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Text -- Ezekiel 33:32 (NET)

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33:32 Realize that to them you are like a sensual song, a beautiful voice and skilled musician. They hear your words, but they do not obey them.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

JFB: Eze 33:32 - -- Literally, a "song of loves": a lover's song. They praise thy eloquence, but care not for the subject of it as a real and personal thing; just as many...

Literally, a "song of loves": a lover's song. They praise thy eloquence, but care not for the subject of it as a real and personal thing; just as many do in the modern church [JEROME].

JFB: Eze 33:32 - -- Hebrew singers accompanied the "voice" with the harp.

Hebrew singers accompanied the "voice" with the harp.

Clarke: Eze 33:32 - -- As a very lovely song - They admired the fine voice and correct delivery of the prophet; this was their religion, and this is the whole of the relig...

As a very lovely song - They admired the fine voice and correct delivery of the prophet; this was their religion, and this is the whole of the religion of thousands to the present day; for never were itching ears so multiplied as now.

TSK: Eze 33:32 - -- of one : Mar 4:16, Mar 4:17, Mar 6:20; Joh 5:35 a pleasant voice : Heb. a song of loves

of one : Mar 4:16, Mar 4:17, Mar 6:20; Joh 5:35

a pleasant voice : Heb. a song of loves

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Eze 33:23-33 - -- The exhortation to repentance. Ezekiel first addresses the remnant that still linger in their ancient home, and warns them against presumptuous hope...

The exhortation to repentance. Ezekiel first addresses the remnant that still linger in their ancient home, and warns them against presumptuous hopes resting on false grounds Eze 33:23-29; then he turns his eyes to those near him, and points out that their apparent attention to his words was illusory.

Eze 33:24

Those wastes - The places in the holy land devastated by the conqueror.

Abraham - The argument is, Abraham was but one man, and he had the promise of the land, though he did not at once possess it; much more shall we, the descendants of Abraham, being many, retain this promise and possess the land, though for a time we are depressed and subject. Compare Mat 3:9; Joh 8:33, Joh 8:39.

Eze 33:25

To eat flesh with the blood was forbidden (see the marginal references). It seems to have been connected with the idolatries of Canaan. The prohibition was, on account of its connection with idolatry, continued in the enactment of the Council of Jerusalem Act 15:29.

Eze 33:26

Ye stand upon your sword - Ye put your trust in your swords.

Eze 33:30-33

God warns the prophet against being misled by the compliance of the people.

Eze 33:30

Against thee - Rather, about "thee.""by the walls"Rather, within "the walls."

Eze 33:31

As the people cometh - literally, as in the margin, i. e., in crowds. Render it: they shall come "unto thee"like the coming of a people,"and"shall "sit before thee as My people"etc., i. e., they assume the attitude of God’ s people listening to His prophet. Compare Eze 14:1; Eze 20:1.

Eze 33:33

And when this - But when this.

Poole: Eze 33:32 - -- These Jews esteem and regard thee and what thou sayest, as men regard a skilful musician, who to a well-tuned instrument hath sung the praises of vi...

These Jews esteem and regard thee and what thou sayest, as men regard a skilful musician, who to a well-tuned instrument hath sung the praises of virtue or of virtuous men; it pleaseth their ear, but it doth not frame their hearts and life to virtue. They loved him for his eloquent lamentation, and reproof of their enemies, and for foretelling that they should fall, and saying nothing against them and their sins for these three years past; but when he exhorts them to duty, or dissuades from sin, they will hear, not do.

Gill: Eze 33:32 - -- And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice,.... Whose voice, and the music of it, are regarded, and not the m...

And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice,.... Whose voice, and the music of it, are regarded, and not the matter of the song, but the manner in which it is sung; so these people did not so much attend to what the prophet said as the manner of his delivery; they were delighted with the harmony of his voice, the eloquence of his speech, the propriety of his expressions, the eloquence and aptness of his diction, and the cadency of his words, and not with the excellent doctrines he delivered; they were affected and pleased no otherwise than if they had been at a concert of music; or had been entertained by one that understood not only vocal music, but could "play well on an instrument" at the same time, and make both agree together; which yields much pleasure to lovers of music. The Gospel is a lovely song indeed; "a song of loves" o, as it may be rendered; of the love of God, and of the love of Christ; and the voice of a Gospel minister is a pleasant charming voice to those that understand it, but to others it is a voice, and nothing else; they may be delighted with his accents, but not with his matter: for they hear thy words, but they do them not; which is repeated, that it might be observed.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Eze 33:32 Similar responses are found in Isa 29:13; Matt 21:28-32; James 1:22-25.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Eze 33:1-33 - --1 According to the duty of a watchman in warning the people,7 Ezekiel is admonished of his duty.10 God shews the justice of his ways towards the penit...

MHCC: Eze 33:30-33 - --Unworthy and corrupt motives often lead men to the places where the word of God is faithfully preached. Many come to find somewhat to oppose: far more...

Matthew Henry: Eze 33:30-33 - -- The foregoing verses spoke conviction to the Jews who remained in the land of Israel, who were monuments of sparing mercy and yet returned not to th...

Keil-Delitzsch: Eze 33:23-33 - -- Preaching of Repentance after the Fall of Jerusalem The first word of God, which Ezekiel received after the arrival of the fugitive with the inte...

Constable: Eze 33:1--48:35 - --IV. Future blessings for Israel chs. 33--48 "This last major division of the book focuses on the restoration of ...

Constable: Eze 33:21--40:1 - --B. Restoration to the Promised Land 33:21-39:29 "The concept of the land is particularly significant to ...

Constable: Eze 33:23-33 - --The first message of hope 33:23-33 This first message dealt with a serious defect in the...

Constable: Eze 33:30-33 - --The attitude of the Jews in Babylon 33:30-33 33:30-31 God also told Ezekiel that the exiles were speaking to one another about him privately and publi...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The name Ezekiel means "(whom) God will strengthen" [GESENIUS]; or, "God will prevail" [ROSENMULLER]. His father was Buzi (Eze 1:3), a priest, and he ...


TSK: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) The character of Ezekiel, as a Writer and Poet, is thus admirably drawn by the masterly hand of Bishop Lowth: " Ezekiel is much inferior to Jeremiah ...

TSK: Ezekiel 33 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Eze 33:1, According to the duty of a watchman in warning the people, Eze 33:7, Ezekiel is admonished of his duty; Eze 33:10, God shews th...

Poole: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) BOOK OF THE PROPHET EZEKIEL THE ARGUMENT EZEKIEL was by descent a priest, and by commission a prophet, and received it from heaven, as will appea...

Poole: Ezekiel 33 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 33 According to the duty of a watchman in warning the people, Ezekiel is admoished of his duty in warning sinners, Eze 33:1-9 . God showeth...

MHCC: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Ezekiel was one of the priests; he was carried captive to Chaldea with Jehoiachin. All his prophecies appear to have been delivered in that country, a...

MHCC: Ezekiel 33 (Chapter Introduction) (Eze 33:1-9) Ezekiel's duty as a watchman. (Eze 33:10-20) He is to vindicate the Divine government. (Eze 33:21-29) The desolation of Judea. (Eze 33...

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel When we entered upon the writings of the prophets, which speak of the ...

Matthew Henry: Ezekiel 33 (Chapter Introduction) The prophet has now come off his circuit, which he went as judge, in God's name, to try and pass sentence upon the neighbouring nations, and, havin...

Constable: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Writer The title of this book comes from its writer, Ezekiel, t...

Constable: Ezekiel (Outline) Outline I. Ezekiel's calling and commission chs. 1-3 A. The vision of God's glory ch. 1 ...

Constable: Ezekiel Ezekiel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. Exile and Restoration. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1968. ...

Haydock: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF EZECHIEL. INTRODUCTION. Ezechiel, whose name signifies the strength of God, was of the priestly race, and of the number of t...

Gill: Ezekiel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL This book is rightly placed after Jeremiah; since Ezekiel was among the captives in Chaldea, when prophesied; whereas Jerem...

Gill: Ezekiel 33 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO EZEKIEL 33 This chapter treats of the prophet's duty, and the people's sins; contains a vindication of the justice of God; a threat...

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