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Text -- Matthew 10:29 (NET)

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10:29 Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Mat 10:29 - -- Two sparrows ( duo strouthia ). Diminutive of strouthos and means any small bird, sparrows in particular. They are sold today in the markets of Jer...

Two sparrows ( duo strouthia ).

Diminutive of strouthos and means any small bird, sparrows in particular. They are sold today in the markets of Jerusalem and Jaffa. "For a farthing"(assariou ) is genitive of price. Only here and Luk 12:6 in the N.T. Diminutive form of the Roman as , slightly more than half an English penny.

Robertson: Mat 10:29 - -- Without your Father ( aneu tou patros hūmōn ). There is comfort in this thought for us all. Our father who knows about the sparrows knows and car...

Without your Father ( aneu tou patros hūmōn ).

There is comfort in this thought for us all. Our father who knows about the sparrows knows and cares about us.

Vincent: Mat 10:29 - -- Sparrows ( στρουθία ) The word is a diminutive, little sparrows, and carries with it a touch of tenderness. At the present day, in th...

Sparrows ( στρουθία )

The word is a diminutive, little sparrows, and carries with it a touch of tenderness. At the present day, in the markets of Jerusalem and Jaffa, long strings of little birds, sparrows and larks, are offered for sale, trussed on long wooden skewers. Edersheim thinks that Jesus may have had reference to the two sparrows which, according to the Rabbins, were used in the ceremonial of purification from leprosy (Lev 14:49-54).

Vincent: Mat 10:29 - -- Shall not fall A Rabbinic legend relates how a certain Rabbi had been for thirteen years hiding from his persecutors in a cave, where he was mira...

Shall not fall

A Rabbinic legend relates how a certain Rabbi had been for thirteen years hiding from his persecutors in a cave, where he was miraculously fed; when he observed that when the bird-catcher laid his snare, the bird escaped or was caught, according as a voice from heaven proclaimed " Mercy" or " Destruction." Arguing that if even a sparrow cannot be caught without heaven's bidding, how much more safe was the life of a son of man, he came forth.

Wesley: Mat 10:29-30 - -- The particular providence of God is another reason for your not fearing man. For this extends to the very smallest things. And if he has such care ove...

The particular providence of God is another reason for your not fearing man. For this extends to the very smallest things. And if he has such care over the most inconsiderable creatures, how much more will he take care of you, (provided you confess him before men, before powerful enemies of the truth,) and that not only in this life, but in the other also? Luk 12:7.

JFB: Mat 10:29 - -- In Luke (Luk 12:6) it is "five sparrows for two farthings"; so that, if the purchaser took two farthings' worth, he got one in addition--of such small...

In Luke (Luk 12:6) it is "five sparrows for two farthings"; so that, if the purchaser took two farthings' worth, he got one in addition--of such small value were they.

JFB: Mat 10:29 - -- Exhausted or killed

Exhausted or killed

JFB: Mat 10:29 - -- "Not one of them is forgotten before God," as it is in Luke (Luk 12:6).

"Not one of them is forgotten before God," as it is in Luke (Luk 12:6).

Clarke: Mat 10:29 - -- Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? - Ασσαριου . A Roman As was one-tenth of a Denarius, which was about sevenpence-halfpenny, and on...

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? - Ασσαριου . A Roman As was one-tenth of a Denarius, which was about sevenpence-halfpenny, and one-tenth of sevenpence-halfpenny makes just three farthings

The word ασσαριον, which we translate farthing, is found among the rabbins in the word עיסר aisar , which, according to Maimonides, is equal to four grains of silver, but is used among them to express a thing of the lowest, or almost no value. Our Lord seems to have borrowed the expression, One of them shall not fall on the ground, etc., from his own countrymen. In Bereshith Rabba, sec. 79, fol. 77, it is said: In the time in which the Jews were compelled to apostatize, Rab. Simeon, Ben. Jochai, and Eliezer his son hid themselves in a cave, and lived upon dry husks. After thirteen years they came out; and, sitting at the mouth of the cave, they observed a fowler stretching his nets to catch birds; and as often as the Bath Kol said דימוס dimos , escape! the bird escaped; but when it said ספקולא spicula , a dart, the bird was taken. Then the rabbin said, Even a bird is not taken without Heaven, i.e. without the will of God, how much less the life of man! The doctrine intended to be inculcated is this: The providence of God extends to the minutest things; every thing is continually under the government and care of God, and nothing occurs without his will or permission; if then he regards sparrows, how much more man, and how much more still the soul that trusts in him

Clarke: Mat 10:29 - -- Fall on the ground - Instead of επι την γην, Origen, Clement, Chrysostom, Juvencus, and six MSS. of Mathai, read εις την παγιδ...

Fall on the ground - Instead of επι την γην, Origen, Clement, Chrysostom, Juvencus, and six MSS. of Mathai, read εις την παγιδα, into a snare. Bengel conjectures that it might have been written at first, επι την παγην ; that the first syllable πα being lost out of the word, γην, the earth, instead of παγην, snare, became the common reading

Clarke: Mat 10:29 - -- Without your Father - Without the will of your Father: της βουλης, the will or counsel, is added here by Origen, Coptic, all the Arabic, l...

Without your Father - Without the will of your Father: της βουλης, the will or counsel, is added here by Origen, Coptic, all the Arabic, latter Persic, Gothic, all the Itala except two; Tert., Iren., Cypr., Novatian, and other Latin fathers. If the evidence be considered as insufficient to entitle it to admission into the text, let it stand there as a supplementary italic word, necessary to make the meaning of the place evident

All things are ordered by the counsel of God. This is a great consolation to those who are tried and afflicted. The belief of an all-wise, all-directing Providence, is a powerful support under the most grievous accidents of life. Nothing escapes his merciful regards, not even the smallest things of which he may be said to be only the creator and preserver; how much less those of whom he is the Father, Savior, and endless felicity! See on Luk 12:7 (note).

Calvin: Mat 10:29 - -- Mat 10:29.Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? Christ proceeds farther, as I have already hinted, and declares that tyrants, whatever may be thei...

Mat 10:29.Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? Christ proceeds farther, as I have already hinted, and declares that tyrants, whatever may be their madness, have no power whatever even over the body: and that therefore it is improper in any persons to dread the cruelty of men, as if they were not under the protection of God. In the midst of dangers, therefore, let us remember this second consolation. As God is the guardian of our life, we may safely rely on his providence; nay, we do him injustice, if we do not entrust to him our life, which he is pleased to take under his charge. Christ takes a general view of the providence of God as extending to all creatures, and thus argues from the greater to the less, that we are upheld by his special protection. There is hardly any thing of less value than sparrows, (for two were then sold for a farthing, or, as Luke states it, five for two farthings,) and yet God has his eye upon them to protect them, so that nothing happens to them by chance. Would He who is careful about the sparrows disregard the life of men?

There are here two things to be observed. First, Christ gives a very different account of the providence of God from what is given by many who talk like the philosophers, and tell us that God governs the world, but yet imagine providence to be a confused sort of arrangement, as if God did not keep his eye on each of the creatures. Now, Christ declares that each of the creatures in particular is under his hand and protection, so that nothing is left to chance. Unquestionably, the will of God is contrasted with contingence or uncertainty 598, And yet we must not be understood to uphold the fate of the Stoics, 599 for it is one thing to imagine a necessity which is involved in a complicated chain of causes, and quite another thing to believe that the world, and every part of it, is directed by the will of God. In the nature of things, I do acknowledge there is uncertainty: 600 but I maintain that nothing happens through a blind revolution of chance, for all is regulated by the will of God.

The second thing to be observed is, that we ought to contemplate Providence, not as curious and fickle persons are wont to do, but as a ground of confidence and excitement to prayer. When he informs us that the hairs of our head are all numbered, it is not to encourage trivial speculations, but to instruct us to depend on the fatherly care of God which is exercised over these frail bodies.

Defender: Mat 10:29 - -- Jesus also said that "five sparrows [are] sold for two farthings" (Luk 12:6). Evidently the sparrow merchants of that day had already introduced the s...

Jesus also said that "five sparrows [are] sold for two farthings" (Luk 12:6). Evidently the sparrow merchants of that day had already introduced the sales method of quantity discounts!

Defender: Mat 10:29 - -- God cares deeply about every creature in His creation. Man has been given dominion over all of them but as a steward, not a spoiler (Gen 1:26-28; Job ...

God cares deeply about every creature in His creation. Man has been given dominion over all of them but as a steward, not a spoiler (Gen 1:26-28; Job 38, 39)."

TSK: Mat 10:29 - -- two : Luk 12:6, Luk 12:7 farthing : ""In value a halfpenny farthing, as being the tenth of the Roman penny.""See note on Mat 18:28. and one : Psa 104:...

two : Luk 12:6, Luk 12:7

farthing : ""In value a halfpenny farthing, as being the tenth of the Roman penny.""See note on Mat 18:28.

and one : Psa 104:27-30

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Mat 10:29-31 - -- Are not two sparrows ... - He encourages them not to fear by two striking considerations: first, that God takes care of sparrows, the smallest ...

Are not two sparrows ... - He encourages them not to fear by two striking considerations: first, that God takes care of sparrows, the smallest and least valuable of birds; and, secondly, by the fact that God numbers even the hairs of the head. The argument is, that if He takes care of birds of the least value, if He regards so small a thing as the hair of the head, and numbers it, He will certainly protect and provide for you. You need not, therefore, fear what man can do to you.

Sparrows - The sparrows are well-known birds in Syria. They are small; they are found in great numbers; they are tame, intrusive, and nestle everywhere. "They are extremely pertinacious in asserting their right of possession, and have not the least reverence for any place or thing. David alludes to these characteristics of the sparrow in Psa 84:1-12, when he complains that they had appropriated even the altars of God for their nests. Concerning himself, he says, I watch, and am as a sparrow upon the housetop, Psa 102:7. When one of them has lost its mate - a matter of everyday occurrence - he will sit on the housetop alone, and lament by the hour his sad bereavement. These birds are snared and caught in great numbers, but, as they are small, and not much relished for food, five sparrows may still be sold for two farthings; and when we see their countless numbers, and the eagerness with which they are destroyed as a worthless nuisance, we can better appreciate the assurance that our heavenly Father, who takes care of them, so that not one can fall to the ground without his notice, will surely take care of us, who are of more value than many sparrows."- " The Land and the Book "(Thomson), vol. i. pp. 52, 53.

Farthing - See the notes at Mat 5:26.

Without your Father - That is, God, your Father, guides and directs its fall. It falls only with His permission, and where He chooses.

Mat 10:30

The very hairs of your head are all numbered - That is, each one has exercised the care and attention of God.

He has fixed the number; and, though of small importance, yet he does not think it beneath him to determine how few or how many they shall be. He will therefore take care of you.

Poole: Mat 10:29-31 - -- Ver. 29-31. Besides, consider, there is a God that governs the world, and by his providence influences and watcheth over the most minute and invaluab...

Ver. 29-31. Besides, consider, there is a God that governs the world, and by his providence influences and watcheth over the most minute and invaluable beings in it, and preserveth and upholdeth them; it extendeth to the very hairs of your head, and to a sparrow (two of which are sold ordinarily for an assarion, the tenth part of a Roman penny): these little birds fall not when they are shot, without the notice of him who is your heavenly Father, and he will much more regard even your bodies, for you are of more value than many sparrows. Our Lord here,

1. Asserts the providence of God to extend to the most minute things, not to be restrained to things in heaven, or some greater and more noble creatures.

2. He teacheth his disciples to take courage from the consideration of it, as being assured that their greatest enemies should not be able to steal or wrest them out of God’ s hands. But if they should die in their testimony, it should be by God’ s ordering.

Haydock: Mat 10:29 - -- Are not two sparrows? The sense is, sparrows are of very small value, and yet divine Providence defends and feeds them; how much more, therefore, wi...

Are not two sparrows? The sense is, sparrows are of very small value, and yet divine Providence defends and feeds them; how much more, therefore, will not God take care of you, who so far excel them? No one, therefore, will be able to rob you of life without God's permission. (Menochius)

Gill: Mat 10:29 - -- Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?.... A farthing, with the Jews, was a very small coin; according to them it contained four grains of silver b...

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?.... A farthing, with the Jews, was a very small coin; according to them it contained four grains of silver b; was the ninety sixth part of a "sela", or shilling c; and sometimes they make it to be of the same value with an Italian farthing: for they say d, it is of the value of eight "prutahs": and a "prutah" is the eighth part of an Italian farthing: it is used proverbially to signify a very little thing in the Misna e;

"if of a command, which is light כאיסר "as a farthing", which Bartenora explains a "very little thing", the law says, "that it may be well with thee", much more of the weighty commands in the law.''

Hence, in Munster's Hebrew Gospel, it is rendered by טבע קטון, "a little piece of money"; and this was the common price of two sparrows. Our Lord appeals to his disciples, for the truth of it, as a thing well known: according to the question in Luke, five sparrows were sold for two farthings, which makes them somewhat cheaper still. This shows they were of little account.

And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father: some copies add, "which is in heaven"; meaning, that one of them should not be shot, or be killed, without the knowledge, will, and pleasure of God. The design of Christ is to assert the doctrine of providence, as reaching to all creatures and things, even the most minute and worthless: he instances not in men, nor in the beasts of the field, but in the fowls of the air, and in those of the inferior sort, and more useless, in sparrows, yea in little sparrows; as the word may be rendered; whose price was so low, that two are obliged to be put together to fetch the least sum of money current: and yet the providence of God is concerned with each of these; so that not one of them is taken in a snare, or killed with a stone, or shot flying, or sitting, but by the will of God: from whence it may be strongly concluded, that nothing comes by chance; that there is no such thing as contingency with respect to God, though there is to men, with respect to second causes; that all things are firmly ordained by the purpose of God, and are wisely ordered by his providence: and our Lord's further view is, from this consideration, to animate his disciples to a free, open, and constant preaching of his Gospel, not regarding their lives for his sake; for since their heavenly Father, in his providence, takes care of the meanest, even of the most irrational creatures, so that the life of one of them is not taken away without his will, much more will he take care of them; nor could their valuable lives be lost without his will and pleasure. Much such a way of arguing is used by the Jews, who f say, צפור מבלעדי שמיא לא יבדא כל שכן בר נשא, "a bird without God does not perish, much less a man"; or, as it is elsewhere g expressed,

"a bird "without God" is not hunted, or taken, how much less does the soul of a man go out of him?''

And again h,

"a bird "without God" does not fly away, much less the soul of a man.''

Two birds, or sparrows, as the word may be rendered, in Lev 14:4 were used in cleansing the leper; one was killed, and the other let loose into the open field: and though it might be a contingent thing with men which was killed, and which preserved, yet not with God; and some think the allusion is here to that case.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Mat 10:29 Or “to the ground without the knowledge and consent of your Father.”

Geneva Bible: Mat 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a ( o ) farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. ( o ) The fourth part of an ounce o...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Mat 10:1-42 - --1 Christ sends out his twelve apostles, enabling them with power to do miracles;5 giving them their charge, teaches them;16 comforts them against pers...

Maclaren: Mat 10:16-31 - --The Widened Mission, Its Perils And Defences Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless...

MHCC: Mat 10:16-42 - --Our Lord warned his disciples to prepare for persecution. They were to avoid all things which gave advantage to their enemies, all meddling with world...

Matthew Henry: Mat 10:16-42 - -- All these verses relate to the sufferings of Christ's ministers in their work, which they are here taught to expect, and prepare for; they are direc...

Barclay: Mat 10:26-31 - --Three times in this short passage Jesus bids his disciples not to be afraid. In the King's messenger there must be a certain courageous fearlessness ...

Barclay: Mat 10:26-31 - --(ii) The second commandment is in Mat 10:28. To put it very simply, what Jesus is saying is that no punishment that men can ever lay upon a man can ...

Barclay: Mat 10:26-31 - --(iii) The third commandment not to fear is in Mat 10:31; and it is based on the certainty of the detailed care of God. If God cares for the sparrows...

Constable: Mat 8:1--11:2 - --III. The manifestation of the King 8:1--11:1 "Matthew has laid the foundational structure for his argument in ch...

Constable: Mat 9:35--11:2 - --B. Declarations of the King's presence 9:35-11:1 The heart of this section contains Jesus' charge to His...

Constable: Mat 10:5-42 - --3. Jesus' charge concerning His apostles' mission 10:5-42 Matthew proceeded to record Jesus' sec...

Constable: Mat 10:26-39 - --The attitudes of the disciples 10:26-39 (cf. Luke 12:1-12) Even though Jesus' disciples would encounter hostile opposition, they should fear God more ...

College: Mat 10:1-42 - --MATTHEW 10 F. A CALL TO MISSION (9:35-10:4) (Continued) 10:1. Remarkably, the disciple's prayer for additional workers is answered by Jesus taking a...

Lapide: Mat 10:1-42 - --CHAPTER 10 And when He had called, &c. Observe that Christ, out of all His disciples, chose principally twelve, as S. Luke shows more at length (vi. ...

Lapide: Mat 10:21-42 - --Brother shall deliver the brother to death, &c. Because they believe in Me and preach Me. Christ fortifies beforehand the Apostles and believers by pr...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Matthew (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW By Way of Introduction The passing years do not make it any plainer who actually wrote our Greek Matthew. Papias r...

JFB: Matthew (Book Introduction) THE author of this Gospel was a publican or tax gatherer, residing at Capernaum, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. As to his identity with t...

JFB: Matthew (Outline) GENEALOGY OF CHRIST. ( = Luke 3:23-38). (Mat. 1:1-17) BIRTH OF CHRIST. (Mat 1:18-25) VISIT OF THE MAGI TO JERUSALEM AND BETHLEHEM. (Mat 2:1-12) THE F...

TSK: Matthew (Book Introduction) Matthew, being one of the twelve apostles, and early called to the apostleship, and from the time of his call a constant attendant on our Saviour, was...

TSK: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Mat 10:1, Christ sends out his twelve apostles, enabling them with power to do miracles; Mat 10:5, giving them their charge, teaches them...

Poole: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 10

MHCC: Matthew (Book Introduction) Matthew, surnamed Levi, before his conversion was a publican, or tax-gatherer under the Romans at Capernaum. He is generally allowed to have written h...

MHCC: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) (Mat 10:1-4) The apostles called. (Mat 10:5-15) The apostles instructed and sent forth. (v. 16-42) Directions to the apostles.

Matthew Henry: Matthew (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Matthew We have now before us, I. The New Testament of our Lord and Savior...

Matthew Henry: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) This chapter is an ordination sermon, which our Lord Jesus preached, when he advanced his twelve disciples to the degree and dignity of apostles. I...

Barclay: Matthew (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT MATTHEW The Synoptic Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke are usually known as the Synoptic Gospels. Synopt...

Barclay: Matthew 10 (Chapter Introduction) The Messengers Of The King (Mat_10:1-4) The Making Of The Messengers (Mat_10:1-4 Continued) The Commission Of The King's Messenger (Mat_10:5-8) T...

Constable: Matthew (Book Introduction) Introduction The Synoptic Problem The synoptic problem is intrinsic to all study of th...

Constable: Matthew (Outline) Outline I. The introduction of the King 1:1-4:11 A. The King's genealogy 1:1-17 ...

Constable: Matthew Matthew Bibliography Abbott-Smith, G. A. A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament. Edinburgh: T. & T. Cl...

Haydock: Matthew (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW INTRODUCTION. THIS and other titles, with the names of those that wrote the Gospels,...

Gill: Matthew (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO MATTHEW The subject of this book, and indeed of all the writings of the New Testament, is the Gospel. The Greek word ευαγγελ...

College: Matthew (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION HISTORY OF INTERPRETATION It may surprise the modern reader to realize that for the first two centuries of the Christian era, Matthew's...

College: Matthew (Outline) OUTLINE I. ESTABLISHING THE IDENTITY AND ROLE OF JESUS THE CHRIST - Matt 1:1-4:16 A. Genealogy of Jesus - 1:1-17 B. The Annunciation to Joseph...

Lapide: Matthew (Book Introduction) PREFACE. —————— IN presenting to the reader the Second Volume [Matt X to XXI] of this Translation of the great work of Cornelius à Lapi...

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