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Text -- Romans 15:12 (NET)

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15:12 And again Isaiah says, “The root of Jesse will come, and the one who rises to rule over the Gentiles, in him will the Gentiles hope.”
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Gentile a non-Jewish person
 · Isaiah a son of Amoz; a prophet active in Judah from about 740 to 701 B.C.,son of Amoz; a major prophet in the time of Hezekiah
 · Jesse a son of Obed; the father of David the king and ancestor of Jesus,son of Obed of Judah; father of David

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Root of David, Jesse | Rome | Romans, Epistle to the | ROOT OF JESSE | ROOT | Quotations and Allusions | Prophecy | KING, CHRIST AS | Jesus, The Christ | JESSE | Gentiles | David | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 8-12 | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Rom 15:12 - -- The root ( hē riza ). Rather here, as in Rev 5:5; Rev 22:16, the sprout from the root. From Isa 11:10.

The root ( hē riza ).

Rather here, as in Rev 5:5; Rev 22:16, the sprout from the root. From Isa 11:10.

Robertson: Rom 15:12 - -- On him shall the Gentiles hope ( ep' autōi ethnē elpiousin ). Attic future of elpizō for the usual elpisousin .

On him shall the Gentiles hope ( ep' autōi ethnē elpiousin ).

Attic future of elpizō for the usual elpisousin .

Vincent: Rom 15:12 - -- Root See on Nazarene , Mat 2:23. Root is a sprout from the root.


See on Nazarene , Mat 2:23. Root is a sprout from the root.

Vincent: Rom 15:12 - -- He that shall rise to reign Rev., that ariseth to reign . Literally from the Septuagint. Ariseth to reign is a paraphrase of the Heb...

He that shall rise to reign

Rev., that ariseth to reign . Literally from the Septuagint. Ariseth to reign is a paraphrase of the Hebrew stands as banner . Bengel says: " There is a pleasant contrast: the root is in the lowest place, the banner rises highest, so as to be seen even by the remotest nations."

Vincent: Rom 15:12 - -- Shall - hope So Septuagint, which is a free rendering of the Hebrew seek or resort to .

Shall - hope

So Septuagint, which is a free rendering of the Hebrew seek or resort to .

Wesley: Rom 15:12 - -- That kings and the Messiah should spring from his house, was promised to Jesse before it was to David.

That kings and the Messiah should spring from his house, was promised to Jesse before it was to David.

Wesley: Rom 15:12 - -- Who before had been "without hope," Eph 2:12. Isa 11:10

Who before had been "without hope," Eph 2:12. Isa 11:10

JFB: Rom 15:8-12 - -- "For" is the true reading: the apostle is merely assigning an additional motive to Christian forbearance.

"For" is the true reading: the apostle is merely assigning an additional motive to Christian forbearance.

JFB: Rom 15:8-12 - -- "hath become"

"hath become"

JFB: Rom 15:8-12 - -- A remarkable expression, meaning "the Father's Servant for the salvation of the circumcision (or, of Israel)."

A remarkable expression, meaning "the Father's Servant for the salvation of the circumcision (or, of Israel)."

JFB: Rom 15:8-12 - -- To make good the veracity of God towards His ancient people.

To make good the veracity of God towards His ancient people.

JFB: Rom 15:8-12 - -- Messianic


JFB: Rom 15:8-12 - -- To cheer the Jewish believers, whom he might seem to have been disparaging, and to keep down Gentile pride, the apostle holds up Israel's salvation as...

To cheer the Jewish believers, whom he might seem to have been disparaging, and to keep down Gentile pride, the apostle holds up Israel's salvation as the primary end of Christ's mission. But next after this, Christ was sent.

JFB: Rom 15:12 - -- (Isa 11:10).

JFB: Rom 15:12 - -- "the"


JFB: Rom 15:12 - -- Meaning, not "He from whom Jesse sprang," but "He that is sprung from Jesse" (that is, Jesse's son David)--see Rev 22:16.

Meaning, not "He from whom Jesse sprang," but "He that is sprung from Jesse" (that is, Jesse's son David)--see Rev 22:16.

JFB: Rom 15:12 - -- So the Septuagint in substantial, though not verbal, agreement with the original.

So the Septuagint in substantial, though not verbal, agreement with the original.

Calvin: Rom 15:12 - -- 12.And again, Isaiah, etc., This prophecy is the most illustrious of them all: for in that passage, the Prophet, when things were almost past hope, c...

12.And again, Isaiah, etc., This prophecy is the most illustrious of them all: for in that passage, the Prophet, when things were almost past hope, comforted the small remnant of the faithful, even by this, — that there would arise a shoot from the dry and the dying trunk of David’s family, and that a branch would flourish from his despised root, which would restore to God’s people their pristine glory. It is clear from the account there given, that this shoot was Christ, the Redeemer of the world. And then, he added, that he would be raised for a sign to the Gentiles, that might be to them for salvation. The words do indeed differ a little from the Hebrew text; for we read here, arise, while in Hebrew it is stand for a sign, which is the same; for he was to appear conspicuous like a sign. What is here hope, is in Hebrew seek; but according to the most common usage of Scripture, to seek God is nothing else but to hope in him. 448

But twice in this prophecy is the calling of the Gentiles confirmed, — by the expression, that Christ was to be raised up as a sign, and he reigns among the faithful alone, — and by the declaration, that they shall hope in Christ, which cannot take place without the preaching of the word and illumination of the Spirit. With these things corresponds the song of Simeon. It may be further added, that hope in Christ is an evidence of his divinity.

Defender: Rom 15:12 - -- This reference is taken from the great Messianic promise of Isa 11:10, when Christ ("the root of Jesse," the father of Israel's greatest king, David -...

This reference is taken from the great Messianic promise of Isa 11:10, when Christ ("the root of Jesse," the father of Israel's greatest king, David - hence both "[the] root and the offspring of David," as in His claim in Rev 22:16) will reign over all nations, both Israel and the Gentiles."

TSK: Rom 15:12 - -- There : Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10; Rev 5:5, Rev 22:16 and he : Gen 49:10; Psa 2:4-12, Psa 22:27, Psa 22:28, Psa 72:8-10,Psa 72:17; Isa 42:1-4, Isa 49:6; Dan...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Rom 15:12 - -- Esaias saith - Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10. There shall be a root - A descendant, or one that should proceed from him when he was dead. When a tr...

Esaias saith - Isa 11:1, Isa 11:10.

There shall be a root - A descendant, or one that should proceed from him when he was dead. When a tree dies, and falls, there may remain a "root"which shall retain life, and which shall send up a sprout of a similar kind. So Job says Job 14:7, "For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease."So in relation to Jesse. Though he should fall, like an aged tree, yet his name and family should not be extinct. There should be a descendant who should rise, and reign over the Gentiles. The Lord Jesus is thus called also the "root and the offspring of David;"Rev 22:16; Rev 5:5.

Of Jesse - The father of David; 1Sa 17:58. The Messiah was thus descended from Jesse.

He that shall rise - That is, as a sprout springs up from a decayed or fallen tree. Jesus thus "rose"from the family of David, that had fallen into poverty and humble life in the time of Mary.

To reign over the Gentiles - This is quoted from the Septuagint of Isa 11:10. The Hebrew is, "Which shall stand up for an ensign of the people;"that is, a standard to which they shall flock. Either the Septuagint or the Hebrew would express the idea of the apostle. The "substantial"sense is retained, though it is not literally quoted. The idea of his "reigning"over the Gentiles is one that is fully expressed in the second psalm.

In him ... - Hebrew, "To it shall the Gentiles seek."The sense, however, is the same. The design of this quotation is the same as the preceding, to show that it was predicted in the Old Testament that the Gentiles should be made partakers of the privileges of the gospel. The argument of the apostle is, that if this was designed, then converts to Christianity from among the "Jews"should lay aside their prejudices, and "receive"them as their brethren, entitled to the same privileges of the gospel as themselves. The "fact"that the Gentiles would be admitted to these privileges, the apostle had more fully discussed in Rom. 10\endash 11.

Poole: Rom 15:12 - -- And again, Esaias saith viz. in Isa 11:10 : see the notes there. This is a plain prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles; their being received to ...

And again, Esaias saith viz. in Isa 11:10 : see the notes there. This is a plain prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles; their being received to mercy is implied in the former testimonies, but here it is expressed. The Son of David (the Savionr) shall rise and spring out of Jesse’ s root, and reign over the Gentiles by his word and Spirit. He shall gather them by the preaching of his cross, as by an ensign, and they, as it is in the prophet, shall seek to him; or, as it is here, shall trust or hope in him. The apostle, as he is wont, doth follow the LXX., which makes some little variation from the Hebrew text; but it is rather in sound than in sense. You have other prophecies and promises of the Gentiles’ mercy, as Isa 42:1,6 Isa 49:22 60:3,5 ; but the apostle thought, that these he had mentioned were sufficient for his purpose.

Gill: Rom 15:12 - -- And again Esaias saith,.... In Isa 11:10; there shall be a root of Jesse. This prophecy is applied to the Messiah by the Jews y, who say, "that ...

And again Esaias saith,.... In Isa 11:10;

there shall be a root of Jesse. This prophecy is applied to the Messiah by the Jews y, who say,

"that when the King Messiah is revealed, there shall be gathered to him all the nations of the world, so that that Scripture shall be fulfilled which is written, "there shall be a root of Jesse", &c.''

This character, "the root of Jesse", may be understood of Christ with respect to his divine nature, who, as God, was before Jesse, and the author of his being, as of all creatures; just in such sense as he is called "the root and offspring of David", Rev 5:5; the root of David, as he is God, and the offspring of David, as he is man; unless both are to be interpreted of his human nature, as the phrase here also may be, and denote his descent from Jesse as man; and so the Jewish writers interpret it as well as some Christian ones. This is R. David Kimchi's comment;

""and there shall be a root of Jesse"; the meaning is, היוצא משרש ישי, "which goes out from the root of Jesse", according to Isa 11:1, for "Jesse" is the root. And so the Targum of Jonathan, בר בריה דישי, "the son's son of Jesse";''

that is, David's son, the King Messiah, who sprung from Jesse's family, when that family was very low and mean, like to a tree cut down to, its roots, and to a root in a dry ground; out of which sprung the man the branch, David's son and Lord. This character may be applied to Christ as Mediator, who as a root is unseen and unknown to carnal men, and mean, abject, and of no account in the eyes of the world; the root that not only bears Jesse, David, and other good men, but all the branches of God's elect, from whom they have their beings, both in a natural and spiritual sense; which communicates life and nourishment to them; in whom their life is hid, and is safe when scarcely to be discerned in them; and from whom they have all their fruitfulness, and to whom is owing their perseverance in faith and holiness.

And he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; or, as the Syriac version, "and he that shall rise shall be a prince unto the Gentiles"; or, as the Arabic, "and he that shall rise out of it", the root, "shall rule over the Gentiles". In the Hebrew text in Isaiah, this is said of the root, and to be read thus, "which shall stand for an ensign of the people", Isa 11:10; because mention is made of a root, the apostle expresses the standing of it by rising out of it, which signifies both the incarnation and exaltation of Christ; and because an ensign is a token of power and government, therefore he has rendered it to "reign", agreeably enough to the sense; since upon Christ's exaltation, and setting up his ensign or standard, the Gospel, in the Gentile world, multitudes became voluntary subjects to him, and still do; over whom he rules by his grace and Spirit, and will more largely and manifestly in the latter day, when the kingdoms of this world shall be his. In like manner R. Aben. Ezra explains the words of the Messiah.

"Says he, this may be understood, for all the whole world shall be תחת רשותו, "under his power", or government.''

And so the Targum of Jonathan paraphrases them, "and kingdoms shall obey him"; so that the Jew can have no reason to complain of the apostle's version.

In him shall the Gentiles trust, or "hope"; this in the Hebrew text is, "to him shall the Gentiles seek"; which cannot be truly done without faith and hope; see Heb 11:6; for the hope and faith of enjoying what is sought for, put persons upon seeking: so that the apostle here gives us the true sense of the words, and most fully describes the affection of the Gentiles to Christ; who having some knowledge of him, seek unto him for life and salvation, prostrate themselves at his feet, venture upon him, commit themselves to him, and hope and trust in him. This part of the prophecy is by the Jews understood of the Messiah.

"All the Gentiles (says R. David Kimchi on the text) shall seek אל המשיח, "to the Messiah", and shall go after him to do what he commands; all of them shall obey him.''

But why no mention made of the Israelites seeking to the Messiah? hear what they say, and which still confirms the sense of these words z.

"The Israelites will have no need of the doctrine of the King Messiah in future time, as it is said, "to him shall the Gentiles seek", and not the Israelites.''

True enough! The apostle dwells on the proof of this point, it not being so easy of belief with the Jews, but makes it clear from the law, psalms, and prophets, which is the threefold division of the writings of the Old Testament; see Luk 24:44.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Rom 15:12 A quotation from Isa 11:10.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Rom 15:1-33 - --1 The strong must bear with the weak.2 We must not please ourselves;3 for Christ did not so;7 but receive one another, as Christ did us all;8 both Jew...

MHCC: Rom 15:8-13 - --Christ fulfilled the prophecies and promises relating to the Jews, and the Gentile converts could have no excuse for despising them. The Gentiles, bei...

Matthew Henry: Rom 15:7-12 - -- The apostle here returns to his exhortation to Christians. What he says here (Rom 15:7) is to the same purport with the former; but the repetition s...

Barclay: Rom 15:7-13 - --Paul makes one last appeal that all people within the Church should be bound into one, that those who are weak in the faith and those who are strong ...

Constable: Rom 12:1--15:14 - --VI. THE PRACTICE OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS 12:1--15:13 In contrasting chapters 1-11 with chapters 12-16 of Romans, ...

Constable: Rom 14:1--15:14 - --D. Conduct within Christian liberty 14:1-15:13 Paul moved on to discuss a problem that arises as the ded...

Constable: Rom 15:7-13 - --4. The importance of accepting one another 15:7-13 This section concludes Paul's instructions concerning the importance of accepting one another as Ch...

College: Rom 15:1-33 - --C. LIVING IN UNITY AND HOPE (15:1-13) These verses form the conclusion of the larger section on Christian liberty in matters of opinion (14:1-15:13)....

McGarvey: Rom 15:12 - --And again, Isaiah saith, There shall be the root of Jesse, And he that ariseth to rule over the Gentiles; On him shall the Gentiles hope . [The quotat...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans Spring of a.d. 57 By Way of Introduction Integrity of the Epistle The genuineness of the Epistle is so generally adm...

JFB: Romans (Book Introduction) THE GENUINENESS of the Epistle to the Romans has never been questioned. It has the unbroken testimony of all antiquity, up to CLEMENT OF ROME, the apo...


TSK: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans is " a writing," says Dr. Macknight, " which, for sublimity and truth of sentiment, for brevity and strength of expression,...

TSK: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Rom 15:1, The strong must bear with the weak; Rom 15:2, We must not please ourselves; Rom 15:3, for Christ did not so; Rom 15:7, but rece...

Poole: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 15

MHCC: Romans (Book Introduction) The scope or design of the apostle in writing to the Romans appears to have been, to answer the unbelieving, and to teach the believing Jew; to confir...

MHCC: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) (Rom 15:1-7) Directions how to behave towards the weak. (Rom 15:8-13) All to receive one another as brethren. (Rom 15:14-21) The writing and preachi...

Matthew Henry: Romans (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans If we may compare scripture with scripture, and take the opinion ...

Matthew Henry: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle, in this chapter, continues the discourse of the former, concerning mutual forbearance in indifferent things; and so draws towards a co...

Barclay: Romans (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) The Marks Of The Fellowship (Rom_15:1-6) The Inclusive Church (Rom_15:7-13) The Words Reveal The Man (Rom_15:14-21) Plans Present And Future (Rom...

Constable: Romans (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background Throughout the history of the church, from postapos...

Constable: Romans (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-17 A. Salutation 1:1-7 1. The writer 1:1 ...

Constable: Romans Romans Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. New ed. Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1881. ...

Haydock: Romans (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE ROMANS. INTRODUCTION. After the Gospels, which contain the history of Christ, and the Acts of...

Gill: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS Though this epistle is in order placed the first of the epistles, yet it was not first written: there were several epistles ...

Gill: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS 15 The apostle in this chapter pursues his exhortation to mutual affection and forbearance, notwithstanding their different ...

College: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION I. ROMANS: ITS INFLUENCE AND IMPORTANCE God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Ps 119:105), and no part of it shine...

College: Romans (Outline) VIII. OUTLINE PROLOGUE - 1:1-17 I. EPISTOLARY GREETING - 1:1-7 A. The Author Introduces Himself - 1:1 1. A Slave of Christ Jesus 2. Call...

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