about three and a half inches thick; so that the whole casting of one pillar must have been from sixteen to twenty tons. The height of the capitals was eight and three-fourths feet; and, at the same thickness of metal, would not weigh less than seven or eight tons each. The nature of the workmanship in the finishing of these capitals is described (1Ki 7:17-22). The pillars, when set up, would stand forty feet in height [NAPIER, Metal].

JFB: 1Ki 7:19 - -- Beautiful ornaments, resembling the stalks, leaves, and blossoms of lilies--of large dimensions, as suited to the height of their position.

Beautiful ornaments, resembling the stalks, leaves, and blossoms of lilies--of large dimensions, as suited to the height of their position.

TSK: 1Ki 7:19 - -- lily work : 1Ki 7:22, 1Ki 6:18, 1Ki 6:32-35

lily work : 1Ki 7:22, 1Ki 6:18, 1Ki 6:32-35

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Ki 7:19 - -- There is a cornice of (so-called) lilywork at Persepolis, consisting of three ranges of broadish rounded leaves, one over the other. Lilies are also...

There is a cornice of (so-called) lilywork at Persepolis, consisting of three ranges of broadish rounded leaves, one over the other. Lilies are also represented with much spirit on a bas-relief from Koyunjik.

Poole: 1Ki 7:19 - -- Of lily work made like the leaves of lilies, or such flowers. In the porch or, as in the porch , i.e. such work as there was in the porch of the t...

Of lily work made like the leaves of lilies, or such flowers.

In the porch or, as in the porch , i.e. such work as there was in the porch of the temple, in which these pillars were set, 1Ki 7:21 , that so the work of the tops of these pillars might agree with that in the top of the porch. So there is only an ellipsis or defect of the particle as , which is frequent, as Gen 49:9 Deu 33:22 Psa 11:1 Isa 21:8 .

Four cubits of which See Poole "1Ki 7:16" .

Haydock: 1Ki 7:19 - -- Of lily-work, seems also transposed. Calmet would translate, Hebrew, "and he made pomegranates, two rows round each net, to cover the chapiter, whic...

Of lily-work, seems also transposed. Calmet would translate, Hebrew, "and he made pomegranates, two rows round each net, to cover the chapiter, which was at the top of the pillar, and in, &c., ( 19 ) and the chapiter, which was above the pillars of the court, (or porch) four cubits high. And he made rows of 200 pomegranates, all round, to cover one of the crowns of the pillars, and he did the like for the other crown; ( 20 ) and he also made a chapiter, like a rose, (or lily ) at the top of the pillars, above, and over-against the body, which was beyond the nets." The rose seemed to grow out of the pillar. The chapiters were not square, but of a circular form. Pelletier supposes that these pillars were of the ancient Doric order. It is certain that all the chapiter was not in the form of a lily, as the Hebrew would now insinuate, but only the top part of it, chap. v. 22. The long addition of one of the crowns, &c., may not be necessary, if the original signify either; (as [in] ver. 15) "to cover either crown."

Gill: 1Ki 7:19 - -- And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch,.... Or such as was in the porch of the temple; the work was li...

And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch,.... Or such as was in the porch of the temple; the work was like that wrought in the form of the flower of lilies open:

four cubits; of the five cubits of which the chapiters consisted, four of them were of lily work, the two rows of pomegranates taking up the other; though Dr. Lightfoot o thinks, that at the head of the pillar was a border or circle of lily work, that stood out four cubits under the chapiter, into and along the porch; a four cubit circle, after the manner of a spread lily.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Ki 7:19 Heb “the capitals which were on the top of the pillars were the work of lilies, in the porch, four cubits.” It is unclear exactly what dim...

Geneva Bible: 1Ki 7:19 And the chapiters that [were] upon the top of the pillars [were] of ( k ) lily work in the porch, four cubits. ( k ) As was seen commonly wrought in ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Ki 7:1-51 - --1 The building of Solomon's house.2 Of the house of Lebanon.6 Of the porch of pillars.7 Of the porch of judgment.8 Of the house for Pharaoh's daughter...

MHCC: 1Ki 7:13-47 - --The two brazen pillars in the porch of the temple, some think, were to teach those that came to worship, to depend upon God only, for strength and est...

Matthew Henry: 1Ki 7:13-47 - -- We have here an account of the brass-work about the temple. There was no iron about the temple, though we find David preparing for the temple iron ...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Ki 7:15-22 - -- The brazen pillars of the porch (compare 2Ch 3:15-17). - He formed the two brazen pillars, which were erected, according to 2Ch 3:15, "before the (...

Constable: 1Ki 1:1--11:43 - --I. THE REIGN OF SOLOMON chs. 1--11 The Holy Spirit led the writer of Kings to give an interpretation of history,...

Constable: 1Ki 5:1--8:66 - --C. Solomon's Greatest Contribution chs. 5-8 Solomon's outstanding contribution to the nation of Israel, ...

Constable: 1Ki 7:13-51 - --4. The temple furnishings 7:13-51 The people also saw the glory of Yahweh reflected in the furni...

Constable: 1Ki 7:13-47 - --Furnishings outside the temple 7:13-47 This Hiram was obviously a different person from ...

Guzik: 1Ki 7:1-51 - --1 Kings 7 - Solomon's Palace and the Temple Furnishings A. The construction of Solomon's palace. 1. (1) Solomon builds his house. But Solomon took...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: 1 Kings (Book Introduction) THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF KINGS, in the ancient copies of the Hebrew Bible, constitute one book. Various titles have been given them; in the Septu...


TSK: 1 Kings 7 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Ki 7:1, The building of Solomon’s house; 1Ki 7:2, Of the house of Lebanon; 1Ki 7:6, Of the porch of pillars; 1Ki 7:7, Of the porch of ...

Poole: 1 Kings (Book Introduction) FIRST BOOK OF KINGS COMMONLY CALLED THE THIRD BOOK OF THE KINGS THE ARGUMENT THESE two Books called Of the Kings, because they treat of the kings of...

Poole: 1 Kings 7 (Chapter Introduction) KINGS CHAPTER 7 The building of Solomon’ s house: the house of Lebanon, 1Ki 7:1-5 . The porch of pillars, and of judgment: the house of Pharao...

MHCC: 1 Kings (Book Introduction) The history now before us accounts for the affairs of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, yet with special regard to the kingdom of God among them; for ...

MHCC: 1 Kings 7 (Chapter Introduction) (1Ki 7:1-12) Solomon's buildings. (v. 13-47) Furniture of the temple. (1Ki 7:48-51) Vessels of gold.

Matthew Henry: 1 Kings (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Book of Kings Many histories are books of kings and their reigns, to which the affairs of the...

Matthew Henry: 1 Kings 7 (Chapter Introduction) As, in the story of David, one chapter of wars and victories follows another, so, in the story of Solomon, one chapter concerning his buildings fol...

Constable: 1 Kings (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The Books of 1 and 2 Kings received their names because they docume...

Constable: 1 Kings (Outline) Outline I. The reign of Solomon chs. 1-11 A. Solomon's succession to David's throne 1:1-2:12...

Constable: 1 Kings 1 Kings Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan. "The Building Activities of David and Solomon." Israel Exploration Journ...

Haydock: 1 Kings (Book Introduction) THE THIRD BOOK OF KINGS. INTRODUCTION. This and the following Book are called by the holy Fathers, The Third and Fourth Book of Kings; but b...

Gill: 1 Kings (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 KINGS This, and the following book, properly are but one book, divided into two parts, and went with the Jews under the common na...

Gill: 1 Kings 7 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 KINGS 7 This chapter gives an account of some buildings of Solomon for himself, 1Ki 7:1; and of other things for the use of the t...

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