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Text -- 2 Kings 20:11 (NET)

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20:11 Isaiah the prophet called out to the Lord, and the Lord made the shadow go back ten steps on the stairs of Ahaz.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Ahaz a son of Jotham; listed as an ancestor of Jesus,son and successor of King Jotham of Judah,son of Micah of Benjamin
 · Isaiah a son of Amoz; a prophet active in Judah from about 740 to 701 B.C.,son of Amoz; a major prophet in the time of Hezekiah

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Sun-dial | Sun | Rulers | Prayer | Miracles | KINGS, BOOKS OF | JUDAH, KINGDOM OF | Israel | Isaiah | ISRAEL, HISTORY OF, 3 | ISAIAH, 1-7 | Hezekiah | HEZEKIAH (2) | Faith | Disease | Dial | Degrees | DIAL OF AHAZ | DEGREE | Ahaz | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

Critics Ask

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: 2Ki 20:11 - -- These degrees were lines in the dial: but whether each of these lines or degrees noted an hour, or half an hour, or a quarter of an hour, is uncertain...

These degrees were lines in the dial: but whether each of these lines or degrees noted an hour, or half an hour, or a quarter of an hour, is uncertain. But the sun itself went back, and the shadow with it. This miracle was noted by the Babylonians, who, having understood that it was done for Hezekiah's sake, sent to enquire into the truth and manner of it, 2Ch 32:31.

Wesley: 2Ki 20:11 - -- Which Ahaz had made in the king's palace. This dial he mentions, because the truth of the miracle might be best and soonest discovered there, this dia...

Which Ahaz had made in the king's palace. This dial he mentions, because the truth of the miracle might be best and soonest discovered there, this dial possibly being visible out of the king's chamber, and the degrees being most distinct and conspicuous in it.

JFB: 2Ki 20:8-11 - -- His recovery in the course of nature was so unlooked for, that the king asked for some token to justify his reliance on the truth of the prophet's com...

His recovery in the course of nature was so unlooked for, that the king asked for some token to justify his reliance on the truth of the prophet's communication; and the sign he specified was granted to him. The shadow of the sun went back upon the dial of Ahaz the ten degrees it had gone down. Various conjectures have been formed as to this dial. The word in the original is "degrees," or "steps," and hence many commentators have supposed that it was a stair, so artfully contrived, that the shadows on the steps indicated the hours and course of the sun. But it is more probable that it was a proper instrument, and, from the Hebrews having no term to designate it, that it was one of the foreign novelties imported from Babylon by Ahaz. It seems to have been of such magnitude, and so placed in the court, that Isaiah could point to it, and the king see it, from his chamber. The retrogression of the sun's shadow on the dial was miraculously accomplished by the omnipotent power of God; but the phenomenon was temporary, local, confined to the notice, and intended for the satisfaction, only of Hezekiah and his court.

Clarke: 2Ki 20:11 - -- He brought the shadow ten degrees backward - We cannot suppose that these ten degrees meant ten hours; there were ten divisions of time on this dial...

He brought the shadow ten degrees backward - We cannot suppose that these ten degrees meant ten hours; there were ten divisions of time on this dial: and perhaps it would not be right to suppose that the sun went ten degrees back in the heavens, or that the earth turned back upon its axis from east to west, in a contrary direction to its natural course. But the miracle might be effected by means of refraction, for a ray of light we know can be varied or refracted from a right line by passing through a dense medium; and we know also, by means of the refracting power of the atmosphere, the sun, when near rising and setting, seems to be higher above the horizon than he really is, and, by horizontal refraction, we find that the sun appears above the horizon when he is actually below it, and literally out of sight: therefore, by using dense clouds or vapors, the rays of light in that place might be refracted from their direct course ten, or any other number of degrees; so that the miracle might have been wrought by occasioning this extraordinary refraction, rather than by disturbing the course of the earth, or any other of the celestial bodies

Clarke: 2Ki 20:11 - -- The dial of Ahaz - See the note on 2Ki 9:13, and the observations and diagram at the end of this chapter.

The dial of Ahaz - See the note on 2Ki 9:13, and the observations and diagram at the end of this chapter.

Defender: 2Ki 20:11 - -- The word for "degrees" actually means "stairs." The unique "dial" of Ahaz evidently indicated the time of day by the particular step which the shadow ...

The word for "degrees" actually means "stairs." The unique "dial" of Ahaz evidently indicated the time of day by the particular step which the shadow had reached on a flight of stairs. The method of producing this remarkable miracle is enigmatic. If the reference to "the wonder that was done in the land" (2Ch 32:31) was meant to apply to this miracle rather than to the destruction of Sennacherib's army, it would suggest a local, rather than worldwide, phenomenon. There is no reference to atmospheric disturbances, which would probably be severe if the earth had reversed its rotation for a time (note the storm associated with Joshua's long day, as reported in Jos 10:11-14), nor is there any corresponding account found in the ancient astronomical records of other nations, as in the case of Joshua's long day. The dynamics of this miracle - causing the sun's shadow somehow to reverse itself in this particular location - must remain unknown, but the Creator who made the sun and its radiations and the media through which they must pass in reaching the earth is fully able to control them to accomplish the desired result."

TSK: 2Ki 20:11 - -- cried unto : Exo 14:15; 1Ki 17:20, 1Ki 17:21, 1Ki 18:36-38; Act 9:40 he brought : Jos 10:12-14; 2Ch 32:24, 2Ch 32:31; Isa 38:8 dial : Heb. degrees

cried unto : Exo 14:15; 1Ki 17:20, 1Ki 17:21, 1Ki 18:36-38; Act 9:40

he brought : Jos 10:12-14; 2Ch 32:24, 2Ch 32:31; Isa 38:8

dial : Heb. degrees

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Poole: 2Ki 20:11 - -- Isaiah cried unto the Lord being moved by God’ s Spirit first to offer him this sign, and then to pray for it. Ten degrees backward Quest. ...

Isaiah cried unto the Lord being moved by God’ s Spirit first to offer him this sign, and then to pray for it.

Ten degrees backward

Quest. 1. What were these degrees?

Answ Lines in the dial; but whether each of these lines or degrees noted an hour, or half an hour, or a quarter of an hour, is uncertain, and not very considerable in this case.

Quest. 2. What was it that went down? Answ. Either, first, The shadow alone went back without the sun; for God could so dispose of the light of the sun, by interposing clouds, or other things, so that the shadow should fall only upon those lines, and in that manner as God directed it. And whereas the sun is said to have gone down, that may be spoken according to appearance, as other passages of Scripture are understood; as when the moon is called one of the great lights , Ge 1 , though it be less than some of the stars; and when the sun is said to go down , Jer 15:9 , and to be turned into darkness , Joe 2:31 . Or, secondly, The sun itself went back, and the shadow with it. This may seem most probable, first, By comparing this with Jos 10:13 , where the sun itself stood still. Secondly, Because it is said the sun itself returned , Isa 38:8 ; for which he here mentions

the shadow only, because the miracle was not so easily discovered in the sun as in the shadow of a dial. And though the sun may be elsewhere taken improperly, yet where the improper signification is unnecessary, the proper is and ought to be preferred before it. Thirdly, Because this miracle was noted by the Babylonians, who, having understood that it was done for Hezekiah’ s sake, sent to inquire into the truth and manner of it, 2Ch 32:31 .

Object. If this had been done, the heathen historians and astronomers would have taken notice of it, which we do not find that they did.

Answ So it is most probable they did, although those books be not now extant; which is not strange; this being confessed and bewailed, that so very few of the first and ancient writers are now left; Herodotus himself, the first, and father of the ancient historians, being long after this time. And yet it is observed, that there are some intimations of these things left, though mixed with fables, as many true histories were; as what the poets fabled of Jupiter’ s making the night twice as long as it should have been, that he might enjoy Alcmena longer. Whether the sun or shadow went backward suddenly, or leisurely, and in the same time in which it had gone down, is a question of no great moment, the miracle being evident either way.

In the dial of Ahaz which Ahaz had made in the king’ s palace. This dial he mentions, because the truth of the miracle might be best and soonest discovered there; this dial possibly being visible out of the king’ s chamber, or at least being near do it, and the degrees being most distinct and conspicuous in this dial; but the same thing was discerned by all other dials.

Haydock: 2Ki 20:11 - -- Dial. Hebrew also, "steps." St. Jerome confesses that he followed Symmachus in Isaias xxxviii. 7. Whether this dial resembled one of ours, (Grotiu...

Dial. Hebrew also, "steps." St. Jerome confesses that he followed Symmachus in Isaias xxxviii. 7. Whether this dial resembled one of ours, (Grotius) or was made in the form of steps, (St. Cyril, hom. 3, in Isaias, &c.) or rather of a half globe, (Calmet) after the Babylonian fashion, (Vitruvius ix. 9.) is not clear. Some have asserted that hours were not known to the Hebrews, before the captivity. (Usher, the year of the world 3291.) ---

But Toby[Tobias], (xii. 22.) who wrote at Nineve, under the reign of Manasses, clearly speaks of them. The Egyptians pretend that they invented water hour-glasses. But the invention of dials is attributed to the Chaldeans, from whom Anaximander introduced them among the Greeks, under the reign of Cyrus. He died in the year of the world 3457. ---

Achaz had much to do with Theglathphalasar; (chap. xvii. 8.) and probably obtained this curiosity from the same country. In more ancient times, people measured time by the length of their shadow, and were invited to a feast at such a foot, in the same manner as we should invite for such an hour. (Palladius, Rustic. xii.) (Calmet) ---

Till the year of Rome 595, when Nasica dedicated the first water hour-glass, the Romans knew not how the time passed on cloudy days. (Pliny, [Natural History?] vii. 60.) (Vitruvius ix. 9.) ---

Grotius supposes that the dial of Achaz was a concave semicircular gnomon, in which a globe was placed, the shadow of which fell on twenty-eight lines. (Du Hamel)

Gill: 2Ki 20:11 - -- And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the Lord,.... Or prayed, as the Targum; and was very earnest in prayer, that what Hezekiah had desired might be gran...

And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the Lord,.... Or prayed, as the Targum; and was very earnest in prayer, that what Hezekiah had desired might be granted:

and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz; Ben Gersom understands it not of the sun itself, but of the shadow of it only; See Gill on Isa 38:8.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Ki 20:11 These steps probably functioned as a type of sundial. See HALOT 614 s.v. מַעֲלָה and M. Cogan and H. Tadmor,...

Geneva Bible: 2Ki 20:11 And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD: and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the ( h ) dial of Ahaz. ( h ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Ki 20:1-21 - --1 Hezekiah, having received a message of death, by prayer has his life lengthened.8 The sun goes ten degrees backward for a sign of that promise.12 Be...

MHCC: 2Ki 20:1-11 - --Hezekiah was sick unto death, in the same year in which the king of Assyria besieged Jerusalem. A warning to prepare for death was brought to Hezekiah...

Matthew Henry: 2Ki 20:1-11 - -- The historian, having shown us blaspheming Sennacherib destroyed in the midst of the prospects of life, here shows us praying Hezekiah delivered in ...

Keil-Delitzsch: 2Ki 20:1-11 - -- Hezekiah's Illness and Recovery. - Compare the parallel account in Isa 38 with Hezekiah's psalm of thanksgiving for his recovery (Isa 38:9-20 of Isa...

Constable: 2Ki 18:1--25:30 - --III. THE SURVIVING KINGDOM chs. 18--25 In this third major section of 1 and 2 Kings the writer showed that the c...

Constable: 2Ki 18:1--20:21 - --A. Hezekiah's Good Reign chs. 18-20 The writer of Kings devoted more attention to Hezekiah than to any H...

Constable: 2Ki 20:1-11 - --6. Hezekiah's illness and recovery 20:1-11 "In those days" (v. 1) refers to the year Sennacherib...

Guzik: 2Ki 20:1-21 - --2 Kings 20 - God Extends Hezekiah's Life A. Hezekiah's recovery. 1. (1) Isaiah's announcement to Hezekiah. In those days Hezekiah was sick and nea...

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Commentary -- Other

Critics Ask: 2Ki 20:11 2 KINGS 20:11 —How could the shadow retreat by ten degrees on the stairway of Ahaz? PROBLEM: In response to Hezekiah’s prayer, God instructed...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: 2 Kings (Book Introduction) THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF KINGS, in the ancient copies of the Hebrew Bible, constitute one book. Various titles have been given them; in the Septu...


TSK: 2 Kings (Book Introduction) The events detailed in these books (Kings) are highly interesting and important. The account of the wisdom, magnificence, and extended commerce of So...

TSK: 2 Kings 20 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Ki 20:1, Hezekiah, having received a message of death, by prayer has his life lengthened; 2Ki 20:8, The sun goes ten degrees backward fo...

Poole: 2 Kings 20 (Chapter Introduction) KINGS CHAPTER 20 Hezekiah receiving a message of death, by prayer hath his life lengthened; for a sign the sun goeth backward, 2Ki 20:1-11 . The ki...

MHCC: 2 Kings 20 (Chapter Introduction) (2Ki 20:1-11) Hezekiah's sickness, His recovery in answer to prayer. (2Ki 20:12-21) Hezekiah shows his treasures to the ambassadors from Babylon, His...

Matthew Henry: 2 Kings (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Book of Kings This second book of the Kings (which the Septuagint, numbering from Samuel, ca...

Matthew Henry: 2 Kings 20 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have, I. Hezekiah's sickness, and his recovery from that, in answer to prayer, in performance of a promise, in the use of means...

Constable: 2 Kings (Book Introduction) Introduction Second Kings continues the narrative begun in 1 Kings. It opens with the translation of godly Elijah to hea...

Constable: 2 Kings (Outline) Outline (Continued from notes on 1 Kings) 3. Ahaziah's evil reign in Israel -1 Kings 22:51-2...

Constable: 2 Kings 2 Kings Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. "An Interpretation of the Babylonian Exile: A Study of 2 Kings 20, Isaia...

Haydock: 2 Kings (Book Introduction) THE FOURTH BOOK OF KINGS. INTRODUCTION. This Book brings us to the conclusion of the kingdom of Israel, (chap. xvii.) and to the captivity of ...

Gill: 2 Kings (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 KINGS This, and the preceding book, are properly but one book divided into two parts, because of the size of it, as the book of S...

Gill: 2 Kings 20 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 KINGS 20 In this chapter is an account of Hezekiah's sickness, and of the means of his recovery, and of the sign given of it, 2Ki...

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