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Text -- Isaiah 11:4 (NET)

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11:4 He will treat the poor fairly, and make right decisions for the downtrodden of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and order the wicked to be executed.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Wicked | Power | Poor | Meekness | MOUTH | MESSIAH | MEDIATION; MEDIATOR | MAN OF SIN | Jesus, The Christ | Isaiah | ISAIAH, 8-9 | ISAIAH, 1-7 | HOLY SPIRIT, 1 | Gentiles | EZEKIEL, 2 | Church | Christ | CHRIST, OFFICES OF | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Isa 11:4 - -- Defend and deliver them.

Defend and deliver them.

Wesley: Isa 11:4 - -- Or condemn their malicious enemies.

Or condemn their malicious enemies.

Wesley: Isa 11:4 - -- With his word, which is his scepter, and the rod of his power, Psa 110:2, which is sharper than a sword, Heb 4:12, by the preaching whereof he subdued...

With his word, which is his scepter, and the rod of his power, Psa 110:2, which is sharper than a sword, Heb 4:12, by the preaching whereof he subdued the world to himself, and will destroy his enemies, 2Th 2:8. This he adds farther, to declare the nature of Christ's kingdom, that it is not of this world.

JFB: Isa 11:4 - -- See that impartial justice is done them. "Judge" may mean here "rule," as in Psa 67:4.

See that impartial justice is done them. "Judge" may mean here "rule," as in Psa 67:4.

JFB: Isa 11:4 - -- Or, "argue"; "decide." But LOWTH, "work conviction in."

Or, "argue"; "decide." But LOWTH, "work conviction in."

JFB: Isa 11:4 - -- Compare with Mat 5:5, and Rev 11:15.

Compare with Mat 5:5, and Rev 11:15.

JFB: Isa 11:4 - -- Its ungodly inhabitants, answering to "the wicked" in the parallel, and in antithesis to the "poor" and "meek," namely, in spirit, the humble pious (M...

Its ungodly inhabitants, answering to "the wicked" in the parallel, and in antithesis to the "poor" and "meek," namely, in spirit, the humble pious (Mat 5:3). It is at the same time implied that "the earth" will be extraordinarily wicked when He shall come to judge and reign. His reign shall therefore be ushered in with judgments on the apostates (Psa 2:9-12; Luk 18:8; Rev 2:27).

JFB: Isa 11:4 - -- Condemning sentences which proceed from His mouth against the wicked (Rev 1:16; Rev 2:16; Rev 19:15, Rev 19:21).

Condemning sentences which proceed from His mouth against the wicked (Rev 1:16; Rev 2:16; Rev 19:15, Rev 19:21).

JFB: Isa 11:4 - -- His judicial decisions (Isa 30:28; Job 15:30; Rev 19:20; Rev 20:9-12). He as the Word of God (Rev 19:13-15) comes to strike that blow which shall deci...

His judicial decisions (Isa 30:28; Job 15:30; Rev 19:20; Rev 20:9-12). He as the Word of God (Rev 19:13-15) comes to strike that blow which shall decide His claim to the kingdom, previously usurped by Satan, and "the beast" to whom Satan delegates his power. It will be a day of judgment to the Gentile dispensation, as the first coming was to the Jews. Compare a type of the "rod" (Num 17:2-10).

Clarke: Isa 11:4 - -- With the rod of his mouth "By the blast of his mouth"- For בשבט beshebet , by the rod, Houbigant reads בשבת beshebeth , by the blast of hi...

With the rod of his mouth "By the blast of his mouth"- For בשבט beshebet , by the rod, Houbigant reads בשבת beshebeth , by the blast of his mouth, from נשב nashab , to blow. The conjecture is ingenious and probable; and seems to be confirmed by the Septuagint and Chaldee, who render it by the word of his mouth, which answers much better to the correction than to the present reading. Add to this, that the blast of his mouth is perfectly parallel to the breath of his lips in the next line.

Calvin: Isa 11:4 - -- 4.For he will judge the poor in righteousness 182 Here he shows that Christ will be the guardian of the poor, or, he points out the persons to whom ...

4.For he will judge the poor in righteousness 182 Here he shows that Christ will be the guardian of the poor, or, he points out the persons to whom the grace of Christ strictly belongs, namely, to the poor or meek; that is, to those who, humbled by a conviction of their poverty, have laid aside those proud and lofty dispositions which commonly swell the minds of men, till they have learned to be meek through the subduing influence of the word of God. He therefore declares that he will be the protector and guardian, not of all men whatsoever, but of those who know that they are poor, and destitute of everything good. This was also declared by Christ to John’s disciples, when he said that the gospel is preached to the poor. (Mat 11:5.) Who are they that are capable of receiving this doctrine? Not all men without exception, but those who, having laid aside the glory of the flesh, betake themselves to that heavenly protection.

There is, therefore, an implied contrast, namely, that Christ does not rule over the rich, that is, over those who are swelled with a false opinion of themselves. Though he invites all men to come to him, still the greater part refuse to submit to his government. The poor alone allow themselves to be governed by him. This passage teaches us, that if we are desirous to be protected by the power of Christ, we must lay aside all pride, and put on the spirit of meekness and modesty. That spiritual poverty which the Prophet recommends to all the members of Christ is, to have no lofty views, but to be truly humbled by a conviction of our poverty and nakedness, so as to depend on Christ alone. When we have been brought to this state of mind, the faithful King and Guardian will undertake to secure our salvation, and will defend us to the last against all our enemies. We also learn whom Christ invites to come to him: Come to me, all ye that labor and are burdened. (Mat 11:28.) We must, therefore, labor and be pressed down by the weight of our burden, if we wish to feel and know his assistance.

And will reprove with equity for the meek of the earth We must attend to the order which is here observed by the Prophet. He places poverty first, and then meekness; because we must first be poor before we become meek. So long as we think that we are somebody, (Act 5:36,) and are carried away by a vain confidence in ourselves, our heart is filled with pride and self-conceit, and cannot yield or submit; but when we are convinced of our poverty, we lose courage, and, subdued and overpowered, begin to groan under the burden. The condition of Christ’s people, therefore, is here described, as he had formerly illustrated the nature of the king himself. Hence also we ought to learn, that those precious gifts of the Spirit with which we saw a little before that Christ was furnished, 183 are not bestowed by him on all men whatsoever, but on the poor and the meek; for the word judge denotes government, a very important part of which is, that Christ imparts to us the gifts which he received from the Father, that he may live in us, and that we may live in him.

And he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth The Prophet here extols the efficacy of the word, which is Christ’s royal scepter. By the rod of his mouth is meant a scepter which consists in words, and in the second clause he repeats the same idea by the phrase, the breath of his lips; as if he had said, that Christ will have no need to borrow aid from others to cast down his enemies, and to strike down everything that opposes his government; for a mere breath or a word will be enough. The statement may be general, since believers also must die, so as to be renewed to a spiritual life; and in this sense the gospel is called a sword appropriated for the slaying of sacrifices. (Rom 15:16.) But the latter part of the verse calls for a different interpretation. If any one choose to make a distinction, the striking of the earth will apply equally to the reprobate and the elect; as the gospel is

a two-edged sword, piercing even to the most hidden and secret feelings of the heart, and discerning the thoughts and affections. (Heb 4:12.)

Yet it wounds the former in a very different manner from that in which it wounds the latter. By mortifying in the elect a sinful nature, it kills their lusts, that they may become a living sacrifice, and a sacrifice of sweet-smelling savor; but it strikes the wicked in a manner altogether destructive, for they rot and die, and to them it is even, as Paul says, a savor of death to death. (2Co 2:16.) I should be willing enough to consider both effects as described here at the same time, were it not that it is opposed by the custom of the Hebrew language; for the Hebrew writers often repeat the same sentiment in different words.

And with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked Christ is armed with the breath of his lips to slay the wicked. But perhaps this second clause was added by Isaiah for the purpose of amplification; and, indeed, to slay is much more than to strike. As it belongs to the gospel to cast down all men without exception, its effect on the reprobate may be said to be accidental, to slay them with a deadly stroke. In this way the Prophet would add a particular case to the general statement, intimating that the wicked fall under the sword of Christ to their everlasting destruction, because they are not set apart to be sacrifices. 184 However this may be, this latter clause must undoubtedly be limited to the wicked alone; and it is added, because that efficacy does not immediately appear in the preaching of the gospel, but, on the contrary, many ridicule, and jeer, and treat as a fable all that is said about Christ and his word. But though they do not immediately feel its power, yet they will not be able to escape it, and will at length be slain by a deadly wound.

But the Prophet’s meaning, I think, is not yet fully explained; for he does not speak only of the inward feeling by which wicked men are moved, whether they will or not, but of the wickedness itself, which will be removed and driven away by the power and efficacy of this scepter, as Paul also explains; for he undoubtedly alludes to this passage when he speaks of the destruction of Antichrist.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. (2Th 2:7.)

Thus he explains to us the meaning of the Prophet; for he shows that Christ will never be without enemies, who will endeavor to overturn his kingdom, and to hinder or retard the course of the gospel; otherwise these words of the Prophet would have been spoken in vain. But Christ will drive away some of their number, and the whole of them together, and their very head and leader, by the sound of his doctrine.

Thus also Paul recommends a twofold use of doctrine, demanding from a pastor that

he shall be qualified not only to teach, but likewise
to refute those who oppose. ( Titus 1:9.)

A pastor ought not only to feed his flock, but also to protect and guard them against every injury. This is what Christ performs, and therefore he is provided with necessary armor, that he may contend successfully against the falsehoods of Satan, and the cruelty of tyrants, and every kind of enemies.

Hence it is evident that wicked doctrines cannot be driven away by any other method than by the gospel. In vain will the magistrate employ the sword, which undoubtedly he must employ, to restrain wicked teachers and false prophets; in vain, I say, will he attempt all these things, unless this sword of the word go before. (Deu 13:5.) This ought to be carefully observed in opposition to the Papists, who, when the word fails them, betake themselves to new weapons, by the aid of which they think that they will gain the victory. They are even so impudent as to boast that heretics cannot be refuted by the word, though both the Prophet and Paul lay down no other method.

When the Prophet says, by the breath of his lips, this must not be limited to the person of Christ; for it refers to the word which is preached by his ministers. Christ acts by them in such a manner that he wishes their mouth to be reckoned as his mouth, and their lips as his lips; that is, when they speak from his mouth, and faithfully declare his word. (Luk 10:16.) The Prophet does not now send us to secret revelations, that Christ may reign in us, but openly recommends the outward preaching of doctrine, and shows that the gospel serves the purpose of a scepter in the hand of Christ, so far as it is preached, and so far as it is oral, if we may use the expression; otherwise it would have been to no purpose to mention the mouth and the lips. Hence it follows that all those who reject the outward preaching of the gospel shake off this scepter, as far as lies in their power, or pull it out of the hand of Christ; not that the efficacy which he mentions depends on the voice of men, but so far as Christ acts by his ministers; for he does not wish that their labor should be fruitless, without sacrificing the elect to obedience, (Rom 15:16,) and slaying the reprobate; as Paul in another passage boasts that there will be speedy vengeance against all unbelievers and rebels.

Here we must again call to remembrance what is the nature of Christ’s kingdom. As he does not wear a golden crown or employ earthly armor, so he does not rule over the world by the power of arms, or gain authority by gaudy and ostentatious display, or constrain his people by terror and dread; but the doctrine of the gospel is his royal banner, which assembles believers under his dominion. Wherever, therefore, the doctrine of the Gospel is preached in purity, there we are certain that Christ reigns; and where it is rejected, his government is also set aside. Hence it is evident how foolishly the Papists boast that the Church belongs to them, when they order Christ himself to be silent, and cannot endure the sound of his voice, but proclaim aloud, with distended cheeks, their own edicts, laws, decrees, and tyrannical regulations.

Defender: Isa 11:4 - -- The promised Deliverer will not only come to establish righteousness and equity, especially bringing comfort to the poor and meek, but also in fierce ...

The promised Deliverer will not only come to establish righteousness and equity, especially bringing comfort to the poor and meek, but also in fierce judgment on the ungodly. The climax will be accomplished simply by His omnipotent Word, described here as the "rod of His mouth" and finally as "out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword" (Rev 19:15).

Defender: Isa 11:4 - -- "The wicked" is "the Wicked [One]," the final world ruler known as "that man of sin" (2Th 2:3, 2Th 2:8)."

"The wicked" is "the Wicked [One]," the final world ruler known as "that man of sin" (2Th 2:3, 2Th 2:8)."

TSK: Isa 11:4 - -- But with : Isa 32:1; 2Sa 8:15, 2Sa 23:2-4; 1Ki 10:8, 1Ki 10:9; Psa 45:6, Psa 45:7, Psa 72:1-4, Psa 72:12-14, Psa 82:2-4; Jer 23:5, Jer 23:6, Jer 33:15...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Isa 11:4 - -- Shall he judge the poor - That is, he shall see that impartial justice is done them; he shall not take part with the rich against the poor, but...

Shall he judge the poor - That is, he shall see that impartial justice is done them; he shall not take part with the rich against the poor, but shall show that he is the friend of justice. This is the quality of a just and upright magistrate, and this character the Lord Jesus everywhere evinced. He chose his disciples from among the poor; he condescended to be their companion and friend; he provided for their needs; and he pronounced their condition blessed; Mat 5:3. There may be a reference here to the poor in spirit - the humble, the penitent; but the main idea is, that he would not be influenced by any undue regard for the higher ranks of life, but would be the friend and patron of the poor.

And reprove - הוכיח hô̂kiyach . And judge, decide, or argue for; that is, he shall be their friend and their impartial judge; Isa 11:3.

With equity - With uprightness, or uncorrupted integrity.

For the meek of the earth - ענוי־ארץ ‛ane vēy 'ārets . For the humble, the lower class; referring to those who were usually passed by, or oppressed by those in power.

And he shall smite the earth - By the "earth"here, or the land, is meant evidently "the wicked,"as the following member of the parallelism shows. Perhaps it is intended to be implied, that the earth, when he should come, would be eminently depraved; which was the fact. The characteristic here is that of an upright judge or prince, who would punish the wicked. To "smite"the earth, or the wicked, is expressive of punishment; and this characteristic is elsewhere attributed to the Messiah; see Psa 2:9-12; Rev 2:27. The trait is that of a just, upright, impartial exercise of power - such as would be manifested in the defense of the poor and the innocent, and in the punishment of the proud and the guilty.

With the rod of his mouth - The word שׁבט shêbet rendered here ‘ rod,’ denotes properly a stick, or staff; a rod for chastisement or correction Pro 10:13; Pro 13:24; Job 9:34; Job 21:9; the staff, or scepter of a ruler - as an emblem of office; a measuring rod; a spear, etc.; Note, Isa 10:5. It is not elsewhere applied to the mouth, though it is often used in other connections. It means that which goes out of the mouth - a word command threatening decision; and it is implied that it would go forth to pronounce sentence of condemnation, and to punish. His word would be so just, impartial, and authoritative, that the effect would be to overwhelm the wicked. In a sense similar to this, Christ is said to have been seen by John, when ‘ out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword’ Rev 1:16; that is, his commands and decisions were so authoritative, and so certain in their execution, as to be like a sharp sword; compare Heb 4:12; Isa 49:2 : ‘ And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword.’ The discriminating preaching, the pungent discourses, the authoritative commands of the Lord Jesus, when on earth, showed, and his judicial decisions in the day of judment will show, the manner of the fulfillment of the prediction.

And with the breath of his lips - This is synonymous with the previous member of the parallelism. ‘ The breath of his lips’ means that which goes forth from his lips - his doctrines, his commands, his decisions.

Shall he slay the wicked - That is, he shall condemn the wicked; or, he shall sentence them to punishment. This is descriptive of a prince or ruler, who by his commands and decisions effectually subdues and punishes the wicked; that is, he does justice to all. Grotius interprets this, ‘ by his prayers,’ referring it to Hezekiah, and to the influence of his prayers in destroying the Assyrians. The Chaldee Paraphrast translates it, ‘ And by the word of his lips he shall slay the impious Armillus.’ By "Armillus,"the Jews mean the last great enemy of their nation, who would come after Gog and Magog and wage furious wars, and who would slay the Messiah Ben Ephraim, whom the Jews expect, but who would be himself slain by the rod of the Messiah Ben David, or the son of David. - "Castell."

Poole: Isa 11:4 - -- Judge the poor defend and deliver them, as judging is oft used, as Deu 32:36 Jer 5:28 22:16 , &c. Or, judge for the poor the prefix lamed being...

Judge the poor defend and deliver them, as judging is oft used, as Deu 32:36 Jer 5:28 22:16 , &c. Or,

judge for the poor the prefix lamed being understood out of the next clause, as is usual in the Hebrew language. He mentions the poor, partly to signify the justice of this Judge, because human judges commonly neglect and oppress the poor; and partly to declare the nature of Christ’ s kingdom, and the quality of his subjects, who should, for the generality of them, be the poor and contemptible sort of men, Mat 11:5 Jam 2:5 . Reprove ; or, as this word seems to be taken, Isa 11:3 , condemn, to wit, their malicious and furious enemies.

For the meek on their behalf, or giving sentence for them. He calls them meek, whom before he called poor, partly to show his justice in defending them who are most exposed to the contempt and injuries of men and partly to signify that his subjects should be poor in spirit as well as in the world, and not poor and proud, as many worldly men are.

Smite i.e. slay, as this word is used, Isa 37:36 , and very commonly, and as it is expounded in the next clause.

The earth the men of the earth, the wicked, as it is in the next branch of the verse; fitly called earth, either because of their earthly minds and conversations, as they are called

the men of this world that have their portion here upon the earth, Psa 17:14 , or because the far greatest part of the inhabitants of the earth is wicked; the whole world lies in wickedness, 1Jo 5:1,9 ; for which reason they are oft called the world , as Joh 16:20 17:9,25 , &c.

With the rod of his mouth with his word, which is his sceptre, and the rod of his power , Psa 110:2 , which is sharper than a sword, Heb 4:12 ; by the preaching whereof he subdued the world to himself, and will destroy his enemies, 2Th 2:8 . This he adds, further to declare the nature of Christ’ s kingdom, that it is not of this world, and that his sceptre and arms are not carnal, but spiritual, as it is said, 2Co 10:4 .

With the breath of his lips with his word breathed out of his lips, whereby he explains what he meant by the foregoing rod.

Shall he slay the wicked either spiritually, by inflicting deadly plagues upon their souls; or properly, which he doth very frequently by his terrible judgments executed upon many of them, and will certainly do, and that fully and universally, at his coming to judgment.

Haydock: Isa 11:4 - -- Wicked. Antichrist, (2 Thessalonians ii. 8.) and all impiety, by means of the apostles.

Wicked. Antichrist, (2 Thessalonians ii. 8.) and all impiety, by means of the apostles.

Gill: Isa 11:4 - -- But with righteousness shall he judge the poor,.... The poor sinner, that is sensible of his spiritual poverty, and comes and acknowledges his sins an...

But with righteousness shall he judge the poor,.... The poor sinner, that is sensible of his spiritual poverty, and comes and acknowledges his sins and transgressions, and prays for pardoning grace and mercy, and hungers and thirsts after righteousness; such Christ justifies with his own righteousness, acquits and discharges them from all sin and condemnation, as also protects and defends them against all their enemies and oppressors:

and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth; that is, shall take the part of the meek, the lowly, and the humble, who are under a sense of their sins and unworthiness, apply to him for grace, righteousness, pardon, and eternal life; and for their sakes reprove wicked men that would distress and crush them; and in a just and equitable manner, in a way of righteous retaliation, render tribulation to them that trouble them:

and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth: that is, either he shall smite the consciences of earthly and unregenerate men, by the ministration of his word, the rod of his strength, so that they shall be convinced of sin, and humbled for it, and be brought to repentance towards God, and faith in himself; or he shall smite the nations of the earth, the antichristian states, and destroy them, Rev 19:15.

and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked; either by the words of his mouth, as before; see Hos 6:5 so that they become dead men in their own apprehensions, have no hope of life and salvation by their own works, see themselves dead in law, and liable to eternal death and damnation; or this is to be understood of the destruction of the wicked at the last day, by a sentence of condemnation pronounced upon them by Christ; and particularly of antichrist, the wicked and lawless one, the man of sin and son of perdition, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and destroy with the brightness of his coming, 2Th 2:4 in which place the apostle seems to have respect to this; nor is the Targum foreign from the sense given, which is

"he shall smite the sinners of the earth with the word of his mouth, and with the speech of his lips he shall slay the wicked Armillus.''

Armillus seems to be a name hammered out of Romulus, and designs the Romish antichrist; for elsewhere the Jews expressly say, that Armillus is he whom the nations call antichrist z; by whom they suppose that Messiah, the son of Joseph shall be slain, and afterwards he himself shall be slain by Messiah the son of David; or it is the same with ερημολαος, a destroyer of the people, a name that well agrees with antichrist; see Rev 11:18. This whole, verse is applied to the Messiah, both by ancient and modern Jews a.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Isa 11:4 Heb “and by the breath of his lips he will kill the wicked.” The “breath of his lips” refers to his speech, specifically in th...

Geneva Bible: Isa 11:4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall ( b ) smite the earth with the rod of ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Isa 11:1-16 - --1 The peaceable kingdom of the Branch out of the root of Jesse.10 The victorious restoration of Israel, and vocation of the Gentiles.

Maclaren: Isa 11:1-10 - --The Sucker From The Felled Oak And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2. And the Spirit...

MHCC: Isa 11:1-9 - --The Messiah is called a Rod, and a Branch. The words signify a small, tender product; a shoot, such as is easily broken off. He comes forth out of the...

Matthew Henry: Isa 11:1-9 - -- The prophet had before, in this sermon, spoken of a child that should be born, a son that should be given, on whose shoulders the government should ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 11:4-5 - -- This is the standard according to which He will judge when saving, and judge when punishing. "And judges the poor with righteousness, and passes se...

Constable: Isa 7:1--39:8 - --III. Israel's crisis of faith chs. 7--39 This long section of the book deals with Israel's major decision in Isa...

Constable: Isa 7:1--12:6 - --A. The choice between trusting God or Assyria chs. 7-12 This section of Isaiah provides a historical int...

Constable: Isa 10:5--12:1 - --3. Hope of God's deliverance 10:5-11:16 Earlier (7:1-8:22) God revealed that He would use Assyri...

Constable: Isa 11:1-16 - --Deliverance from Jesse's Shoot ch. 11 This section gives the positive side of the delive...

Constable: Isa 11:1-9 - --The rule of the Shoot 11:1-9 Messiah would meet certain qualifications (vv. 2-3a) and would rule with absolute justice (vv. 3b-5) with the result that...

Guzik: Isa 11:1-16 - --Isaiah 11 - The Branch and Root of Jesse A. The character of the King. 1. (1) A stem sprouts forth from the stump of Jesse. There shall come forth...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Isaiah (Book Introduction) ISAIAH, son of Amoz (not Amos); contemporary of Jonah, Amos, Hosea, in Israel, but younger than they; and of Micah, in Judah. His call to a higher deg...

JFB: Isaiah (Outline) PARABLE OF JEHOVAH'S VINEYARD. (Isa. 5:1-30) SIX DISTINCT WOES AGAINST CRIMES. (Isa. 5:8-23) (Lev 25:13; Mic 2:2). The jubilee restoration of posses...

TSK: Isaiah (Book Introduction) Isaiah has, with singular propriety, been denominated the Evangelical Prophet, on account of the number and variety of his prophecies concerning the a...

TSK: Isaiah 11 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Isa 11:1, The peaceable kingdom of the Branch out of the root of Jesse; Isa 11:10, The victorious restoration of Israel, and vocation of ...

Poole: Isaiah (Book Introduction) THE ARGUMENT THE teachers of the ancient church were of two sorts: 1. Ordinary, the priests and Levites. 2. Extraordinary, the prophets. These we...

Poole: Isaiah 11 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 11 Christ, a Branch out of the root of Jesse, endued with the Spirit of the Lord, should set up a kingdom by the preaching of his word, Isa...

MHCC: Isaiah (Book Introduction) Isaiah prophesied in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. He has been well called the evangelical prophet, on account of his numerous and...

MHCC: Isaiah 11 (Chapter Introduction) (Isa 11:1-9) The peaceful character of Christ's kingdom and subjects. (Isa 11:10-16) The conversion of the Gentiles and Jews.

Matthew Henry: Isaiah (Book Introduction) An Exposition, With Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Prophet is a title that sounds very great to those that understand it, t...

Matthew Henry: Isaiah 11 (Chapter Introduction) It is a very good transition in prophecy (whether it be so in rhetoric or no), and a very common one, to pass from the prediction of the temporal d...

Constable: Isaiah (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and writer The title of this book of the Bible, as is true of the o...

Constable: Isaiah (Outline) Outline I. Introduction chs. 1-5 A. Israel's condition and God's solution ch. 1 ...

Constable: Isaiah Isaiah Bibliography Alexander, Joseph Addison. Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah. 1846, 1847. Revised ed. ...

Haydock: Isaiah (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF ISAIAS. INTRODUCTION. This inspired writer is called by the Holy Ghost, (Ecclesiasticus xlviii. 25.) the great prophet; from t...

Gill: Isaiah (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH This book is called, in the New Testament, sometimes "the Book of the Words of the Prophet Esaias", Luk 3:4 sometimes only t...

Gill: Isaiah 11 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH 11 This chapter is a prophecy of the Messiah, and gives an account of his descent, as man; of his qualifications for his off...

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