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Text -- Matthew 4:19 (NET)

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4:19 He said to them, “Follow me, and I will turn you into fishers of people.”
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Lightfoot , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Mat 4:19 - -- Fishers of men ( haleeis anthrōpōn ). Andrew and Simon were fishers by trade. They had already become disciples of Jesus (Joh 1:35-42), but now t...

Fishers of men ( haleeis anthrōpōn ).

Andrew and Simon were fishers by trade. They had already become disciples of Jesus (Joh 1:35-42), but now they are called upon to leave their business and to follow Jesus in his travels and work. These two brothers promptly (eutheōs ) accepted the call and challenge of Jesus.

JFB: Mat 4:19 - -- Rather, as the same expression is rendered in Mark, "Come ye after Me" (Mar 1:17).

Rather, as the same expression is rendered in Mark, "Come ye after Me" (Mar 1:17).

JFB: Mat 4:19 - -- Raising them from a lower to a higher fishing, as David was from a lower to a higher feeding (Psa 78:70-72).

Raising them from a lower to a higher fishing, as David was from a lower to a higher feeding (Psa 78:70-72).

Clarke: Mat 4:19 - -- Follow me - Come after me, δευτε οπισω μου . Receive my doctrines, imitate me in my conduct - in every respect be my disciples. We may...

Follow me - Come after me, δευτε οπισω μου . Receive my doctrines, imitate me in my conduct - in every respect be my disciples. We may observe that most of the calls of God to man are expressed in a few solemn words, which alarm, the conscience, and deeply impress the heart

Clarke: Mat 4:19 - -- I will make you fishers of men - Eze 47:8-10, casts much light on this place; and to this prophet our Lord probably alludes. To follow Christ, and b...

I will make you fishers of men - Eze 47:8-10, casts much light on this place; and to this prophet our Lord probably alludes. To follow Christ, and be admitted into a partnership of his ministry, is a great honor; but those only who are by himself fitted for it, God calls. Miserable are those who do not wait fur this call - who presume to take the name of fishers of men, and know not how to cast the net of the Divine word, because not brought to an acquaintance with the saving power of the God who bought them. Such persons, having only their secular interest in view, study not to catch men, but to catch money: and though, for charity’ s sake, it may be said of a pastor of this spirit, he does not enter the sheepfold as a thief, yet he certainly lives as a hireling. See Quesnel

Some teach to work, but have no hands to row

Some will be eyes, but have no light to see

Some will be guides, but have no feet to go

Some deaf, yet ears, some dumb, yet tongues will be

Dumb, deaf, lame, blind, and maimed, yet fishers all

Fit for no use but store an hospital

Fletcher’ s Piscatory Eclogues. Ec iv. 5, 18

Following a person, in the Jewish phrase, signifies being his disciple or scholar. See a similar mode of speech, 2Ki 6:19.

TSK: Mat 4:19 - -- Follow : Mat 8:22, Mat 9:9, Mat 16:24, Mat 19:21; Mar 2:14; Luk 5:27, Luk 9:59; Joh 1:43, Joh 12:26; Joh 21:22 I will : Eze 47:9, Eze 47:10; Mar 1:17,...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Mat 4:19 - -- Fishers of men - Ministers or preachers of the gospel, whose business it shall be to win souls to Christ.

Fishers of men - Ministers or preachers of the gospel, whose business it shall be to win souls to Christ.

Poole: Mat 4:19 - -- Here was their call to the office of apostles. It is observable that God’ s calls of men to places of dignity and honour, and his appearances o...

Here was their call to the office of apostles. It is observable that God’ s calls of men to places of dignity and honour, and his appearances of favour to them, have ordinarily been when they have been busied in the honest employments of their callings. Saul was seeking his father’ s asses, David keeping his father’ s sheep, when the Lord called them to the kingdom. The shepherds were feeding their flocks when they had the revelation of Christ. He calleth four apostles from their fishery; Amos from amongst the herdmen of Tekoa; Matthew from the receipt of custom; Moses when keeping Jethro’ s flock, Exo 3:1,2 ; Gideon from the threshing floor, Jud 6:11 . God never encourages idleness, but despiseth not persons in meanest employments.

Follow me that is, to return no more to your employment.

I will make you fishers of men: here is the work of ministers set out, to gain souls to God; they are not to fish merely for a livelihood, much less for honour and applause to themselves, but to win souls to God, and are to bait their hooks and order their nets to this end, which they will never serve, if either by general discourses they make the meshes so wide that all will dart through them, or if by their wit and learning they make their discourses so fine and curious that few or none of their hearers can understand them. Nor will all our art make us fishers of men: I will make you, saith Christ. Paul may plant, and Apollos may water, God must give the increase. But yet we must order our nets rationally and probably in order to our end, and without that cannot expect God’ s blessings. Nor were the apostles presently to enter upon the work of the ministry, but first to follow him. And indeed such should all gospel ministers be. In the choice of Matthias, Peter limited the people in their election to those that had accompanied with them all the time the Lord Jesus went in and out amongst them, Act 1:21 . Other ministers commonly prove fishers for something else, not for the souls of men.

Lightfoot: Mat 4:19 - -- And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.   [Fishers of men.] This phrase is something agreeable with that o...

And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.   

[Fishers of men.] This phrase is something agreeable with that of Maimonides upon the Talmud, A fisher of the law.

Haydock: Mat 4:19 - -- Jesus Christ here makes an allusion to the prior occupation of his apostles. David, in his Psalms, makes similar allusions to his former occupation o...

Jesus Christ here makes an allusion to the prior occupation of his apostles. David, in his Psalms, makes similar allusions to his former occupation of shepherd: "He took him from the flocks of sheep, he brought him from following the ewes big with young, to feed Jacob, his servant, and Israel, his inheritance." (Psalm lxxvii. ver. 70.) (Menochius)

Gill: Mat 4:19 - -- And he saith unto them, follow me,.... These two brethren had been the disciples of John, as Theophylact thinks, and which seems agreeable to Joh 1:35...

And he saith unto them, follow me,.... These two brethren had been the disciples of John, as Theophylact thinks, and which seems agreeable to Joh 1:35 and though through John's pointing out Christ unto them, they had some knowledge of him, and conversation with him, yet they abode with him but for that day, Joh 1:37 and afterwards returned to their master; and upon his imprisonment, betook themselves to their former employment: from whence Christ now calls them to be his disciples, saying "follow me", or "come after me": that is, be a disciple of mine; see Luk 14:27. And to encourage them to it, makes use of this argument; "and", or "for", I "will make you fishers of men": you shall be fishers still, but in a higher sense; and in a far more noble employment, and to much better purpose. The net they were to spread and cast was the Gospel, see Mat 13:47 for Christ made them not דייגי תורה, "fishers of the law", to use the words of Maimonides g, but fishers of the Gospel. The sea into which they were to cast the net was first Judea, and then the whole world; the fish they were to catch were the souls of men, both among Jews and Gentiles; of whose conversion and faith they were to be the happy instruments: now none could make them fishers in this sense, or fit them for such service, and succeed them in it, but Christ; and who here promises it unto them.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Mat 4:19 The kind of fishing envisioned was net – not line – fishing (cf. v. 18; cf. also BDAG 55 s.v. ἀμφιβάλ&...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Mat 4:1-25 - --1 Christ, fasting forty days, is tempted of the devil and ministered unto by angels.12 He dwells in Capernaum;17 begins to preach;18 calls Peter and A...

MHCC: Mat 4:18-22 - --When Christ began to preach, he began to gather disciples, who should be hearers, and afterwards preachers of his doctrine, who should be witnesses of...

Matthew Henry: Mat 4:18-22 - -- When Christ began to preach, he began to gather disciples, who should now be the hearers, and hereafter the preachers, of his doctrine, who sh...

Barclay: Mat 4:18-22 - --All Galilee centered round the Sea of Galilee. It is thirteen miles long from north to south, and eight miles across from east to west. The Sea of ...

Constable: Mat 4:12-25 - --A. The beginning of Jesus' ministry 4:12-25 Matthew gave much prominence to Jesus' teachings in his Gosp...

Constable: Mat 4:18-22 - --3. The call of four disciples 4:18-22 (cf. Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11) The calling of these four men shows Jesus' authority over people. The response o...

College: Mat 4:1-25 - --MATTHEW 4 F. THE TESTING OF THE SON (4:1-11) 1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2 After fasting forty da...

McGarvey: Mat 4:18-21 - -- XXX. JESUS CALLS FOUR FISHERMEN TO FOLLOW HIM. (Sea of Galilee, near Capernaum.) aMATT. IV. 18-22; bMARK I. 16-20; cLUKE V. 1-11.    ...

Lapide: Mat 4:1-25 - --CHAPTER 4 By the devil. Syriac, by the accuser, Gr. διάβολος, accuser, calumniator. For Satan is he who accuses men before God perpetually...

Lapide: Mat 4:14-25 - --The people that sat in darkness, &c. I have expounded this prophecy at length in Isa 9:1: which see. From that time Jesus began, &c. This was the sum...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Matthew (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW By Way of Introduction The passing years do not make it any plainer who actually wrote our Greek Matthew. Papias r...

JFB: Matthew (Book Introduction) THE author of this Gospel was a publican or tax gatherer, residing at Capernaum, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. As to his identity with t...

JFB: Matthew (Outline) GENEALOGY OF CHRIST. ( = Luke 3:23-38). (Mat. 1:1-17) BIRTH OF CHRIST. (Mat 1:18-25) VISIT OF THE MAGI TO JERUSALEM AND BETHLEHEM. (Mat 2:1-12) THE F...

TSK: Matthew (Book Introduction) Matthew, being one of the twelve apostles, and early called to the apostleship, and from the time of his call a constant attendant on our Saviour, was...

TSK: Matthew 4 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Mat 4:1, Christ, fasting forty days, is tempted of the devil and ministered unto by angels; Mat 4:12, He dwells in Capernaum; Mat 4:17, b...

Poole: Matthew 4 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 4

MHCC: Matthew (Book Introduction) Matthew, surnamed Levi, before his conversion was a publican, or tax-gatherer under the Romans at Capernaum. He is generally allowed to have written h...

MHCC: Matthew 4 (Chapter Introduction) (Mat 4:1-11) The temptation of Christ. (Mat 4:12-17) The opening of Christ's ministry in Galilee. (Mat 4:18-22) Call of Simon and others. (Mat 4:23...

Matthew Henry: Matthew (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Matthew We have now before us, I. The New Testament of our Lord and Savior...

Matthew Henry: Matthew 4 (Chapter Introduction) John Baptist said concerning Christ, He must increase, but I must decrease; and so it proved. For, after John had baptized Christ, and borne his te...

Barclay: Matthew (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT MATTHEW The Synoptic Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke are usually known as the Synoptic Gospels. Synopt...

Barclay: Matthew 4 (Chapter Introduction) The Testing Time (Mat_4:1-11) The Temptations Of Christ (Mat_4:1-11 Continued) The Sacred Story (Mat_4:1-11 Continued) The Attack Of The Tempter...

Constable: Matthew (Book Introduction) Introduction The Synoptic Problem The synoptic problem is intrinsic to all study of th...

Constable: Matthew (Outline) Outline I. The introduction of the King 1:1-4:11 A. The King's genealogy 1:1-17 ...

Constable: Matthew Matthew Bibliography Abbott-Smith, G. A. A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament. Edinburgh: T. & T. Cl...

Haydock: Matthew (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW INTRODUCTION. THIS and other titles, with the names of those that wrote the Gospels,...

Gill: Matthew (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO MATTHEW The subject of this book, and indeed of all the writings of the New Testament, is the Gospel. The Greek word ευαγγελ...

College: Matthew (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION HISTORY OF INTERPRETATION It may surprise the modern reader to realize that for the first two centuries of the Christian era, Matthew's...

College: Matthew (Outline) OUTLINE I. ESTABLISHING THE IDENTITY AND ROLE OF JESUS THE CHRIST - Matt 1:1-4:16 A. Genealogy of Jesus - 1:1-17 B. The Annunciation to Joseph...

Lapide: Matthew (Book Introduction) PREFACE. —————— IN presenting to the reader the Second Volume [Matt X to XXI] of this Translation of the great work of Cornelius à Lapi...

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