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Text -- Revelation 9:13 (NET)

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9:13 Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a single voice coming from the horns on the golden altar that is before God,
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Vision | Trumpet | REVELATION OF JOHN | Jesus, The Christ | HORN | Angel | Altar | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Rev 9:13 - -- A voice ( phōnēn mian ). For mian as indefinite article see Rev 8:13. Accusative case here after ēkousa , though genitive in Rev 8:13, a dist...

A voice ( phōnēn mian ).

For mian as indefinite article see Rev 8:13. Accusative case here after ēkousa , though genitive in Rev 8:13, a distinction between sound and sense sometimes exists (Act 9:7; Act 22:9), but not here as the words are clearly heard in both instances.

Robertson: Rev 9:13 - -- From ( ek ). "Out of the horns."Note triple use of the genitive article here as of the accusative article with this identical phrase in Rev 8:3 ("the...

From ( ek ).

"Out of the horns."Note triple use of the genitive article here as of the accusative article with this identical phrase in Rev 8:3 ("the altar the golden the one before the throne").

Vincent: Rev 9:13 - -- A voice ( φωνὴν μίαν ) Lit., one voice .

A voice ( φωνὴν μίαν )

Lit., one voice .

Vincent: Rev 9:13 - -- Altar See on Rev 8:3.


See on Rev 8:3.

Wesley: Rev 9:13 - -- Under this angel goes forth the second woe.

Under this angel goes forth the second woe.

Wesley: Rev 9:13 - -- This golden altar is the heavenly pattern of the Levitical altar of incense. This voice signified that the execution of the wrath of God, mentioned Re...

This golden altar is the heavenly pattern of the Levitical altar of incense. This voice signified that the execution of the wrath of God, mentioned Rev 9:20-21, should, at no intercession, be delayed any longer.

JFB: Rev 9:13 - -- Literally, "one voice."

Literally, "one voice."

JFB: Rev 9:13 - -- Greek, "out of."

Greek, "out of."

JFB: Rev 9:13 - -- A, Vulgate (Amiatinus manuscript), Coptic, and Syriac omit "four." B and CYPRIAN support it. The four horns together gave forth their voice, not diver...

A, Vulgate (Amiatinus manuscript), Coptic, and Syriac omit "four." B and CYPRIAN support it. The four horns together gave forth their voice, not diverse, but one. God's revelation (for example, the Gospel), though in its aspects fourfold (four expressing world-wide extension: whence four is the number of the Evangelists), still has but one and the same voice. However, from the parallelism of this sixth trumpet to the fifth seal (Rev 6:9-10), the martyrs' cry for the avenging of their blood from the altar reaching its consummation under the sixth seal and sixth trumpet, I prefer understanding this cry from the four corners of the altar to refer to the saints' prayerful cry from the four quarters of the world, incensed by the angel, and ascending to God from the golden altar of incense, and bringing down in consequence fiery judgments. Aleph omits the whole clause, "one from the four horns."

Clarke: Rev 9:13 - -- The four horns of the golden altar - This is another not very obscure indication that the Jewish temple was yet standing.

The four horns of the golden altar - This is another not very obscure indication that the Jewish temple was yet standing.

TSK: Rev 9:13 - -- the sixth : Rev 9:1 a voice : Rev 8:3-5; Heb 9:24, Heb 10:21

the sixth : Rev 9:1

a voice : Rev 8:3-5; Heb 9:24, Heb 10:21

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Rev 9:13 - -- And the sixth angel sounded - See the notes on Rev 8:2, Rev 8:7. And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is befo...

And the sixth angel sounded - See the notes on Rev 8:2, Rev 8:7.

And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God - In the language used here there is an allusion to the temple, but the scene is evidently laid in heaven. The temple in its arrangements was designed, undoubtedly, to be in important respects a symbol of heaven, and this idea constantly occurs in the Scriptures. Compare the Epistle to the Hebrews passim. The golden altar stood in the holy place, between the table of show-bread and the golden candlestick. See the notes on Heb 9:1-2. This altar, made of shittim or acacia wood, was ornamented at the four corners, and overlaid throughout with laminae of gold. Hence, it was called "the golden altar,"in contradistinction from the altar for sacrifice, which was made of stone. Compare the notes on Mat 21:12, following on its four corners it had projections which are called horns Exo 30:2-3, which seem to have been intended mainly for ornaments. See Jahn, Arch . 332; Joseph. Ant . iii. 6, 8. When it is said that this was "before God,"the meaning is, that it was directly before or in front of the symbol of the divine presence in the most holy place. This image, in the vision of John, is transformed to heaven. The voice seemed to come from the very presence of the Deity; from the place where offerings are made to God.

Poole: Rev 9:13 - -- That is, from God, I heard him give a command, which voice is said to have proceeded from the golden altar, ( in allusion to Exo 30:3 ), because...

That is, from God, I heard him give a command, which

voice is said to have proceeded from the golden altar, ( in allusion to Exo 30:3 ), because there God received the prayers of his people; and this voice proceeding from that place, might signify the following judgment to come, in answer to the prayer’ s of his servants’ souls from thence crying to him for vengeance. See Rev 6:9,10 .

Haydock: Rev 9:13 - -- At the sounding of the sixth trumpet, are said to be loosed the four angels bound in the river Euphrates. By these four angels, and the two hundred m...

At the sounding of the sixth trumpet, are said to be loosed the four angels bound in the river Euphrates. By these four angels, and the two hundred millions of horsemen, many understand the devils and their instruments, men incited by them in antichrist's time, to make war and persecute the Church of Christ, who shall destroy a third part, that is, a great part of men then in the world. Divers others apply this to the Persians, the successors of the Parthians, who about the middle of the third age [century], in the time of Valerian, a great persecutor of the Christians, passed the Euphrates, which used to be the bounds of the Roman empire to the east, defeated, took, and kept Valerian prisoner, which by its consequences gave a great stroke to the Roman empire. See the bishop of Meaux, Pere Alleman, &c. (Witham)

Gill: Rev 9:13 - -- And the sixth angel sounded,.... His trumpet: and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God; the allusion is not...

And the sixth angel sounded,.... His trumpet:

and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God; the allusion is not to the altar of burnt offering, which was covered with brass, but to the altar of incense covered with gold; and hence here, and elsewhere, it is called "the golden altar", and was a figure of the intercession of Christ; for on this altar incense was offered, which was typical of the prayers of the saints offered by Christ, through his mediation: the matter of this altar was shittim wood, a wood that is incorruptible, and of long duration, denoting the perpetuity of Christ's intercession; and its being covered with gold expresses the glory and excellency of it; its form was foursquare, as is the city of the new Jerusalem, and shows that Christ's intercession avails for all his people in the four parts of the world: and on it were "four horns", which some think represent the four evangelists, or the Gospel sent into the four parts of the world, and which is the power of God unto salvation; and for the contempt of which, in the eastern empire, the judgments signified under this trumpet came upon it; though rather these may point at the large extent and fulness of Christ's intercession, for all his people, in the four corners of the earth, as well as his power to protect and defend them, and to scatter and destroy his and their enemies. This altar is said to be "before God", in a visionary way, as the altar of incense was before the vail, and the mercy seat, and by the ark of the testimony, Exo 30:1; suggesting that Christ continually appears in the presence of God for all the saints. Now from hence was a "voice heard" by John, and which seems to be the voice of Christ, the advocate and intercessor. In the Greek text it is, "one voice"; not the voice of many angels round about the throne, nor of the souls under the altar, but of the one and only Mediator between God and man, the Lord Jesus Christ; and this was a voice, not supplicating, but commanding, being addressed to one of his ministering spirits.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Rev 9:13 ‡ Several key mss (Ì47 א1 A 0207 1611 2053 2344 pc lat syh co) lack the word τεσσάρων (tessar...

Geneva Bible: Rev 9:13 ( 10 ) And the sixth angel sounded, ( 11 ) and I heard a voice from the ( b ) four horns of the golden altar which is before God, ( 10 ) The sixth ex...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Rev 9:1-21 - --1 At the sounding of the fifth angel, a star falls from heaven, to whom is given the key to the bottomless pit.2 He opens the pit, and there come fort...

MHCC: Rev 9:13-21 - --The sixth angel sounded, and here the power of the Turks seems the subject. Their time is limited. They not only slew in war, but brought a poisonous ...

Matthew Henry: Rev 9:13-21 - -- Here let us consider the preface to this vision, and then the vision itself. I. The preface to this vision: A voice was heard from the horns of the...

Barclay: Rev 9:13-21 - --The horror of the picture mounts. The demonic locusts were allowed to injure but not kill; but now come the squadrons of demonic cavalry to annihila...

Constable: Rev 4:1--22:6 - --III. THE REVELATION OF THE FUTURE 4:1--22:5 John recorded the rest of this book to reveal those aspects of the f...

Constable: Rev 8:1--9:21 - --D. The first six trumpet judgments chs. 8-9 John received a revelation of more judgments to take place n...

Constable: Rev 9:1-21 - --2. The fifth and sixth trumpet judgments ch. 9 John continued to relay the revelation of the tru...

Constable: Rev 9:13-21 - --The sixth trumpet (second woe) 9:13-21 As will become evident, the severity of these jud...

Constable: Rev 9:13-19 - --A deadly attack 9:13-19 9:13 Someone near the four horns (symbolic of power) of the golden altar in heaven, probably the angel identified with it in 8...

College: Rev 9:1-21 - --See Notes on Chapter 8

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Revelation (Book Introduction) THE REVELATION OF JOHN ABOUT a.d. 95 By Way of Introduction Difficulty in the Problem Perhaps no single book in the New Testament presents so ...

JFB: Revelation (Book Introduction) AUTHENTICITY.--The author calls himself John (Rev 1:1, Rev 1:4, Rev 1:9; Rev 2:8). JUSTIN MARTYR [Dialogue with Trypho, p. 308] (A.D. 139-161) quotes ...


TSK: Revelation (Book Introduction) The obscurity of this prophecy, which has been urged against its genuineness, necessarily results from the highly figurative and symbolical language i...

TSK: Revelation 9 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Rev 9:1, At the sounding of the fifth angel, a star falls from heaven, to whom is given the key to the bottomless pit; Rev 9:2, He opens ...

Poole: Revelation 9 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 9

MHCC: Revelation (Book Introduction) The Book of the Revelation of St. John consists of two principal divisions. 1. Relates to " the things which are," that is, the then present state of...

MHCC: Revelation 9 (Chapter Introduction) (Rev 9:1-12) The fifth trumpet is followed by a representation of another star as falling from heaven and opening the bottomless pit, out of which com...

Matthew Henry: Revelation (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Revelation of St. John the Divine It ought to be no prejudice to the credit and authority of this b...

Matthew Henry: Revelation 9 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have an account of the sounding of the fifth and sixth trumpets, the appearances that attended them, and the events that were to...

Barclay: Revelation (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE REVELATION OF JOHN The Strange Book When a student of the New Testament embarks upon the study of the Revelation he feels him...

Barclay: Revelation 9 (Chapter Introduction) The Unlocking Of The Abyss (Rev_9:1; Rev_9:2) The Locusts From The Abyss (Rev_9:3-12) The Demonic Locusts (Rev_9:3-12 Continued) The Horsemen Of...

Constable: Revelation (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background The opening verses of the book state that "John" wr...

Constable: Revelation (Outline) Outline I. The preparation of the prophet ch. 1 A. The prologue of the book 1:1-8 ...

Constable: Revelation Revelation Bibliography Abbott-Smith, George. A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament. Edinburgh: T. & ...

Haydock: Revelation (Book Introduction) THE APOCALYPSE OF ST. JOHN, THE APOSTLE. INTRODUCTION. Though some in the first ages [centuries] doubted whether this book was canonical, and ...

Gill: Revelation (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO REVELATION That this book was written by the Apostle and Evangelist John, is clear not only from the express mention of his name, a...

Gill: Revelation 9 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO REVELATION 9 This chapter gives an account of the blowing of the fifth and sixth trumpets, and of the effects following upon them. ...

College: Revelation (Book Introduction) PREFACE This commentary on the Revelation of John has been prepared for general readers of the Bible who desire to deepen their understanding of God'...

College: Revelation (Outline) OUTLINE I. PROLOGUE - 1:1-20 A. Introduction to the Prophecy - 1:1-3 B. Sender - 1:4a C. Recipients - 1:4b D. Prescript - 1:4c-5a E. ...

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