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Text -- Luke 4:35 (NET)

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4:35 But Jesus rebuked him: “Silence! Come out of him!” Then, after the demon threw the man down in their midst, he came out of him without hurting him.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Luk 4:35 - -- Had thrown him down in the midst ( rhipsan auton eis to meson ). First aorist (effective) participle of rhiptō , an old verb with violent meaning, ...

Had thrown him down in the midst ( rhipsan auton eis to meson ).

First aorist (effective) participle of rhiptō , an old verb with violent meaning, to fling, throw, hurl off or down.

Robertson: Luk 4:35 - -- Having done him no hurt ( mēden blapsan auton ). Luke as a physician carefully notes this important detail not in Mark. Blaptō , to injure, or hu...

Having done him no hurt ( mēden blapsan auton ).

Luke as a physician carefully notes this important detail not in Mark. Blaptō , to injure, or hurt, occurs in the N.T. only here and in Mar 16:18, though a very common verb in the old Greek.

Vincent: Luk 4:35 - -- Hold thy peace ( φιμώθητι ) Lit., be muzzled or gagged. See on Mat 22:12.

Hold thy peace ( φιμώθητι )

Lit., be muzzled or gagged. See on Mat 22:12.

Vincent: Luk 4:35 - -- Had thrown ( ῥῖψαν ) Used in connection with disease by Luke only, and only here. In medical language, of convulsions, fits, etc.

Had thrown ( ῥῖψαν )

Used in connection with disease by Luke only, and only here. In medical language, of convulsions, fits, etc.

Vincent: Luk 4:35 - -- Hurt him not ( μηδὲν βλάψαν αὐτόν ) Lit., in no possible way. Mark omits this detail, which a physician would be carefu...

Hurt him not ( μηδὲν βλάψαν αὐτόν )

Lit., in no possible way. Mark omits this detail, which a physician would be careful to note. Βλάπτειν , to injure, occurs but twice in New Testament - here and Mar 16:18. It is common in medical language, opposed to ὠφφελεῖν , to benefit, as of medicines or diet hurting or benefiting.

JFB: Luk 4:35 - -- (See on Luk 4:41).

(See on Luk 4:41).

JFB: Luk 4:35 - -- See on Mar 9:20.

See on Mar 9:20.

Clarke: Luk 4:35 - -- And hurt him not - Though he convulsed him, Mar 2:26, and threw him down in the midst of them, probably with the design to take away his life, yet o...

And hurt him not - Though he convulsed him, Mar 2:26, and threw him down in the midst of them, probably with the design to take away his life, yet our Lord permitted it not; and this appears to be the meaning of the place. The spirit was not permitted essentially to injure him at that time.

TSK: Luk 4:35 - -- Jesus : Luk 4:39, Luk 4:41; Psa 50:16; Zec 3:2; Mat 8:26, Mat 17:18; Mar 3:11, Mar 3:12; Act 16:17, Act 16:18 thrown : Luk 9:39, Luk 9:42, Luk 11:22; ...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Luk 4:31-44 - -- See this explained in the notes at Mark 1:21-39.

See this explained in the notes at Mark 1:21-39.

Poole: Luk 4:33-37 - -- Ver. 33-37. We met with the same history related as done in Capernaum, and with the same circumstances, See Poole on "Mar 1:21" . See Poole on "Mar...

Ver. 33-37. We met with the same history related as done in Capernaum, and with the same circumstances, See Poole on "Mar 1:21" . See Poole on "Mar 1:22" , &c.

Gill: Luk 4:35 - -- And Jesus rebuked him,.... Not the man, but the unclean spirit: or "that demon", as the Persic version reads it: saying, hold thy peace, or "be tho...

And Jesus rebuked him,.... Not the man, but the unclean spirit: or "that demon", as the Persic version reads it:

saying, hold thy peace, or "be thou muzzled", as the word signifies,

and come out of him; See Gill on Mat 1:25.

and when the devil had thrown him in the midst; in the "midst of them", as the Arabic version adds; that is, in the midst of the people that were in the synagogue; or, as the Ethiopic version reads, "in the midst of the synagogue", where he threw him into convulsive fits, and left him:

he came out of him, and hurt him not; though he sadly convulsed him, and put him to great pain, yet he did not wound him in any part of his body, or take away the use of any of his limbs; and much less hurt his soul so as to destroy it; all which was desired and intended by him, but was hindered by Christ; See Gill on Mar 1:26.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Luk 4:35 The departure of the evil spirit from the man without hurting him shows Jesus’ total deliverance and protection of this individual.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Luk 4:1-44 - --1 The temptation and fasting of Christ.14 He begins to preach.16 The people of Nazareth admire his gracious words, but being offended, seek to kill hi...

Maclaren: Luk 4:33-44 - --A Sabbath In Capernaum And in the synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice, 34. Saying, Let ...

MHCC: Luk 4:31-44 - --Christ's preaching much affected the people; and a working power went with it to the consciences of men. These miracles showed Christ to be a controll...

Matthew Henry: Luk 4:31-44 - -- When Christ was expelled Nazareth, he came to Capernaum, another city of Galilee. The account we have in these verses of his preaching and miracles ...

Barclay: Luk 4:31-37 - --We would have liked to know as much about Capernaum as we do about Nazareth, but the strange fact is that there is even doubt as to the site of this ...

Constable: Luk 4:14--9:51 - --IV. Jesus' ministry in and around Galilee 4:14--9:50 Luke commenced Jesus' public ministry with His return to Ga...

Constable: Luk 4:14--5:12 - --A. Jesus' teaching ministry 4:14-5:11 This section of the Gospel records some of Jesus' initial preachin...

Constable: Luk 4:31-44 - --3. Jesus' ministry in and around Capernaum 4:31-44 The people of Nazareth rejected Jesus because...

Constable: Luk 4:31-37 - --The exorcism of a demoniac in the Capernaum synagogue 4:31-37 (cf. Mark 1:21-28) 4:31-32 Jesus had to go down topographically from Nazareth, that stoo...

College: Luk 4:1-44 - --LUKE 4 C. THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS (4:1-13) 1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, 2 whe...

McGarvey: Luk 4:31-37 - -- XXXI. HEALING A DEMONIAC IN A SYNAGOGUE. (At Capernaum.) bMARK I. 21-28; cLUKE . iv. 31-37.    b21 And they [Jesus and the four fishe...

Lapide: Luk 4:1-44 - --CHAPTER  4 Ver. 1.— And Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, returned from Jordan, having been there baptized by John a little time before, and ha...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Luke (Book Introduction) THE GOSPEL OF LUKE By Way of Introduction There is not room here for a full discussion of all the interesting problems raised by Luke as the autho...

JFB: Luke (Book Introduction) THE writer of this Gospel is universally allowed to have been Lucas (an abbreviated form of Lucanus, as Silas of Silvanus), though he is not expressly...


TSK: Luke (Book Introduction) Luke, to whom this Gospel has been uniformly attributed from the earliest ages of the Christian church, is generally allowed to have been " the belove...

TSK: Luke 4 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Luk 4:1, The temptation and fasting of Christ; Luk 4:14, He begins to preach; Luk 4:16, The people of Nazareth admire his gracious words,...

Poole: Luke 4 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 4

MHCC: Luke (Book Introduction) This evangelist is generally supposed to have been a physician, and a companion of the apostle Paul. The style of his writings, and his acquaintance w...

MHCC: Luke 4 (Chapter Introduction) (Luk 4:1-13) The temptation of Christ. (v. 14-30) Christ in the synagogue of Nazareth. (Luk 4:31-44) He casts out an unclean spirit and heals the si...

Matthew Henry: Luke (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Luke We are now entering into the labours of another evangelist; his name ...

Matthew Henry: Luke 4 (Chapter Introduction) We left Christ newly baptized, and owned by a voice from heaven and the descent of the Holy Ghost upon him. Now, in this chapter, we have, I. A fu...

Barclay: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE A Lovely Book And Its Author The gospel according to St. Luke has been called the loveliest book ...

Barclay: Luke 4 (Chapter Introduction) The Battle With Temptation (Luk_4:1-13) The Galilaean Springtime (Luk_4:14-15) Without Honour In His Own Country (Luk_4:16-30) The Spirit Of An Un...

Constable: Luke (Book Introduction) Introduction Writer Several factors indicate that the writer of this Gospel was the sa...

Constable: Luke (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-4 II. The birth and childhood of Jesus 1:5-2:52 ...

Constable: Luke Luke Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. New ed. 4 vols. London: Rivingtons, 1880. ...

Haydock: Luke (Book Introduction) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. LUKE. INTRODUCTION St. Luke was a physician, a native of Antioch, the metropolis of Syria, a...

Gill: Luke (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LUKE The writer of this Gospel, Luke, has been, by some, thought, as Origen a relates, to be the same with Lucius, mentioned in Ro...

College: Luke (Book Introduction) FOREWORD "Many have undertaken" to write commentaries on the Gospel of Luke, and a large number of these are very good. "It seemed good also to me" t...

College: Luke (Outline) OUTLINE There is general agreement among serious students of Luke's Gospel regarding its structure. I. Prologue Luke 1:1-4 II. Infancy Narrative...

Lapide: Luke (Book Introduction) S. LUKE'S GOSPEL Third Edition JOHN HODGES, AGAR STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. 1892. INTRODUCTION. ——o—— THE Holy Gospel of Jesus Ch...

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