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Text -- Joel 3:1 (NET)

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The Lord Plans to Judge the Nations
3:1 For look! In those days and at that time I will return the exiles to Judah and Jerusalem.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Judah the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Joel | JOEL (2) | Israel | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Joe 3:1 - -- When I shall by Cyrus bring Judah out of Babylon.

When I shall by Cyrus bring Judah out of Babylon.

Wesley: Joe 3:1 - -- As the type of the whole remnant that are saved.

As the type of the whole remnant that are saved.

Wesley: Joe 3:1 - -- For beside what refers to the two tribes restored by Cyrus, the bringing back the captivity of the whole Israel of God by Christ is to be considered a...

For beside what refers to the two tribes restored by Cyrus, the bringing back the captivity of the whole Israel of God by Christ is to be considered all along through this chapter.

JFB: Joe 3:1 - -- That is, reverse it. The Jews restrict this to the return from Babylon. Christians refer it to the coming of Christ. But the prophet comprises the who...

That is, reverse it. The Jews restrict this to the return from Babylon. Christians refer it to the coming of Christ. But the prophet comprises the whole redemption, beginning from the return out of Babylon, then continued from the first advent of Christ down to the last day (His second advent), when God will restore His Church to perfect felicity [CALVIN].

Clarke: Joe 3:1 - -- For, behold, in those days - According to the preceding prophecy, these days should refer to Gospel times, or to such as should immediately precede ...

For, behold, in those days - According to the preceding prophecy, these days should refer to Gospel times, or to such as should immediately precede them. But this is a part of the prophecy which is difficult to be understood. All interpreters are at variance upon it; some applying its principal parts to Cambyses; his unfortunate expedition to Egypt; the destruction of fifty thousand of his troops (by the moving pillars of sand) whom he had sent across the desert to plunder the rich temple of Jupiter Ammon; his return to Judea, and dying of a wound which he received from his own sword, in mounting his horse, which happened at Ecbatane, at the foot of Mount Carmel. On which his army, composed of different nations, seeing themselves without a head, fell out, and fought against each other, till the whole were destroyed. And this is supposed to be what Ezekiel means by Gog and Magog, and the destruction of the former. See Ezekiel 38 and 39

Others apply this to the victories gained by the Maccabees, and to the destruction brought upon the enemies of their country; while several consider the whole as a figurative prediction of the success of the Gospel among the nations of the earth. It may refer to those times in which the Jews shall be brought in with the fullness of the Gentiles, and be re-established in their own land. Or there may be portions in this prophecy that refer to all the events; and to others that have not fallen yet within the range of human conjecture, and will be only known when the time of fulfillment shall take place. In this painful uncertainty, rendered still more so by the discordant opinions of many wise and learned men, it appears to be my province, as I have nothing in the form of a new conjecture to offer, to confine myself to an explanation of the phraseology of the chapter; and then leave the reader to apply it as may seem best to his own judgment

Clarke: Joe 3:1 - -- I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem - This may refer to the return from the Babylonish captivity; extending also to the restora...

I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem - This may refer to the return from the Babylonish captivity; extending also to the restoration of Israel, or the ten tribes.

Calvin: Joe 3:1 - -- The Prophet confirms in these words what he had before taught respecting the restoration of the Church; for it was a thing difficult to be believed: ...

The Prophet confirms in these words what he had before taught respecting the restoration of the Church; for it was a thing difficult to be believed: when the body of the people was so mutilated, when their name was obliterated, when all power was abolished, when the worship of God also, together with the temple, was subverted, when there was no more any form of a kingdom, or even of any civil government, who could have thought that God had any concern for a people in such a wretched condition? It is then no wonder that the Prophet speaks so much at large of the restoration of the Church; he did so, that he might more fully confirm what would have otherwise been incredible.

He therefore says, Behold, in those days, and at that time, in which I shall restore the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I shall then make all Gentiles to come down into the valley of Jehoshaphat. And the Prophet says this, because the Jews were then hated by all people, and were the execration and the dregs of the whole world. As many nations as were under heaven, so many were the enemies of the Jews. A fall then inter despair was easy, when they saw the whole world incensed against them: “Though God may wish to redeem us, there are yet so many obstacles, that we must necessarily perish; not only the Assyrians are enraged against us, but we have found even greater hatred in our own neighbors.” We, indeed, know that the Moabites, the Ammonites, the Syrians, the Sidonians, the Idumeans, the Philistines, and, in short, all in the surrounding countries, were very hostile to the Jews. Seeing then every access to their land was closed up to the Jews, it was difficult to entertain any hope of deliverance, though God encouraged them. For this reason the Prophet now says, that God would be the judge of the whole world, and that it was in his purpose and power to call together all the Gentiles, as though he said, “Let not the number and variety of enemies frighten you: the Assyrians alone, I know, are not your enemies, but also all your neighbors; but when I undertake the defense of your cause, I shall be alone sufficient to protect you; and however much all people may oppose, they shall not prevail. Then believe that I shall be a sufficient defender, and shall deliver you from the hand of all the nations ” We now perceive the Prophet’s design when he declares, that God would come to the valley of Jehoshaphat, and there call together all nations.

But the Prophet says, In those days, and at that time, when the Lord shall restore the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, etc. This time the Jews limit to their return: they therefore think, that when liberty to return was granted them by Cyrus and Darius, what the Prophet declares here was then fulfilled; Christian doctors apply this prediction to the coming of Christ; but both interpret the words of the Prophet otherwise than the drift of the passage requires. The Prophet, no doubt, speaks here of the deliverance we have just noticed, and at the same time includes the kingdom of Christ; and this, as we have seen in other parts, is very commonly done. While then the prophets testify that God would be the redeemer of his people, and promise deliverance from Babylonian exile, they lead the faithful, as it were, by a continuous train or course, to the kingdom of Christ. For what else was the Jewish restoration, but a prelude of that true and real redemptions afterwards effected by Christ? The Prophet then does not speak only of the coming of Christ, or of the return of the Jews, but includes the whole of redemption, which was only begun when the Lord restored his people from the Babylonian exile; it will then go on from the first coming of Christ to the last day; as though he said, “When God will redeem his people, it will not be a short or momentary benefit, but he will continue his favor until he shall visit with punishment all the enemies of his Church.” In a word, the Prophet here shows, that God will not be a half Redeemer, but will continue to work until he completes everything necessary for the happy state of his Church, and makes it in every respect perfect. This is the import of the whole.

TSK: Joe 3:1 - -- in those : Joe 2:29; Dan 12:1; Zep 3:19, Zep 3:20 when : Deu 30:3; 2Ch 6:37, 2Ch 6:38; Psa 14:7, Psa 85:1; Isa 11:11-16; Jer 16:15, Jer 23:3-8; Jer 29...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Joe 3:1 - -- For, behold - The prophet by the word, "for,"shows that he is about to explain in detail, what he had before spoken of, in sum. By the word, "b...

For, behold - The prophet by the word, "for,"shows that he is about to explain in detail, what he had before spoken of, in sum. By the word, "behold,"he stirs up our minds for something great, which he is to set before our eyes, and which we should not be prepared to expect or believe, unless he solemnly told us, "Behold."As the detail, then, of what goes before, the prophecy contains all times of future judgment on those who should oppose God, oppress His Church and people, and sin against Him in them and all times of His blessing upon His own people, until the Last Day. And this it gives in imagery, partly describing nearer events of the same sort, as in the punishments of Tyre and Sidon, such as they endured from the kings of Assyria, from Nebuchadnezzar, from Alexander; partly using these, His earlier judgments, as representatives of the like punishments against the like sins unto the end.

In those days and in that time - The whole period of which the prophet had been speaking, was the time from which God called His people to repentance, to the Day of Judgment. The last division of that time was from the beginning of the Gospel unto that Day. He fixes the occasion of which he speaks by the words, "when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem."This form was used, before there was any general dispersion of the nation. For all captivity of single members of the Jewish people had this sore calamity, that it severed them from the public worship of God, and exposed them to idolatry. So David complains, "they have driven me out this day from abiding in the inheritance of the Lord, saying, go serve other gods"1Sa 26:19. The restoration then of single members, or of smaller bodies of captives, was, at that time, an unspeakable mercy. It was the restoration of those shut out from the worship of God; and so was an image "of the deliverance from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God"Rom 8:21, or of any "return"of those who had gone astray, "to the Shepherd and Bishop of their souls 1Pe 2:25. The grievous captivity of the Jews, now, is to Satan, whose servants they made themselves, when they said, "we have no king but Caesar; His Blood be upon us and upon our children."Their blessed deliverance will be "from the power of Satan unto God"Act 26:18. It is certain from Paul Rom 11:26, that there shall be a complete conversion of the Jews, before the end of the world, as indeed has always been believed. This shall probably be shortly before the end of the world, and God would here say, "when I shall have brought to an end the "captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,"i. e., of that people "to whom were the promises"Rom 9:4, and shall have delivered them from the bondage of sin and from blindness to light and freedom in Christ, then will I gather all nations to judgment."

Poole: Joe 3:1 - -- Behold: it is a note of great attention, and heeding what is to be here spoken. When I shall bring again the captivity when I shall by Cyrus the ty...

Behold: it is a note of great attention, and heeding what is to be here spoken.

When I shall bring again the captivity when I shall by Cyrus the type bring Judah’ s people out of Babylonish captivity, the emblem of a greater and worse captivity. Judah after the flesh as the type, but, according to the mystery of it, Judah signifieth the whole remnant or residue of those God will save.

Jerusalem both literally and typically understood; so that beside what refers to the history of the two tribes, or kingdom of the house of David, restored out of captivity by Cyrus, the bringing back the captivity of the whole Israel of God by Christ the Messiah is here to be considered, and all along through this chapter.

Haydock: Joe 3:1 - -- Back. The people were just returned when the nations around fell upon them, and were miraculously defeated. (Theodoret) --- We shall follow the sy...

Back. The people were just returned when the nations around fell upon them, and were miraculously defeated. (Theodoret) ---

We shall follow the system respecting God, given [in] Ezechiel xxxviii. (Calmet) ---

Most people, with St. Jerome, suppose that the general judgment is described, though some explain it of the captives delivered from their enemies. (Worthington)

Gill: Joe 3:1 - -- For, behold, in those days, and at that time,.... Which Kimchi refers to the times of the Messiah; and is true of the latter times of the Messiah, of ...

For, behold, in those days, and at that time,.... Which Kimchi refers to the times of the Messiah; and is true of the latter times of the Messiah, of his spiritual reign yet to come:

when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem: not from the Edomites, Tyrians, and Philistines, that had carried them captive in the times of Ahaz; nor from Babylon, where they had been carried captive by Nebuchadnezzar; for nothing of what is after foretold followed upon the return of these captivities: but this designs the present captivity of the Jews, and the restoration of them to their own land; of which see Isa 52:8.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Joe 3:1 For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

Geneva Bible: Joe 3:1 For, behold, in ( a ) those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, ( a ) When I will deliver my Churc...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Joe 3:1-21 - --1 God's judgments against the enemies of his people.9 God will be known in his judgment.18 His blessing upon the church.

MHCC: Joe 3:1-8 - --The restoration of the Jews, and the final victory of true religion over all opposers, appear to be here foretold. The contempt and scorn with which t...

Matthew Henry: Joe 3:1-8 - -- We have often heard of the year of the redeemed, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion; now here we have a description of the ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Joe 3:1 - -- (Heb. Bib. ch. 4.) Judgment upon the World of Nations, and Glorification of Zion- Joe 3:1, Joe 3:2. "For, behold, in those days, and in that time, ...

Constable: Joe 2:28--Amo 1:1 - --IV. A far future day of the Lord: another human invasion and deliverance 2:28--3:21 The preceding promises fores...

Constable: Joe 3:1-17 - --B. God's judgment on Israel's enemy nations 3:1-17 God's judgment on unbelievers would accompany the spi...

Constable: Joe 3:1-8 - --1. The announcement of judgment 3:1-8 3:1-3 When God would restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem in that future day (cf. Deut. 30:3), He would g...

Guzik: Joe 3:1-21 - --Joel 3 - Judgment in the Valley of Decision A. A warning to the nations. 1. (1-3) A promise to bring back scattered and mistreated Israel. "F...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Joe 3:1 The missionary church is a praying church,The history of missions is a history of prayer. Everything vital to the success of the world's evangelizatio...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Joel (Book Introduction) JOEL (meaning "one to whom Jehovah is God," that is, worshipper of Jehovah) seems to have belonged to Judah, as no reference occurs to Israel; whereas...


TSK: Joel (Book Introduction) It is generally supposed, that the prophet Joel blends two subjects of affliction in one general consideration, or beautiful allegory; and that, under...

TSK: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Joe 3:1, God’s judgments against the enemies of his people; Joe 3:9, God will be known in his judgment; Joe 3:18, His blessing upon the...

Poole: Joel (Book Introduction) THE ARGUMENT Since so many undeterminable points of less moment occur in our prophet, as of what tribe he was, whether his father were a prophet, w...

Poole: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 3 God’ s judgments against the enemies of his people, Joe 3:1-17 . His blessing upon the church, Joe 3:18-21 . Though our dividing t...

MHCC: Joel (Book Introduction) From the desolations about to come upon the land of Judah, by the ravages of locusts and other insects, the prophet Joel exhorts the Jews to repentanc...

MHCC: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) (Joe 3:1-8) God's judgments in the latter days. (Joe 3:9-17) The extent of these judgments. (Joe 3:18-21) The blessings the church shall enjoy.

Matthew Henry: Joel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Joel We are altogether uncertain concerning the time when this prophet prophesi...

Matthew Henry: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) In the close of the foregoing chapter we had a gracious promise of deliverance in Mount Zion and Jerusalem; now this whole chapter is a comment upo...

Constable: Joel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title and Writer The title of this book is the name of its writer, as is ...

Constable: Joel (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1 II. A past day of the Lord: a locust invasion 1:2-20 ...

Constable: Joel Joel Bibliography Allen, Leslie C. The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah. The New International Commentar...

Haydock: Joel (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF JOEL. INTRODUCTION. Joel , whose name, according to St. Jerome, signifies the Lord God, (or, as others say, the coming down...

Gill: Joel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JOEL In some Hebrew Bibles this prophecy is called "Sepher Joel", the Book of Joel; in the Vulgate Latin version, the Prophecy of J...

Gill: Joel 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JOEL 3 This chapter, which some make the fourth, contains a prophecy of God's judgments on all the antichristian nations at the tim...

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