Text -- Numbers 6:27 (NET)

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Wesley -> Num 6:27
Wesley: Num 6:27 - -- Shall call them by my name, shall recommend them to me as my own people, and bless them and pray unto me for them as such; which is a powerful argumen...
Shall call them by my name, shall recommend them to me as my own people, and bless them and pray unto me for them as such; which is a powerful argument to prevail with God for them.
JFB -> Num 6:23-27
JFB: Num 6:23-27 - -- This passage records the solemn benediction which God appointed for dismissing the people at the close of the daily service. The repetition of the nam...
This passage records the solemn benediction which God appointed for dismissing the people at the close of the daily service. The repetition of the name "Lord" or "Jehovah" three times, expresses the great mystery of the Godhead--three persons, and yet one God. The expressions in the separate clauses correspond to the respective offices of the Father, to "bless and keep us"; of the Son, to be "gracious to us"; and of the Holy Ghost, to "give us peace." And because the benediction, though pronounced by the lips of a fellow man, derived its virtue, not from the priest but from God, the encouraging assurance was added, "I the Lord will bless them."
Calvin -> Num 6:27
Calvin: Num 6:27 - -- 27.And they shall put my name Although Jerome has rightly translated this, “They shall call upon my name:” yet since the Hebrew phrase is empha...
27.And they shall put my name Although Jerome has rightly translated this, “They shall call upon my name:” yet since the Hebrew phrase is emphatic, I have preferred retaining it; for God deposits His name with the priests, that they may daily bring it forward as a pledge of His good will, and of the salvation which proceeds from thence. The promise, which is finally subjoined, gives assurance that this was no empty or useless ceremony, when He declares that He will bless the people. And hence we gather, that whatsoever the ministers of the Church do by God’s command, is ratified by Him with a real and solid result; since He declares nothing by His ministers which He will not Himself fulfill and perform by the efficacy of His Spirit. But we must observe that He does not so transfer the office of blessing to His priests, as to resign this right to them; for after having entrusted this ministry to them, He claims the accomplishment of the thing for Himself alone.
TSK -> Num 6:27
TSK: Num 6:27 - -- put my : Exo 3:13-15, Exo 6:3, Exo 34:5-7; Deu 28:10; 2Ch 7:14; Isa 43:7; Jer 14:9; Dan 9:18, Dan 9:19; Mat 28:19
and I will : Num 23:20; Gen 12:2, Ge...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Num 6:22-27
Barnes: Num 6:22-27 - -- The priestly blessing (compare Ecclus. 36:17) is appointed as a solemn form to be used by the priests exclusively, and in this function their office...
The priestly blessing (compare Ecclus. 36:17) is appointed as a solemn form to be used by the priests exclusively, and in this function their office as it were culminates (compare Lev 9:22 note). God Himself provides a formula, through which from time to time, as His people by obedience place themselves in true and right relationship to Him, the authorised mediators may pronounce and communicate His special blessing to them. It was a Jewish tradition that this blessing was given at the close of the daily sacrifice.
The structure of the blessing is remarkable. It is rhythmical, consists of three distinct parts, and mounts by gradual stages to that peace which forms the last and most consummate gift which God can give His people.
From a Christian point of view, and comparing the counterpart benediction of 2Co 13:14, it is impossible not to see shadowed forth the doctrine of the Holy Trinity (compare Isa 6:3; Mat 28:19). And the three several sets of terms correspond fittingly to the office of the Three Persons in Their gracious work for the redemption of man.
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee - The second clause here, as in the other three verses, defines more closely the general tenor of the preceding one. The singular number, which is observed throughout, indicates that the blessing is conferred on Israel "collectively."
Make his face shine - This is an enhancement of the preceding benediction. "The face of God"imports not merely God’ s good will in general, but His active and special regard. With the "face"or "eye of the Lord accordingly is connected alike the judicial visitation of the wicked. Psa 34:16, and His mercies to the righteous Psa 4:6.
Lift up his countenance upon thee - i. e. especially direct His thought and care toward thee: compare 2Ki 9:32, and similar phrases in Gen 43:29; Gen 44:21. Through such loving providence alone could the peace of God in which the blessing closes be given.
Put my name upon the children of Israel - i. e. pronounce My Sacred Name over them in blessing them. God will give effect to the benediction pronounced by the priests.
Poole -> Num 6:27
Poole: Num 6:27 - -- i.e. Shall call them by my name, shall recommend them to me as my own people, and bless them and pray unto me for them as such; which is a powerful ...
i.e. Shall call them by my name, shall recommend them to me as my own people, and bless them and pray unto me for them as such; which is a powerful argument to prevail with God for them, and therefore hath been oft used by the prophets interceding for them, as Jer 14:9 Dan 9:18,19 : compare 1Sa 12:22 . I will bless them; I will ratify their blessings, and give those blessings to the people which the priests pray for.
Haydock -> Num 6:27
Haydock: Num 6:27 - -- Invoke. Hebrew, "they shall name my name (Yehovah, in pronouncing blessings) upon the sons of Israel," which I will ratify. (Haydock) ---
"They sha...
Invoke. Hebrew, "they shall name my name (Yehovah, in pronouncing blessings) upon the sons of Israel," which I will ratify. (Haydock) ---
"They shall place the blessing of my name," &c., Chaldean. They shall praise my name. (Calmet) ---
God authorizes us to use a determinate from of blessing, and grants the effect, when his minister pronounces it, (Worthington) if no obstacle be put by the party. (Haydock)
Gill -> Num 6:27
Gill: Num 6:27 - -- And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel,.... Call them by his name, the people of the Lord; call upon the name of the Lord to bless the...
And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel,.... Call them by his name, the people of the Lord; call upon the name of the Lord to bless them, and pronounce the blessing on them in the name of the Lord, in or by the name Jehovah, as Jarchi, three times used in this form of blessing:
and I will bless them; really and truly bless them bless them with blessings indeed; with all sorts of blessings temporal and spiritual; with solid and substantial ones; and such are blessed, and will remain so, their blessings are irrevocable and irreversible; and unless the Lord blesses, in vain do the priests bless, or any of his ministers pronounce a blessing; theirs lies in words and wishes, his in real facts; they can only pray and wish for the blessing, it is he only that can give it, and can ratify and confirm what they declare and pronounce, according to his revealed word. Some refer the relative "them" to the priests, as if the sense was, I will bless the priests that bless Israel, for God will bless them that bless his people; but Aben Ezra thinks it belongs both to Israel, and to the priests, that God would confirm and establish the blessing of the priests pronounced on Israel, and bless the priests also, who needed the divine blessing as well as the people, and being found in the way of their duty, might expect it: the Targum of Jonathan is,"I will bless them in my Word;''his essential Word, Christ, in whom his chosen ones are blessed with all spiritual blessings, and who is the promised seed, in whom all nations of the earth shall be blessed.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Num 6:27
NET Notes: Num 6:27 The idea of their putting the name of Yahweh on the people is somewhat problematic. The pronouncing of the name of Yahweh in this context over the peo...
Geneva Bible -> Num 6:27
Geneva Bible: Num 6:27 And they shall put my ( m ) name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.
( m ) They shall pray in my Name for them.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Num 6:1-27
TSK Synopsis: Num 6:1-27 - --1 The law of the Nazarite in the days of his separation;13 and after their completion.22 The form of blessing the people.
MHCC -> Num 6:22-27
MHCC: Num 6:22-27 - --The priests were solemnly to bless the people in the name of the Lord. To be under the almighty protection of God our Saviour; to enjoy his favour as ...
Matthew Henry -> Num 6:22-27
Matthew Henry: Num 6:22-27 - -- Here, I. The priests, among other good offices which they were to do, are appointed solemnly to bless the people in the name of the Lord, Num 6:23...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Num 6:27
Keil-Delitzsch: Num 6:27 - --
This blessing was not to remain merely a pious wish, however, but to be manifested in the people with all the power of a blessing from God. This ass...
Constable: Num 1:1--10:36 - --A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the south chs. 1-10
The first 10 chapters in Numbers...

Constable: Num 5:1--9:23 - --2. Commands and rituals to observe in preparation for entering the land chs. 5-9
God gave the fo...