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Text -- 2 Corinthians 3:15 (NET)

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3:15 But until this very day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their minds,
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Veil, vail | Veil | VEIL (1) | Mysteries | Moses | INSPIRATION, 1-7 | GOSPELS, THE SYNOPTIC | GALATIANS, EPISTLE TO THE | Corinthians, Second Epistle to the | Blindness | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , JFB , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 2Co 3:15 - -- Whensoever Moses is read ( hēnika an anaginōskētai Mōusēs ). Indefinite temporal clause with hēnika an and the present passive subjunct...

Whensoever Moses is read ( hēnika an anaginōskētai Mōusēs ).

Indefinite temporal clause with hēnika an and the present passive subjunctive.

Robertson: 2Co 3:15 - -- A veil lieth upon their heart ( epi tēn kardian autōn keitai ). Vivid and distressing picture, a fact that caused Paul agony of heart (Rom 9:1-5)...

A veil lieth upon their heart ( epi tēn kardian autōn keitai ).

Vivid and distressing picture, a fact that caused Paul agony of heart (Rom 9:1-5). With wilful blindness the rabbis set aside the word of God by their tradition in the time of Jesus (Mar 7:8.).

JFB: 2Co 3:14-18 - -- Parenthetical: Of Christians in general. He resumes the subject of the ministry, 2Co 4:1.

Parenthetical: Of Christians in general. He resumes the subject of the ministry, 2Co 4:1.

JFB: 2Co 3:14-18 - -- Greek, "mental perceptions"; "understandings."

Greek, "mental perceptions"; "understandings."

JFB: 2Co 3:14-18 - -- Rather, "hardened." The opposite to "looking steadfastly at the end" of the law (2Co 3:13). The veil on Moses' face is further typical of the veil tha...

Rather, "hardened." The opposite to "looking steadfastly at the end" of the law (2Co 3:13). The veil on Moses' face is further typical of the veil that is on their hearts.

JFB: 2Co 3:14-18 - -- Rather, "the same veil . . . remaineth untaken away [literally, not unveiled], so that they do not see THAT it (not the veil as English Version, but '...

Rather, "the same veil . . . remaineth untaken away [literally, not unveiled], so that they do not see THAT it (not the veil as English Version, but 'THE OLD TESTAMENT,' or covenant of legal ordinances) is done away (2Co 3:7, 2Co 3:11, 2Co 3:13) in Christ" or, as BENGEL, "Because it is done away in Christ," that is, it is not done away save in Christ: the veil therefore remains untaken away from them, because they will not come to Christ, who does away, with the law as a mere letter. If they once saw that the law is done away in Him, the veil would be no longer on their hearts in reading it publicly in their synagogues (so "reading" means, Act 15:21). I prefer the former.

JFB: 2Co 3:15 - -- Rather, "a veil lieth upon their heart" (their understanding, affected by the corrupt will, Joh 8:43; 1Co 2:14). The Tallith was worn in the synagogue...

Rather, "a veil lieth upon their heart" (their understanding, affected by the corrupt will, Joh 8:43; 1Co 2:14). The Tallith was worn in the synagogue by every worshipper, and to this veil hanging over the breast there may be an indirect allusion here (see on 1Co 11:4): the apostle making it symbolize the spiritual veil on their heart.

TSK: 2Co 3:15 - -- the veil : Act 13:27-29

the veil : Act 13:27-29

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 2Co 3:15 - -- But even unto this day - To the time when Paul wrote this Epistle, about 30 years after Christ was put to death. But it is still as true as it ...

But even unto this day - To the time when Paul wrote this Epistle, about 30 years after Christ was put to death. But it is still as true as it was in the time of Paul; and the character and conduct of the Jews now so entirely accords with the description which he gives of them in his time, as to show that he drew from nature, and as to constitute one of the strong incidental proofs that the account in the New Testament is true. Of no other people on earth, probably, would a description be accurate eighteen hundred years after it was made.

When Moses is read - When the five books of Moses are read, as they were regularly and constantly in their synagogues; see the note on Luk 4:16.

The vail is upon their heart - They do not see the true meaning and beauty of their own Scriptures - a description as applicable to the Jews now as it was to those in the time of Paul.

Poole: 2Co 3:15 - -- The veil mystically signified by the veil upon Moses’ s face, which hindereth them from seeing or discerning the Messiah to be come. But why dot...

The veil mystically signified by the veil upon Moses’ s face, which hindereth them from seeing or discerning the Messiah to be come. But why doth he say,

when Moses that is, the books of Moses, or rather of the Old Testament, are read? Possibly he thereby hinteth, that it was their duty, when in the synagogues they heard the chapters of the Old Testament read, which contain the types and prophecies of Christ, they ought to have looked through those veils, and have considered Christ as the end of those things; so the law, as a schoolmaster, should have led them to Christ: but it was quite otherwise. When they heard those portions of the Old Testament read, through the veil upon their hearts, they could not see through the veil of those types, prophecies, and ritual performances, but rested in them as things in the performance of which they laid their righteousness. Or, if they before had some little convictions upon their spirits, yet when they again came into the synagogues, and heard the law read, the veil again appeared over their hearts, so as they could not see Christ.

Haydock: 2Co 3:14-15 - -- But the senses and minds of the Jews have been dulled, hardened, and blinded, so that to this day we may say the veil remains over their eyes a...

But the senses and minds of the Jews have been dulled, hardened, and blinded, so that to this day we may say the veil remains over their eyes and minds, and hearts; that is, the greatest part of them understand not Moses' books, prophecies, and those things that were figures of Christ. But they shall understand them, and the veil shall be taken off, when they shall be converted before the end of the world. (Witham)

Gill: 2Co 3:15 - -- But even unto this day, when Moses is read,.... These words are an explanation of the former, and show that by the Old Testament is designed, more esp...

But even unto this day, when Moses is read,.... These words are an explanation of the former, and show that by the Old Testament is designed, more especially, Moses, or the writings of Moses; which were frequently read, and preached upon in the Jewish synagogues; see Act 13:15 and that by "the veil untaken away", is meant,

the veil upon their heart; that is, the veil of blindness, ignorance of Christ, and the Gospel; of the prophecies of the Old Testament, and even of the law itself, its nature, use, and end; preferring the traditions of their fathers, before the written law of Moses.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 2Co 3:15 Grk “their heart.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 2Co 3:1-18 - --1 Lest their false teachers should charge him with vain glory, he shows the faith and graces of the Corinthians to be a sufficient commendation of his...

MHCC: 2Co 3:12-18 - --It is the duty of the ministers of the gospel to use great plainness, or clearness, of speech. The Old Testament believers had only cloudy and passing...

Matthew Henry: 2Co 3:12-18 - -- In these verses the apostle draws two inferences from what he had said about the Old and New Testament: - I. Concerning the duty of the ministers o...

Barclay: 2Co 3:12-18 - --All the pictures in this passage emerge directly from the passage which goes before. Paul begins from the thought that when Moses came down from the ...


Constable: 2Co 3:1--6:11 - --B. Exposition of Paul's view of the ministry 3:1-6:10 The apostle proceeded to explain his view of Chris...

Constable: 2Co 3:12--4:7 - --2. The great boldness of the new ministers 3:12-4:6 The superiority of Christian ministry should...

Constable: 2Co 3:12-18 - --The openness of Christian ministry 3:12-18 "If the keyword in vv. 7-11 is glory,' the keyword for vv. 12-18, of which vv. 12-15 form the first part, i...

College: 2Co 3:1-18 - --2 CORINTHIANS 3 2. A Living Letter of Recommendation Sent (3:1-3) 3:1 Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Paul asks this question tongue-...

McGarvey: 2Co 3:15 - --But unto this day, whensoever Moses is read, a veil lieth upon their heart .

Lapide: 2Co 3:1-18 - --CHAPTER III. SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. Paul asserts that he does not seek or need the praise of men, as the Judaising false apostles sought it: th...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Second Corinthians From Macedonia a.d. 54 Or 55 By Way of Introduction The Pauline authorship is admitted by all real scholars, though there is ...

JFB: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE following reasons seem to have induced Paul to write this Second Epistle to the Corinthians: (1) That he might explain the reasons for his having ...


TSK: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The most remarkable circumstance in this Epistle, observes Mr. Scott, is the confidence of the Apostle in the goodness of his cause, and in the power ...

TSK: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 2Co 3:1, Lest their false teachers should charge him with vain glory, he shows the faith and graces of the Corinthians to be a sufficient...

Poole: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 3

MHCC: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The second epistle to the Corinthians probably was written about a year after the first. Its contents are closely connected with those of the former e...

MHCC: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) (2Co 3:1-11) The preference of the gospel to the law given by Moses. (2Co 3:12-18) The preaching of the apostle was suitable to the excellency and ev...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians In his former epistle the apostle had signified his i...

Matthew Henry: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle makes an apology for his seeming to commend himself, and is careful not to assume too much to himself, but to ascribe all praise unto G...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS TO THE CORINTHIANS The Greatness Of Corinth A glance at the map will show that Corinth was made for greatness. The south...

Barclay: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) Each Man A Letter Of Christ (2Co_3:1-3) The Surpassing Glory (2Co_3:4-11) The Veil Which Hides The Truth (2Co_3:12-18)

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background First Corinthians did not dispel the problems in th...

Constable: 2 Corinthians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-11 A. Salutation 1:1-2 B. Thanksgiving for c...

Constable: 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. Reprint ed. Grand Rapids: Baker Book Hou...

Haydock: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE SECOND EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE CORINTHIANS. INTRODUCTION. The subject and design of this second Epistle to the Corinthian...

Gill: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS This epistle, according to the subscription at the end of it, was written from Philippi of Macedonia; and though the ...

Gill: 2 Corinthians 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 2 CORINTHIANS 3 In this chapter the apostle clears himself from the charge of arrogance and self-commendation, and ascribes both th...

College: 2 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION Studying 2 Corinthians plunges the modern reader back to the real, tumultuous world of early Christianity. The simple ideals of sharing ...

College: 2 Corinthians (Outline) OUTLINE I. OPENING - 1:1-2 II. THANKSGIVING - 1:3-11 A. GOD COMFORTS - 1:3-7 B. GOD DELIVERS - 1:8-11 III. DEFENSE OF INTEGRITY - 1:12...

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