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Text -- Jeremiah 30:14 (NET)

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30:14 All your allies have abandoned you. They no longer have any concern for you. For I have attacked you like an enemy would. I have chastened you cruelly. For your wickedness is so great and your sin is so much.
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Wicked | Sin | LOVER | JEREMIAH (2) | Israel | Chastisement | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Jer 30:14 - -- The Egyptians and Assyrians.

The Egyptians and Assyrians.

JFB: Jer 30:14 - -- The peoples formerly allied to thee, Assyria and Egypt (compare Lam 1:2).

The peoples formerly allied to thee, Assyria and Egypt (compare Lam 1:2).

JFB: Jer 30:14 - -- Have cast away all concern for thee in thy distress.

Have cast away all concern for thee in thy distress.

JFB: Jer 30:14 - -- A wound such as an enemy would inflict. God condescends to employ language adapted to human conceptions. He is incapable of "enmity" or "cruelty"; it ...

A wound such as an enemy would inflict. God condescends to employ language adapted to human conceptions. He is incapable of "enmity" or "cruelty"; it was their grievous sin which righteously demanded a grievous punishment, as though He were an "enemy" (Jer 5:6; Job 13:24; Job 30:21).

Calvin: Jer 30:14 - -- The Prophet again repeats, that nothing remained for Israel as coming from men, for no one offered to bring help. Some, indeed, explain the words as ...

The Prophet again repeats, that nothing remained for Israel as coming from men, for no one offered to bring help. Some, indeed, explain the words as though the Prophet had said, that friends, as it is usually the case, concealed themselves through shame on seeing the condition of the people hopeless: for as long as friends can relieve the sick, they are ready at hand, and anxiously exert themselves, but when life is despaired of, they no longer appear. But the Prophet, I have no doubt, condemns here the Jews for the false confidence with which they had been long fascinated; for we know, that at one time they placed hope in the Egyptians; at another in the Assyrians; and thus it happened that they brought on themselves many calamities. And we have seen elsewhere, in many passages, that these confederacies are compared to impure lusts; for when the people sought at one time the friendship of the Egyptians, at another, that of the Assyrians, it was a kind of adultery. God had taken the Jews under his care and protection; but unbelief led them astray, so that. they sought to strengthen themselves by the aid of others. Hence, everywhere in the Prophets the Egyptians and the Assyrians are compared to lovers. And this view will suit well here; for it was not enough to point out the miseries of the people, without making known the cause of them.

Then the Prophet refers to those false counsels which the Jews had adopted, when they thought themselves secure and safe while the Egyptians, or the Assyrians, or the Chaldeans were favorable to them. For this reason he says, that all their friends had forgotten them, and also that they did not inquire for them, that is, that they had cast off every care for them. And he adds the reason, because God had smitten, the people with an hostile wound Here the Prophet summons them again to God’s tribunal, that they might learn to consider that these evils did not happen by chance, but that they were the testimonies of God’s just wrath. God then comes forth here, and declares himself the author of all those calamities; for the Prophet would have spoken to no purpose of the miseries of the people, had not this truth been thoroughly impressed on their minds, — that they had to do with God.

Now, that God calls himself an enemy, and compares himself to a cruel enemy, must not be so understood as that the covenant had been abolished by which he had adopted the children of Abraham as his own; for he, through his mercy, always reserved some remnants. Nor ought we to understand that there was excess in God’s severity, as though he raged cruelly against his people, when he executed his judgments: but this ought to be understood according to the common perceptions of men. God also calls elsewhere the Israelites his enemies, but not without lamentation,

“Alas!” he says, “I will take vengeance on my enemies.” (Isa 1:24)

He assumed there the character of one grieving, as though he had said, that he unwillingly proceeded to so much rigor, for he would have willingly spared the people, had not necessity forced him to such severity. But, as I have already said, when God calls himself the enemy of his people, it ought to be understood of temporal punishment, or it ought to be explained of the reprobate and lost, who had wholly alienated themselves from God’s favor, and whom God had also cut off from the body of his Church as putrid members. But as the Prophet here addresses the faithful, there is no doubt but that God calls himself an enemy, because, according to the state of things at that time, the Jews could not have otherwise thought than that God was angry with them.

With regard to cruel one, we have already said, that excess is thereby denoted, as though too much rigor or severity were ascribed to God: but the Jews could not have been otherwise awakened to consider their sins, nor be sufficiently terrified so as to be led seriously to acknowledge the judgment of God. And God himself, in what follows, sufficiently proves, that though he compares himself to a severe or cruel man, yet nothing wrong could be found in his judgments.

For he adds, for the multitude of thine iniquity, because thy sins have prevailed Though the Jews thought that God acted severely, when he threatened them with long exile, here their mouth was closed by the multitude of their iniquity; as though he had said, “Set in a balance on one side, the weight of the punishment of which ye complain, and on the other side the heap of sins by which ye have often, and for a long time, provoked my wrath against you.” God then, by multitude of iniquity, shews that it could not be ascribed to him as a fault that he so severely punished the Jews, because they deserved to be so punished. And he confirms the same thing in other words, not that there was anything ambiguous in what he had said, but because the Prophet saw that he had to do with perverse men. That he might then reprove their indifference, he says, that their sins had grown strong 11 It follows —

TSK: Jer 30:14 - -- lovers : Jer 2:36, Jer 4:30, Jer 22:20,Jer 22:22, Jer 38:22; Lam 1:2, Lam 1:19; Eze 23:9, Eze 23:22; Hos 2:5, Hos 2:10-16; Rev 17:12-18 I : Job 13:24-...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Jer 30:14 - -- For the multitude ... - Or, Because of the multitude of thine iniquity, Because thy sins are strong. Judah’ s lovers are the nations which...

For the multitude ... - Or,

Because of the multitude of thine iniquity,

Because thy sins are strong.

Judah’ s lovers are the nations which once sought her alliance (see Jer 22:20; Jer 27:3).

Poole: Jer 30:14 - -- In the time of thy prosperity thou hadst many friends, but now they have forgotten thee Very probably the Egyptians and Assyrians, whose help the ...

In the time of thy prosperity thou hadst many friends, but now they have

forgotten thee Very probably the Egyptians and Assyrians, whose help the Jews made often use of, are the lovers here intended, 2Ch 28:21 ; Has. xii. 1; indeed the Egyptians were before conquered, or very much brought low, by the king of Babylon. They see the miserable case they are in, and now do not covet thee as formerly, they discern that I have wounded thee with such a wound as cruel men use to give their enemies; though it be in me no act of cruelty, for it is but in a just punishment of your iniquities, which were increased to a very great multitude.

Haydock: Jer 30:14 - -- Lovers. Nations which had seduced thee to worship their idols. (Haydock) --- Enemy. This judgment (ver. 11.) was requisite. (Calmet)

Lovers. Nations which had seduced thee to worship their idols. (Haydock) ---

Enemy. This judgment (ver. 11.) was requisite. (Calmet)

Gill: Jer 30:14 - -- All thy lovers have forgotten thee,.... The Egyptians and Assyrians, whom they sought unto for help, and entered into an alliance with, and who promis...

All thy lovers have forgotten thee,.... The Egyptians and Assyrians, whom they sought unto for help, and entered into an alliance with, and who promised them great things; but forgot their promises and forsook them:

they seek thee not; to ask of thy welfare, as the Targum adds; they do not, visit thee, nor inquire after thine health, or how it is with thee, having no manner of care and concern for thee; this has been the case of the Jews for many ages:

for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one; so it might seem to be; and thus it might be interpreted by them, as if the Lord acted the part of an enemy, and a very cruel one, that had no mercy; though he corrected them, as in Jer 30:11, in measure, moderation, and mercy: or else the meaning is, that he wounded them, when their nation, city, and temple, were destroyed, by the hand and means of an enemy, even a very cruel and merciless one, the Romans:

for the multitude of thine iniquity; because thy sins were increased; a very wicked people the Jews were, not only before they went into the Babylonish captivity, but after their return; and in the times of Christ and his apostles; who complain of their covetousness, hypocrisy, adultery, thefts, murders, and sacrilege; and particularly they were in the above manner chastised by means of the Romans, for their unbelief and rejection of the true Messiah, and the persecution of his followers.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jer 30:14 Heb “attacked you like…with the chastening of a cruel one because of the greatness of your iniquity [and because] your sins are many.̶...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Jer 30:1-24 - --1 God shews Jeremiah the return of the Jews.4 After their trouble they shall have deliverance.10 He comforts Jacob.18 Their return shall be gracious.2...

MHCC: Jer 30:12-17 - --When God is against a people, who will be for them? Who can be for them, so as to do them any kindness? Incurable griefs are owing to incurable lusts....

Matthew Henry: Jer 30:10-17 - -- In these verses, as in those foregoing, the deplorable case of the Jews in captivity is set forth, but many precious promises are given them that in...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 30:12-17 - -- Because Israel has been severely chastised for his sins, the Lord will now punish his enemies, and heal Israel. - Jer 30:12. "For thus saith Jahve...

Constable: Jer 2:1--45:5 - --II. Prophecies about Judah chs. 2--45 The first series of prophetic announcements, reflections, and incidents th...

Constable: Jer 30:1--33:26 - --C. The Book of Consolation chs. 30-33 This section of the Book of Jeremiah is a collection of prophecies...

Constable: Jer 30:1--31:40 - --1. The restoration of all Israel chs. 30-31 Two things mark these first two chapters of the Book...

Constable: Jer 30:12-17 - --The healing of Zion's incurable wounds 30:12-17 30:12-15 Yahweh had inflicted His people with a wound from which they could not recover because they h...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) JEREMIAH, son of Hilkiah, one of the ordinary priests, dwelling in Anathoth of Benjamin (Jer 1:1), not the Hilkiah the high priest who discovered the ...


TSK: Jeremiah 30 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Jer 30:1, God shews Jeremiah the return of the Jews; Jer 30:4, After their trouble they shall have deliverance; Jer 30:10, He comforts Ja...

Poole: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) BOOK OF THE PROPHET JEREMIAH THE ARGUMENT IT was the great unhappiness of this prophet to be a physician to, but that could not save, a dying sta...

Poole: Jeremiah 30 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 30 God showeth Jeremiah the deliverance and return of the Jews, Jer 30:1-9 . He comforteth Jacob, Jer 30:10-17 . Their return shall be grac...

MHCC: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) Jeremiah was a priest, a native of Anathoth, in the tribe of Benjamin. He was called to the prophetic office when very young, about seventy years afte...

MHCC: Jeremiah 30 (Chapter Introduction) (Jer 30:1-11) Troubles which shall be before the restoration of Israel. (Jer 30:12-17) Encouragement to trust Divine promises. (Jer 30:18-24) The bl...

Matthew Henry: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah The Prophecies of the Old Testament, as the Epistles of the New, are p...

Matthew Henry: Jeremiah 30 (Chapter Introduction) The sermon which we have in this and the following chapter is of a very different complexion from all those before. The prophet does indeed, by dir...

Constable: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book derives from its writer, the late seventh an...

Constable: Jeremiah (Outline) Outline I. Introduction ch. 1 A. The introduction of Jeremiah 1:1-3 B. T...

Constable: Jeremiah Jeremiah Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed. London: C...

Haydock: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF JEREMIAS. INTRODUCTION. Jeremias was a priest, a native of Anathoth, a priestly city, in the tribe of Benjamin, and was sanct...

Gill: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JEREMIAH The title of the book in the Vulgate Latin version is, "the Prophecy of Jeremiah"; in the Syriac and Arabic versions, "the...

Gill: Jeremiah 30 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JEREMIAH 30 This chapter contains a prophecy of the call and conversion of the Jews in the latter day; which being a matter of mome...

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