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Text -- Acts 22:20 (NET)

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22:20 And when the blood of your witness Stephen was shed, I myself was standing nearby, approving, and guarding the cloaks of those who were killing him.’
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Stephen the man who became the first Christian martyr

Dictionary Themes and Topics: WITNESS | Vision | Testimony | Temple | TRANCE | Stephen | Self-defense | Prisoners | Paul | PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 5 | PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 4 | MARTYR | Defense | Antonia | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 8-12 | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 1-7 | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Act 22:20 - -- Was shed ( exechunneto ). Imperfect passive of ekchunnō (see note on Mat 23:35), was being shed.

Was shed ( exechunneto ).

Imperfect passive of ekchunnō (see note on Mat 23:35), was being shed.

Robertson: Act 22:20 - -- Witness ( marturos ). And "martyr"also as in Rev 2:13; Rev 17:6. Transition state for the word here.

Witness ( marturos ).

And "martyr"also as in Rev 2:13; Rev 17:6. Transition state for the word here.

Robertson: Act 22:20 - -- I also was standing by ( kai autos ēmēn ephestōs ). Periphrastic second past perfect in form, but imperfect (linear) in sense since hestōŝh...

I also was standing by ( kai autos ēmēn ephestōs ).

Periphrastic second past perfect in form, but imperfect (linear) in sense since hestōŝhistamenos (intransitive).

Robertson: Act 22:20 - -- Consenting ( suneudokōn ). The very word used by Luke in Act 8:1 about Paul. Koiné[28928]š word for being pleased at the same time with (cf. Lu...

Consenting ( suneudokōn ).

The very word used by Luke in Act 8:1 about Paul. Koiné[28928]š word for being pleased at the same time with (cf. Luk 11:48). Paul adds here the item of "guarding the clothes of those who were slaying (anairountōn as in Luk 23:32; Act 12:2) him"(Stephen). Paul recalls the very words of protest used by him to Jesus. He did not like the idea of running away to save his own life right where he had helped slay Stephen. He is getting on dangerous ground.

Vincent: Act 22:20 - -- Martyr Better, as Rev., witness. The special sense of the word was probably not in use at this time. See on Act 1:22. It occurs, however, in Re...


Better, as Rev., witness. The special sense of the word was probably not in use at this time. See on Act 1:22. It occurs, however, in Rev 2:13; Rev 17:6.

Vincent: Act 22:20 - -- Standing by See on Act 22:13.

Standing by

See on Act 22:13.

Vincent: Act 22:20 - -- Consenting ( συνευδοκῶν ) See on allow, Luk 11:48; and compare Act 8:1.

Consenting ( συνευδοκῶν )

See on allow, Luk 11:48; and compare Act 8:1.

Vincent: Act 22:20 - -- Slew See on Luk 23:32.


See on Luk 23:32.

Wesley: Act 22:20 - -- A real convert still retains the remembrance of his former sins. He confesses thorn and is humbled for them, all the days of his life.

A real convert still retains the remembrance of his former sins. He confesses thorn and is humbled for them, all the days of his life.

JFB: Act 22:17-21 - -- This thrilling dialogue between the glorified Redeemer and his chosen vessel is nowhere else related.

This thrilling dialogue between the glorified Redeemer and his chosen vessel is nowhere else related.

JFB: Act 22:17-21 - -- On the occasion mentioned in Act 9:26-29.

On the occasion mentioned in Act 9:26-29.

JFB: Act 22:17-21 - -- He thus calls their attention to the fact that after his conversion he kept up his connection with the temple as before.

He thus calls their attention to the fact that after his conversion he kept up his connection with the temple as before.

Clarke: Act 22:20 - -- When the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed - See on Act 7:58 (note); Act 8:1 (note). All these things Paul alleged as reasons why he could not ex...

When the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed - See on Act 7:58 (note); Act 8:1 (note). All these things Paul alleged as reasons why he could not expect to be received by the Christians; for how could they suppose that such a persecutor could be converted?

TSK: Act 22:20 - -- martyr : Rev 2:13, Rev 17:6 Stephen : Act 7:58, Act 8:1 consenting : Luk 11:48; Rom 1:32

martyr : Rev 2:13, Rev 17:6

Stephen : Act 7:58, Act 8:1

consenting : Luk 11:48; Rom 1:32

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Act 22:20 - -- The blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed - See Act 7:58; Act 8:1. I also was standing by - Act 7:58. And consenting unto his death -...

The blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed - See Act 7:58; Act 8:1.

I also was standing by - Act 7:58.

And consenting unto his death - Act 8:1.

And kept the raiment - The outer robes or garments, which were usually laid aside when they engaged in running or labor. See Act 7:58. All this showed that, though Paul was not engaged in stoning Stephen, yet he was with them in spirit, and fully accorded with what they did. These circumstances are mentioned here by him as reasons why he knew that he would not be received by Christians as one of their number, and why it was necessary, therefore, for him to turn to the Gentile world.

Poole: Act 22:20 - -- Martyr is a Greek word, that signifies a witness; and is here, and since by the ecclesiastical writers, appropriated unto such as suffer death for th...

Martyr is a Greek word, that signifies a witness; and is here, and since by the ecclesiastical writers, appropriated unto such as suffer death for the testimony they give to the truths of God, or doctrine of the gospel.

Consenting unto his death as Act 8:1 .

Of them that slew him that is, of the witnesses against Stephen, as Act 7:58 . For the witnesses did slay him not only by the testimony which they gave against him, but they were to be the first who stoned him.

Slew him or murdered him.

Haydock: Act 22:20 - -- Of Stephen, thy witness. Or thy martyr, as the Greek word signifies. (Witham)

Of Stephen, thy witness. Or thy martyr, as the Greek word signifies. (Witham)

Gill: Act 22:20 - -- And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed,.... Stephen was a martyr for Christ, both by confession with his mouth, and by the effusion of his ...

And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed,.... Stephen was a martyr for Christ, both by confession with his mouth, and by the effusion of his blood; he was the proto-martyr, or "the first martyr" that suffered for Christ; and there are copies, as one of Stephens's, and the Complutensian edition, which so read in this place; his blood was shed by stoning:

I also was standing by; to see the inhuman action performed; nor was he an idle and indifferent spectator:

and consenting unto his death; being pleased and delighted with it, and rejoicing at it; see Act 8:1.

and kept the raiment of them that slew him; the accusers of him, and witnesses against him, whose hands were first on him, and cast the first stones at him, and continued to stone him, until they killed him: these laid their garments at the feet of Saul, who looked after them, that nobody stole them, and run away with them, whilst they were stoning Stephen; which shows how disposed he was to that fact, and how much he approved of it: and these things he mentions to suggest that surely the Jews would receive his testimony, since they knew what a bitter enemy he had been to this way: and therefore might conclude, that he must have some very good and strong reasons, which had prevailed upon him to embrace this religion against all his prejudices, and so might be willing to hear them; and it also shows what an affection the apostle had for the Jews, and how much he desired their spiritual welfare, for which reason he chose to have stayed, and preached among them.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Act 22:20 Or “who were putting him to death.” For the translation of ἀναιρούντων (anairountw...

Geneva Bible: Act 22:20 And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that ( b ) slew...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Act 22:1-30 - --1 Paul declares at large how he was converted to the faith,17 and called to his apostleship.22 At the very mentioning of the Gentiles the people excla...

Combined Bible: Act 22:20 - --notes on verse 17     

Maclaren: Act 22:17-30 - --Rome Protects Paul And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the Temple, I was in a trance; 18. And saw H...

MHCC: Act 22:12-21 - --The apostle goes on to relate how he was confirmed in the change he had made. The Lord having chosen the sinner, that he should know his will, he is h...

Matthew Henry: Act 22:3-21 - -- Paul here gives such an account of himself as might serve not only to satisfy the chief captain that he was not that Egyptian he took him to be, but...

Barclay: Act 22:11-21 - --Once again Paul is stressing, to begin with, his identity with his audience. When he reached Damascus, the man who instructed him was Ananias, a ...

Constable: Act 9:32--Rom 1:1 - --III. THE WITNESS TO THE UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH 9:32--28:31 Luke next recorded the church's expansion beyond...

Constable: Act 19:21--Rom 1:1 - --D. The extension of the church to Rome 19:21-28:31 "The panel is introduced by the programmatic statemen...

Constable: Act 21:17--23:33 - --2. Ministry in Jerusalem 21:17-23:32 The events that transpired in Jerusalem when Paul visited t...

Constable: Act 21:37--22:22 - --Paul's defense before the Jewish mob 21:37-22:21 "In this first of Paul's five defenses,...

Constable: Act 22:1-21 - --Paul's speech in his defense 22:1-21 Paul needed to defend himself against the charge that he had been disloyal to his people, the Mosaic Law, and the...

College: Act 22:1-30 - --ACTS 22 5. Paul's Defense to the Jews (22:1-21) Paul's Early Days (22:1-5) 1"Brothers and fathers, listen now to my defense." 2 When they heard hi...

McGarvey: Act 22:17-21 - --17-21. After this brief account of his course of persecution and his conversion, he advances to the events which occurred upon his return to Jerusalem...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES By Way of Introduction But for the Acts we should know nothing of the early apostolic period save what is told in the Epi...

JFB: Acts (Book Introduction) THIS book is to the Gospels what the fruit is to the tree that bears it. In the Gospels we see the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying: in...


TSK: Acts (Book Introduction) The Acts of the Apostles is a most valuable portion of Divine revelation; and, independently of its universal reception in the Christian church, as an...

TSK: Acts 22 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Act 22:1, Paul declares at large how he was converted to the faith, Act 22:17. and called to his apostleship; Act 22:22, At the very ment...

Poole: Acts 22 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 23

MHCC: Acts (Book Introduction) This book unites the Gospels to the Epistles. It contains many particulars concerning the apostles Peter and Paul, and of the Christian church from th...

MHCC: Acts 22 (Chapter Introduction) (Act 22:1-11) Paul's account of his conversion. (Act 22:12-21) Paul directed to preach to the Gentiles. (Act 22:22-30) The rage of the Jews Paul ple...

Matthew Henry: Acts (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Acts of the Apostles We have with an abundant satisfaction seen the foundation of our holy religion...

Matthew Henry: Acts 22 (Chapter Introduction) In the close of the foregoing chapter we had Paul bound, according to Agabus's prophecy of the hard usage he should receive from the Jews at Jerusa...

Barclay: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES A Precious Book In one sense Acts is the most important book in the New Testament. It is the simple truth t...

Barclay: Acts 22 (Chapter Introduction) The Defence Of Experience (Act_22:1-10) Paul Continues His Life Story (Act_22:11-21) The Embittered Opposition (Act_22:22-30)

Constable: Acts (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title "Acts of the Apostles" is very ancient. The Anti-Marcioni...

Constable: Acts (Outline) Outline I. The witness in Jerusalem 1:1-6:7 A. The founding of the church 1:1-2:46 ...

Constable: Acts Acts Bibliography Albright, William Foxwell. The Archaeology of Palestine. 1949. Revised ed. Pelican Archaeolog...

Haydock: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. INTRODUCTION. St. Luke, who had published his gospel, wrote also a second volume, which, from the first ages, hath bee...

Gill: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ACTS This book, in some copies, is called, "The Acts of the holy Apostles". It contains an history of the ministry and miracles of ...

College: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION As early as the second century the title "The Acts of the Apostles" was given to this document. Before that time the work probably circu...


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