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Text -- Deuteronomy 34:3 (NET)

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34:3 the Negev, and the plain of the valley of Jericho, the city of the date palm trees, as far as Zoar.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Jericho a town five miles west of the Jordan and 15 miles northeast of Jerusalem,a town of Benjamin 11 km NW of the mouth of the Jordan River
 · Negeb geographical region: South country
 · Zoar a town at the south end of the Dead Sea

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Zoar | Palm Tree | Moses | VALE, VALLEY | PLAIN | Death | Jericho | Pisgah | SIDDIM, VALE OF | Israel | JOSHUA (2) | CHAMPAIGN | Palm trees, The city of | CITIES OF THE PLAIN; CICCAR | CITY OF PALM TREES | NEBO, MOUNT | DEUTERONOMY | PENTATEUCH, 2A | more
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