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Text -- Mark 16:2 (NET)

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16:2 And very early on the first day of the week, at sunrise, they went to the tomb.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Women | Salome | Sabbath | Rising | Resurrection of Christ | Persecution | Mary | MARY MAGDALENE | LORD'S DAY | Jesus, The Christ | JESUS CHRIST, 4F | FIRST | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Lightfoot , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

Contradiction , Critics Ask

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Mar 16:2 - -- When the sun was risen ( anateilantos tou hēliou ). Genitive absolute, aorist participle, though some manuscripts read anatellontos , present parti...

When the sun was risen ( anateilantos tou hēliou ).

Genitive absolute, aorist participle, though some manuscripts read anatellontos , present participle. Luk 24:1 has it "at early dawn"(orthrou batheos ) and Joh 20:1 "while it was yet dark."It was some two miles from Bethany to the tomb. Mark himself gives both notes of time, "very early"(lian prōi ), "when the sun was risen."Probably they started while it was still dark and the sun was coming up when they arrived at the tomb. All three mention that it was on the first day of the week, our Sunday morning when the women arrive. The body of Jesus was buried late on Friday before the sabbath (our Saturday) which began at sunset. This is made clear as a bell by Luk 23:54 "and the sabbath drew on."The women rested on the sabbath (Luk 23:56). This visit of the women was in the early morning of our Sunday, the first day of the week. Some people are greatly disturbed over the fact that Jesus did not remain in the grave full seventy-two hours. But he repeatedly said that he would rise on the third day and that is precisely what happened. He was buried on Friday afternoon. He was risen on Sunday morning. If he had really remained in the tomb full three days and then had risen after that, it would have been on the fourth day, not on the third day. The occasional phrase "after three days"is merely a vernacular idiom common in all languages and not meant to be exact and precise like "on the third day."We can readily understand "after three days"in the sense of "on the third day."It is impossible to understand "on the third day"to be "on the fourth day."See my Harmony of the Gospels , pp. 289-91.

Vincent: Mar 16:2 - -- At the rising of the sun ( ἀνατείλαντος τοῦ ἡλίου ) More correctly, as Rev., when the sun was risen.

At the rising of the sun ( ἀνατείλαντος τοῦ ἡλίου )

More correctly, as Rev., when the sun was risen.

Wesley: Mar 16:2 - -- They set out while it was yet dark, and came within sight of the sepulchre, for the first time, just as it grew light enough to discern that the stone...

They set out while it was yet dark, and came within sight of the sepulchre, for the first time, just as it grew light enough to discern that the stone was rolled away, Mat 28:1; Luk 24:1; Joh 20:1. But by the time Mary had called Peter and John, and they had viewed the sepulchre, the sun was rising.

JFB: Mar 16:2 - -- (See on Mat 28:1).

(See on Mat 28:1).

JFB: Mar 16:2 - -- Not quite literally, but "at earliest dawn"; according to a way of speaking not uncommon, and occurring sometimes in the Old Testament. Thus our Lord ...

Not quite literally, but "at earliest dawn"; according to a way of speaking not uncommon, and occurring sometimes in the Old Testament. Thus our Lord rose on the third day; having lain in the grave part of Friday, the whole of Saturday, and part of the following First day.

Clarke: Mar 16:2 - -- Very early in the morning, - This was the time they left their own houses, and by the rising of the sun they got to the tomb. As the preceding day w...

Very early in the morning, - This was the time they left their own houses, and by the rising of the sun they got to the tomb. As the preceding day was the Sabbath, they could not, consistently with the observances of that day, approach the tomb. See the concluding notes at the end of John

The following observations from Lightfoot will serve to illustrate this subject

"The distinction of the twilight among the rabbins was this: -

"I.    איילחא השחרא The hinde of the morning - the first appearance. R. Chaiia Rab, and R. Simeon ben Chalaphta, travelling together on a certain morning in the valley of Arbel, saw the hinde of the morning, that its light spread the sky. R. Chaiia said, Such shall be the redemption of Israel. First, it goes forward by degrees, and by little and little; but by how much the more it shall go forward, by so much the more it shall increase. It was at that time that Christ arose, namely, in the first morning, as may be gathered from the words of St. Matthew. And to this the title of the 22d Psalm seems to have respect - על איילת השחר . See also Rev 22:16, I am the bright and morning star. And now you may imagine the women went out of their houses towards the sepulchre

"II.    משיכיר בי הכלת ללב When one may distinguish between purple color and white. From what time do they recite their phylacterical prayers in the morning? From that time that one may distinguish between purple color and white. R. Eliezer saith, Between purple color and green. Before this time was obscurum adhue caeptae lucis , the obscurity of the begun light, as Tacitus’ s expression is

"III.    משיארו המזרח When the east begins to lighten

"IV.    בנץ החמה Sunrise; from the hinde of the morning going forth, until the east begins to lighten; and from the time the east begins to lighten, until sunrise, etc

"According to these four parts of time, one might not improperly suit the four phrases of the evangelists. According to the first, Matthew’ s, Τῃ επιφωσκουσῃ, As it began to dawn. According to the second, John’ s, Πρωΐ σκοτιας ετι ουσης, Early in the morning when it was yet dark. To the third, Luke’ s, Ορθρου βαθεως, Very early in the morning. To the fourth, Mark’ s, Λιαν πρωΐ, Very early in the morning. And yet, Ανατειλαντος του ἡλιου, At the rising of the sun. For the women came twice to the sepulchre, as St. John teaches, by whom the other evangelists are to be explained; which being well considered, the reconciling them together is very easy."

TSK: Mar 16:2 - -- Mr. West supposes that the women made two different visits to the sepulchre, and, in consequence of that, two distinct reports to the disciples; that ...

Mr. West supposes that the women made two different visits to the sepulchre, and, in consequence of that, two distinct reports to the disciples; that Mary Magdalene, with the other Mary and Salome, set out not only early, but very early in the morning, λιαν [Strong’ s G3029], πρωι [Strong’ s G4404], i.e., before the time appointed to meet Joanna and the other women there. (Luk 24:10). This interpretation, which is adopted by several eminent writers, is very probable, and reconciles the apparent discrepancy in the evangelists.

Mat 28:1; Luk 24:1; Joh 20:1

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Mar 16:1-8 - -- See this passage explained in the notes at Mat 28:1-8. Mar 16:1 Sweet spices - "Aromatics."Substances used in embalming. The idea of swee...

See this passage explained in the notes at Mat 28:1-8.

Mar 16:1

Sweet spices - "Aromatics."Substances used in embalming. The idea of sweetness is not, however, implied in the original. Many of the substances used for embalming were "bitter"- as, for example, myrrh - and none of them, perhaps, could properly be called "sweet."The word "spices"expresses all that there is in the original.

Anoint him - Embalm him, or apply these spices to his body to keep it from putrefaction. This is proof that they did not suppose he would rise again; and the fact that they did not "expect"he would rise, gives more strength to the evidence for his resurrection.

Mar 16:4

It was very great - These words belong to the third verse: "Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?"for, the evangelist adds, it was very great.

Mar 16:5

Sitting on the right side - As they entered. The sepulchre was large enough to admit persons to go into it; not unlike, in that respect, our vaults.

Mar 16:7

Tell his disciples and Peter - It is remarkable that Peter is singled out for special notice. It was proof of the kindness and mercy of the Lord Jesus. Peter, just before the death of Jesus, had denied him. He had brought dishonor on his profession of attachment to him. It would have been right if the Lord Jesus had from that moment cast him off and noticed him no more. But he loved him still. Having loved him once, he loved unto the end, Joh 13:1. As a proof that he forgave him and still loved him, he sent him this "special"message - the assurance that though he had denied him, and had done much to aggravate his sufferings, yet he had risen, and was still his Lord and Redeemer. We are not to infer, because the angel said, "Tell his disciples and Peter,"that Peter was not still a disciple. The meaning is, "Tell his disciples, and especially Peter,"sending to him a particular message. Peter was still a disciple. Before his fall, Jesus had prayed for him that his faith should not fail Luk 22:32; and as the prayer of Jesus was "always"heard Joh 11:42, so it follows that Peter still retained faith sufficient to be a disciple, though he was suffered to fall into sin.

See this passage explained in the notes at Mat 28:1-8.

Tell his disciples and Peter - It is remarkable that Peter is singled out for special notice. It was proof of the kindness and mercy of the Lord Jesus. Peter, just before the death of Jesus, had denied him. He had brought dishonor on his profession of attachment to him. It would have been right if the Lord Jesus had from that moment cast him off and noticed him no more. But he loved him still. Having loved him once, he loved unto the end, Joh 13:1. As a proof that he forgave him and still loved him, he sent him this "special"message - the assurance that though he had denied him, and had done much to aggravate his sufferings, yet he had risen, and was still his Lord and Redeemer. We are not to infer, because the angel said, "Tell his disciples and Peter,"that Peter was not still a disciple. The meaning is, "Tell his disciples, and especially Peter,"sending to him a particular message. Peter was still a disciple. Before his fall, Jesus had prayed for him that his faith should not fail Luk 22:32; and as the prayer of Jesus was "always"heard Joh 11:42, so it follows that Peter still retained faith sufficient to be a disciple, though he was suffered to fall into sin.

Lightfoot: Mar 16:2 - -- And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.   [And very early in the m...

And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.   

[And very early in the morning, etc.] the distinction of the twilight among the Rabbins was this:  

I. The hind [cerva] of the morning; the first appearance of light. "R. Chaija Rabba, and R. Simeon Ben Chalaphta, travelling together in a certain morning, in the valley of Arbel, saw the hind of the morning; that its light spread the sky. R. Chaija said, Such shall be the redemption of Israel. First, It goes forward by degrees, and by little and little; but by how much the more it shall go forward, by so much the more it shall increase."  

It was at that time that Christ arose; namely, in the first morning; as may be gathered from the words of Matthew. And to this the title of the two-and-twentieth Psalm seems to have respect. See also Rev 22:16; "I am the bright and morning star." And now you may imagine the women went out of their houses towards the sepulchre.  

II. When one may distinguish between purple colour and white. "From what time do they recite their phylacterical prayers in the morning? From that time, that one may distinguish between purple colour and white. R. Eliezer saith, Between purple colour and green." Before this time was the obscurity of the begun light; as Tacitus' expression is.  

III. When the east begins to lighten.  

IV. Sunrise. "From the hind of the morning going forth, until the east begins to lighten; and from the time the east begins to lighten, until sunrise," etc.  

According to these four parts of time, one might not improperly suit the four phrases of the evangelists. According to the first, Matthew's, as it began to dawn. According to the second, John's, early in the morning, when it was yet dark. To the third, Luke's, very early in the morning. To the fourth, Mark's, very early in the morning; and yet at the rising of the sun.  

For the women came twice to the sepulchre, as John teacheth; by whom the other evangelists are to be explained: which being well considered, the reconciling them together is very easy.

Haydock: Mar 16:2 - -- St. Marks says very early, the sun being now risen, whereas St. John tells us that it was yet dark. But when St. Mark says the sun was risen, he mean...

St. Marks says very early, the sun being now risen, whereas St. John tells us that it was yet dark. But when St. Mark says the sun was risen, he means that it began, by its approach to the horizon, to enlighten the heavens, at which time there is still darkness remaining, (according to St. John) which decreases as light approaches the earth. (St. Augustine)

Gill: Mar 16:2 - -- And very early in the morning, the first day of the week,.... See Gill on Mat 28:1. They came to the sepulchre at the rising of the sun; of the sun...

And very early in the morning, the first day of the week,.... See Gill on Mat 28:1.

They came to the sepulchre at the rising of the sun; of the sun of righteousness, as Mr. Mede observes; or rather, of the natural sun: for though it was dark when they set out, and when it dawned towards the first day, yet by that time that they all got to the sepulchre, the sun was rising; the Jews say g, that

"from the ascending of the morning, or break of day, until the sun rises, is an hour and a half.''

And so much time may very well be allowed the women, from their setting out, to their coming to the sepulchre. Moreover, they say h, that

"from the hind of the morning, to the time the east is enlightened, a man may walk four miles, and from the time that the east is enlightened, עד שתנץ החמה, "until the sun rises", four miles.''

But women must not be thought to walk so fast: let it be observed, that Christ, who is called the hind of the morning, Psa 22:1 (title, "Aijeleth Shahar"), and the morning star, Rev 22:16, rose at this time.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Mar 16:1-20 - --1 An Angel declares the resurrection of Christ to three women.9 Christ himself appears to Mary Magdalene;12 to two going into the country;14 then to t...

Maclaren: Mar 16:1-13 - --The Incredulous Disciples And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salerno, had bought sweet spices, that the...

MHCC: Mar 16:1-8 - --Nicodemus brought a large quantity of spices, but these good women did not think that enough. The respect others show to Christ, should not hinder us ...

Matthew Henry: Mar 16:1-8 - -- Never was there such a sabbath since the sabbath was first instituted as this was, which the first words of this chapter tell us was now past; d...

Barclay: Mar 16:1-8 - --There had not been time to render the last services to the body of Jesus. The Sabbath had intervened and the women who wished to anoint the body had ...

Constable: Mar 16:1-20 - --VIII. The Servant's resurrection ch. 16 The resurrection of Jesus is the climax of Mark's Gospel as it is the hi...

Constable: Mar 16:1-8 - --A. The announcement of Jesus' resurrection 16:1-8 (cf. Matt. 28:1-8; Luke 24:1-8; John 20:1) 16:1 The Sabbath ended with sundown Saturday evening. The...

College: Mar 16:1-20 - --MARK 16 P. THE RESURRECTION (16:1-8) 1 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they mi...


Lapide: Mar 16:1-20 - --CHAPTER XVI.  1 An angel declareth the resurrection of Christ to three women. 9 Christ himself appeareth to Mary Magdalene : 12 to two going into...

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Commentary -- Other

Contradiction: Mar 16:2 83. Did the women visit the tomb "toward the dawn" (Matthew 28:1), or "When the sun had risen" (Mark 16:2)? (Category: the texts are compatible wit...

Critics Ask: Mar 16:2 MARK 16:2 —Was Mary at the tomb before sunrise or after? PROBLEM: Mark states that Mary was there “very early in the morning … when the sun...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Mark (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK By Way of Introduction One of the clearest results of modern critical study of the Gospels is the early date of Mark...

JFB: Mark (Book Introduction) THAT the Second Gospel was written by Mark is universally agreed, though by what Mark, not so. The great majority of critics take the writer to be "Jo...


TSK: Mark 16 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Mar 16:1, An Angel declares the resurrection of Christ to three women; Mar 16:9, Christ himself appears to Mary Magdalene; Mar 16:12, to ...

Poole: Mark 16 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 16

MHCC: Mark (Book Introduction) Mark was a sister's son to Barnabas, Col 4:10; and Act 12:12 shows that he was the son of Mary, a pious woman of Jerusalem, at whose house the apostle...

MHCC: Mark 16 (Chapter Introduction) (Mar 16:1-8) Christ's resurrection made known the women. (Mar 16:9-13) Christ appears to Mary Magdalene and other disciples. (Mar 16:14-18) His comm...

Matthew Henry: Mark (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Mark We have heard the evidence given in by the first witness to the doctri...

Matthew Henry: Mark 16 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter, we have a short account of the resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus: and the joys and triumphs which it furnished all beli...

Barclay: Mark (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT MARK The Synoptic Gospels The first three gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke, are always known as the s...

Barclay: Mark 16 (Chapter Introduction) Tell Peter (Mar_16:1-8) The Commission Of The Church (Mar_16:9-20)

Constable: Mark (Book Introduction) Introduction Writer The writer did not identify himself as the writer anywhere in this...

Constable: Mark (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-13 A. The title of the book 1:1 B. Jesus' pr...

Constable: Mark Mark Bibliography Adams, J. McKee. Biblical Backgrounds. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1965. Alexa...

Haydock: Mark (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. MARK. INTRODUCTION. St. Mark, who wrote this Gospel, is called by St. Augustine, the abridge...

Gill: Mark (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO MARK This is the title of the book, the subject of which is the Gospel; a joyful account of the ministry, miracles, actions, and su...

College: Mark (Book Introduction) FOREWORD No story is more important than the story of Jesus. I am confident that my comments do not do it justice. Even granting the limitations of a...

College: Mark (Outline) OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION - Mark 1:1-15 A. The Beginning of the Gospel - 1:1-8 B. John Baptizes Jesus - 1:9-11 C. Temptation in the Wildernes...

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