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Text -- Romans 15:21 (NET)

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15:21 but as it is written: “Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.”
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Rom 15:21 - -- As it is written ( kathōs gegraptai ). From Isa 52:15. Paul finds an illustration of his word about his own ambition in the words of Isaiah. Fritzs...

As it is written ( kathōs gegraptai ).

From Isa 52:15. Paul finds an illustration of his word about his own ambition in the words of Isaiah. Fritzsche actually argues that Paul understood Isaiah to be predicting his (Paul’ s) ministry! Some scholars have argued against the genuineness of Rom 15:9-21 on wholly subjective and insufficient grounds.||

Wesley: Rom 15:21 - -- Isa 52:15.

JFB: Rom 15:18-22 - -- "to speak aught"

"to speak aught"

JFB: Rom 15:18-22 - -- A modest, though somewhat obscure form of expression, meaning, "I will not dare to go beyond what Christ hath wrought by me"--in which form accordingl...

A modest, though somewhat obscure form of expression, meaning, "I will not dare to go beyond what Christ hath wrought by me"--in which form accordingly the rest of the passage is expressed. Observe here how Paul ascribes all the success of his labors to the activity of the living Redeemer, working in and by him.

JFB: Rom 15:18-22 - -- By preaching and working; which latter he explains in the next clause.

By preaching and working; which latter he explains in the next clause.

JFB: Rom 15:20-21 - -- Rather, "Yet making it my study (compare 2Co 5:9; 1Th 4:11, Greek) so to preach the Gospel, not where Christ was [already] named, that I might not bui...

Rather, "Yet making it my study (compare 2Co 5:9; 1Th 4:11, Greek) so to preach the Gospel, not where Christ was [already] named, that I might not build upon another man's foundation: but (might act) as it is written, To whom no tidings of Him came, they shall see," &c.

Clarke: Rom 15:21 - -- But as it is written - These words, quoted from Isa 52:15, the apostle applies to his own conduct; not that the words themselves predicted what Paul...

But as it is written - These words, quoted from Isa 52:15, the apostle applies to his own conduct; not that the words themselves predicted what Paul had done, but that he endeavored to fulfill such a declaration by his manner of preaching the Gospel to the heathen.

Calvin: Rom 15:21 - -- 21.But as it is written, etc He confirms by the testimony of Isaiah what he had said of the evidence of his apostleship; for in Isa 52:15, speaking...

21.But as it is written, etc He confirms by the testimony of Isaiah what he had said of the evidence of his apostleship; for in Isa 52:15, speaking of the kingdom of Messiah, among other things he predicts, that the knowledge of Christ would be spread among the Gentiles throughout the whole world, that his name would be declared to those by whom it had not been heard of before. It was meet that this should be done by the Apostles, to whom the command was specifically given. Hence the apostleship of Paul was made evident from this circumstance, — that this prophecy was fulfilled in him. 457

It is absurd for any one to attempt to apply what is here said to the pastoral office; for we know that in Churches rightly formed, where the truth of the gospel has been already received, Christ’s name must be constantly preached. Paul then was a preacher of Christ, yet unknown to foreign nations, for this end, — that after his departure the same doctrine should be daily proclaimed in every place by the mouth of the pastors; for it is certain that the Prophet speaks of the commencement of the kingdom of Christ.

Defender: Rom 15:21 - -- From Isa 52:15, this verse introduces Isaiah's great fifty-third chapter, containing the most complete and poignant exposition in the Bible of the sac...

From Isa 52:15, this verse introduces Isaiah's great fifty-third chapter, containing the most complete and poignant exposition in the Bible of the sacrificial death of Christ. Paul, it must be remembered, was writing for the instruction of both the Jewish Christians and the Gentile Christians at Rome, understanding that both would be reading his letter."

TSK: Rom 15:21 - -- Isa 52:15, Isa 65:1

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Rom 15:21 - -- But as it is written - Isa 52:15. This is not literally quoted, but the sense is retained. The design of quoting it is to justify the principle...

But as it is written - Isa 52:15. This is not literally quoted, but the sense is retained. The design of quoting it is to justify the principle on which the apostle acted. It was revealed that the gospel should be preached to the Gentiles; and he regarded it as a high honor to be the instrument of carrying this prediction into effect.

Poole: Rom 15:20-21 - -- Ver. 20,21. He gives a reason why he chose to preach the gospel in these places, because Christ had not been named or preached there before; this, he...

Ver. 20,21. He gives a reason why he chose to preach the gospel in these places, because Christ had not been named or preached there before; this, he saith, was his ambition, and a thing that he greatly coveted; he was unwilling to

build upon another man’ s foundation to put his sickle into another’ s harvest, to derive the glory to himself which would be due to others, 2Co 10:15,16 . Again, another reason why he preached the gospel where Christ had not been named, was this, that so by him, as an apostle of Christ, and in his ministry, that scriptnre might be fulfilled, which you have in Isa 52:15 , To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see, & c. See Poole on "Isa 52:15" .

Gill: Rom 15:21 - -- But as it is written,.... In Isa 52:15; to whom he was not spoken of, they shall see, and they that have not heard shall understand; for the Messia...

But as it is written,.... In Isa 52:15;

to whom he was not spoken of, they shall see, and they that have not heard shall understand; for the Messiah was not spoken of to the Gentiles; they were strangers to the covenants of promise; the oracles of God were committed to the Jews; God gave his word and statutes to them, and not to any other nation: and yet, according to this prophecy, the Gentiles were to see him whom they had no account of; not in the flesh with their bodily eyes, in which sense only, or at least chiefly, the Jews saw him; but with the eyes of their understanding, by faith, as exhibited and evidently set forth before them as crucified, in the Gospel and the ordinances of it: and though they had heard nothing of him, having for many hundreds of years been left in ignorance, and suffered to walk in their own ways, until the apostles were sent among them; whose sound went into all the earth, and their words to the end of the world; yet when this would be the case, according to these words, they would understand the mind and will of God, the mysteries of his grace, the nature of the person and offices of Christ, the design of his coming into the world, and the way of salvation by him; all which was greatly brought about and accomplished, in the ministry of the Apostle Paul among them. The passage is very pertinently cited and applied by the apostle. The whole paragraph is to be understood of the Messiah, from whence it is taken, as it is owned, and accordingly interpreted by many Jewish writers, both ancient b and modern c; and these words particularly respect the kings and nations of the world, who are represented as struck with silence and wonder, when, upon the preaching and hearing of the Messiah, they should see him by faith, and spiritually understand what is declared concerning him. The difference between the apostle's version of these words, which is the same with the Septuagint, and the text in Isaiah, is very inconsiderable. The first clause of the Hebrew text may be literally rendered thus, "for him, who was not spoken of to them, they shall see"; and the apostle's Greek in this manner, to whom "it was not spoken of concerning him, they shall see"; the sense is the same, and person intended Christ: the latter clause, which we from the Hebrew text render, "and that which they had not heard, shall they consider"; and here, "they that have not heard, shall understand", has nothing material in it, in which they differ; for in the former part of it both design the Messiah, and the things concerning him, the Gentiles had not heard of; and the latter is rendered and explained by the Targum, and by R. Sol Jarchi, as by the apostle, אסתכלו, "they shall understand"; and which fitly expresses the sense of the Hebrew word used by the prophet.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Rom 15:21 A quotation from Isa 52:15.

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Rom 15:1-33 - --1 The strong must bear with the weak.2 We must not please ourselves;3 for Christ did not so;7 but receive one another, as Christ did us all;8 both Jew...

MHCC: Rom 15:14-21 - --The apostle was persuaded that the Roman Christians were filled with a kind and affectionate spirit, as well as with knowledge. He had written to remi...

Matthew Henry: Rom 15:17-21 - -- The apostle here gives some account of himself and of his own affairs. Having mentioned his ministry and apostleship, he goes on further to magnify ...

Barclay: Rom 15:14-21 - --Few passages reveal Paul's character better than this. He is coming to the end of his letter and is wishing to prepare the ground for the visit that ...

Constable: Rom 15:14--1Co 1:1 - --VII. CONCLUSION 15:14--16:27 The conclusion of the epistle corresponds to its introduction (1:1-17; cf. 15:14 an...

Constable: Rom 15:14-33 - --A. Paul's ministry 15:14-33 The apostle first gave information concerning his past labors (15:14-21). Th...

Constable: Rom 15:14-21 - --1. Past labors 15:14-21 Paul had been somewhat critical of the strong and the weak in the Roman church (14:1-15:13). He now balanced those comments by...

College: Rom 15:1-33 - --C. LIVING IN UNITY AND HOPE (15:1-13) These verses form the conclusion of the larger section on Christian liberty in matters of opinion (14:1-15:13)....

McGarvey: Rom 15:21 - --but [on the contrary, I preach as following the program outlined by the prophet], as it is written [Isa 52:15], They shall see, to whom no tidings of ...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans Spring of a.d. 57 By Way of Introduction Integrity of the Epistle The genuineness of the Epistle is so generally adm...

JFB: Romans (Book Introduction) THE GENUINENESS of the Epistle to the Romans has never been questioned. It has the unbroken testimony of all antiquity, up to CLEMENT OF ROME, the apo...


TSK: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans is " a writing," says Dr. Macknight, " which, for sublimity and truth of sentiment, for brevity and strength of expression,...

TSK: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Rom 15:1, The strong must bear with the weak; Rom 15:2, We must not please ourselves; Rom 15:3, for Christ did not so; Rom 15:7, but rece...

Poole: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 15

MHCC: Romans (Book Introduction) The scope or design of the apostle in writing to the Romans appears to have been, to answer the unbelieving, and to teach the believing Jew; to confir...

MHCC: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) (Rom 15:1-7) Directions how to behave towards the weak. (Rom 15:8-13) All to receive one another as brethren. (Rom 15:14-21) The writing and preachi...

Matthew Henry: Romans (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans If we may compare scripture with scripture, and take the opinion ...

Matthew Henry: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle, in this chapter, continues the discourse of the former, concerning mutual forbearance in indifferent things; and so draws towards a co...

Barclay: Romans (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) The Marks Of The Fellowship (Rom_15:1-6) The Inclusive Church (Rom_15:7-13) The Words Reveal The Man (Rom_15:14-21) Plans Present And Future (Rom...

Constable: Romans (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background Throughout the history of the church, from postapos...

Constable: Romans (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-17 A. Salutation 1:1-7 1. The writer 1:1 ...

Constable: Romans Romans Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. New ed. Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1881. ...

Haydock: Romans (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE ROMANS. INTRODUCTION. After the Gospels, which contain the history of Christ, and the Acts of...

Gill: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS Though this epistle is in order placed the first of the epistles, yet it was not first written: there were several epistles ...

Gill: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS 15 The apostle in this chapter pursues his exhortation to mutual affection and forbearance, notwithstanding their different ...

College: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION I. ROMANS: ITS INFLUENCE AND IMPORTANCE God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Ps 119:105), and no part of it shine...

College: Romans (Outline) VIII. OUTLINE PROLOGUE - 1:1-17 I. EPISTOLARY GREETING - 1:1-7 A. The Author Introduces Himself - 1:1 1. A Slave of Christ Jesus 2. Call...

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