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Text -- Romans 15:3 (NET)

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15:3 For even Christ did not please himself, but just as it is written, “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.”
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Rom 15:3 - -- Pleased not himself ( ouch heautōi ēresen ). Aorist active indicative of areskō with the usual dative. The supreme example for Christians. Se...

Pleased not himself ( ouch heautōi ēresen ).

Aorist active indicative of areskō with the usual dative. The supreme example for Christians. See Rom 14:15. He quotes Psa 69:9 (Messianic Psalm) and represents the Messiah as bearing the reproaches of others.

Wesley: Rom 15:3 - -- But bore not only the infirmities, but reproaches, of his brethren; and so fulfilled that scripture. Psa 69:9

But bore not only the infirmities, but reproaches, of his brethren; and so fulfilled that scripture. Psa 69:9

JFB: Rom 15:2-3 - -- Lay himself out to

Lay himself out to

JFB: Rom 15:2-3 - -- Not indeed for his mere gratification, but

Not indeed for his mere gratification, but

JFB: Rom 15:2-3 - -- With a view to his edification.

With a view

to his edification.

JFB: Rom 15:3 - -- Lived not to please

Lived not to please

JFB: Rom 15:3 - -- (Psa 69:9).

JFB: Rom 15:3 - -- See Mar 10:42-45.

Clarke: Rom 15:3 - -- For even Christ pleased not himself - Christ never acted as one who sought his own ease or profit; he not only bore with the weakness, but with the ...

For even Christ pleased not himself - Christ never acted as one who sought his own ease or profit; he not only bore with the weakness, but with the insults, of his creatures; as it is written in Psa 69:9 : The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me - I not only bore their insults, but bore the punishment due to them for their vicious and abominable conduct. That this Psalm refers to the Messiah and his sufferings for mankind is evident, not only from the quotation here, but also from Joh 19:28, Joh 19:29, when our Lord’ s receiving the vinegar during his expiatory suffering is said to be a fulfilling of the scripture, viz. of Psa 69:21 of this very Psalm; and his cleansing the temple, Joh 2:15-17, is said to be a fulfillment of Psa 69:9 : For the zeal of thy house hath eaten me up, the former part of which verse the apostle quotes here.

Calvin: Rom 15:3 - -- 3.For even Christ pleased not himself, etc Since it is not right that a servant should refuse what his lord has himself undertaken, it would be very ...

3.For even Christ pleased not himself, etc Since it is not right that a servant should refuse what his lord has himself undertaken, it would be very strange in us to wish an exemption from the duty of bearing the infirmities of others, to which Christ, in whom we glory as our Lord and King, submitted himself; for he having no regard for himself, gave up himself wholly to this service. For in him was really verified what the Prophet declares in Psa 69:9 : and among other things he mentions this, that “zeal for God’s house had eaten him up,” and that “the reproaches of those who reproached God fell on him.” By these words it is intimated, that he burned with so much fervor for God’s glory that he was possessed by such a desire to promote his kingdom, that he forgot himself, and was, as it were, absorbed with this one thought, and that he so devoted himself to the Lord that he was grieved in his soul whenever he perceived his holy name exposed to the slandering of the ungodly. 439

The second part, “the reproaches of God,” may indeed be understood in two ways, — either that he was not less affected by the contumelies which were heaped on God, than if he himself had endured them, — or, that he grieved not otherwise to see the wrong done to God, than if he himself had been the cause. But if Christ reigns in us, as he must necessarily reign in his people, this feeling is also vigorous in our hearts, so that whatever derogates from the glory of God does not otherwise grieve us than if it was done to ourselves. Away then with those whose highest wish is to gain honors from them who treat God’s name with all kinds of reproaches, tread Christ under foot, contumeliously rend, and with the sword and the flame persecute his gospel. It is not indeed safe to be so much honored by those by whom Christ is not only despised but also reproachfully treated.

Defender: Rom 15:3 - -- This phrase is from Psa 69:9, the same verse which the disciples applied to Christ when He purged the temple of the money-changers (Joh 2:17). He suff...

This phrase is from Psa 69:9, the same verse which the disciples applied to Christ when He purged the temple of the money-changers (Joh 2:17). He suffered reproach on our behalf; we should be willing to be reproached for His sake (1Pe 4:14)."

TSK: Rom 15:3 - -- Christ : Psa 40:6-8; Mat 26:39, Mat 26:42; Joh 4:34, Joh 5:30, Joh 6:38, Joh 8:29, Joh 12:27, Joh 12:28, Joh 14:30; Joh 14:31, Joh 15:10; Phi 2:8 The ...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Rom 15:3 - -- For even Christ - The apostle proceeds, in his usual manner, to illustrate what he had said by the example of the Saviour. To a Christian, the ...

For even Christ - The apostle proceeds, in his usual manner, to illustrate what he had said by the example of the Saviour. To a Christian, the example of the Lord Jesus will furnish the most ready, certain, and happy illustration of the nature and extent of his duty.

Pleased not himself - This is not to be understood as if the Lord Jesus did not voluntarily and cheerfully engage in his great work. He was not "compelled"to come and suffer. Nor is it to be understood as if he did not "approve"the work, or see its propriety and fitness. If he had not, he would never have engaged in its sacrifices and self-denials. But the meaning may be expressed in the following particulars:

(1) He came to do the will or desire of God in "undertaking"the work of salvation. It was the will of God; it was agreeable to the divine purposes, and the Mediator did not consult his own happiness and honor in heaven, but cheerfully came to "do the will"of God; Psa 40:7-8; compare Heb 10:4-10; Phi 2:6; Joh 17:5.

(2) Christ when on earth, made it his great object to do the will of God, to finish the work which God had given him to do, and not to seek his own comfort and enjoyment. This he expressly affirms; Joh 6:38; Joh 5:30.

\caps1 (3) h\caps0 e was willing for this to endure whatever trials and pains the will of God might demand, not seeking to avoid them or to shrink from them. See particularly his prayer in the garden; Luk 22:42.

\caps1 (4) i\caps0 n his life, he did not seek personal comfort, wealth, or friends, or honors. He denied himself to promote the welfare of others; he was poor that they might be rich; he was in lonely places that he might seek out the needy and provide for them. Nay, he did not seek to preserve his own life when the appointed time came to die, but gave himself up for all.

\caps1 (5) t\caps0 here may be another idea which the apostle had here. He bore with patience the ignorance, blindness, erroneous views, and ambitious projects of his disciples. He evinced kindness to them when in error; and was not harsh, censorious, or unkind, when they were filled with vain projects of ambition, or perverted his words, or were dull of apprehension. So says the apostle, "we"ought to do in relation to our brethren.

But as it is written - Psa 69:9. This psalm, and the former part of this verse, is referred to the Messiah; compare Rom 15:21, with Mat 27:34, Mat 27:48.

The reproaches - The calumnies, censures, harsh, opprobrious speeches.

Of them that reproached thee - Of the wicked, who vilified and abused the law and government of God.

Fell on me - In other words, Christ was willing to suffer reproach and contempt in order to do good to others. tie endured calumny and contempt all his life, from those who by their lips and lives calumniated God, or reproached their Maker. We may learn here,

(1) That the contempt of Jesus Christ is contempt of him who appointed him.

\caps1 (2) w\caps0 e may see the kindness of the Lord Jesus in being willing thus to "throw himself"between the sinner and God; to "intercept,"as it were, our sins, and to bear the effects of them in his own person. He stood between "us"and God; and both the reproaches and the divine displeasure due to them, "met"on his sacred person, and produced the sorrows of the atonement - his bitter agony in the garden and on the cross. Jesus thus showed his love of God in being willing to bear the reproaches aimed at him; and his love to "men"in being willing to endure the sufferings necessary to atone for these very sins.

\caps1 (3) i\caps0 f Jesus thus bore reproaches, "we"should be willing also to endure them. We suffer in the cause where be has gone before us, and where he has set us the example; and as "he"was abused and vilified, we should be willing to be so also.

Poole: Rom 15:3 - -- For even Christ pleased not himself: he backs his exhortation in Rom 14:1 , with an argument taken from the practice of our Lord himself, who is our ...

For even Christ pleased not himself: he backs his exhortation in Rom 14:1 , with an argument taken from the practice of our Lord himself, who is our perfect pattern, and hath left us an example, that we should follow his steps: see Joh 13:15,34 1Pe 2:21 1Jo 2:6 4:17 . By Christ’ s not pleasing himself, is meant his not indulging or sparing himself; he did not seek his own ease, nor to satisfy inclination of the human nature, which abhorreth pain, and the destruction of itself. He took such a course all along as sufficiently demonstrated that he respected our benefit, and not his own.

But; here is an ellipsis, something must he supplied to fill up the sense: either the meaning is, he pleased not himself, but others; or, he pleased not himself, but bore our infirmities and reproaches: or else, he pleased not himself, but it happened to him; or he so carried himself that it might be truly applied to him, which is written, &c.

As it is written; viz. in Psa 69:9 . That David uttered these words in the person of Christ, or as a type of him, may appear from Joh 2:17 . Interpreters are divided about accommodating this testimony to the occasion for which it is brought. Either the meaning is, that Christ did willingly expose himself to all the reproaches and contumelies of men, in obedience to his Father’ s will; or else, that he and the same concernments with God the Father, so that what befell God did also befall him; he was as tender of the Father’ s honour as of his own: or else, that the sins of men, which are things that cast reproach upon God, were taken by Christ upon himself, and he bore them in his body upon a tree. Seeing then that Christ hath done so much for our sakes, and hath not sought his own ease and benefit, we ought also to seek the good of others, and to deny ourselves: see Phi 2:6-8 .

PBC: Rom 15:3 - -- See PB: Mt 3:17

See PB: Mt 3:17

Gill: Rom 15:3 - -- For even Christ pleased not himself,.... He sought not his own ease, pleasure, profit, honour, and glory, but to do his Father's will and work, Joh 4:...

For even Christ pleased not himself,.... He sought not his own ease, pleasure, profit, honour, and glory, but to do his Father's will and work, Joh 4:34; and he always did the things which pleased him, in his obedience, sufferings, and death; and sought not his own, but his glory: moreover, what he did and suffered were not for himself, but for us; he became incarnate for us; he obeyed, suffered, and died for us; he came not to be ministered to, to be attended upon as an earthly prince, enjoying his own ease and pleasure, things grateful to nature, but to minister to others, Mat 20:28; hence he appeared in the form of a servant, did the work of one in life, and at last became obedient to death, even the death of the cross, Phi 2:7, not but that he was well pleased in doing and suffering all this; it was his delight to do the will of God: it was his meat and drink to finish his work; yea, that part of it which was most disagreeable to flesh and blood, was most earnestly desired by him, even the baptism of his sufferings; and in the view of the salvation of his people, and of enjoying their company with him to all eternity, he endured the cross patiently, and despised the shame with pleasure, Heb 12:2, but then he met with many things which were far from being grateful to human nature; such as the hardness and unbelief of the Jews, with which he was grieved, their scoffs and insults, reproaches and jeers; the ignorance, frowardness, and moroseness of his own disciples, whose infirmities he bore; and at last the sufferings of death, that bitter cup, which he as man desired might pass from him; but, however, he submitted to his Father's will, Mat 26:39; all which prove what the apostle here affirms. This instance of Christ, the man of God's right hand, the son of man, whom he has made strong for himself, the head of the church, the leader and commander of the people, bearing the infirmities of the weak, and not pleasing himself, is very pertinently produced, to enforce the above exhortations; who is an example to his people in the exercise of every grace, and the discharge of every duty; as in beneficence, forgiving of injuries, mutual love, meekness and humility, suffering of afflictions, and patience. The proof of it follows,

but as it is written, in Psa 69:9;

the reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me; which are the words of Christ unto his Father, as the whole psalm is to be understood not of David, but of the Messiah, as is clear from the citations out of it, and references to it in the New Testament; see Joh 2:17, compared with Psa 69:9, and the meaning of them is, either that the reproaches which were cast on the house, worship, and ordinances of God, affected Christ as much as if they had been cast upon himself; which stirred up his zeal to take the method he did, to show his resentment at such indignities; see Joh 2:15, or that the same persons by whom the name of God was blasphemed, his sanctuary polluted, and his ordinances reproached, also reproached him; and he bore in his bosom the reproach of all the mighty people, which were in great plenty poured upon him; they reproached him with being a glutton, a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners, Mat 11:19; they said he was a Samaritan, and had a devil, Joh 8:48, charged him with blasphemy and sedition, Mat 26:65; and when on the cross, mocked, reviled, and wagged their heads at him, Mat 27:39; all which he bore patiently, and reviled not again: moreover, by "reproaches" may be meant the sins of his people, by which the name of God was blasphemed, his law trampled upon with contempt, and the perfections of his nature, as his justice and holiness, dishonoured; and which fell upon Christ, not by chance, but by the appointment of God, and according to his own voluntary agreement; and which he bore in his own body, and made satisfaction for; which though he did willingly, in order to obtain some valuable ends, the salvation of his people, and the glorifying of the divine perfections, the honouring of the law, and satisfying of justice, yet the bearing of them, in itself, could not be grateful to him as such; neither the charge of sin, nor the weight of punishment; and in this respect he pleased not himself, or did that which was grateful to his pure and holy nature.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Rom 15:3 A quotation from Ps 69:9.

Geneva Bible: Rom 15:3 ( 2 ) For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me. ( 2 ) A confirmation taken ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Rom 15:1-33 - --1 The strong must bear with the weak.2 We must not please ourselves;3 for Christ did not so;7 but receive one another, as Christ did us all;8 both Jew...

MHCC: Rom 15:1-7 - --Christian liberty was allowed, not for our pleasure, but for the glory of God, and the good of others. We must please our neighbour, for the good of h...

Matthew Henry: Rom 15:1-4 - -- The apostle here lays down two precepts, with reasons to enforce them, showing the duty of the strong Christian to consider and condescend to the we...

Barclay: Rom 15:1-6 - --Paul is still dealing with the duties of those within the Christian fellowship to one another, and especially with the duty of the stronger to the we...

Constable: Rom 12:1--15:14 - --VI. THE PRACTICE OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS 12:1--15:13 In contrasting chapters 1-11 with chapters 12-16 of Romans, ...

Constable: Rom 14:1--15:14 - --D. Conduct within Christian liberty 14:1-15:13 Paul moved on to discuss a problem that arises as the ded...

Constable: Rom 15:1-6 - --3. The importance of pleasing one another 15:1-6 Paul now developed the key concept to which he referred in chapter 14, namely putting the welfare of ...

College: Rom 15:1-33 - --C. LIVING IN UNITY AND HOPE (15:1-13) These verses form the conclusion of the larger section on Christian liberty in matters of opinion (14:1-15:13)....

McGarvey: Rom 15:3 - --For Christ also pleased not himself [The strong ought to give way to the weak because strength can yield better than weakness, since in so doing it in...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans Spring of a.d. 57 By Way of Introduction Integrity of the Epistle The genuineness of the Epistle is so generally adm...

JFB: Romans (Book Introduction) THE GENUINENESS of the Epistle to the Romans has never been questioned. It has the unbroken testimony of all antiquity, up to CLEMENT OF ROME, the apo...


TSK: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans is " a writing," says Dr. Macknight, " which, for sublimity and truth of sentiment, for brevity and strength of expression,...

TSK: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Rom 15:1, The strong must bear with the weak; Rom 15:2, We must not please ourselves; Rom 15:3, for Christ did not so; Rom 15:7, but rece...

Poole: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 15

MHCC: Romans (Book Introduction) The scope or design of the apostle in writing to the Romans appears to have been, to answer the unbelieving, and to teach the believing Jew; to confir...

MHCC: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) (Rom 15:1-7) Directions how to behave towards the weak. (Rom 15:8-13) All to receive one another as brethren. (Rom 15:14-21) The writing and preachi...

Matthew Henry: Romans (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans If we may compare scripture with scripture, and take the opinion ...

Matthew Henry: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle, in this chapter, continues the discourse of the former, concerning mutual forbearance in indifferent things; and so draws towards a co...

Barclay: Romans (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) The Marks Of The Fellowship (Rom_15:1-6) The Inclusive Church (Rom_15:7-13) The Words Reveal The Man (Rom_15:14-21) Plans Present And Future (Rom...

Constable: Romans (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background Throughout the history of the church, from postapos...

Constable: Romans (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-17 A. Salutation 1:1-7 1. The writer 1:1 ...

Constable: Romans Romans Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. New ed. Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1881. ...

Haydock: Romans (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE ROMANS. INTRODUCTION. After the Gospels, which contain the history of Christ, and the Acts of...

Gill: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS Though this epistle is in order placed the first of the epistles, yet it was not first written: there were several epistles ...

Gill: Romans 15 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS 15 The apostle in this chapter pursues his exhortation to mutual affection and forbearance, notwithstanding their different ...

College: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION I. ROMANS: ITS INFLUENCE AND IMPORTANCE God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Ps 119:105), and no part of it shine...

College: Romans (Outline) VIII. OUTLINE PROLOGUE - 1:1-17 I. EPISTOLARY GREETING - 1:1-7 A. The Author Introduces Himself - 1:1 1. A Slave of Christ Jesus 2. Call...

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