Text -- Deuteronomy 25:10 (NET)

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Wesley -> Deu 25:10
That is, his person, and his posterity also. So it was a lasting blot.
JFB -> Deu 25:5-10
JFB: Deu 25:5-10 - -- This usage existed before the age of Moses (Gen 38:8). But the Mosaic law rendered the custom obligatory (Mat 22:25) on younger brothers, or the neare...
This usage existed before the age of Moses (Gen 38:8). But the Mosaic law rendered the custom obligatory (Mat 22:25) on younger brothers, or the nearest kinsman, to marry the widow (Rth 4:4), by associating the natural desire of perpetuating a brother's name with the preservation of property in the Hebrew families and tribes. If the younger brother declined to comply with the law, the widow brought her claim before the authorities of the place at a public assembly (the gate of the city); and he having declared his refusal, she was ordered to loose the thong of his shoe--a sign of degradation--following up that act by spitting on the ground-- the strongest expression of ignominy and contempt among Eastern people. The shoe was kept by the magistrate as an evidence of the transaction, and the parties separated.

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Barnes -> Deu 25:5-10
Barnes: Deu 25:5-10 - -- The law of levirate marriage. The law on this subject is not unique to the Jews, but is found (see Gen 38:8) in all essential respects the same amon...
The law of levirate marriage. The law on this subject is not unique to the Jews, but is found (see Gen 38:8) in all essential respects the same among various Oriental nations, ancient and modern. The rules in these verses, like those upon divorce, do but incorporate existing immemorial usages, and introduce various wise and politic limitations and mitigations of them. The root of the obligation here imposed upon the brother of the deceased husband lies in the primitive idea of childlessness being a great calamity (compare Gen 16:4; and note), and extinction of name and family one of the greatest that could happen (compare Deu 9:14; Psa 109:12-15). To avert this the ordinary rules as to intermarriage are in the case in question (compare Lev 18:16) set aside. The obligation was onerous (compare Rth 4:6), and might be repugnant; and it is accordingly considerably reduced and restricted by Moses. The duty is recognized as one of affection for the memory of the deceased; it is not one which could be enforced at law. That it continued down to the Christian era is apparent from the question on this point put to Jesus by the Sadducees (see the marginal references).
No child - literally, "no son."The existence of a daughter would clearly suffice. The daughter would inherit the name and property of the father; compare Num 27:1-11.
Loose his shoe from off his foot - In token of taking from the unwilling brother all right over the wife and property of the deceased. Planting the foot on a thing was an usual symbol of lordship and of taking possession (compare Gen 13:17; Jos 10:24), and loosing the shoe and handing it to another in like manner signified a renunciation and transfer of right and title (compare Rth 4:7-8; Psa 60:8, and Psa 108:9). The widow here is directed herself, as the party slighted and injured, to deprive her brother-law of his shoe, and spit in his face (compare Num 12:14). The action was intended to aggravate the disgrace conceived to attach to the conduct of the man.
The house ... - Equivalent to "the house of the barefooted one."To go barefoot was a sign of the most abject condition; compare 2Sa 15:30.
Poole -> Deu 25:10
Poole: Deu 25:10 - -- i.e. His person, names being oft put for persons , and his posterity also. So it was a lasting blot.
i.e. His person, names being oft put for persons , and his posterity also. So it was a lasting blot.
Haydock -> Deu 25:10
Haydock: Deu 25:10 - -- Unshod. Those who have no consideration for their brethren, or for the commonwealth, deserve to be despised. Much more do they who are appointed pa...
Unshod. Those who have no consideration for their brethren, or for the commonwealth, deserve to be despised. Much more do they who are appointed pastors of the Church, if they do not zealously endeavour to increase the number of God's servants, whom they must attach to him, and not to themselves. Thus the disciples of St. Paul were known by the general name of Christians. (St. Augustine, contra Faustus xxxii. 10.) (Worthington)
Gill -> Deu 25:10
Gill: Deu 25:10 - -- And his name shall be called in Israel,.... Not his particular and personal name, but his family; for it seems that not only a mark of infamy was set ...
And his name shall be called in Israel,.... Not his particular and personal name, but his family; for it seems that not only a mark of infamy was set upon him for refusing to marry his brother's widow, but upon his family also:
the house of him that hath his shoe loosed; which, as Leo of Modena says s, was repeated by her three times; and at every time the people with a loud voice answer and call him, one that had his shoe loosed; and then the Rabbin tells the man that he is at liberty now to marry whom he pleases; and if he desires a certificate from them of this setting free his kinswoman, they presently give him one; and she also had a writing given to her by the judges, certifying the same, that she was free also to marry another; of which the following is a short form or copy t."In such or such a session (or court), such an one, the daughter of such an one, plucked off the shoe of such an one, the son of such an one, before us; she brought him before us, and she loosed the shoe of his right foot, and spit before him spittle, which was seen by us upon the ground; and said, so shall it be done to the man that would not build up his brother's house.''A larger form may be seen in Maimonides u, as well as a type and copy of the matrimonial contract. From this law an high priest was free, Lev 21:14; and so a king, according to the Jewish canon w.

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expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Deu 25:1-19
TSK Synopsis: Deu 25:1-19 - --1 Stripes must not exceed forty.4 The ox is not to be muzzled.5 Of raising seed unto a brother.11 Of the immodest woman.13 Of unjust weights and measu...
MHCC -> Deu 25:5-12
MHCC: Deu 25:5-12 - --The custom here regulated seems to have been in the Jewish law in order to keep inheritances distinct; now it is unlawful.
Matthew Henry -> Deu 25:5-12
Matthew Henry: Deu 25:5-12 - -- Here is, I. The law settled concerning the marrying of the brother's widow. It appears from the story of Judah's family that this had been an ancien...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Deu 25:5-10
Keil-Delitzsch: Deu 25:5-10 - --
On Levirate Marriages. - Deu 25:5, Deu 25:6. If brothers lived together, and one of them died childless, the wife of the deceased was not to be marr...
Constable: Deu 5:1--26:19 - --IV. MOSES' SECOND MAJOR ADDRESS: AN EXPOSITION OF THE LAW chs. 5--26
". . . Deuteronomy contains the most compre...

Constable: Deu 12:1--25:19 - --B. An exposition of selected covenant laws 12-25
Moses' homiletical exposition of the law of Israel that...

Constable: Deu 24:8--26:1 - --9. Laws arising from the ninth commandment 24:8-25:19
The ninth commandment is, "You shall not b...

Constable: Deu 25:5-19 - --10. Laws arising from the tenth commandment 25:5-19
The tenth commandment is, "You shall not cov...