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Text -- Leviticus 6:20 (NET)

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6:20 “This is the offering of Aaron and his sons which they must present to the Lord on the day when he is anointed: a tenth of an ephah of choice wheat flour as a continual grain offering, half of it in the morning and half of it in the evening.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron

Dictionary Themes and Topics: WEIGHTS AND MEASURES | TALMUD | Revelation | Priest | PERPETUAL; PERPETUALLY; PERPETUITY | Offerings | Meat-offering | Measure | LEVITICUS, 1 | LAW OF MOSES | Israel | HOLY SPIRIT, 2 | Festivals, Religious | Anointing | Anoint | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Lev 6:20 - -- For high-priest for he only of all the priests was to be anointed in future ages. This law of his consecration was delivered before, and is here repea...

For high-priest for he only of all the priests was to be anointed in future ages. This law of his consecration was delivered before, and is here repeated because of some additions made to it.

Wesley: Lev 6:20 - -- Whensoever any of them shall be so anointed.

Whensoever any of them shall be so anointed.

Wesley: Lev 6:20 - -- Or, in the evening; the one to be annexed to the morning - sacrifice, the other to the evening - sacrifice, over and besides that meal-offering which ...

Or, in the evening; the one to be annexed to the morning - sacrifice, the other to the evening - sacrifice, over and besides that meal-offering which every day was to be added to the daily morning and evening sacrifices.

JFB: Lev 6:20 - -- The daily meat offering of the high priest; for though his sons are mentioned along with him, it was probably only those of his descendants who succee...

The daily meat offering of the high priest; for though his sons are mentioned along with him, it was probably only those of his descendants who succeeded him in that high office that are meant. It was to be offered, one half of it in the morning and the other half in the evening--being daily laid by the ministering priest on the altar of burnt offering, where, being dedicated to God, it was wholly consumed. This was designed to keep him and the other attendant priests in constant remembrance, that though they were typically expiating the sins of the people, their own persons and services could meet with acceptance only through faith, which required to be daily nourished and strengthened from above.

Clarke: Lev 6:20 - -- In the day when he is anointed - Not only in that day, but from that day forward, for this was to them and their successors a statute for ever. See ...

In the day when he is anointed - Not only in that day, but from that day forward, for this was to them and their successors a statute for ever. See Lev 6:22.

TSK: Lev 6:20 - -- the offering : This oblation, which the Jews call a mincha of initiation, seems to have been required of the high priest alone ""on the day in whic...

the offering : This oblation, which the Jews call a mincha of initiation, seems to have been required of the high priest alone ""on the day in which he was anointed,""and from that time, every morning and evening, as long as he continued in office, and then in like manner of his successor; for, by ""the sons of Aaron,""may be understood his descendants and successors in the high priesthood, in their generations. Exo 29:2; Num 18:26-32; Heb 5:1, Heb 7:27, Heb 8:3, Heb 8:4

in the day : The word beyom signifies not only in the day, but from that day forward; for it was a daily oblation, and for them and their successors, a statue forever. Lev 6:22

the tenth : Lev 5:1; Exo 16:36

a meat offering : Lev. 2:1-16; Exo 29:35-42; Num 28:3, Num 28:10

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Lev 6:20 - -- See Lev 4:3. Aaron’ s sons here spoken of (as in Lev 6:22) must be the succession of high priests who succeeded him. The day of this offering w...

See Lev 4:3. Aaron’ s sons here spoken of (as in Lev 6:22) must be the succession of high priests who succeeded him. The day of this offering was probably the eighth day of the ceremony of consecration Lev 8:35; Lev 9:1, when the high priest appears to have entered upon the duties of his office.

A meat offering perpetual - Jewish tradition is in favor of these words implying that this מנחה mı̂nchāh was offered by the high priest as a daily rite from the time of his consecration.

Poole: Lev 6:20 - -- When he is anointed when any of them are anointed for high priest; for he only of all the priests was to be anointed in future ages. This law of his ...

When he is anointed when any of them are anointed for high priest; for he only of all the priests was to be anointed in future ages. This law of his consecration was delivered before, Exo 29:2,24,25 , and is here repeated because of some additions made to it. A meat-offering perpetual, to wit, whensoever any of them shall be so anointed. At night, or, in the evening; the one to be annexed to the morning sacrifice, the other to the evening sacrifice, over and besides that meat-offering which every day was to be added to the daily morning and evening sacrifices, Exo 29:40 .

Haydock: Lev 6:20 - -- Evening. And this shall continue as long as they are high priests, from the day of their consecration, (Josephus, [Antiquities?] iii. 20.; Cajetan,)...

Evening. And this shall continue as long as they are high priests, from the day of their consecration, (Josephus, [Antiquities?] iii. 20.; Cajetan,) a perpetual sacrifice. (Calmet)

Gill: Lev 6:20 - -- This is the offering of Aaron and his sons,.... That is, of such of them as succeeded him in the high priesthood, as appears from Lev 6:22 so Aben Ezr...

This is the offering of Aaron and his sons,.... That is, of such of them as succeeded him in the high priesthood, as appears from Lev 6:22 so Aben Ezra, of him, or of one of his sons in his room; though some think the common priests offered the following oblation at the time of their initiation into their office, though they were not anointed as the high priest was, nor obliged as he to continue the offering daily:

which they shall offer unto the Lord in the day when he is anointed; when he, or any of his sons in his stead, were anointed, for as yet he himself was not; see Lev 8:2 some, as Aben Ezra observes, think that ב, "in", is instead of מ, "from", and that the sense is, that Aaron, or his successor, and every of them, were to offer the following offering perpetually from the time of their being anointed, and put into the office of the high priest, and which certainly was the case, as appears by what follows:

the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a meat offering perpetual; which was an omer, and as much as a man could eat in one day; and this the high priest offered every day, as long as he lived, or was in his office, and that at his own expense, as Josephus says p, not altogether, but in the following manner:

half of it in the morning, and half of it at night; so that this constantly returned as the morning and evening sacrifices did, and followed them. Jarchi says of this, that it was the common meat offering at the consecration of a priest, but the high priest offered it every day; and it appears from the Misnic writers q that this meat offering consisted of twelve cakes, the same number as those of the shewbread; the same phrase, a "perpetual statute", being used of one as the other; and six of these were offered in the morning, and six at evening; and this as the daily sacrifice had the same mystical meaning, and respected the continual efficacy of the sacrifice of Christ.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Lev 6:20 For the rendering “choice wheat flour” see the note on Lev 2:1.

Geneva Bible: Lev 6:20 This [is] the offering of Aaron and of his sons, which they shall offer unto the LORD in the day when he is anointed; the tenth part of an ephah of fi...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Lev 6:1-30 - --1 The trespass offering for sins done wittingly.8 The law of the burnt offering;14 and of the meat offering.19 The offering at the consecration of a p...

MHCC: Lev 6:14-23 - --The law of the burnt-offerings put upon the priests a great deal of care and work; the flesh was wholly burnt, and the priests had nothing but the ski...

Matthew Henry: Lev 6:14-23 - -- The meat-offering was either that which was offered by the people or that by the priests at their consecration. Now, I. As to the common meat-offeri...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 6:19-23 - -- The Meat-Offering of the Priests is introduced, as a new law, with a special formula, and is inserted here in its proper place in the sacrificial in...

Constable: Lev 1:1--16:34 - --I. The public worship of the Israelites chs. 1--16 Leviticus continues revelation concerning the second of three...

Constable: Lev 1:1--7:38 - --A. The laws of sacrifice chs. 1-7 God designed the offerings to teach the Israelites as well as to enabl...

Constable: Lev 6:8--8:1 - --6. Instructions for the priests concerning the offerings 6:8-7:38 "The five basic sacrifices are...

Constable: Lev 6:19-23 - --The meal (cereal) offering of the priests 6:19-23 The priest was to offer a daily meal o...

Guzik: Lev 6:1-30 - --Leviticus 6 - Instructions For the Priests A. More instances for performing the guilt offering. 1. (1-6) The necessity of the guilt offering when a ...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Leviticus (Book Introduction) LEVITICUS. So called from its treating of the laws relating to the ritual, the services, and sacrifices of the Jewish religion, the superintendence of...


TSK: Leviticus (Book Introduction) Leviticus is a most interesting and important book; a book containing a code of sacrificial, ceremonial, civil, and judicial laws, which, for the puri...

TSK: Leviticus 6 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Lev 6:1, The trespass offering for sins done wittingly; Lev 6:8, The law of the burnt offering; Lev 6:14, and of the meat offering; Lev 6...

Poole: Leviticus (Book Introduction) THIRD BOOK OF MOSES CALLED LEVITICUS THE ARGUMENT This Book, containing the actions of about one month’ s space, acquainteth us with the Lev...

Poole: Leviticus 6 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 6 Trespass-offerings for sins of deceit, or violence and perjury; restoration must be made, and a ram offered, Lev 6:1-7 . The law of the b...

MHCC: Leviticus (Book Introduction) God ordained divers kinds of oblations and sacrifices, to assure his people of the forgiveness of their offences, if they offered them in true faith a...

MHCC: Leviticus 6 (Chapter Introduction) (Lev 6:1-7) Concerning trespasses against our neighbour. (Lev 6:8-13) Concerning the burnt-offering. (Lev 6:14-23) Concerning the meat-offering. (L...

Matthew Henry: Leviticus (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Third Book of Moses, Called Leviticus There is nothing historical in all this book of Leviticus exc...

Matthew Henry: Leviticus 6 (Chapter Introduction) The first seven verses of this chapter might fitly have been added to the foregoing chapter, being a continuation of the law of the trespass-offeri...

Constable: Leviticus (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The Hebrews derived the title of this book from the first word in i...

Constable: Leviticus (Outline) Outline "At first sight the book of Leviticus might appear to be a haphazard, even repetitious arrangement of en...

Constable: Leviticus Leviticus Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed. New York...

Haydock: Leviticus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. The Book is called Leviticus : because it treats of the offices, ministries, rites and ceremonies of the Priests and Levites. The H...

Gill: Leviticus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LEVITICUS This book is commonly called by the Jews Vajikra, from the first word with which it begins, and sometimes תורת כהנ...

Gill: Leviticus 6 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LEVITICUS 6 This chapter treats of the trespass offering for sins committed knowingly and wilfully, Lev 6:1 and of the law of the b...

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