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Text -- Luke 24:19 (NET)

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24:19 He said to them, “What things?” “The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene,” they replied, “a man who, with his powerful deeds and words, proved to be a prophet before God and all the people;
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Nazareth a town in lower Galilee about halfway between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea

Dictionary Themes and Topics: VERSIONS, GEORGIAN, GOTHIC, SLAVONIC | Sabbath | RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST, THE | Prophet | Nazareth | NAZARENE | Love | LUKE, THE GOSPEL OF | KEYS, POWER OF THE | Jesus, The Christ | JESUS CHRIST, 4F | CHRIST, OFFICES OF | Apostles | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Vincent , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Vincent: Luk 24:19 - -- What things ( ποῖα ) Lit., " what kind of things."

What things ( ποῖα )

Lit., " what kind of things."

JFB: Luk 24:17-24 - -- The words imply the earnest discussion that had appeared in their manner.

The words imply the earnest discussion that had appeared in their manner.

JFB: Luk 24:19 - -- As if feeling it a relief to have someone to unburden his thoughts and feelings to, this disciple goes over the main facts in his own desponding style...

As if feeling it a relief to have someone to unburden his thoughts and feelings to, this disciple goes over the main facts in his own desponding style, and this was just what our Lord wished.

Clarke: Luk 24:19 - -- Which was a prophet - Ανηρ προφητης, a man prophet, a genuine prophet; but this has been considered as a Hebraism: "for, in Exo 2:14, a...

Which was a prophet - Ανηρ προφητης, a man prophet, a genuine prophet; but this has been considered as a Hebraism: "for, in Exo 2:14, a man prince is simply a prince; and in 1Sa 31:3, men archers mean no more than archers."But my own opinion is, that this word is often used to deepen the signification, so in the above quotations: Who made thee a man prince (i.e. a mighty sovereign) and a judge over us! Exo 2:14. And, the battle went sore against Saul, and the men archers (i.e. the stout, or well aiming archers) hit him, 1Sa 31:3. So in Palaephatus, de Incredib. c. 38. p. 47, quoted by Kypke, ην ανηρ βασιλευς μεγας, He was a great and eminent king. So ανηρ προφητης here signifies, he was a Genuine prophet, nothing like those false ones by whom the people have been so often deceived; and he has proved the divinity of his mission by his heavenly teaching, and astonishing miracles

Clarke: Luk 24:19 - -- Mighty in - word - Irresistibly eloquent. Powerful in deed, working incontrovertible miracles. See Kypke in loco.

Mighty in - word - Irresistibly eloquent. Powerful in deed, working incontrovertible miracles. See Kypke in loco.

Calvin: Luk 24:19 - -- 19.Powerful in deed and in word Luke has employed nearly the same form of expression in reference to the person of Stephen, (Act 7:22,) where he says...

19.Powerful in deed and in word Luke has employed nearly the same form of expression in reference to the person of Stephen, (Act 7:22,) where he says of Moses, by way of commendation, that he was powerful in words and in actions. But in this passage it is uncertain if it is on account of miracles that Christ is said to be powerful in actions, (as if it had been said that he was endued with divine virtues which proved that he was sent from heaven;) or if the phrase is more extensive, and means that he excelled both in ability to teach, and in holiness of life and other remarkable endowments. I prefer the latter of these views.

Before God and all the people The addition of these words ought not to be reckoned superfluous; for they mean that the high excellence of Christ was so well known, and was demonstrated by such undoubted proofs, that he had no hypocrisy or vain ostentation. And hence we may obtain a brief definition of a true Prophet, namely, that to what he speaks he will likewise add power in actions, and will not only endeavor to appear excellent before men, but to act with sincerity as under the eyes of God.

TSK: Luk 24:19 - -- Concerning : Luk 7:16; Mat 21:11; Joh 3:2, Joh 4:19, Joh 6:14, Joh 7:40-42, Joh 7:52; Act 2:22, Act 10:38 mighty : Act 7:22

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Luk 24:19 - -- A prophet - A teacher sent from God. They did not now call him the "Messiah,"for his "death"had led them to doubt that, but they had no doubt t...

A prophet - A teacher sent from God. They did not now call him the "Messiah,"for his "death"had led them to doubt that, but they had no doubt that he was a distinguished "prophet."The evidence of that was so clear that they "could"not call it in question.

Mighty in deed - Powerful in working miracles, in raising the dead, healing the sick, etc.

In word - In teaching.

Before God and all the people - Manifestly; publicly. So that "God"owned him, and the people regarded him as a distinguished teacher.

Poole: Luk 24:18-19 - -- Ver. 18,19. The things which had lately happened in Jerusalem were so many, and so unusual, that the disciples wonder that any one coming from Jerusa...

Ver. 18,19. The things which had lately happened in Jerusalem were so many, and so unusual, that the disciples wonder that any one coming from Jerusalem should ask, What things? They therefore ask him if he were a mere stranger in Jerusalem, coming from some other country, or from some remoter parts of Judea or Galilee? Or, if he were the only man who had been unconcerned in what was the common discourse both of the town and country? Still our Saviour draws out the discourse from them, by asking them,

What things? They tell him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, a Prophet mighty in deed and word in which phrase Stephen celebrated Moses, Act 7:22 ; that is, one who did not only in an extraordinary manner reveal the will of God unto men, but also did many great and mighty works, and lived a most holy and most exemplary life and conversation, so as that he was not only highly favoured of God, but in great repute and estimation also amongst the people.

Gill: Luk 24:19 - -- And he said unto them, what things?.... Still appearing as if he was ignorant, and in order to, draw out of them a particular relation: and they sa...

And he said unto them, what things?.... Still appearing as if he was ignorant, and in order to, draw out of them a particular relation:

and they said unto him; both of them, or rather Cleophas, for himself and his companion:

concerning Jesus of Nazareth; that is, what had happened to him, who was commonly known by this name, and was called so by way of contempt: but

which was a prophet; not only a foreteller of things to come, as he foretold his sufferings, death, and resurrection, the troubles that should befall his disciples, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the end of the world; but he was a preacher of the Gospel, an eminent one, a famous and extraordinary one, that prophet which Moses spake of should come; and who was mighty in deed and word: he was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power, which he showed by the miracles he wrought; such as healing the sick, cleansing lepers, casting out devils, restoring sight to the blind, causing the deaf to hear, the dumb to speak, the lame to walk, and raising the dead to life; and in the doctrines he taught, which were with authority, and such as never man spake:

before God and all the people; he was sent and anointed by God as a prophet, and approved by him; who bore a testimony to him by a voice from heaven, declaring him to be his beloved Son; and the works he wrought, were done publicly before men, who glorified God on that account; and the doctrines he taught, were not taught in secret, but in the synagogues and in the temple, in the audience of all the people, and to their surprise and admiration.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Luk 24:19 The role of Jesus as prophet is a function Luke frequently mentions: 4:25-27; 9:35; 13:31-35.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Luk 24:1-53 - --1 Christ's resurrection is declared by two angels to the women that come to the sepulchre.9 These report it to others.13 Christ himself appears to the...

Maclaren: Luk 24:13-32 - --The Risen Lord's Self-Revelation To Wavering Disciples And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusal...

MHCC: Luk 24:13-27 - --This appearance of Jesus to the two disciples going to Emmaus, happened the same day that he rose from the dead. It well becomes the disciples of Chri...

Matthew Henry: Luk 24:13-35 - -- This appearance of Christ to the two disciples going to Emmaus was mentioned, and but just mentioned, before (Mar 16:12); here it is largely relat...

Barclay: Luk 24:13-35 - --This is another of the immortal short stories of the world. (i) It tells of two men who were walking towards the sunset. It has been suggested that t...

Constable: Luk 22:1--Joh 1:1 - --VII. Jesus' passion, resurrection, and ascension 22:1--24:53 Luke's unique rendition of the death, burial, and r...

Constable: Luk 24:13-49 - --I. The post-resurrection appearances of Jesus 24:13-49 Luke included two of Jesus' post-resurrection app...

Constable: Luk 24:13-35 - --1. The appearance to the disciples walking to Emmaus 24:13-35 This is another of Luke's exquisite and unique stories. Various students of it have note...

College: Luk 24:1-53 - --LUKE 24 VIII. JESUS' RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION (24:1-12) A. THE RESURRECTION (24:1-12) 1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, ...

McGarvey: Luk 24:13-35 - -- CXXXVII. THIRD AND FOURTH APPEARANCES OF JESUS. (Sunday afternoon.) bMARK XVI. 12, 13; cLUKE XXIV. 13-35; eI. COR. XV. 5.    b12 And ...

Lapide: Luk 24:1-53 - --CHAPTER 24 Ver. 1.— Now upon the first day of the week. The first day after the Sabbath, the Lord's day, i.e. the day on which Christ rose from ...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Luke (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL OF LUKE By Way of Introduction There is not room here for a full discussion of all the interesting problems raised by Luke as the autho...

JFB: Luke (Book Introduction) THE writer of this Gospel is universally allowed to have been Lucas (an abbreviated form of Lucanus, as Silas of Silvanus), though he is not expressly...


TSK: Luke (Book Introduction) Luke, to whom this Gospel has been uniformly attributed from the earliest ages of the Christian church, is generally allowed to have been " the belove...

TSK: Luke 24 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Luk 24:1, Christ’s resurrection is declared by two angels to the women that come to the sepulchre; Luk 24:9, These report it to others;...

Poole: Luke 24 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 24

MHCC: Luke (Book Introduction) This evangelist is generally supposed to have been a physician, and a companion of the apostle Paul. The style of his writings, and his acquaintance w...

MHCC: Luke 24 (Chapter Introduction) (Luk 24:1-12) The resurrection of Christ. (Luk 24:13-27) He appears to two disciples on the way to Emmaus. (Luk 24:28-35) And makes himself known to...

Matthew Henry: Luke (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Luke We are now entering into the labours of another evangelist; his name ...

Matthew Henry: Luke 24 (Chapter Introduction) Our Lord Jesus went gloriously down to death, in spite of the malice of his enemies, who did all they could to make his death ignominious; but he r...

Barclay: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE A Lovely Book And Its Author The gospel according to St. Luke has been called the loveliest book ...

Barclay: Luke 24 (Chapter Introduction) The Wrong Place To Look (Luk_24:1-12) The Sunset Road That Turned To Dawn (Luk_24:13-35) In The Upper Room (Luk_24:36-49) The Happy Ending (Luk_2...

Constable: Luke (Book Introduction) Introduction Writer Several factors indicate that the writer of this Gospel was the sa...

Constable: Luke (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-4 II. The birth and childhood of Jesus 1:5-2:52 ...

Constable: Luke Luke Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. New ed. 4 vols. London: Rivingtons, 1880. ...

Haydock: Luke (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE. INTRODUCTION St. Luke was a physician, a native of Antioch, the metropolis of Syria, a...

Gill: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LUKE The writer of this Gospel, Luke, has been, by some, thought, as Origen a relates, to be the same with Lucius, mentioned in Ro...

College: Luke (Book Introduction) FOREWORD "Many have undertaken" to write commentaries on the Gospel of Luke, and a large number of these are very good. "It seemed good also to me" t...

College: Luke (Outline) OUTLINE There is general agreement among serious students of Luke's Gospel regarding its structure. I. Prologue Luke 1:1-4 II. Infancy Narrative...

Lapide: Luke (Book Introduction) S. LUKE'S GOSPEL Third Edition JOHN HODGES, AGAR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. 1892. INTRODUCTION. ——o—— THE Holy Gospel of Jesus Ch...

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