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Text -- Hebrews 6:8 (NET)

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6:8 But if it produces thorns and thistles, it is useless and about to be cursed; its fate is to be burned.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Heb 6:8 - -- If it beareth ( ekpherousa ). Present active participle of ekpherō , conditional participle. For "thorns and thistles"see Mat 7:16 for both words (...

If it beareth ( ekpherousa ).

Present active participle of ekpherō , conditional participle. For "thorns and thistles"see Mat 7:16 for both words (akanthas kai tribolous ). Roman soldiers scattered balls with sharp iron spikes, one of which was called tribulus , to hinder the enemy’ s cavalry.

Robertson: Heb 6:8 - -- Rejected ( adokimos ). See 1Co 9:27; Rom 1:28. For kataras eggus (nigh unto a curse) see Gal 3:10.

Rejected ( adokimos ).

See 1Co 9:27; Rom 1:28. For kataras eggus (nigh unto a curse) see Gal 3:10.

Robertson: Heb 6:8 - -- To be burned ( eis kausin ). "For burning."Common sight in clearing up ground.

To be burned ( eis kausin ).

"For burning."Common sight in clearing up ground.

Vincent: Heb 6:8 - -- But that which beareth thorns and briers ( ἐκφέρουσα δὲ ἀκάνθας καὶ τριβόλους ) Wrong. As given in A....

But that which beareth thorns and briers ( ἐκφέρουσα δὲ ἀκάνθας καὶ τριβόλους )

Wrong. As given in A.V. the illustration throws no light on the subject. It puts the contrast as between two kinds of soil, the one well-watered and fertile, the other unwatered and sterile. This would illustrate the contrast between those who have and those who have not enjoyed gospel privileges. On the contrary the contrast is between two classes of Christians under equally favorable conditions, out of which they develop opposite results. Rend. but if it ( the ground that receives the rain ) bear thorns and thistles , etc. Ἄκανθαι thorns , from ἀκή a point . Τρίβολος , from τρεῖς three and βέλος a dart ; having three darts or points. A ball with sharp iron spikes, on three of which it rested, while the fourth projected upward, was called tribulus or tribolus , or caltrop . These were scattered over the ground by Roman soldiers in order to impede the enemy's cavalry. A kind of thorn or thistle, a land-caltrop, was called tribulus . So Virgil,

" Subit aspera silva,

Lappaeque tribulique."

Georg . i . 153 .

Vincent: Heb 6:8 - -- Is rejected ( ἀδόκιμος ) Lit. unapproved . See on reprobate , Rom 1:28.

Is rejected ( ἀδόκιμος )

Lit. unapproved . See on reprobate , Rom 1:28.

Vincent: Heb 6:8 - -- Nigh unto cursing ( κατάρας ἐγγύς ) See on Gal 3:10. Enhancing the idea of rejected . It is exposed to the peril of abandonmen...

Nigh unto cursing ( κατάρας ἐγγύς )

See on Gal 3:10. Enhancing the idea of rejected . It is exposed to the peril of abandonment to perpetual barrenness.

Vincent: Heb 6:8 - -- Whose end is to be burned ( ἧς τὸ τέλος εἰς καῦσιν ) Ἧς whose , of which , may be referred to cursing - ...

Whose end is to be burned ( ἧς τὸ τέλος εἰς καῦσιν )

Ἧς whose , of which , may be referred to cursing - the end of which cursing: but better to the main subject, γῆ the land . Τέλος is consummation rather than termination . Ἐις καῦσιν , lit. unto burning . Comp. lxx, Isa 40:16. The consummation of the cursed land is burning. Comp. Joh 15:6. The field of thorns and thistles is burned over and abandoned to barrenness.

Wesley: Heb 6:8 - -- Only or chiefly.

Only or chiefly.

Wesley: Heb 6:8 - -- No more labour is bestowed upon it.

No more labour is bestowed upon it.

Wesley: Heb 6:8 - -- As Jerusalem was shortly after.

As Jerusalem was shortly after.

JFB: Heb 6:8 - -- Rather as Greek (no article), "But if it (the 'land,' Heb 6:7) bear"; not so favorable a word as "bringeth forth," Heb 6:7, said of the good soil.

Rather as Greek (no article), "But if it (the 'land,' Heb 6:7) bear"; not so favorable a word as "bringeth forth," Heb 6:7, said of the good soil.

JFB: Heb 6:8 - -- Greek, "thistles."

Greek, "thistles."

JFB: Heb 6:8 - -- After having been tested; so the Greek implies. Reprobate . . . rejected by the Lord.

After having been tested; so the Greek implies. Reprobate . . . rejected by the Lord.

JFB: Heb 6:8 - -- On the verge of being given up to its own barrenness by the just curse of God. This "nigh" softens the severity of the previous "It is impossible," &c...

On the verge of being given up to its own barrenness by the just curse of God. This "nigh" softens the severity of the previous "It is impossible," &c. (Heb 6:4, Heb 6:6). The ground is not yet actually cursed.

JFB: Heb 6:8 - -- "of which (land) the end is unto burning," namely, with the consuming fire of the last judgment; as the land of Sodom was given to "brimstone, salt, a...

"of which (land) the end is unto burning," namely, with the consuming fire of the last judgment; as the land of Sodom was given to "brimstone, salt, and burning" (Deu 29:23); so as to the ungodly (Mat 3:10, Mat 3:12; Mat 7:19; Mat 13:30; Joh 15:6; 2Pe 3:10). Jerusalem, which had so resisted the grace of Christ, was then nigh unto cursing, and in a few years was burned. Compare Mat 22:7, "burned up their city" an earnest of a like fate to all wilful abusers of God's grace (Heb 10:26-27).

Clarke: Heb 6:8 - -- That which beareth thorns and briers is rejected - That is: The land which, notwithstanding the most careful cultivation, receiving also in due time...

That which beareth thorns and briers is rejected - That is: The land which, notwithstanding the most careful cultivation, receiving also in due times the early and latter rain, produces nothing but thorns and briers, or noxious weeds of different kinds, is rejected, αδοκιμος, is given up as unimprovable; its briers, thorns, and brushwood burnt down; and then left to be pastured on by the beasts of the field. This seems to be the custom in husbandry to which the apostle alludes. The nature of the case prevents us from supposing that he alludes to the custom of pushing and burning, in order to farther fertilization. This practice has been common from very early times: -

Saepe Etiam Steriles Incendere Profuit Agros

Atque Levem Stipulam Crepitantibus Urere Flammis

Virg. Geor. I., 5:84

Long Practice Has A Sure Improvement Found

With Kindled Fires To Burn The Barren Ground

When The Light Stubble To The Flames Resign’ d

Is Driven Along, And Crackles In The Wind


But this, I say the circumstances of the case prevent us from supposing to be intended

Clarke: Heb 6:8 - -- Is nigh unto cursing - It is acknowledged, almost on all hands, that this epistle was written before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Thi...

Is nigh unto cursing - It is acknowledged, almost on all hands, that this epistle was written before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. This verse is in my opinion a proof of it, and here I suppose the apostle refers to that approaching destruction; and perhaps he has this all along in view, but speaks of it covertly, that he might not give offense

There is a good sense in which all these things may be applied to the Jews at large, who were favored by our Lord’ s ministry and miracles. They were enlightened by his preaching; tasted of the benefits of the heavenly gift - the Christian religion established among them; saw many of their children and relatives made partakers of the Holy Ghost; tasted the good word of God, by the fulfillment of the promise made to Abraham; and saw the almighty power of God exerted, in working a great variety of miracles. Yet, after being convinced that never man spake as this man, and that none could do those miracles which he did, except God were with him; after having followed him in thousands, for three years, while he preached to them the Gospel of the kingdom of God; they fell away from all this, crucified him who, even in his sufferings as well as his resurrection, was demonstrated by miracles to be the Son of God; and then to vindicate their unparalleled wickedness, endeavored to make him a public example, by reproaches and blasphemies. Therefore their state, which had received much moral cultivation from Moses, the prophets, Christ, and his apostles; and now bore nothing but the most vicious fruits, pride, unbelief, hardness of heart, contempt of God’ s word and ordinances, blasphemy, and rebellion; was rejected - reprobated, of God; was nigh unto cursing - about to be cast off from the Divine protection; and their city and temple were shortly to be burnt up by the Roman armies. Thus the apostle, under the case of individuals, points out the destruction that was to come upon this people in general, and which actually took place about seven years after the writing of this epistle! And this appears to be the very subject which the apostle has in view in the parallel solemn passages, Heb 10:26-31; and, viewed in this light, much of their obscurity and difficulty vanishes away.

TSK: Heb 6:8 - -- beareth : Heb 12:17; Gen 3:17, Gen 3:18, Gen 4:11, Gen 5:29; Deu 29:28; Job 31:40; Psa 107:34; Isa 5:1-7; Jer 17:6, Jer 44:22; Mar 11:14, Mar 11:21; L...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Heb 6:8 - -- But that which beareth thorns and briars is rejected - That is, by the farmer or owner. It is abandoned as worthless. The force of the comparis...

But that which beareth thorns and briars is rejected - That is, by the farmer or owner. It is abandoned as worthless. The force of the comparison here is, that God would thus deal with those who professed to be renewed if they should be like such a worthless field.

And is nigh unto cursing - Is given over to execration, or is abandoned as useless. The word "cursing"means devoting to destruction. The sense is not that the owner would curse it "in words,"or imprecate a curse on it, as a man does who uses profane language, but the language is taken here from the more common use of the word "curse"- as meaning to devote to destruction. So the land would be regarded by the farmer. It would be valueless, and would be given up to be overrun with fire.

Whose end is to be burned - Referring to the land. The allusion here is to the common practice among the Oriental and Roman agriculturists of burning bad and barren lands. An illustration of this is afforded by Pliny. "There are some who burn the stubble on the field, chiefly upon the authority of Virgil; the principal reason for which is, that they may burn the seeds of weeds;"Nat. Hist. xviii. 30. The authority of Virgil, to which Pliny refers, may be found in Georg. i. 84:

"Saepe etiam steriles incendere profuit agros,

Atque levem stipulam ciepitantibus urere flammis."

"It is often useful to set fire to barren lands, and burn the light stubble in crackling flames."The purpose of burning land in this way was to render it available for useful purposes; or to destroy noxious weeds, and thorns, and underbrush. But the object of the apostle requires him to refer merely to the "fact"of the burning, and to make use of it as an illustration of an act of punishment. So, Paul says, it would be in the dealings of God with his people. If after all attempts to secure holy living, and to keep them in the paths of salvation, they should evince none of the spirit of piety, all that could be done would be to abandon them to destruction as such a field is overrun with fire. It is not supposed that a true Christian will fall away and be lost, but we may remark.

\caps1 (1) t\caps0 hat there are many professed Christians who seem to be in danger of such ruin. They resist all attempts to produce in them the fruits of good living as really as some pieces of ground do to secure a harvest. Corrupt desires, pride, envy, uncharitableness, covetousness, and vanity are as certainly seen in their lives as thorns and briars are on a bad soil. Such briars and thorns you may cut down again and again; you may strike the plow deep and seem to tear away all their roots; you may sow the ground with the choicest grain, but soon the briars and the thorns will again appear, and be as troublesome as ever. No pains will subdue them, or secure a harvest. So with many a professed Christian. He may be taught, admonished, rebuked, and afflicted, but all will not do. There is essential and unsubdued perverseness in his soul, and despite all the attempts to make him a holy man, the same bad passions are continually breaking out anew.

\caps1 (2) s\caps0 uch professing Christians are "nigh unto cursing."They are about to be abandoned forever. Unsanctified and wicked in their hearts, there is nothing else which can be done for them, and they must be lost. What a thought! A professing Christian "nigh unto cursing!"A man, the efforts for, whose salvation are about to cease forever, and who is to he given over as incorrigible and hopeless! For such a man - in the church or out of it - we should have compassion. We have some compassion for an ox which is so stubborn that he will not work - and which is to be put to death; for a horse which is so fractious that he cannot be broken, and which is to be killed; for cattle which are so unruly that they cannot be restrained, and which are only to be fattened for the slaughter; and even for a field which is desolate and barren, and which is given up to be overrun with briars and thorns; but how much more should we pity a man all the efforts for whose salvation fail, and who is soon to be abandoned to everlasting destruction!

Poole: Heb 6:8 - -- But that which beareth thorns and briers: de but, introduceth the state and end of a sinful apostate, that ill earth, showered upon as well as th...

But that which beareth thorns and briers: de but, introduceth the state and end of a sinful apostate, that ill earth, showered upon as well as the good; the unregenerate soul, that had gospel dews and spiritual rain by the word and ordinances dropped down on it from heaven; yet bringeth forth, or out of it, not herbs or fruits fit for its owner or dresser, but briers, thorns, and thistles: so apostates, under all enlightenings and tasting of these supernatural dews of the Spirit, bring forth from a stony, unregenerate soul, nothing but corruptions and evils, their rooted lusts thrust out and sprung together with their common gifts, Luk 8:7,13,14 ; the words and deeds of whom are pernicious, dishonouring God and hurting men, as unbelief, hypocrisy, apostacy, described, 2Pe 2:1-3,12,14,18-22 Jude 1:4,8,10,12,16,19 .

Is rejectedadokimov it is refuse land neglected by the owner, he takes no care of it; such are these apostates, of a reprobate mind, approving evil, rejecting good, and are so rejected of God, who withdraws his spiritual dews and ordinances, and the concurrence of his Spirit with them, as unworthy of them, and useless as to any good fruit to be produced there.

And is nigh unto cursing such are looked upon as the mountains of Gilboa, accursed, 2Sa 1:21 ; and to be dealt with by the owner as the fruitless fig tree by Christ, Mat 21:19 Mar 11:21 . So these apostates are under the curse, 2Pe 2:14 delivered up judicially by Christ to blindness of mind, and hardness of heart, and even to Satan himself, as the unbelieving Jews were, Joh 12:40 , and those apostates, 1Ti 1:19,20 .

Whose end is to be burned the end of briers and thorns is the fire, they are to be burnt up by it; and this will be the final issue with apostates, to be destroyed by a Christ whom they have rejected, with eternal fire Heb 10:27 12:29 Mat 3:12 25:41 2Th 1:7-9 .

Gill: Heb 6:8 - -- But that which beareth thorns and briers,.... To which wicked men answer; who are unfruitful and unprofitable, and are hurtful, pricking and grieving,...

But that which beareth thorns and briers,.... To which wicked men answer; who are unfruitful and unprofitable, and are hurtful, pricking and grieving, by their wicked lives and conversations, by their bitter and reproachful words, and by their violent and cruel persecutions; and particularly carnal professors, and especially apostates, such as before described; for to such earth, professors of religion may be compared, who are worldly, slothful, defrauding and overreaching, carnal and wanton; as also heretical men, and such as turn from the faith, deny it, and persecute the saints: and the things or actions produced by them are aptly expressed by "thorns and briers"; such as errors, heresies, and evil works of all kinds; and which show that the seed of the word was never sown in their hearts, and that that which they bear, or throw out, is natural to them: and such earth is

rejected; as such men are, both by the church, and by God himself; or "reprobate", as they are concerning the faith, and to every good work; and are given up by God to a reprobate mind: and is "nigh unto cursing"; and such men are cursed already by the law, being under its sentence of curse and condemnation; and are nigh to the execution of it; referring either to the destruction of Jerusalem, which was near at hand; or to the final judgment, when they shall hear, Go, ye cursed:

whose end is to be burned; with everlasting and unquenchable fire, in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Heb 6:8 Grk “near to a curse.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Heb 6:1-20 - --1 He exhorts not to fall back from the faith;11 but to be stedfast,12 diligent, and patient to wait upon God;13 because God is most sure in his promis...

Combined Bible: Heb 6:7-8 - --Two Classes of Professors    (Hebrews 6:7,8)    Our preceding article was entitled "The Twofold Working of the Spirit". This wa...

MHCC: Heb 6:1-8 - --Every part of the truth and will of God should be set before all who profess the gospel, and be urged on their hearts and consciences. We should not b...

Matthew Henry: Heb 6:1-8 - -- We have here the apostle's advice to the Hebrews - that they would grow up from a state of childhood to the fullness of the stature of the new man i...

Barclay: Heb 6:4-8 - --This is one of the most terrible passages in scripture. It begins with a kind of list of the privileges of the Christian life. The Christian has been...

Constable: Heb 5:11--11:1 - --III. The High Priestly Office of the Son 5:11--10:39 The transition from exposition (4:15-5:10) to exhortation (...

Constable: Heb 5:11--6:13 - --A. The Danger of Immaturity (The Third Warning) 5:11-6:12 "Dull of hearing" (5:11) and "sluggish" (6:12,...

Constable: Heb 6:4-8 - --3. The dreadful alternative 6:4-8 The writer pointed out the consequences of not pressing on to maturity to motivate his readers to pursue spiritual g...

College: Heb 6:1-20 - --HEBREWS 6 2. On to Maturity (6:1-3) 1 Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the found...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Hebrews (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Hebrews By Way of Introduction Unsettled Problems Probably no book in the New Testament presents more unsettled problems tha...

JFB: Hebrews (Book Introduction) CANONICITY AND AUTHORSHIP.--CLEMENT OF ROME, at the end of the first century (A.D), copiously uses it, adopting its words just as he does those of the...


TSK: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Heb 6:1, He exhorts not to fall back from the faith; Heb 6:11, but to be stedfast, Heb 6:12. diligent, and patient to wait upon God; Heb ...

Poole: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 6

MHCC: Hebrews (Book Introduction) This epistle shows Christ as the end, foundation, body, and truth of the figures of the law, which of themselves were no virtue for the soul. The grea...

MHCC: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) (Heb 6:1-8) The Hebrews are urged to go forward in the doctrine of Christ, and the consequences of apostacy, or turning back, are described. (Heb 6:9...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle to the Hebrews Concerning this epistle we must enquire, I. Into the divine authority of it...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle proceeds to persuade the Hebrews to make a better proficiency in religion than they had done, as the best way to preven...

Barclay: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTER TO THE HEBREWS God Fulfils Himself In Many Ways Religion has never been the same thing to all men. "God," as Tennyson sai...

Barclay: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) The Necessity Of Progress (Heb_6:1-3) Crucifying Christ Again (Heb_6:4-8) The Brighter Side (Heb_6:9-12) The Sure Hope (Heb_6:13-20)

Constable: Hebrews (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background The writer said that he and those to whom he wrote ...

Constable: Hebrews (Outline)

Constable: Hebrews Hebrews Bibliography Andersen, Ward. "The Believer's Rest (Hebrews 4)." Biblical Viewpoint 24:1 (April 1990):31...

Haydock: Hebrews (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE HEBREWS. INTRODUCTION. The Catholic Church hath received and declared this Epistle to be part of ...

Gill: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS That this epistle was written very early appears from hence, that it was imitated by Clement of Rome, in his epistle to the...

Gill: Hebrews 6 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS 6 In this chapter the apostle exhorts the believing Hebrews not to rest in the rudiments of the Christian religion they had...

College: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION It is difficult to overestimate the significance of Hebrews for understanding the nature of the new covenant. No other document in the N...

College: Hebrews (Outline) OUTLINE I. JESUS IS SUPERIOR TO THE ANGELS - 1:1-14 A. The Preeminence of the Son - 1:1-4 B. The Son Superior to the Angels - 1:5-14 II. ...

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