Text -- Leviticus 19:18 (NET)

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Wesley: Lev 19:18 - -- Every man, as plainly appears, By comparing this place with Lev 19:34, where this law is applied to strangers. Because the word neighbour is explained...

With the same sincerity, though not equality of affection.
JFB -> Lev 19:18
JFB: Lev 19:18 - -- The word "neighbour" is used as synonymous with "fellow creature." The Israelites in a later age restricted its meaning as applicable only to their ow...
The word "neighbour" is used as synonymous with "fellow creature." The Israelites in a later age restricted its meaning as applicable only to their own countrymen. This narrow interpretation was refuted by our Lord in a beautiful parable (Luk 10:30-37).
Calvin: Lev 19:18 - -- Hence it clearly appears that God had a further object than that men should not kill each other, for He not only restrains their hands, but requires ...
Hence it clearly appears that God had a further object than that men should not kill each other, for He not only restrains their hands, but requires their hearts to be pure from all hatred. For, since the desire of vengeance is the fountain and cause of enmities, it follows that under the word kill is condensed whatever is opposed to brotherly love. And this is confirmed by the antithesis, that none should hate his brother, but rather love him as himself. We need, then, seek for no other expositor of the Commandment but God Himself, who pronounces those to be guilty of murder who are affected with any malevolence, and not only those who, when offended, desire to return evil for evil, but those who do not sincerely love their neighbors, even when with justice they deem them to be their enemies. Wherefore, in order that God may absolve us from spiritual murder, let us learn to purify our hearts from all desire of vengeance, and, laying aside hatred, to cultivate fraternal affection with all men.
Although the latter part of the verse embraces the sum of the whole Second Table, yet, because love is contrasted with vengeance, I have not thought fit to separate things which are so properly connected with each other, especially when one depends on the other. The precept is indeed only given with reference to the children of Abraham, because the crime of vengeance would be more atrocious between those who were bound together by fraternal rights; yet it is not to be doubted but that God generally condemns the vice. In the schools 16 this sentence was grossly corrupted; for, since the rule (as they say) is superior to what is regulated by it. they have invented a preposterous precept, that every one should love himself first, and then his neighbors; of which subject I will treat more fully elsewhere. The word

Calvin: Lev 19:18 - -- 18.Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. What every man’s mind ought to be towards his neighbor, could not be better expressed in many pages tha...
18.Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. What every man’s mind ought to be towards his neighbor, could not be better expressed in many pages that in this one sentence. We are all of us not only inclined to love ourselves more than we should, but all our powers hurry us away in this direction; nay,
Not only those with whom we have some connection are called our neighbors, but all without exception; for the whole human race forms one body, of which all are members, and consequently should be bound together by mutual ties; for we must bear in mind that even those who are most alienated from us, should be cherished and aided even as our own flesh; since we have 186 seen elsewhere that sojourners and strangers are placed in the same category (with our relations; 187) and Christ sufficiently confirms this in the case of the Samaritan. (Luk 10:30.)
Defender -> Lev 19:18
Defender: Lev 19:18 - -- The Lord Jesus combined this command with that of Deu 6:4-5, and called them the two greatest commandments (Mat 22:37-40; Mar 12:28-31; Luk 10:27; Rom...
The Lord Jesus combined this command with that of Deu 6:4-5, and called them the two greatest commandments (Mat 22:37-40; Mar 12:28-31; Luk 10:27; Rom 13:9; Gal 5:14; Jam 2:8)."
TSK -> Lev 19:18
TSK: Lev 19:18 - -- not avenge : Exo 23:4, Exo 23:5; Deu 32:25; 2Sa 13:22, 2Sa 13:28; Pro 20:22; Mat 5:43, Mat 5:44; Rom 12:17, Rom 12:19, Rom 13:4; Gal 5:20; Eph 4:31; C...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Poole -> Lev 19:18
Poole: Lev 19:18 - -- Nor bear any grudge Heb. nor keep , either,
1. The injury here supposed in thy memory: so it is opposed to those who say they will forgive, but not...
Nor bear any grudge Heb. nor keep , either,
1. The injury here supposed in thy memory: so it is opposed to those who say they will forgive, but not forget an injury. Or,
2. Anger or hatred in thy heart: so this verb is used Jer 3:12 Nah 1:2 . Thy neighbour ; by which he understands not the Israelites only, as some would persuade us, but every other man with whom we converse, as plainly appears,
1. By comparing this place with Lev 19:34 , where this very law is applied to strangers.
2. Because the word
neighbour is explained by another man, Lev 20:10 Rom 13:8 : see more on Exo 20:16 .
As thyself with the same sincerity, though not equality, of affection, as to thyself.
Haydock -> Lev 19:18
Haydock: Lev 19:18 - -- Revenge, by private authority, or out of passion, which the pagans themselves acknowledged was more becoming a brute than a man, feræ est. (Muson...
Revenge, by private authority, or out of passion, which the pagans themselves acknowledged was more becoming a brute than a man, feræ est. (Muson. Sen. de ira ii. 32.) ---
Citizens. Hebrew, "observe or lie not in wait." Septuagint, "act not with fury against the son of thy people." (Calmet) ---
Hebrew notor, means to upbraid when doing a kindness. ---
Thy friend. Hebrew rehaka, may denote thy neighbour, or any one with whom we have any thing to do. Thus God orders us to love strangers as ourselves, (ver. 34,) and to help our enemy, Exodus xxiii. 4. The false insinuations of the Jews are fully exploded by Jesus Christ, Matthew xxii. 39. We must love the offender, but detest the offence. (St. Augustine, contra Faust. xix. 24.) If God required his people to exterminate the Chanaanites, he did not authorized them to entertain any personal animosity against their persons, but they were to act as ministers of his justice. "O Lord, (said Philo very justly) we do not rejoice at the misfortune of our enemy, (Flaccus) having learnt from thy holy laws to compassionate the distress of others. But we thank thee for....delivering us from our afflictions." (Calmet)
Gill -> Lev 19:18
Gill: Lev 19:18 - -- Thou shalt not avenge,.... That is, not avenge ourselves on him that has done us an ill thing, but leave it to him to whom vengeance belongs, see Rom ...
Thou shalt not avenge,.... That is, not avenge ourselves on him that has done us an ill thing, but leave it to him to whom vengeance belongs, see Rom 12:19; which is done when a man does an ill thing for another, or denies to grant a favour which he has been denied by another; Jarchi thus illustrates it, one says to him (his neighbour) lend me thy sickle; he answers, no (I will not); on the morrow (the neighbour comes, who had refused, and) says to him, lend me thy hatchet; he replies, I will not lend thee, even as thou wouldest not lend me; this is vengeance: this was reckoned mean and little, a piece of weakness with the very Heathens b:
nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people; those of the same place, city, or kingdom; or "not observe" c the injury done, take no notice of it, nor lay it up in the mind and memory, but forget it; or "not keep" d or retain enmity, as the Targum of Jonathan supplies it; and so do an ill turn, or refuse to do a good one; or if that is done, yet upbraids with the former unkindness; for upbraiding with unkindness shows that a grudge is retained, though the suit is not denied:
but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself; sincerely and heartily, as a man loves himself, doing all the good to him as a man does to himself, or would have done to himself, and hindering all the mischief done to him he would have himself preserved from: Jarchi observes, that it was a saying of R. Akiba, that this is"the great universal in the law,''and it does indeed comprehend the whole of the second table of the law, and is the summary of it, and is pretty much the same our Lord says of it, that it is the second and great commandment, and like unto the first, on which two all the law and the prophets hang, Mat 22:37; and so the Apostle Paul makes all the laws of the second table to be comprehended in this, Rom 13:9,
I am the Lord; the Creator of all men, and who has commanded them to love one another, and to whom alone vengeance belongs, and who expects obedience to the above laws of his.

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TSK Synopsis -> Lev 19:1-37
MHCC -> Lev 19:1-37
MHCC: Lev 19:1-37 - --There are some ceremonial precepts in this chapter, but most of these precepts are binding on us, for they are explanations of the ten commandments. I...
Matthew Henry -> Lev 19:11-18
Matthew Henry: Lev 19:11-18 - -- We are taught here, I. To be honest and true in all our dealings, Lev 19:11. God, who has appointed every man's property by his providence, forbids ...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Lev 19:9-18
Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 19:9-18 - --
Laws concerning the conduct towards one's neighbour, which should flow from unselfish love, especially with regard to the poor and distressed.
Constable: Lev 17:1--27:34 - --II. The private worship of the Israelites chs. 17--27
The second major division of Leviticus deals with how the ...

Constable: Lev 17:1--20:27 - --A. Holiness of conduct on the Israelites' part chs. 17-20
All the commandments contained in chapters 17-...

Constable: Lev 19:1-37 - --3. Holiness of behavior toward God and man ch. 19
Moses grouped the commandments in this section...