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Text -- Acts 1:17 (NET)

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1:17 for he was counted as one of us and received a share in this ministry.”
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Prophecy | Peter | PETER, SIMON | Matthias | MINISTRY | Judas | JUDAS ISCARIOT | JOSEPH BARSABBAS | JAMES | Casting Lots | Apostles | Apostasy | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 13-OUTLINE | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Act 1:17 - -- Was numbered ( katērithmenos ēn ). Periphrastic past perfect passive indicative of katarithmeō , old verb, but here only in the N.T. (perfectiv...

Was numbered ( katērithmenos ēn ).

Periphrastic past perfect passive indicative of katarithmeō , old verb, but here only in the N.T. (perfective use of kata ).

Robertson: Act 1:17 - -- Received his portion ( elachen ton klēron ). Second aorist active indicative of lagchanō , old verb, to obtain by lot as in Luk 1:9; Joh 19:24, e...

Received his portion ( elachen ton klēron ).

Second aorist active indicative of lagchanō , old verb, to obtain by lot as in Luk 1:9; Joh 19:24, especially by divine appointment as here and 2Pe 2:1. Klēros also means lot, an object used in casting lots (Act 1:26), or what is obtained by lot as here and Act 8:21, of eternal salvation (Act 26:18; Col 1:12), of persons chosen by divine appointment (1Pe 5:3). From this latter usage the Latin cleros, clericus , our clergy, one chosen by divine lot. So Peter says that Judas "obtained by lot the lot of this ministry"(diakonias ) which he had when he betrayed Jesus. The Master chose him and gave him his opportunity.

Vincent: Act 1:17 - -- Numbered ( κατηριθμημένος ) Only here in New Testament

Numbered ( κατηριθμημένος )

Only here in New Testament

Vincent: Act 1:17 - -- With ( σύν ) The best texts read ἐν , among. So Rev.

With ( σύν )

The best texts read ἐν , among. So Rev.

Vincent: Act 1:17 - -- Obtained ( ἔλαχε ) Strictly, " received by lot. " Rev., better, received. Compare Luk 1:9. In classical Greek, of receiving public...

Obtained ( ἔλαχε )

Strictly, " received by lot. " Rev., better, received. Compare Luk 1:9. In classical Greek, of receiving public magistracies.

Vincent: Act 1:17 - -- Part ( τὸν κλῆρον ) The A. V. does not give the force of the article, the lot which was his. So Rev., " his portion:" lit., lot.

Part ( τὸν κλῆρον )

The A. V. does not give the force of the article, the lot which was his. So Rev., " his portion:" lit., lot.

Vincent: Act 1:17 - -- Ministry See on minister, Mat 20:26. Compare bishopric, Act 1:20.


See on minister, Mat 20:26. Compare bishopric, Act 1:20.

Clarke: Act 1:17 - -- Obtained part of this ministry - Ελαχε τον κληρον, He obtained the lot of this ministry - not that he or any of the twelve apostles, ...

Obtained part of this ministry - Ελαχε τον κληρον, He obtained the lot of this ministry - not that he or any of the twelve apostles, was chosen to this ministry by lot, but as lot signifies the portion a man has in life, what comes to him in the course of the Divine providence, or as an especial gift of God’ s goodness, it is used here, as in many other parts of the sacred writings, to signify office or station. On this subject the reader is referred to the notes on Lev 16:8, Lev 16:9 (note); Jos 14:2 (note): see also Act 1:26 (note).

Calvin: Act 1:17 - -- 17.Adopted It is word for word reckoned. And he saith that he was one of the number, that he might signify unto them that it was needful that the e...

17.Adopted It is word for word reckoned. And he saith that he was one of the number, that he might signify unto them that it was needful that the empty place should be filled, to the end that the number might continue whole. And to this propose serveth that which followeth, that he had obtained a part in the ministry. For thereupon it doth follow that the body should be, as it were, lame, if that part should be wanting. Surely it was a thing which might make them greatly amazed, that he whom Christ had extolled unto so high dignity should fall headlong into such destruction. Which circumstance doth increase the cruelty of the fact, 60 and teacheth the rest to take heed unto themselves. 61 Neither is it to be doubted but that the disciples did remember Judas with great grief and sorrow. But Peter doth here express by name the excellency of his function, that he might make them more attentive and more careful to provide a remedy.

TSK: Act 1:17 - -- he : Mat 10:4; Mar 3:19; Luk 6:16, Luk 22:47; Joh 6:70,Joh 6:71, Joh 17:12 this : Act 1:25, Act 12:25, Act 20:24, Act 21:19; 2Co 4:1, 2Co 5:18; Eph 4:...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Act 1:17 - -- He was numbered with us - He was chosen as an apostle by the Lord Jesus, Luk 6:13-16. This does not mean that he was a true Christian, but that...

He was numbered with us - He was chosen as an apostle by the Lord Jesus, Luk 6:13-16. This does not mean that he was a true Christian, but that he was reckoned among the apostles. Long before he betrayed him, Jesus declared that he was a devil, Joh 6:70. He knew his whole character when he chose him, Joh 2:25. If it be asked why he chose such a man to be an apostle; why he was made the treasurer of the apostles, and was admitted to the fullest confidence; we may reply, that a most important object was gained in having such a man - a spy - among them. It might be pretended, when the apostles bore testimony to the purity of life, of doctrine, and of purpose of the Lord Jesus, that they were interested and partial friends; that they might be disposed to suppress some of his real sentiments, and represent him in a light more favorable than the truth. Hence, the testimony of such a man as Judas, if favorable, must be invaluable.

It would be free from the charge of partiality. If Judas knew anything unfavorable to the character of Jesus, he would have communicated it to the Sanhedrin. If he knew of any secret plot against the government, or seditious purpose, he had every inducement to declare it. He had every opportunity to know it; he was with him; heard him converse; was a member of his family, and admitted to terms of familiarity. Yet even Judas could not be bought or bribed, to testify against the moral character of the Saviour. If he had done it, or could have done it, it would have preserved him from the charge of treason; would have entitled him to the reputation of a public benefactor in discovering secret sedition; and would have saved him from the pangs of remorse, and from self-murder. Judas would have done it if he could. But he alleged no such charge; he did not even dare to lisp a word against the pure designs of the Lord Jesus; and his own reproofs of conscience Mat 27:4, and his voluntary death Mat 27:5, furnish the highest proof that can be desired of his conviction that the betrayed Redeemer was innocent.

Judas would have been just the witness which the Jews desired of the treasonable purposes of Jesus. But that could not be procured, even by gold; and they wore compelled to suborn other men to testify against the Son of God, Mat 26:60. We may add here, that the introduction of such a character as that of Judas Iscariot into the number of the apostles, and the use to be made of his testimony, would never have occurred to the author of a forged book. He would have said that they were all the true friends of the Lord Jesus. To have invented such a character as that of Judas, and to make him perform such a part in the plan as the sacred writers do, would have required too much art and cunning - was too refined and subtle a device, to have been thought of unless it had actually occurred.

Poole: Act 1:17 - -- Numbered with us being one of the twelve apostles. Had obtainedelace ; not as if Judas was made an apostle by lot, as Matthias afterwards; but by th...

Numbered with us being one of the twelve apostles.

Had obtainedelace ; not as if Judas was made an apostle by lot, as Matthias afterwards; but by the providence of God, by which every lot and casual matter is governed: and to show that the dignity did not befall him, or any of the other apostles, because of their descent, (from Aaron), or from nature, or from any desert whatsoever, but merely from God’ s good will and pleasure.

Part of this ministry then the apostles office is ministerial, and they were not lords over God’ s heritage.

Gill: Act 1:17 - -- For he was numbered with us,.... He was chosen an apostle with: the rest, and was ordained into that office when they were, and was always reckoned on...

For he was numbered with us,.... He was chosen an apostle with: the rest, and was ordained into that office when they were, and was always reckoned one of the twelve, and stands in the catalogue when they are mentioned:

and had obtained part of this ministry; by lot, as the word signifies; the providence of God so ordering it, according to his eternal purpose and decree, that he was not only called an apostle, and enrolled among them, but he really had a part in that ministry; he preached, and baptized, and wrought miracles; and besides all this, carried the bag, was the treasurer, and a sort of a steward in Christ's family, and provided for it.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Act 1:17 Or “and was chosen to have a share in this ministry.” The term λαγχάνω (lancanw) here and in 2 Pet 1:1 ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Act 1:1-26 - --1 Christ, preparing his apostles to the beholding of his ascension, gathers them together unto the mount Olivet, commands them to expect in Jerusalem ...

Combined Bible: Act 1:17 - --notes on verse 15     

MHCC: Act 1:15-26 - --The great thing the apostles were to attest to the world, was, Christ's resurrection; for that was the great proof of his being the Messiah, and the f...

Matthew Henry: Act 1:15-26 - -- The sin of Judas was not only his shame and ruin, but it made a vacancy in the college of the apostles. They were ordained twelve, with an eye to t...

Barclay: Act 1:12-20 - --Before we come to the fate of the traitor Judas there are certain things we may notice in this passage. For the Jew, the Sabbath was entirely a day ...

Constable: Act 1:12-26 - --4. Jesus' appointment of a twelfth apostle 1:12-26 Peter perceived the importance of asking God ...

Constable: Act 1:15-26 - --The choice of Matthias 1:15-26 1:15 In view of Peter's leadership gifts, so obvious in the Gospels, it is no surprise that he is the one who took the ...

College: Act 1:1-26 - --ACTS 1 I. THE CHURCH IN JERUSALEM (1:1-8:1a) A. INTRODUCTION OF THE BOOK (1:1-3) 1 In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus bega...

McGarvey: Act 1:15-18 - --15-18. We next have an account of the selection of an apostle to fill the place of Judas. There is no intimation that Jesus had authorized this proced...

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Commentary -- Other

Contradiction: Act 1:17 98. Did Jesus appear to twelve disciples after his resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:5), or was it to eleven (Matthew 27:3-5; 28:16; Mark 16:14; Luke 2...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES By Way of Introduction But for the Acts we should know nothing of the early apostolic period save what is told in the Epi...

JFB: Acts (Book Introduction) THIS book is to the Gospels what the fruit is to the tree that bears it. In the Gospels we see the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying: in...


TSK: Acts (Book Introduction) The Acts of the Apostles is a most valuable portion of Divine revelation; and, independently of its universal reception in the Christian church, as an...

TSK: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Act 1:1, Christ, preparing his apostles to the beholding of his ascension, gathers them together unto the mount Olivet, commands them to ...

Poole: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) ARGUMENT This book hath been held by all Christians to be canonical, and esteemed, though amongst the hardest, yet amongst the brightest jewels tha...

MHCC: Acts (Book Introduction) This book unites the Gospels to the Epistles. It contains many particulars concerning the apostles Peter and Paul, and of the Christian church from th...

MHCC: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) (Act 1:1-5) Proofs of Christ's resurrection. (Act 1:6-11) Christ's ascension. (Act 1:12-14) The apostles unite in prayer. (Act 1:15-26) Matthias ch...

Matthew Henry: Acts (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Acts of the Apostles We have with an abundant satisfaction seen the foundation of our holy religion...

Matthew Henry: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) The inspired historian begins his narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, I. With a reference to, and a brief recapitulation of, his gospel, or his...

Barclay: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES A Precious Book In one sense Acts is the most important book in the New Testament. It is the simple truth t...

Barclay: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) Power To Go On (Act_1:1-5) The Kingdom And Its Witnesses (Act_1:6-8) The Glory Of Departure And The Glory Of Return (Act_1:9-11) The Fate Of The T...

Constable: Acts (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title "Acts of the Apostles" is very ancient. The Anti-Marcioni...

Constable: Acts (Outline) Outline I. The witness in Jerusalem 1:1-6:7 A. The founding of the church 1:1-2:46 ...

Constable: Acts Acts Bibliography Albright, William Foxwell. The Archaeology of Palestine. 1949. Revised ed. Pelican Archaeolog...

Haydock: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. INTRODUCTION. St. Luke, who had published his gospel, wrote also a second volume, which, from the first ages, hath bee...

Gill: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ACTS This book, in some copies, is called, "The Acts of the holy Apostles". It contains an history of the ministry and miracles of ...

College: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION As early as the second century the title "The Acts of the Apostles" was given to this document. Before that time the work probably circu...


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