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Text -- Hosea 6:8 (NET)

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6:8 Gilead is a city full of evildoers; its streets are stained with bloody footprints!
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Gilead a mountainous region east of the Jordan & north of the Arnon to Hermon,son of Machir son of Manasseh; founder of the clan of Gilead,father of Jephthah the judge,son of Michael of the tribe of Gad

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Sin | Gilead | GILEAD (1) | Church | Backsliders | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Hos 6:8 - -- A city full of notorious transgressors, the inhabitants though Levites and priests, work all manner of wickedness.

A city full of notorious transgressors, the inhabitants though Levites and priests, work all manner of wickedness.

Wesley: Hos 6:8 - -- Murders committed there.

Murders committed there.

JFB: Hos 6:8 - -- Probably Ramoth-gilead, metropolis of the hilly region beyond Jordan, south of the Jabbok, known as "Gilead" (1Ki 4:13; compare Gen 31:21-25).

Probably Ramoth-gilead, metropolis of the hilly region beyond Jordan, south of the Jabbok, known as "Gilead" (1Ki 4:13; compare Gen 31:21-25).

JFB: Hos 6:8 - -- (Hos 12:11).

JFB: Hos 6:8 - -- "marked with blood-traces" [MAURER]. Referring to Gilead's complicity in the regicidal conspiracy of Pekah against Pekahiah (2Ki 15:25). See on Hos 6:...

"marked with blood-traces" [MAURER]. Referring to Gilead's complicity in the regicidal conspiracy of Pekah against Pekahiah (2Ki 15:25). See on Hos 6:1. Many homicides were there, for there were beyond Jordan more cities of refuge, in proportion to the extent of territory, than on this side of Jordan (Num 35:14; Deu 4:41-43; Jos 20:8). Ramoth-gilead was one.

Clarke: Hos 6:8 - -- Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity - In this place Jacob and Laban made their covenant, and set up a heap of stones, which was called Galee...

Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity - In this place Jacob and Laban made their covenant, and set up a heap of stones, which was called Galeed, the heap of testimony; and most probably idolatry was set up here. Perhaps the very heap became the object of superstitious adoration.

Calvin: Hos 6:8 - -- I shall first speak of the subject, and then something shall be added in its place of the words. The Prophet here notices, no doubt, something specia...

I shall first speak of the subject, and then something shall be added in its place of the words. The Prophet here notices, no doubt, something special against Gilead, which through the imperfection of history is now to us obscure. But in the first place, we must remember, that Gilead was one of the cities of refuge; and the Levites possessed these cities, which were destined for fugitives. If any one killed a man by chance, that the relatives might not take revenge, the Lord provided that he should flee to one of these cities appointed for his safety. He was there safe among the Levites: and the Levites received him under their protection, the matter being previously tried; for a legal hearing of the cause must have preceded as to whether he who had killed a man was innocent. We must then first remember that this city was occupied by the Levites and the priests; and they ought to have been examples to all others; for as Christ calls his disciples the light of the world, so the Lord had chosen the priests for this purpose, that they might carry a torch before all the people. Since then the highest sanctity ought to have shone forth in the priests, it was quite monstrous that they were like robbers, and that the holy city, which was as it were the sanctuary of God, became a den of thieves.

It was then for this reason that the Prophet especially inveighs against the city Gilead, and says Gilead is a city of the workers of iniquity, and is covered with blood But if Gilead was so corrupt, what must have been the case with the other cities? It is then the same as if the Prophet had said, “Where shall I begin? If I reprove the people indiscriminately, the priests will then think that they are spared, because they are innocent; yea, that they are wholly without blame: nay,” he says, “the priests are the most abandoned, they are even the ringleaders of robbers. Since then so great corruptions prevail among the order of priests, in whom the highest sanctity ought to have shone forth, how great must be the licentiousness of the people in all kinds of wickedness? And then what must be said of other cities, since Gilead is so bad, which God has consecrated for a peculiar purpose, that it might be a sort of sanctuary? Since then Gilead is a den of robbers, what must be the other cities?” We now comprehend the meaning of the Prophet.

“Polluted with blood,” עקובה מדם , okube medam: עקב , okob, in Hebrew, means “to deceive,” and also, “to hold” or “retain.” עקב , okob, is the sole of the foot; hence עקב , okob, signifies “to supplant.” And there is no doubt but that “to deceive” is its meaning metaphorically. I will now come to the meaning of the Prophet; he says that the city was עקובה מדם , okube, medan; some say, “deceptive in blood,” because they did not openly kill men, but by lying in wait for them; and hence they elicit this sense. But I approve more of what they hold who say, that the city was “full of blood;” not that such is the strict sense of the Hebrew word; but we may properly render it, “occupied by blood.” Why so? Because עקב , okob, as I have said, means sometimes to hold, to stay, and to hinder. We may then properly and fitly say, that Gilead was “occupied” or “possessed by blood.” But here follows a clearer and a fuller explanation of this sentence —

TSK: Hos 6:8 - -- Gilead : Hos 12:11; Jos 21:38 polluted with blood : or, cunning for blood, Hos 5:1; 2Sa 3:27, 2Sa 20:8; 1Ki 2:5; Psa 10:8, Psa 59:2; Isa 59:6; Jer 11:...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Hos 6:8 - -- Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity - If we regard "Gilead,"(as it elsewhere is,) as the country beyond Jordan, where the two tribes an...

Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity - If we regard "Gilead,"(as it elsewhere is,) as the country beyond Jordan, where the two tribes and a half dwelt, this will mean that the whole land was banded in one, as one city of evil-doers. It had an unity, but of evil. As the whole world has been pictured as divided between "the city of God"and the city of the devil, consisting respectively of the children of God and the children of the devil; so the whole of Gilead may be represented as one city, whose inhabitants had one occupation in common, to work evil. Some think that there was a city so called, although not mentioned elsewhere in Holy Scripture, near that Mount Gilead, dear to the memory of Israel, because God there protected their forefather Jacob. Some think that it was Ramoth in Gilead , which God appointed as "a city of refuge,"and which, consequently, became a city of Levites and priests Jos 21:38.

Here, where God had preserved the life of their forefather, and, in him, had preserved them; here, where He had commanded the innocent shedder of blood to be saved; here, where he had appointed those to dwell, whom He had hallowed to Himself, all was turned to the exact contrary. It, which God had hallowed, was become "a city of workers of iniquity,"i. e., of people, whose habits and custom was to work iniquity. It, where God had appointed life to be preserved, was "polluted"or "tracked with blood."Everywhere it was marked and stained with the bloody footsteps of those, who (as David said) "put"innocent "blood in their shoes which were on their feet"1Ki 2:5, staining their shoes with blood which they shed, so that, wherever they went, they left marks and signs of it.""Tracked with blood"it was, through the sins of its inhabitants; "tracked with blood"it was again, when it first was taken captive 2Ki 15:29, and "it, which had swum with the innocent blood of others, swam with the guilty blood of its own people."It is a special sin, and especially avenged of God, when what God had hallowed, is made the scene of sin.

Poole: Hos 6:8 - -- Gilead one of the six cities of refuge, situate in the country of that name, on a high hill, whence it is called Ramoth-gilead: now as a city of refu...

Gilead one of the six cities of refuge, situate in the country of that name, on a high hill, whence it is called Ramoth-gilead: now as a city of refuge it was a city pertaining to the priests and Levites, as all the cities of refuge did, in what tribe soever they were, Num 35:6 .

Is a city of them that work iniquity a sacerdotal city, where priests did, and religion, i.e. knowledge of God and mercy to man, should, dwell; but Gilead is a city full of most notorious transgressors, the inhabitants, though Levites and priests, are a generation of men that work all manner of wickedness.

And is polluted with blood murders committed there have polluted it, or murderers protected there against the law of God, who provided these cities a relief for such as unawares, without malice, by chance slew his neighbour, not for wilful murderers; yet these for money or interest got in and were secured there; and probably many were kept out or delivered up to the avenger of blood contrary to the law: thus Gilead by name, and all the rest of the cities of refuge intended too, were polluted with blood.

Haydock: Hos 6:8 - -- Supplanted with blood. That is, undermined and brought to ruin for shedding of blood; and, as it is signified in the following verse, for conspirin...

Supplanted with blood. That is, undermined and brought to ruin for shedding of blood; and, as it is signified in the following verse, for conspiring with the priests, (of Bethel) like robbers, to murder in the way such as passed out of Sichem to go towards the temple of Jerusalem. Or else supplanted with blood signifies flowing in such a manner with blood, as to suffer none to walk there without embruing the soles of their feet in blood. (Challoner) ---

Thus they would become unclean, and might easily slip. (Haydock) ---

Galaad was famous for the treaty between Laban and Jacob; and all such places were chosen for altars in the latter times of the two kingdoms. Maspha or Ramoth were the usual resorts. Theodoret reads, "Galgal," chap. iv. 15. (Calmet)

Gill: Hos 6:8 - -- Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity,.... The chief city in the land of Gilead, which lay beyond Jordan, inhabited by Gad and Reuben, and the ...

Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity,.... The chief city in the land of Gilead, which lay beyond Jordan, inhabited by Gad and Reuben, and the half tribe of Manasseh; and so belonged to the ten tribes, whose sins are here particularly observed. It had its name from the country, or the country from that, or both from the mountain of the same name. It is thought to be Ramothgilead, a city of refuge, and put for all the cities of refuge in those parts, which were inhabited by priests and Levites; and who ought to have had knowledge of the laws, and instructed the people in them, and observed them themselves, and set a good example to others; but, instead of this, the whole course of their lives, was vicious; they made a trade of sinning, did nothing else but work iniquity; and this was general among them, the city or cities of them consisted of none else; and all manner of iniquity was committed by them, particularly idolatry; for so the words may be rendered, "a city of them that serve an idol" a; not only at Dan and Bethel, but in the cities of the priests, idols were set up and worshipped; this shows the state to be very corrupt:

and is polluted with blood; with the blood of murderers harboured there, who ought not to have been admitted; or with the blood of such who were delivered up to the avenger of blood, that ought to have been sheltered, and both for the sake of money; or with the blood of children, sacrificed to Mo: the word used has the signification of supplanting, lying in wait, and so is understood of a private, secret, shedding of blood, in a deceitful and insidious way: hence some render it, "cunning for blood" b; to which the Targum seems to agree, calling it a city

"of them that secretly or deceitfully shed innocent blood.''

It has also the signification of the heel of a man's foot, and is by some rendered, "trodden by blood" c; that is, by bloody men: or "footed" or "heeled by blood" d; that is, such an abundance of it was shed, that a man could not set his foot or his heel any where but in blood.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Hos 6:8 Heb “it is foot-tracked with blood”; NAB “tracked with (+ footprints of NLT) blood.”

Geneva Bible: Hos 6:8 ( h ) Gilead [is] a city of them that work iniquity, [and is] polluted with blood. ( h ) Which was the place where the priests dwelt, and which shoul...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Hos 6:1-11 - --1 Exhortations to repent and hope in God.4 A lamentation over those who had sinned after conviction.5 Reproofs of obstinate sinners, and threatenings ...

MHCC: Hos 6:4-11 - --Sometimes Israel and Judah seemed disposed to repent under their sufferings, but their goodness vanished like the empty morning cloud, and the early d...

Matthew Henry: Hos 6:4-11 - -- Two things, two evil things, both Judah and Ephraim are here charged with, and justly accused of: - I. That they were not firm to their own convict...

Keil-Delitzsch: Hos 6:8-9 - -- The prophet cites a few examples in proof of this faithlessness in the two following verses. Hos 6:8. "Gilead is a city of evil-doers, trodden with...

Constable: Hos 6:4--11:12 - --V. The fourth series of messages on judgment and restoration: Israel's ingratitude 6:4--11:11 This section of th...

Constable: Hos 6:4--11:8 - --A. More messages on coming judgment 6:4-11:7 The subject of Israel's ingratitude is particularly promine...

Constable: Hos 6:4--9:1 - --1. Israel's ingratitude and rebellion 6:4-8:14 Two oracles of judgment compose this section. Eac...

Constable: Hos 6:4--8:1 - --Accusations involving ingratitude 6:4-7:16 The Lord accused the Israelites of being ungr...

Constable: Hos 6:4-11 - --Lack of loyalty 6:4-11 This section stresses Israel's covenant disloyalty to Yahweh. 6:4 The Lord twice asked rhetorically what He would do with Ephra...

Guzik: Hos 6:1-11 - --Hosea 6 - "Come, Let Us Return to the Lord" A. A call to return to the LORD. 1. (1-2) Israel should trust in the God who chastened her. ...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Hosea (Book Introduction) THE first of the twelve minor prophets in the order of the canon (called "minor," not as less in point of inspired authority, but simply in point of s...

JFB: Hosea (Outline) INSCRIPTION. (Hos 1:1-11) Spiritual whoredom of Israel set forth by symbolical acts; Gomer taken to wife at God's command: Jezreel, Lo-ruhamah, and ...

TSK: Hosea 6 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Hos 6:1, Exhortations to repent and hope in God; Hos 6:4, A lamentation over those who had sinned after conviction; Hos 6:5, Reproofs of ...

Poole: Hosea (Book Introduction) THE ARGUMENT Without dispute our prophet is one of the obscurest and most difficult to unfold clearly and fully. Though he come not, as Isaiah and ...

Poole: Hosea 6 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 6 An exhortation to repentance, Hos 6:1-3 . A complaint against Israel and Judah for persisting still in their wickedness, Hos 6:4-11 . T...

MHCC: Hosea (Book Introduction) Hosea is supposed to have been of the kingdom of Israel. He lived and prophesied during a long period. The scope of his predictions appears to be, to ...

MHCC: Hosea 6 (Chapter Introduction) (Hos 6:1-3) An exhortation to repentance. (Hos 6:4-11) Israel's instability and breach of the covenant.

Matthew Henry: Hosea (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Hosea I. We have now before us the twelve minor prophets, which some of the anc...

Matthew Henry: Hosea 6 (Chapter Introduction) The closing words of the foregoing chapter gave us some hopes that God and his Israel, notwithstanding their sins and his wrath, might yet be happi...

Constable: Hosea (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Writer The prophet's name is the title of the book. The book cl...

Constable: Hosea (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1 II. The first series of messages of judgment and restoration: Ho...

Constable: Hosea Hosea Bibliography Andersen, Francis I., and David Noel Freedman. Hosea: A New Translation, Introduction and Co...

Haydock: Hosea (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF OSEE. INTRODUCTION. Osee , or Hosea, whose name signifies a saviour, was the first in the order of time among those who are ...

Gill: Hosea (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HOSEA This book, in the Hebrew Bibles, at least in some copies, is called "Sopher Hosea", the Book of Hoses; and, in the Vulgate La...

Gill: Hosea 6 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HOSEA 6 This chapter gives an account of some who were truly penitent, and stirred up one another to return to the Lord, encouraged...

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