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Text -- Hebrews 11:39 (NET)

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11:39 And these all were commended for their faith, yet they did not receive what was promised.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Heb 11:39 - -- These all ( houtoi pantes ). The whole list in verses 5-38. Cf. Heb 11:13.

These all ( houtoi pantes ).

The whole list in verses 5-38. Cf. Heb 11:13.

Robertson: Heb 11:39 - -- Through their faith ( dia pisteōs ). Here rather than pistei as so often.

Through their faith ( dia pisteōs ).

Here rather than pistei as so often.

Robertson: Heb 11:39 - -- Received not the promise ( ouk ekomisanto tēn epaggelian ). First aorist middle of komizō . The Messianic promise they did not live to see (Heb 1...

Received not the promise ( ouk ekomisanto tēn epaggelian ).

First aorist middle of komizō . The Messianic promise they did not live to see (Heb 11:13), though they had individual special promises fulfilled as already shown (Heb 11:33).

Vincent: Heb 11:39 - -- Having obtained a good report ( μαρτυρηθέντες ) Rend. " having had witness born to them." See on Heb 11:2.

Having obtained a good report ( μαρτυρηθέντες )

Rend. " having had witness born to them." See on Heb 11:2.

Wesley: Heb 11:39 - -- Though they obtained a good testimony, Heb 11:2, yet did not receive the great promise, the heavenly inheritance.

Though they obtained a good testimony, Heb 11:2, yet did not receive the great promise, the heavenly inheritance.

JFB: Heb 11:39 - -- Greek, "being borne witness of." Though they were so, yet "they received not the promise," that is, the final completion of "salvation" promised at Ch...

Greek, "being borne witness of." Though they were so, yet "they received not the promise," that is, the final completion of "salvation" promised at Christ's coming again (Heb 9:28); "the eternal inheritance" (Heb 9:15). Abraham did obtain the very thing promised (Heb 6:15) in part, namely, blessedness in soul after death, by virtue of faith in Christ about to come. The full blessedness of body and soul shall not be till the full number of the elect shall be accomplished, and all together, no one preceding the other, shall enter on the full glory and bliss. Moreover, in another point of view, "It is probable that some accumulation of blessedness was added to holy souls, when Christ came and fulfilled all things even as at His burial many rose from the dead, who doubtless ascended to heaven with Him" [FLACIUS in BENGEL]. (Compare Note, see on Eph 4:8). The perfecting of believers in title, and in respect to conscience, took place once for all, at the death of Christ, by virtue of His being made by death perfect as Saviour. Their perfecting in soul at, and ever after Christ's death, took place, and takes place at their death. But the universal and final perfecting will not take place till Christ's coming.

Clarke: Heb 11:39 - -- Having obtained a good report (having been witnessed to; see Heb 11:2) through faith - It was faith in God which supported all those eminent men w...

Having obtained a good report (having been witnessed to; see Heb 11:2) through faith - It was faith in God which supported all those eminent men who, in different parts of the world, and in different ages, were persecuted for righteousness sake

Clarke: Heb 11:39 - -- Received not the promise - They all heard of the promises made to Abraham of a heavenly rest, and of the promise of the Messiah, for this was a cons...

Received not the promise - They all heard of the promises made to Abraham of a heavenly rest, and of the promise of the Messiah, for this was a constant tradition; but they died without having seen this Anointed of the Lord. Christ was not in any of their times manifested in the flesh; and of him who was the expectation of all nations, they heard only by the hearing of the ear. This must be the promise, without receiving of which the apostle says they died.

Calvin: Heb 11:39 - -- 39.=== And these all, === etc. This is an argument from the less to the greater; for if they on whom the light of grace had not as yet so brightly s...

39.=== And these all, === etc. This is an argument from the less to the greater; for if they on whom the light of grace had not as yet so brightly shone displayed so great a constancy in enduring evils, what ought the full brightness of the Gospel to produce in us? A small spark of light led them to heaven; when the sun of righteousness shines over us, with what pretense can we excuse ourselves if we still cleave to the earth? This is the real meaning of the Apostle. 241

I know that Chrysostom and others have given a different explanation, but the context clearly shows, that what is intended here is the difference in the grace which God bestowed on the faithful under the Law, and that which he bestows on us now. For since a more abundant grace is poured on us, it would be very strange that we should have less faith in us. He then says that those fathers who were endued with so remarkable a faith, had not yet so strong reasons for believing as we have. Immediately after he states the reason, because God intended to unite us all into one body, and that he distributed a small portion of grace to them, that he might defer its full perfection to our time, even to the coming of Christ.

And it is a singular evidence of God’s benevolence towards us, that though he has shown himself bountifully to his children from the beginning of the world, he yet has so distributed his grace as to provide for the well­being of the whole body. What more could any of us desire, than that in all the blessings which God bestowed on Abraham, Moses, David, and all the Patriarchs, on the Prophets and godly kings, he should have a regard for us, so that we might be united together with them in the body of Christ? Let us then know that we are doubly and treble ungrateful to God, if less faith appears in us under the kingdom of Christ than the fathers had under the Law, as proved by so many remarkable examples of patience. By the words, that they received not the promise, is to be understood its ultimate fulfillment, which took place in Christ, on which subject something has been said already.

Defender: Heb 11:39 - -- This summarizes "the good report" obtained by the "elders" of our faith (Heb 11:2)."

This summarizes "the good report" obtained by the "elders" of our faith (Heb 11:2)."

TSK: Heb 11:39 - -- Heb 11:2, Heb 11:13; Luk 10:23, Luk 10:24; 1Pe 1:12

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Heb 11:39 - -- And these all, having obtained a good report through faith - They were all commended and approved on account of their confidence in God; see th...

And these all, having obtained a good report through faith - They were all commended and approved on account of their confidence in God; see the notes on Heb 11:2.

Received not the promise - That is, did not receive the fulfillment of the promise; or did not receive all that was promised. They all still looked forward to some future blessings; notes, Heb 11:13.

Poole: Heb 11:39 - -- The apostle returns in this verse to the proposition laid down in the second verse, which he had been proving by all these examples, and with it shu...

The apostle returns in this verse to the proposition laid down in the second verse, which he had been proving by all these examples, and with it shuts up the history of them.

And these all all these elders, mentioned from Heb 11:2 to this verse.

Having obtained a good report through faith: marturhyentev , strictly, is having been martyred, or made martyrs; specially witnessing to the death for Christ, have a testimony given them, by way of eminency, by God himself in his Scripture record, that through faith they pleased him in their glorious achievements and sufferings, and were God’ s faithful witnesses to the world, glorifying him in it; though reproached and ruined by the world, yet they were too good to live in it, and were fit to live with him in heaven, as Heb 11:2,5,16,35 .

Received not the promise yet these worthies, as Abraham and his believing seed, did not possess the land of Canaan, though they had the promise of it in their time, Heb 11:13 ; others did obtain the grace and good things promised for their time, Heb 11:33 , but none of these had fulfilled to them in their day the manifestation of the Messiah in the flesh; though they saw his day and coming by faith, and did rejoice in it, yet none saw him so come as Simeon did, Luk 2:26,29 ; though, as to the eternal benefits by Christ, they did as actually receive them, as those since his perfecting the work of redemption have received them, even eternal blessedness and glory by him, Act 15:11 .

Gill: Heb 11:39 - -- And these all having obtained a good report through faith,.... This may either be limited to the sufferers in the preceding verses, who were martyred,...

And these all having obtained a good report through faith,.... This may either be limited to the sufferers in the preceding verses, who were martyred, or suffered martyrdom for the faith, as the words may be rendered; and who are called martyrs or witnesses, in Heb 12:1 and so the Ethiopic version renders the clause, "and all these were witnesses concerning the faith": or it may be extended to all the instances of faith throughout the chapter; and so the apostle reasserts what he had said, Heb 11:2, having proved it by a variety of examples; See Gill on Heb 11:2.

received not the promise; not that they did not receive the promise of the land of Canaan, for so did Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, &c. nor that they did not receive the promise of deliverance and victory, for so did Joshua, the Judges, and others; or that they did not receive the promise of eternal life, for that they all did; but the promise of the Messiah, that is, the Messiah promised: for they had the promise, but not the thing; who is called "the Promise", emphatically, because he is the first and grand promise; and because in him all the promises centre, and are yea, and amen: him the Old Testament saints received not; they, greatly desired to see him in the flesh; they saw him by faith; they believed in him, and rejoiced in the expectation of his coming; but he was not exhibited to them incarnate. Now since these saints so strongly believed, and so cheerfully suffered before Christ came; the apostle's argument is, that much more should the saints now, since Christ is come, and the promises received, go on believing in him, and readily suffering for his sake; see Heb 12:1.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Heb 11:39 Grk “the promise,” referring to the thing God promised, not to the pledge itself.

Geneva Bible: Heb 11:39 ( 16 ) And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received ( y ) not the promise: ( 16 ) An amplification taken from the circumstanc...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Heb 11:1-40 - --1 What faith is.6 Without faith we cannot please God.7 The worthy fruits thereof in the fathers of old time.

Combined Bible: Heb 11:39-40 - --Family of Faith    (Hebrews 11:39, 40)    "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise...

MHCC: Heb 11:39-40 - --The world considers that the righteous are not worthy to live in the world, and God declares the world is not worthy of them. Though the righteous and...

Matthew Henry: Heb 11:32-40 - -- The apostle having given us a classis of many eminent believers, whose names are mentioned and the particular trials and actings of their faith reco...

Barclay: Heb 11:35-40 - --In this passage the writer to the Hebrews is intermingling different periods of history. Sometimes he takes his illustrations from the Old Testament ...

Constable: Heb 11:1--12:14 - --IV. THE PROPER RESPONSE 11:1--12:13 "In chapter 10:22-25 there were three exhortations, respectively to Faith, H...

Constable: Heb 11:1-40 - --A. Perseverance in Faith ch. 11 The writer encouraged his readers in chapter 11 by reminding them of the...

Constable: Heb 11:32-40 - --4. Faith in subsequent eras 11:32-40 11:32 The Old Testament is full of good examples of persevering, living faith. The writer selected these few for ...

College: Heb 11:1-40 - --HEBREWS 11 VII. GOD EXPECTS US TO SHOW FAITH (11:1-40) A. THE NATURE OF FAITH (11:1-3) 1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Hebrews (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Hebrews By Way of Introduction Unsettled Problems Probably no book in the New Testament presents more unsettled problems tha...

JFB: Hebrews (Book Introduction) CANONICITY AND AUTHORSHIP.--CLEMENT OF ROME, at the end of the first century (A.D), copiously uses it, adopting its words just as he does those of the...


TSK: Hebrews 11 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Heb 11:1, What faith is; Heb 11:6, Without faith we cannot please God; Heb 11:7, The worthy fruits thereof in the fathers of old time.

Poole: Hebrews 11 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 11

MHCC: Hebrews (Book Introduction) This epistle shows Christ as the end, foundation, body, and truth of the figures of the law, which of themselves were no virtue for the soul. The grea...

MHCC: Hebrews 11 (Chapter Introduction) (Heb 11:1-3) The nature and power of faith described. (Heb 11:4-7) It is set forth by instances from Abel to Noah. (Heb 11:8-19) By Abraham and his ...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle to the Hebrews Concerning this epistle we must enquire, I. Into the divine authority of it...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews 11 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle having, in the close of the foregoing chapter, recommended the grace of faith and a life of faith as the best preservative against apos...

Barclay: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTER TO THE HEBREWS God Fulfils Himself In Many Ways Religion has never been the same thing to all men. "God," as Tennyson sai...

Barclay: Hebrews 11 (Chapter Introduction) The Christian Hope (Heb_11:1-3) The Faith Of The Acceptable Offering (Heb_11:4) Walking With God (Heb_11:5-6) The Man Who Believed In God's Messag...

Constable: Hebrews (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background The writer said that he and those to whom he wrote ...

Constable: Hebrews (Outline)

Constable: Hebrews Hebrews Bibliography Andersen, Ward. "The Believer's Rest (Hebrews 4)." Biblical Viewpoint 24:1 (April 1990):31...

Haydock: Hebrews (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE HEBREWS. INTRODUCTION. The Catholic Church hath received and declared this Epistle to be part of ...

Gill: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS That this epistle was written very early appears from hence, that it was imitated by Clement of Rome, in his epistle to the...

Gill: Hebrews 11 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS 11 The apostle having, in the preceding chapter, spoken in commendation of the grace, and life of faith, and of its usefuln...

College: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION It is difficult to overestimate the significance of Hebrews for understanding the nature of the new covenant. No other document in the N...

College: Hebrews (Outline) OUTLINE I. JESUS IS SUPERIOR TO THE ANGELS - 1:1-14 A. The Preeminence of the Son - 1:1-4 B. The Son Superior to the Angels - 1:5-14 II. ...

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