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Text -- Acts 1:18 (NET)

Strongs On/Off
1:18 (Now this man Judas acquired a field with the reward of his unjust deed, and falling headfirst he burst open in the middle and all his intestines gushed out.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Wicked | Suicide | Repentance | Prophecy | Peter | PURCHASE | PETER, SIMON | Minister | Matthias | Judas | JUDAS ISCARIOT | JOSEPH BARSABBAS | JESUS CHRIST, 4E2 | JAMES | GOD, 3 | Bowels | Apostles | Apostasy | ASUNDER | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 13-OUTLINE | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

Contradiction , Critics Ask , Evidence

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Act 1:18 - -- Now this man ( Houtos men oun ). Note men oun again without a corresponding de as in Act 1:6. Act 1:18, Act 1:19 are a long parenthesis of Luke b...

Now this man ( Houtos men oun ).

Note men oun again without a corresponding de as in Act 1:6. Act 1:18, Act 1:19 are a long parenthesis of Luke by way of explanation of the fate of Judas. In Act 1:20 Peter resumes and quotes the scripture to which he referred in Act 1:16.

Robertson: Act 1:18 - -- Obtained ( ektēsato ). First aorist middle indicative of ktaomai , to acquire, only in the middle, to get for oneself. With the covenant money for ...

Obtained ( ektēsato ).

First aorist middle indicative of ktaomai , to acquire, only in the middle, to get for oneself. With the covenant money for the betrayal, acquired it indirectly apparently according to Mat 26:14-16; Mat 27:3-8 which see.

Robertson: Act 1:18 - -- Falling headlong ( prēnēs genomenos ). Attic form usually pranēs . The word means, not "headlong,"but "flat on the face"as opposed to huptios ...

Falling headlong ( prēnēs genomenos ).

Attic form usually pranēs . The word means, not "headlong,"but "flat on the face"as opposed to huptios on the back (Hackett). Hackett observes that the place suits admirably the idea that Judas hung himself (Mat 27:5) and, the rope breaking, fell flat on his face and burst asunder in the midst (elakēsen mesos ). First aorist active indicative of laskō old verb (here only in the N.T.), to clang, to crack, to crash, like a falling tree. Aristophanes uses it of crashing bones. Mesos is predicate nominative referring to Judas.

Robertson: Act 1:18 - -- Gushed out ( exechuthē ). First aorist passive indicative of ekcheō , to pour out.

Gushed out ( exechuthē ).

First aorist passive indicative of ekcheō , to pour out.

Vincent: Act 1:18 - -- Purchased ( ἐκτήσατο ) See on possess, Luk 18:12. Better, as Rev., obtained. Judas did not purchase the field, but the priests di...

Purchased ( ἐκτήσατο )

See on possess, Luk 18:12. Better, as Rev., obtained. Judas did not purchase the field, but the priests did with the money which he returned to them, (Mat 27:7). The expression means merely that the field was purchased with the money of Judas.

Vincent: Act 1:18 - -- Falling headlong ( πρηνής γενόμενος ) Lit., having become headlong .

Falling headlong ( πρηνής γενόμενος )

Lit., having become headlong .

Vincent: Act 1:18 - -- He burst asunder ( ἐλάκησε ) Only here in New Testament. Lit., to crack, to burst with a noise. So Homer, of the bones cracking bene...

He burst asunder ( ἐλάκησε )

Only here in New Testament. Lit., to crack, to burst with a noise. So Homer, of the bones cracking beneath a blow (" Iliad," xiii., 616). Compare Aristophanes, " Clouds," 410.

Wesley: Act 1:18 - -- That is, a field was purchased with the reward of his iniquity; though very possibly Judas might design the purchase.

That is, a field was purchased with the reward of his iniquity; though very possibly Judas might design the purchase.

Wesley: Act 1:18 - -- It seems the rope broke before, or as he died.

It seems the rope broke before, or as he died.

JFB: Act 1:18 - -- This information supplements, but by no means contradicts, what is said in Mat 27:5.

This information supplements, but by no means contradicts, what is said in Mat 27:5.

Clarke: Act 1:18 - -- Purchased a field with the reward of iniquity - Probably Judas did not purchase the field himself, but the money for which he sold his Lord was thus...

Purchased a field with the reward of iniquity - Probably Judas did not purchase the field himself, but the money for which he sold his Lord was thus applied, see Mat 27:6-8. It is possible, however, that he might have designed to purchase a field or piece of ground with this reward of his iniquity, and might have been in treaty far it, though he did not close the bargain, as his bringing the money to the treasury proves: the priests, knowing his intentions, might have completed the purchase, and, as Judas was now dead, applied the field thus bought for the burial of strangers, i.e. Jews from foreign parts, or others who, visiting Jerusalem, had died there. Though this case is possible, yet the passage will bear a very consistent interpretation without the assistant of this conjecture; for, in ordinary conversation, we often attribute to a man what is the consequence of his own actions, though such consequence was never designed nor wished for by himself: thus we say of a man embarking in a hazardous enterprise, he is gone to seek his death; of one whose conduct has been ruinous to his reputation, he has disgraced himself; of another who has suffered much in consequence of his crimes, he has purchased repentance at a high price, etc., etc. All these, though undesigned, were consequences of certain acts, as the buying of the yield was the consequence of Judas’ s treason

Clarke: Act 1:18 - -- And falling headlong, he burst asunder - It is very likely that the 18th and 19th verses are not the words of Peter, but of the historian, St. Luke,...

And falling headlong, he burst asunder - It is very likely that the 18th and 19th verses are not the words of Peter, but of the historian, St. Luke, and should be read in a parenthesis, and then the 17th and 20th verses will make a connected sense. On the case of Judas, and the manner of his death, see the observations at the end of this chapter.

Calvin: Act 1:18 - -- 18.And he truly It seemeth unto me a thing like to be true, that this narration of the death of Judas was put in by Luke; therefore, it seemeth good ...

18.And he truly It seemeth unto me a thing like to be true, that this narration of the death of Judas was put in by Luke; therefore, it seemeth good to me to include it within a parenthesis, that it may be separated from Peter’s sermon. For to what end should Peter here reckon up unto the disciples those things which they already knew well enough?

Secondly, it should have been an absurd thing to have spoken after this among them, that the field which was bought with the money that was given to betray Christ was called of the Hebrews, in their own mother tongue, Aceldama. But whereas some do answer, that Peter spoke this unto the Galileans, whose speech did disagree with the Jewish tongue, it is but vain and frivolous. In very deed they did somewhat disagree in pronunciation; yet not so much but that they did well understand one another; like as do these of Paris and the men of Rouen.

Furthermore, how could this be a fit word for Jerusalem, where Peter made his sermon? To what end should he interpret in Greek among the Hebrews their own mother tongue? Therefore doth Luke of himself put in this sentence concerning the death of Judas, lest Peter’s words might seem strange 62 through ignorance of that history.

He possessed a field This word hath a double signification, which, in my opinion, doth rather signify in this place to possess than to get; yet because it skilleth little whether way we read it, I leave it indifferent. And he speaketh after this sort, not because Judas had the use of the field, or that he himself did buy it, seeing it was bought after his death. But Luke’s meaning was, that his burial was the perpetual note of ignominy; was the reward which he had for his falsehood and wicked act. Neither did he so much sell Christ for thirty pieces as his apostleship. He enjoyed not the money; 63 he only possessed the field. Furthermore, it came to pass through the marvelous providence of God, that the very common name of the field should be a note of infamy for the priests, which had bought (the) innocent blood of [from] the traitor. He saith that the Hebrews did call it by that name in their tongue, because he himself was a Grecian born; and he calleth that the Hebrew tongue which the Jews did use after the captivity of Babylon, namely, such as was mixed of the Assyrian tongue and of the Chaldean tongue.

It is written in the book of Psalms He taketh away, by authority of Scriptures, all offense which might have happened by reason of the falling away of Judas. Yet might this place seem to be greatly wrested: First, in that David did not wish that these things might befall any particular person, but (in the plural number) he wisheth them unto his enemies. Secondly, it seemeth that Peter doth apply these things amiss unto Judas, which were spoken of the enemies of David. I answer, that David doth there speak after this [afterwards] of himself, that he may describe the condition and state of Christ’s kingdom.

In that Psalm (I say) is contained the common image of the whole Church, which is the body of the Son of God. Therefore, the things which are there set down must needs have been fulfilled in the head, which are indeed fulfilled, as the evangelists do testify, know, if any man object that those things which there were spoken against the enemies of David do not fitly agree unto Judas, we may easily gather that they do so much the rather agree with him, because David doth not respect himself as being separated from the body of the Church; but rather as he was one of the members of Christ, and so taking upon him his image, he steppeth forth in his name.

Whosoever shall mark that this singular person was attributed to David, that he should be a figure of Christ, will not marvel if all these things be applied unto him which were prefigured in David. Although, therefore, he doth comprehend the whole Church, yet he beginneth at the head thereof, and doth especially describe what things Christ should suffer by the hands of the wicked. For we learn out of Paul’s doctrine, that whatsoever afflictions the godly suffer, they are part of the afflictions of Christ, and serve to the fulfilling of the same, (Col 1:14.) This order and connection did David observe, or rather the Spirit of God, who meant by the mouth of David to instruct the whole Church. But as touching the persecutors of Christ, all that which is commonly spoken of them is by good right referred unto their standard-bearer; whose impiety and wickedness, as it is most famous, so his punishment ought to be made known unto all men. If any man do object again, that that which is recited in the Psalm is only certain cursings, and not prophecies; and that, therefore, Peter doth gather improperly that it was of necessity that it should be fulfilled, it is soon answered. For David was not moved with any perverse or corrupt affection of the flesh to crave vengeance; but he had the Holy Spirit to be his guide and director. Therefore, what things soever he prayed for there, being inspired with the Holy Ghost, they have the same strength which prophecies have, because the Spirit doth require no other thing than that which God hath determined with himself to perform, and will also promise unto us. But whereas Peter doth cite out of the Scriptures two diverse testimonies; by the first is meant, that Judas, together with his name and family, should quite be extinguished, that his place might be empty; the other, which he fetcheth out of the 109th Psalm, tendeth to this end, that there should be another chosen to supply his place. These seem at first to be contrary; namely, a waste habitation and succession. Yet, because the Spirit saith only, in the former place, that the adversaries of the Church should be taken away, that their place might be empty, and without one to dwell therein, in respect of themselves, this is no let why another may not afterward supply their empty place. Yea, this doth also augment their punishment, in that the honor, after it was taken from him that was unworthy thereof, is given to another.

And his bishopric The Hebrew word could not be translated more fitly. For פכודה (pecudah) doth signify a jurisdiction or government, so called of the overseeing and beholding of things. For as for those which interpret it wife, the text 64 refuteth them; for it followeth in the next verse, of his wife, that she may be made a widow. Therefore, after that he had wished that the wicked may be deprived of his life, he addeth, moreover, that he may be spoiled of his honor; neither doth he stay here, but also he desireth that another may succeed him, whereby, as I have said before, his punishment is doubled. In the meanwhile, he noteth by the way, 65 that this false, treacherous, and wicked person, whereof he speaketh, should not be some one of the common sort, but such an one as should be indued with honor and dignity; from which, nevertheless, he shall fall. And out of this place must we learn, that the wicked shall not escape scott free, which have persecuted the Church of God; for this miserable and wretched end is prepared for them all.

Defender: Act 1:18 - -- By comparison with the account in Mat 27:3-8, it is evident that Judas "purchased" this field only indirectly. He threw down his blood money (the thir...

By comparison with the account in Mat 27:3-8, it is evident that Judas "purchased" this field only indirectly. He threw down his blood money (the thirty pieces of silver paid him for betraying Jesus) in front of the chief priests, who used it to buy the field called Aceldama (Act 1:19), or "the field of blood" (Mat 27:8). He then hanged himself, apparently in the same field, but bungled the attempt, actually dying as described in this verse."

TSK: Act 1:18 - -- this : Mat 27:3-10 with : Num 22:7, Num 22:17; Jos 7:21-26; 2Ki 5:20-27; Job 20:12-15; Mat 25:15; 2Pe 2:15, 2Pe 2:16 and falling : Psa 55:15, Psa 55:2...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Act 1:18 - -- Now this man ... - The money which was given for betraying the Lord Jesus was thrown down in the temple, and the field was purchased with it by...

Now this man ... - The money which was given for betraying the Lord Jesus was thrown down in the temple, and the field was purchased with it by the Jewish priests. See Mat 27:5, Mat 27:10, and the notes on that place. A man is said often to do a thing when he furnishes means for doing it. Compare Mat 27:60, "And laid it (the body of Jesus) in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock."That is, had caused to be hewn out. Joh 4:1, "when, therefore, the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus "made and baptized"more disciples than John."Through his disciples, for Jesus himself baptized not, Joh 4:2. The same principle is recognized in law in the well-known maxim, "Qui facit per alium, facit per se ."

The reward of iniquity - The price which he had for that deed of stupendous wickedness - the betraying of the Lord Jesus.

And falling headlong - The word here rendered "headlong"- πρηνής prēnēs (Latin "pronus ,"whence our English word "prone") - means properly "bent forward, head-foremost"; and the idea is, that his position in hanging himself was such that when the cord broke he fell headlong, or fell forward on his face. This can easily be supposed if he threw himself from a rock or elevated place. He first hanged himself, and then fell and was burst asunder. See the notes on Mat 27:5.

Poole: Act 1:18 - -- Purchased a field which Judas might have agreed for at that price, and yet the chief priests bought, as Mat 27:7by a strange providence, leading of t...

Purchased a field which Judas might have agreed for at that price, and yet the chief priests bought, as Mat 27:7by a strange providence, leading of them to that purchase; howsoever, eventually he bought it, as throwing back to them their money which paid for it, Mat 27:5 .

Falling headlong, he burst asunder it is said he hanged himself, which implying only his death by suffocation, whether he died out of horror of his fact, or laying violent hands on himself in such circumstances as may agree with this relation, it is not material to determine.

Haydock: Act 1:18 - -- Possessed a field. Judas is here said to have done, what was done by others, with the thirty pieces of money, the reward of his iniquity. And bein...

Possessed a field. Judas is here said to have done, what was done by others, with the thirty pieces of money, the reward of his iniquity. And being hanged, that is, as St. Matthew says, (chap. xxvii. 5.) having hanged himself, he burst asunder. The Greek has it, falling headlong, [3] as perhaps he did, by his judgment of God, from the place or tree where he hanged himself. (Witham) ---

Judas did not possess the potter's field, but he furnished the price to buy it, giving back the thirty pieces of silver. (Menochius) ---

We often say in common, that we have done what happens in consequence of any action of ours, though it was not in our first intention. (Calmet)



Suspensus crepuit medius, Greek: prenes genomenos.


Gill: Act 1:18 - -- Now this man purchased a field,.... This verse, with the following, seem to be the words of Luke the historian, which should be read in a parenthesis;...

Now this man purchased a field,.... This verse, with the following, seem to be the words of Luke the historian, which should be read in a parenthesis; for there was no need to have acquainted the disciples with the manner of Judas's death, which was so well known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; nor would Jerusalem, and the inhabitants of it, be mentioned with that propriety by Peter, when he, and those he spoke of, were upon the spot; nor could there be any necessity of his explaining a word in their own tongue, which they understood, and that in a language unknown unto them; nor does it seem likely, that in so short a time as five or six weeks, the field should have obtained the name of "Aceldama", and be commonly known by it. The Ethiopic version calls this field, "a vineyard"; and so it might be, and yet the potter's field too. It is somewhat difficult, that Judas should be said to purchase it, when Matthew says the chief priests bought it, Mat 27:7. Both are true; Judas having received his money of the chief priests two days ago, might not only intend to purchase, but might really strike a bargain with the potter for his field; but repenting of his sin, instead of carrying the money to make good the agreement, went and threw it to the chief priests, and then hanged himself; when they, by a secret providence, might be directed to make a purchase of the same field with his money; or he may be said to purchase it, because it was purchased with his money. The Vulgate Latin, and Arabic versions render it, "he possessed" it; not in person, unless he was buried there, as he might be; and so all that he got by his wretched bargain, was only so much ground as to be buried in; or the sense may be, "he caused it to be possessed"; by returning the money which the chief priests used this way,

with the reward of his iniquity; that is, with the thirty pieces of silver, given him as a reward for that vile action of his betraying of his Lord and master: so the reward of divination, or what Balsam got by soothsaying, which was an iniquitous and wicked practice, is called, "the wages of unrighteousness", 2Pe 2:15.

and falling headlong he burst in the midst; either falling from the gallows, or tree on which he hanged himself, the rope breaking, upon a stone, or stump, his belly was broke, and burst; or falling from the air, whither he was violently snatched up by Satan, who was in him, and by whom he was thrown down to the earth, and who went out of him by a rupture made in his belly; or being in deep melancholy, he was strangled with the squinancy, and fell down on his face to the ground, as the Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions render it,

and burst asunder: and all his bowels gushed out; through the rupture that was made. So we read of a man that fell from the roof of a house, פקעיה כרסיה ונפיק מעייניה, "and his belly burst, and his bowels came out" l. And this was the miserable end of Judas. The death of Arius, as related by Athanasius m, from Macarius the presbyter, who was present, was much after the same manner; who reports, that having swore to the orthodox faith, and being about to be introduced into the church at Constantinople, after the prayer of Alexander, the bishop of it, he went out to the seat, to ease nature; when he, on a sudden, fell down headlong, and burst in the middle, and immediately expired: and Epiphanius n compares his exit with this of Judas, who observes, that he went out in the night to the vault, as before related, and burst asunder, as Judas of old did; and came to his end in a filthy and unclean place. Ruffinus says o, that as he sat, his entrails, and all his bowels, came from him into the vault; and so he died in such a place, a death worthy of his blasphemous and corrupt mind. As to the seeming difference between the Evangelist Matthew and the Apostle Peter, it may be reconciled by either of the ways before mentioned; see Gill on Mat 27:5 though it seems most likely, that Judas not being able to bear the torments of his mind, he hanged himself, as Achitophel did, and was not strangled by the devil, or by any disease; and that he fell down from the tree on which he hung, either the rope breaking, or the tree falling; and so the things happened to him which are recorded: or he might fall from hence, either through a violent strong wind which blew him down; or through the rushing of wild beasts against the gallows, on which he hung; or by the devil himself, who might throw him down from hence after he had dispatched himself, as some have conjectured: or, which seems best of all, he might be cast down from hence by men, either of themselves, or by the order of the civil magistrates, not enduring such a sight, that one that had destroyed himself should hang long there; and which, according to the law, was not to be admitted; and these not taking him down, in a gentle manner, but using some violence, or cutting the rope, the body fell, and burst asunder, as is here said: and it should be observed, that the Evangelist Matthew speaks of the death of Judas, in which he himself was concerned; and the Apostle Peter reports what befell his carcass after his death, and in which others were concerned. The Vulgate Latin renders it, and being hanged, he burst in the middle; as if this happened to him upon the gallows, without falling,

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Act 1:18 Or “all his bowels.”

Geneva Bible: Act 1:18 Now this man ( q ) purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and ( r ) falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Act 1:1-26 - --1 Christ, preparing his apostles to the beholding of his ascension, gathers them together unto the mount Olivet, commands them to expect in Jerusalem ...

Combined Bible: Act 1:18 - --notes on verse 15     

MHCC: Act 1:15-26 - --The great thing the apostles were to attest to the world, was, Christ's resurrection; for that was the great proof of his being the Messiah, and the f...

Matthew Henry: Act 1:15-26 - -- The sin of Judas was not only his shame and ruin, but it made a vacancy in the college of the apostles. They were ordained twelve, with an eye to t...

Barclay: Act 1:12-20 - --Before we come to the fate of the traitor Judas there are certain things we may notice in this passage. For the Jew, the Sabbath was entirely a day ...

Constable: Act 1:12-26 - --4. Jesus' appointment of a twelfth apostle 1:12-26 Peter perceived the importance of asking God ...

Constable: Act 1:15-26 - --The choice of Matthias 1:15-26 1:15 In view of Peter's leadership gifts, so obvious in the Gospels, it is no surprise that he is the one who took the ...

College: Act 1:1-26 - --ACTS 1 I. THE CHURCH IN JERUSALEM (1:1-8:1a) A. INTRODUCTION OF THE BOOK (1:1-3) 1 In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus bega...

McGarvey: Act 1:15-18 - --15-18. We next have an account of the selection of an apostle to fill the place of Judas. There is no intimation that Jesus had authorized this proced...

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Commentary -- Other

Contradiction: Act 1:18 60. Did Judas buy a field (Acts 1:18) with his blood-money for betraying Jesus, or did he throw it into the temple (Matthew 27:5)? (Category: misun...

Critics Ask: Act 1:18 MATTHEW 27:5 (cf. Acts 1:18 )—Did Judas die by hanging or by falling on rocks? PROBLEM: Matthew declares that Judas hanged himself. However, th...

Evidence: Act 1:18 When a hanging body decomposes, this will be the grisly result.

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES By Way of Introduction But for the Acts we should know nothing of the early apostolic period save what is told in the Epi...

JFB: Acts (Book Introduction) THIS book is to the Gospels what the fruit is to the tree that bears it. In the Gospels we see the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying: in...


TSK: Acts (Book Introduction) The Acts of the Apostles is a most valuable portion of Divine revelation; and, independently of its universal reception in the Christian church, as an...

TSK: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Act 1:1, Christ, preparing his apostles to the beholding of his ascension, gathers them together unto the mount Olivet, commands them to ...

Poole: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) ARGUMENT This book hath been held by all Christians to be canonical, and esteemed, though amongst the hardest, yet amongst the brightest jewels tha...

MHCC: Acts (Book Introduction) This book unites the Gospels to the Epistles. It contains many particulars concerning the apostles Peter and Paul, and of the Christian church from th...

MHCC: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) (Act 1:1-5) Proofs of Christ's resurrection. (Act 1:6-11) Christ's ascension. (Act 1:12-14) The apostles unite in prayer. (Act 1:15-26) Matthias ch...

Matthew Henry: Acts (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Acts of the Apostles We have with an abundant satisfaction seen the foundation of our holy religion...

Matthew Henry: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) The inspired historian begins his narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, I. With a reference to, and a brief recapitulation of, his gospel, or his...

Barclay: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES A Precious Book In one sense Acts is the most important book in the New Testament. It is the simple truth t...

Barclay: Acts 1 (Chapter Introduction) Power To Go On (Act_1:1-5) The Kingdom And Its Witnesses (Act_1:6-8) The Glory Of Departure And The Glory Of Return (Act_1:9-11) The Fate Of The T...

Constable: Acts (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title "Acts of the Apostles" is very ancient. The Anti-Marcioni...

Constable: Acts (Outline) Outline I. The witness in Jerusalem 1:1-6:7 A. The founding of the church 1:1-2:46 ...

Constable: Acts Acts Bibliography Albright, William Foxwell. The Archaeology of Palestine. 1949. Revised ed. Pelican Archaeolog...

Haydock: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. INTRODUCTION. St. Luke, who had published his gospel, wrote also a second volume, which, from the first ages, hath bee...

Gill: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ACTS This book, in some copies, is called, "The Acts of the holy Apostles". It contains an history of the ministry and miracles of ...

College: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION As early as the second century the title "The Acts of the Apostles" was given to this document. Before that time the work probably circu...


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