Text -- Psalms 16:11 (NET)

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Wesley: Psa 16:11 - -- Thou wilt raise me from the grave, and conduct me to the place and state of everlasting felicity.
Thou wilt raise me from the grave, and conduct me to the place and state of everlasting felicity.

Wesley: Psa 16:11 - -- In that heavenly paradise, where thou art gloriously present, where thou dost clearly and fully discover the light of thy countenance; whereas in this...
In that heavenly paradise, where thou art gloriously present, where thou dost clearly and fully discover the light of thy countenance; whereas in this life thou hidest thy face and shewest us only thy back - parts.

Wesley: Psa 16:11 - -- hand - Which he mentions as a place of the greatest honour, the place where the saints are placed at the last day, and where Christ himself is said to...
hand - Which he mentions as a place of the greatest honour, the place where the saints are placed at the last day, and where Christ himself is said to sit, Psa 110:1.

Wesley: Psa 16:11 - -- All our joys are empty and defective: But in heaven there is fulness of joy. Our pleasures here are transient and momentary; but those at God's right ...
All our joys are empty and defective: But in heaven there is fulness of joy. Our pleasures here are transient and momentary; but those at God's right hand are pleasures for evermore. For they are the pleasures of immortal souls, in the enjoyment of an eternal God.
JFB: Psa 16:11 - -- Raised from the dead, he shall die no more; death hath no more dominion over him.
Raised from the dead, he shall die no more; death hath no more dominion over him.

JFB: Psa 16:11 - -- Or, "lives"--the plural denoting variety and abundance--immortal blessedness of every sort--as "life" often denotes.
Or, "lives"--the plural denoting variety and abundance--immortal blessedness of every sort--as "life" often denotes.

JFB: Psa 16:11 - -- Or, "before Thy faces." The frequent use of this plural form for "faces" may contain an allusion to the Trinity (Num 6:25-26; Psa 17:15; Psa 31:16).
Or, "before Thy faces." The frequent use of this plural form for "faces" may contain an allusion to the Trinity (Num 6:25-26; Psa 17:15; Psa 31:16).

JFB: Psa 16:11 - -- To which Christ was exalted (Psa 110:1; Act 2:33; Col 3:1; Heb 1:3). In the glories of this state, He shall see of the travail (Isa 53:10-11; Phi 2:9)...
Clarke: Psa 16:11 - -- Thou wilt show me the path of life - I first shall find the way out of the regions of death, to die no more. Thus Christ was the first fruits of the...
Thou wilt show me the path of life - I first shall find the way out of the regions of death, to die no more. Thus Christ was the first fruits of them that slept. Several had before risen from the dead, but they died again. Jesus rose from the dead, and is alive for evermore. Jesus Christ’ s resurrection from the dead was the first entrance out of the grave to eternal life or lives,

Clarke: Psa 16:11 - -- In thy presence - פניך paneycha , thy faces. Every holy soul has, throughout eternity, the beatific vision, i.e., "it sees God as he is,"becaus...
In thy presence -

Clarke: Psa 16:11 - -- Thy right hand - The place of honor and dignity; repeatedly used in this sense in the Scriptures
Thy right hand - The place of honor and dignity; repeatedly used in this sense in the Scriptures

Clarke: Psa 16:11 - -- Pleasures for evermore - נצח netzach , onwardly; perpetually, continually, well expressed by our translation, ever and more; an eternal progress...
Pleasures for evermore -
For the application of the whole Psalm to David, see the analysis at the end, which is a little altered from David’ s Harp Strung and Tuned
The remains of this Psalm in the old Psalter are worthy to be inserted: -
1Jo 3:7 Benedicam Dominum qui tribuit michi intellectum , etc
Trans. I sal blis the Lord that gaf til me undirstandyng; and over that til the nyght, suyled me my neres.
Par - That es I sal luf the fader that hafs gyfen undyrstandyng til my servauntes, thurgh the qwilk the herytage of heven may be sene and welded; and aver that undyrstandyng, in the qwilk I saw, sais Crist, al sothefast thynges and haly. Of that I sal lof him that my nerys that es the Jewis of qwas kynd I toke flesch, that es my kyn snybbed me in wranges and temptaciounis, and passiouns, til the nyght, that es al the dede thai missaid hym, als so oure nerys; that es our fleschely delytes makes us worthy snybbyng til our dede; for perfytely may we noght be with outen syn, qwyles we lyf
1Jo 3:8 Providebam Dominum in conspectu meo , etc
Trans. I pervaide God ay in my syght; for he es at the ryght hand til me, that I be nout styrred.
Par - And in al thys anguys I for gatt nout God: bot I pervayde hym ay in my syght; that es, I comande o mang passand thynges: I toke nout my nee fra hym that ay es; bot I fested it in hym, so that he was ay in my sight, and he es nout fyled in synnes that assyduely with the ee of his thoght, byhaldes God, for he es at the ryght hand of me: that I be noght styred; that es, he helps me in desyre of endless gudes, that I last stabil in hym, and for thi nane il thyng may haf mayster of me
1Jo 3:9 Propter hoc, elatum, est cor meum, et exultavit lingua mea , etc
Trans. Thar fore gladded es my hert, and my toung joyed over that, and my flesch sal rest in hope.
Par - This es ful joy that in hert es resayved, and with toung schewed, and over that joy in hert and mouth, my flesch sal rest in hope of rysyng
1Jo 3:10 Quoniam non derelinques in Inferno animam meam , etc
Trans. For thow sal noght lefe my Saule in hell, ne thu sal noght gyf thi Halow to se corrupcion.
Par - That es at say, the Saule that I haf als veray man, sal noght be left in hell; and my body that thu haloued, sal noght rote. Here men may knaw that this es goddes word; for other mens bodis rotes
1Jo 3:11 Notas michi fecisti vias vite , etc
Trans. Knawen thu maked til me, the wayes of lyf: thou sal fil me of joy with thi face, delytynges in thi ryghth and in til the end.
Par - Knawen thu maked thurgh me till myne, the wayes of lyf, that es the wayes of mekenes and charite, that men came til heven thurgh mekenes, fra qwethyn thai fel thurgh Pryde: and thow sal ful fil me; that es, my servaundes, of joy with thi face; that es, in the syght of the, apertly; so that thai desyre nothing over, qwen thai af sene the, face til face, and ay til than delytynges til tham in way of this lyf. In thi ryght hand; that es thi favoure, and thi mercy the qwilk delytyngs ledys tham intil the ende, that es, in til perfectioun of endeles Blisfulhede
I have given the whole of the translation and comment of this Psalm from this ancient Psalter, as a curious specimen of the doctrine and language of our northern neighbors in the thirteenth or fourteenth century
Calvin -> Psa 16:11
Calvin: Psa 16:11 - -- The Psalmist confirms the statement made in the preceding verse, and explains the way in which God will exempt him from the bondage of death, namely,...
The Psalmist confirms the statement made in the preceding verse, and explains the way in which God will exempt him from the bondage of death, namely, by conducting and bringing him at length safely to the possession of eternal life. Whence we again learn what I have already observed, that this passage touches upon the difference which there is between true believers and aliens, or reprobates, with respect to their everlasting state. It is a mere cavil to say, that when David here speaks of the path of life being shown to him, it means the prolongation of his natural life. It is to form a very low estimate, indeed, of the grace of God to speak of him as a guide to his people in the path of life only for a very few years in this world. In this case, they would differ nothing from the reprobate, who enjoy the light of the sun in common with them. If, therefore, it is the special grace of God which he communicates to none but his own children, that David here magnifies and exalts, the showing of the way of life, of which he speaks, must undoubtedly be viewed as extending to a blessed immortality; and, indeed, he only knows the way of life who is so united to God that he lives in God, and cannot live without him.
David next adds, that when God is reconciled to us, we have all things which are necessary to perfect happiness. The phrase, the countenance of God, may be understood either of our being beheld by him, or of our beholding him; but I consider both these ideas as included, for his fatherly favor, which he displays in looking upon us with a serene countenance, precedes this joy, and is the first cause of it, and yet this does not cheer us until, on our part, we behold it shining upon us. By this clause David also intended distinctly to express to whom those pleasures belong, of which God has in his hand a full and an overflowing abundance. As there are with God pleasures sufficient to replenish and satisfy the whole world, whence comes it to pass that a dismal and deadly darkness envelopes the greater part of mankind, but because God does not look upon all men equally with his friendly and fatherly countenance, nor opens the eyes of all men to seek the matter of their joy in him, and no where else? Fulness of joy is contrasted with the evanescent allurements and pleasures of this transitory world, which, after having diverted their miserable votaries for a time, leave them at length unsatisfied, famished, and disappointed. They may intoxicate and glut themselves with pleasures to the greatest excess, but, instead of being satisfied, they rather become wearied of them through loathing; and, besides, the pleasures of this world vanish away like dreams. David, therefore, testifies that true and solid joy in which the minds of men may rest will never be found any where else but in God; and that, therefore, none but the faithful, who are contented with his grace alone, can be truly and perfectly happy.
Defender -> Psa 16:11
Defender: Psa 16:11 - -- This is the first of twenty-one Biblical references to Christ ascending to the Father's right hand following His resurrection (see note on Psa 110:1)....
This is the first of twenty-one Biblical references to Christ ascending to the Father's right hand following His resurrection (see note on Psa 110:1)."
TSK -> Psa 16:11
TSK: Psa 16:11 - -- path : Psa 21:4; Pro 2:19, Pro 4:18, Pro 5:6, Pro 12:28; Isa 2:3; Mat 7:14; Rom 8:11; 1Pe 1:21
in thy : Psa 17:15, Psa 21:5, Psa 21:6; Mat 5:8; Act 2:...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Psa 16:11
Barnes: Psa 16:11 - -- Thou wilt show me the path of life - In this connection this means that though he was to die - to descend to the regions of the dead, and to li...
Thou wilt show me the path of life - In this connection this means that though he was to die - to descend to the regions of the dead, and to lie down in the dark grave - yet there WAS a path again to the living world, and that that path would be pointed out to him by God. In other words, he would not be suffered to remain among the dead, or to wander away forever with those who were in the under world, but he would be brought back: to the living world. This is language which, in this connection, could be founded only on a belief of the resurrection of the dead. The word "life"here does not necessarily refer to heaven - to eternal life - though the connection shows that this is the ultimate idea. It is life in contradistinction from the condition of the dead. The highest form of life is that which is found in heaven, at the right hand of God; and the connection shows it was that on which the eye of the psalmist was fixed.
In thy presence - literally, "with thy face."Before thy face; or, as the sense is correctly expressed in our version, "in thy presence."The reference is to God’ s presence in heaven, or where he is supposed to dwell. This is shown by the additional statement that the joy mentioned was to be found at his "right hand"- an expression which properly refers to heaven. It is not merely a return to earth which is anticipated; it is an exaltation to heaven.
Is fulness of joy - Not partial joy; not imperfect joy; not joy intermingled with pain and sorrow; not joy which, though in itself real, does not satisfy the desires of the soul, as is the case with much of the happiness which we experience in this life - but joy, full, satisfying, unalloyed, unclouded, unmingled with anything that would diminish its fulness or its brightness; joy that will not be diminished, as all earthly joys must be, by the feeling that it must soon come to an end.
At thy right hand - The right hand is the place of honor (Notes, Psa 16:8). Compare Mar 16:19; Heb 1:3; Act 7:56; and it here refers to the place which the saints will occupy in heaven. This language could have been used only by one who believed in the doctrine of the resurrection and of the future state. As applicable to the author of the psalm, it implies that he had a firm belief in the resurrection of the dead, and a confident hope of happiness hereafter; as applicable to the Messiah, it denotes that he would be raised up to exalted honor in heaven; as applicable to believers now, it expresses their firm and assured faith that eternal happiness and exalted honor await them in the future world.
There are pleasures for evermore - Happiness that will be eternal. It is not enjoyment such as we have on earth, which we feel is soon to terminate; it is joy which can have no end. Here, in respect to any felicity which we enjoy, we cannot but feel that it is soon to cease. No matter how secure the sources of our joy may seem to be, we know that happiness here cannot last long, for life cannot long continue; and even though life should be lengthened out for many years, we have no certainty that our happiness will be commensurate even with our existence on earth. The dearest friend that we have may soon leave us to return no more; health, the source of so many comforts, and essential to the enjoyment of any comfort here, may soon fail; property, however firmly it may be secured, may "take to itself wings and fly away."Soon, at any rate, if these things do not leave us, we shall leave them; and in respect to happiness from them, we shall be as though they had not been. Not so will it be at the right hand of God. Happiness there, whatever may be its nature, will be eternal. Losses, disappointment, bereavement, sickness, can never occur there; nor can the anticipation of death, though at the most distant period, and after countless million of ages, ever mar our joys. How different in all these things will heaven be from earth! How desirable to leave the earth, and to enter on those eternal joys!
Poole -> Psa 16:11
Poole: Psa 16:11 - -- Thou wilt show me i.e. give me an exact and experimental knowledge of it, for my own comfort, and the benefit of my people.
The path of life i.e. t...
Thou wilt show me i.e. give me an exact and experimental knowledge of it, for my own comfort, and the benefit of my people.
The path of life i.e. the way that leadeth to life; not to a temporal and mortal life here, for he is supposed to be dead and buried, Psa 16:10 ; but to an endless, and immortal, and blessed life after death in the presence of God, as it followeth; the way to which is by the resurrection of the body. So the sense is, Thou wilt raise me from the grave, and conduct me to the place and state of everlasting felicity.
In thy presence Heb. with or before thy face , i.e. in that heavenly paradise, where thou art graciously and gloriously present, where thou dost clearly and fully discover thy face, and the light of thy countenance; whereas in this life thou hidest thy face, and shewest us only thy back parts, and we are in a state of absence from thee, and see thee only through a glass darkly, and enjoy thee but in part.
Fulness of joy i.e. full and perfect joy and satisfaction, which it is in vain to expect in this life, and is only to be found in the sight of thee. See Exo 33:14 Psa 17:5 Mat 5:8 1Jo 3:2 .
At thy right hand which he mentions as a place of greatest honour, as this was, Gen 48:13 , &c.; 1Ki 2:19 Psa 45:9 , and the place where the elect and saints are placed at the last day, Mat 25:33 , &c.; and lastly, at the place where Christ himself is said to sit, Psa 110:1 Mat 26:64 Col 3:1 Heb 1:3 .
Pleasures for evermore everlasting delights in the contemplation and fruition of God.
Gill -> Psa 16:11
Gill: Psa 16:11 - -- Thou wilt show me the path of life,.... Not the way of life and salvation for lost sinners, which is Christ himself; but the resurrection of the dead,...
Thou wilt show me the path of life,.... Not the way of life and salvation for lost sinners, which is Christ himself; but the resurrection of the dead, which is a passing from death to life; and was shown to Christ, not doctrinally, or by illuminating his mind, and leading him into the doctrine of it, for so he himself has brought it to light by the Gospel; practically and experimentally, by raising him the dead, or by causing him to pass from death to life; and he was the first to whom the path of life was shown in this sense, or the that who ever trod in it, and so has led the way for others: hence he is called the that fruits of them that slept, the firstborn and first begotten from the dead; for though others were raised before, yet not to an immortal life, never to die more, as he was; now the view, the faith, and hope of this, of not being left in the grave so long as to see corruption, and of being raised from the dead to an immortal life, caused joy and gladness in Christ, at the time of his sufferings and death, as well as what follows;
in thy presence is fulness of joy: Christ, being raised from the dead, ascended to heaven, and was received up into glory into his Father's presence, and is glorified with his own self, with his glorious presence, for which he prayed, Joh 17:5; and which fills his human nature with fulness of joy, with a joy unspeakable and full of glory; see Act 2:28; and as it is with the head it will be with the members in some measure; now the presence of God puts more joy and gladness into them than anything else can do; but as yet their joy is not full; but it will be when they shall enter into the joy of their Lord, into the presence of God in the other world then everlasting joy will be upon their heads;
at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore; Christ being entered into heaven is set down at the right hand of God in human nature, an honour which is not conferred on any of the angels, Heb 1:13; where the man Christ Jesus is infinitely delighted with the presence of God, the never fading joys of heaven, the company of angels and glorified saints; here he sits and sees of the travail of his soul; he prolongs his days and sees his seed, souls called by grace, and brought to glory one after another, until they are all brought in, in whom is all his delight; and which was the joy set before him at the time of his sufferings and death: or the words may be rendered "in thy right are pleasant things for ever" y, and may design those gifts and graces, which Christ, being exalted at the right hand of God, received from thence and gives to men, for the use and service, of his church and people, in the several successive ages of time; and so Aben Ezra takes the words to be an allusion to a man's giving pleasant gifts to his friend with his right hand.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Psa 16:11 Heb “delight [is] in your right hand forever.” The plural form of the adjective נָעִים (na’im, &...
Geneva Bible -> Psa 16:11
Geneva Bible: Psa 16:11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy ( k ) presence [is] fulness of joy; at thy right hand [there are] pleasures for evermore.
( k ) Where God ...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Psa 16:1-11
TSK Synopsis: Psa 16:1-11 - --1 David, in distrust of merits, and hatred of idolatry, flees to God for preservation.5 He shews the hope of his calling, of the resurrection, and lif...
Maclaren -> Psa 16:8-11
Maclaren: Psa 16:8-11 - --God With Us, And We With God
I have set the LORD always before me: because [he is] at my right hand, I shall not be moved. 9. Therefore my heart is g...
MHCC -> Psa 16:1-11
MHCC: Psa 16:1-11 - --David flees to God's protection, with cheerful, believing confidence. Those who have avowed that the Lord is their Lord, should often put themselves i...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 16:8-11
Matthew Henry: Psa 16:8-11 - -- All these verses are quoted by St. Peter in his first sermon, after the pouring out of the Spirit on the day of pentecost (Act 2:25-28); and he tell...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Psa 16:9-11
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 16:9-11 - --
Thus then, as this concluding strophe, as it were like seven rays of light, affirms, he has the most blessed prospect before him, without any need t...
Constable -> Psa 16:1-11; Psa 16:9-11
Constable: Psa 16:1-11 - --Psalm 16
This psalm voices the joy David experienced in his life because of his trust in God and fellows...