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Text -- 1 Samuel 17:28 (NET)

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17:28 When David’s oldest brother Eliab heard him speaking to the men, he became angry with David and said, “Why have you come down here? To whom did you entrust those few sheep in the desert? I am familiar with your pride and deceit! You have come down here to watch the battle!”
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · David a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel
 · Eliab son of Helon; Moses' officer over the tribe of Zebulun,son of Pallu of Reuben; father of Dathan and Abiram,son of Jesse; brother of David,a Levite worship leader in David's time,a Gadite officer of Saul's who defected to David,son of Nahath/Toah/Tohu of Levi; Samuel's great grandfather

Dictionary Themes and Topics: WAR; WARFARE | Suffering | Saul | Sarcasm | SAMUEL, BOOKS OF | Philistines | NAUGHT; NAUGHTY; NAUGHTINESS | Jesse | JAARE-OREGIM | Israel | Heart | Goliath | Eliab | ELHANAN | Desert | Decision | David | Championship | Boasting | Armies | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: 1Sa 17:28 - -- Thy false - confidence, and vain gloried curiosity. See the folly and wickedness of envy! How groundless its jealousies are, how unjust its censures, ...

Thy false - confidence, and vain gloried curiosity. See the folly and wickedness of envy! How groundless its jealousies are, how unjust its censures, how unfair it representations? God preserve us from such a spirit!

TSK: 1Sa 17:28 - -- Eliab’ s anger : 1Sa 16:13; Gen 37:4, Gen 37:8, Gen 37:11; Pro 18:19, Pro 27:4; Ecc 4:4; Mat 10:36, Mat 27:18; Mar 3:21 with : 1Sa 17:20 I know :...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Sa 17:28 - -- Why camest thou down? - From the heights of Bethlehem to the valley of Elah. Thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart - See the simi...

Why camest thou down? - From the heights of Bethlehem to the valley of Elah.

Thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart - See the similar expression, Jer. 49. Compare the envy of Jacob’ s sons toward Joseph, and of the slanders heaped upon the Son of David in the days of His flesh.

Poole: 1Sa 17:28 - -- Eliab’ s anger was kindled either because he thought him guilty of intolerable folly, and pride, and presumption, in pretending to such an attem...

Eliab’ s anger was kindled either because he thought him guilty of intolerable folly, and pride, and presumption, in pretending to such an attempt; or because he feared and concluded he would be certainly ruined in the enterprise; or rather, because he envied him the glory of so great an undertaking; and took this proffer of David’ s to be, what indeed it was, a reproach to himself, and to all the rest, that having the great God on their side, had not the faith or courage to fight with him.

With whom hast thou left those few sheep? thou art much fitter to tend sheep, than to appear in an army, or to fight with a giant.

Thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart thy self-confidence, and vain-glory, and curiosity.

Haydock: 1Sa 17:28 - -- Battle. This speech is too insulting, even though David might seem to have given vent to the sentiments of his soul with too much ardour; particular...

Battle. This speech is too insulting, even though David might seem to have given vent to the sentiments of his soul with too much ardour; particularly as Eliab knew that he had received the royal unction, (Calmet) if that were not kept a secret from him, chap. xvi. 13.

Gill: 1Sa 17:28 - -- And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men,.... Heard the questions he put to them, by which he perceived his inclination: and E...

And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men,.... Heard the questions he put to them, by which he perceived his inclination:

and Eliab's anger was kindled against David; because what he had said carried in it a tacit reproach of him, and others, that they had not the courage, and did not attempt to encounter with the Philistine; or the displeasure he expressed was either out of affection to him, fearing, or being assured almost he would perish in the enterprise; or rather out of envy to him, lest succeeding in so bold an action, he should gain superior glory to him, and the rest of his brethren, who yet was the youngest of them:

and he said, why comest thou down hither? for though David had talked with his brethren, or had begun to talk with them, yet he had not sufficiently explained the reasons of his coming:

and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? the wilderness of Judea, or some wilderness near Bethlehem; by this he would not only insinuate a charge of unfaithfulness, in not taking care of his father's flock committed to him; but his view was to make him look little and mean in the eyes of the people, that in the family he belonged to he was thought to be fit for nothing but to keep sheep, and those but a small flock, and in doing this was negligent and careless:

I know thy pride, and the haughtiness of thine heart; that he was too proud to keep sheep, and wanted to advance himself in the army, and make a figure there, and thereby gratify his vanity and ambition, which was the reverse of David's character; for, such was his humility, that, though he was anointed king, and had been preferred in Saul's court, yet condescended with all readiness to keep his father's sheep; and what he now proposed was not from any bad principle in his heart, but purely for the glory of God, and the honour of the people of Israel, who were both reproached:

for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle: out of curiosity, and to take every advantage and opportunity of signalizing and making himself famous.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Sa 17:28 Heb “the wickedness of your heart.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Sa 17:1-58 - --1 The armies of the Israelites and Philistines being ready to battle,4 Goliath challenges a combat.12 David, sent by his father to visit his brethren,...

MHCC: 1Sa 17:12-30 - --Jesse little thought of sending his son to the army at that critical juncture; but the wise God orders actions and affairs, so as to serve his designs...

Matthew Henry: 1Sa 17:12-30 - -- Forty days the two armies lay encamped facing one another, each advantageously posted, but neither forward to engage. Either they were parleying and...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 17:1-54 - -- A war between the Philistines and the Israelites furnished David with theopportunity of displaying before Saul and all Israel, and greatly to theter...

Constable: 1Sa 16:1--31:13 - --IV. SAUL AND DAVID 1 Sam. 16--31 The basic theme in Samuel, that blessing, and in particular fertility of all ki...

Constable: 1Sa 16:1--18:6 - --A. David's Rise as the New Anointed 16:1-18:5 According to Swindoll, more was written in the Bible about...

Constable: 1Sa 17:1-58 - --2. The reason for God's selection of David ch. 17 The exciting story of David and Goliath illust...

Constable: 1Sa 17:26-30 - --David's interest in God's reputation 17:26-30 David seems to have considered himself cap...

Guzik: 1Sa 17:1-58 - --1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath A. Goliath challenges Israel. 1. (1-10) The Philistine Goliath challenges Israel. Now the Philistines gathered the...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF SAMUEL. The two were, by the ancient Jews, conjoined so as to make one book, and in that form could be called the Book o...

JFB: 1 Samuel (Outline) OF ELKANAH AND HIS TWO WIVES. (1Sa 1:1-8) HANNAH'S PRAYER. (1Sa 1:9-18) SAMUEL BORN. (1Sa 1:20) HANNAH'S SONG IN THANKFULNESS TO GOD. (1Sa 2:1-11) TH...

TSK: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) The First Book of SAMUEL, otherwise called " The First Book of the KINGS."

TSK: 1 Samuel 17 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Sa 17:1, The armies of the Israelites and Philistines being ready to battle, 1Sa 17:4, Goliath challenges a combat; 1Sa 17:12, David, se...

Poole: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL OTHERWISE CALLED THE FIRST BOOK OF THE KINGS. THE ARGUMENT. IT is not certainly known who was the penman of this Book, or whe...

Poole: 1 Samuel 17 (Chapter Introduction) SAMUEL CHAPTER 17 The armies of the Israelites and Philistines ready for battle: Goliath terrifieth the Israelites with his stature, armour, and ch...

MHCC: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) In this book we have an account of Eli, and the wickedness of his sons; also of Samuel, his character and actions. Then of the advancement of Saul to ...

MHCC: 1 Samuel 17 (Chapter Introduction) (1Sa 17:1-11) Goliath's challenge. (v. 12-30) David comes to the camp. (1Sa 17:31-39) David undertakes to fight Goliath. (1Sa 17:40-47) And goes to...

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Book of Samuel This book, and that which follows it, bear the name of Samuel in the title, ...

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel 17 (Chapter Introduction) David is the man whom God now delights to honour, for he is a man after his own heart. We read in the foregoing chapter how, after he was anointed,...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title First and Second Samuel were originally one book called the Book of...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Outline) Outline I. Eli and Samuel chs. 1-3 A. The change from barrenness to fertility 1:1-2:10 ...

Constable: 1 Samuel 1 Samuel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. The First Book of Samuel. Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English...

Haydock: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL; otherwise called, THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. INTRODUCTION. This and the following Book are called by the Hebrews, the...

Gill: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 SAMUEL This book, in the Hebrew copies, is commonly called Samuel, or the Book of Samuel; in the Syriac version, the Book of Samu...

Gill: 1 Samuel 17 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO FIRST SAMUEL 17 This chapter relates how the armies of Israel, and of the Philistines, prepared for battle, and where, 1Sa 17:1, de...

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