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Text -- 1 Corinthians 15:34 (NET)

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15:34 Sober up as you should, and stop sinning! For some have no knowledge of God– I say this to your shame!
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 1Co 15:34 - -- Awake up righteously ( eknēpsate dikaiōs ). Wake up as if from drunkenness. Eknēphō , only here in N.T. sin not (mē hamartanete ). Stop si...

Awake up righteously ( eknēpsate dikaiōs ).

Wake up as if from drunkenness. Eknēphō , only here in N.T. sin not (mē hamartanete ). Stop sinning.

Robertson: 1Co 15:34 - -- No knowledge of God ( agnōsian theou ). Old word for ignorance, in N.T. only here and 1Pe 2:15. Ignorance of God, agnosticism. Some today (agnostic...

No knowledge of God ( agnōsian theou ).

Old word for ignorance, in N.T. only here and 1Pe 2:15. Ignorance of God, agnosticism. Some today (agnostics) even take pride in it instead of shame (entropēn , turning in on oneself). See note on 1Co 6:5 for entropē .

Vincent: 1Co 15:34 - -- Awake ( ἐκνήψατε ) Only here in the New Testament. It means to awake from a drunken stupor. Compare Joe 1:5, Sept. The kindred verb ...

Awake ( ἐκνήψατε )

Only here in the New Testament. It means to awake from a drunken stupor. Compare Joe 1:5, Sept. The kindred verb ἀνανήφω return to soberness (A.V. and Rev., recover ), occurs at 2Ti 2:26.

Vincent: 1Co 15:34 - -- Have not the knowledge ( ἀγνωσίαν ἔχουσιν ) Lit., have an ignorance . Stronger than ἀγνοεῖν to be ign...

Have not the knowledge ( ἀγνωσίαν ἔχουσιν )

Lit., have an ignorance . Stronger than ἀγνοεῖν to be ignorant . They have and hold it. For the form of expression, see on have sorrow , Joh 16:29. The word for ignorance is found only here and 1Pe 2:15 (see note).

Wesley: 1Co 15:34 - -- An exclamation full of apostolical majesty.

An exclamation full of apostolical majesty.

Wesley: 1Co 15:34 - -- Which flows from the true knowledge of God, and implies that your whole soul be broad awake.

Which flows from the true knowledge of God, and implies that your whole soul be broad awake.

Wesley: 1Co 15:34 - -- That is, and ye will not sin Sin supposes drowsiness of soul. There is need to press this.

That is, and ye will not sin Sin supposes drowsiness of soul. There is need to press this.

Wesley: 1Co 15:34 - -- With all their boasted knowledge, they are totally ignorant of what it most concerns them to know.

With all their boasted knowledge, they are totally ignorant of what it most concerns them to know.

Wesley: 1Co 15:34 - -- For nothing is more shameful, than sleepy ignorance of God, and of the word and works of God; in these especially, considering the advantages they had...

For nothing is more shameful, than sleepy ignorance of God, and of the word and works of God; in these especially, considering the advantages they had enjoyed.

JFB: 1Co 15:34 - -- Literally, "out of the sleep" of carnal intoxication into which ye are thrown by the influence of these skeptics (1Co 15:32; Joe 1:5).

Literally, "out of the sleep" of carnal intoxication into which ye are thrown by the influence of these skeptics (1Co 15:32; Joe 1:5).

JFB: 1Co 15:34 - -- In contrast with "sin" in this verse, and corrupt manners (1Co 15:33).

In contrast with "sin" in this verse, and corrupt manners (1Co 15:33).

JFB: 1Co 15:34 - -- Do not give yourselves up to sinful pleasures. The Greek expresses a continued state of abstinence from sin. Thus, Paul implies that they who live in ...

Do not give yourselves up to sinful pleasures. The Greek expresses a continued state of abstinence from sin. Thus, Paul implies that they who live in sinful pleasures readily persuade themselves of what they wish, namely, that there is to be no resurrection.

JFB: 1Co 15:34 - -- The same as in 1Co 15:12.

The same as in 1Co 15:12.

JFB: 1Co 15:34 - -- And so know not His power in the resurrection (Mat 22:29). Stronger than "are ignorant of God." An habitual ignorance: wilful, in that they prefer to ...

And so know not His power in the resurrection (Mat 22:29). Stronger than "are ignorant of God." An habitual ignorance: wilful, in that they prefer to keep their sins, rather than part with them, in order to know God (compare Joh 7:17; 1Pe 2:15).

JFB: 1Co 15:34 - -- That you Corinthian Christians, who boast of your knowledge, should have among you, and maintain intercourse with, those so practically ignorant of Go...

That you Corinthian Christians, who boast of your knowledge, should have among you, and maintain intercourse with, those so practically ignorant of God, as to deny the resurrection.

Clarke: 1Co 15:34 - -- Awake to righteousness - Shake off your slumber; awake fully, thoroughly, δικαιως, as ye ought to do: so the word should be rendered; not aw...

Awake to righteousness - Shake off your slumber; awake fully, thoroughly, δικαιως, as ye ought to do: so the word should be rendered; not awake to righteousness. Be in earnest; do not trifle with God, your souls, and eternity

Clarke: 1Co 15:34 - -- Sin not - For this will lead to the destruction both of body and soul. Life is but a moment; improve it. Heaven has blessings without end

Sin not - For this will lead to the destruction both of body and soul. Life is but a moment; improve it. Heaven has blessings without end

Clarke: 1Co 15:34 - -- Some have not the knowledge of God - The original is very emphatic: αγνωσιαν γαρ Θεου τινες εχουσι, some have an ignoranc...

Some have not the knowledge of God - The original is very emphatic: αγνωσιαν γαρ Θεου τινες εχουσι, some have an ignorance of God; they do not acknowledge God. They have what is their bane; and they have not what would be their happiness and glory. To have an ignorance of God - a sort of substantial darkness, that prevents the light of God from penetrating the soul, is a worse state than to be simply in the dark, or without the Divine knowledge. The apostle probably speaks of those who were once enlightened, had once good morals, but were corrupted by bad company. It was to their shame or reproach that they had left the good way, and were now posting down to the chambers of death.

Calvin: 1Co 15:34 - -- 34.Awake righteously As he saw that the Corinthians were in a manner intoxicated, 97 through excessive carelessness, he arouses them from their torpo...

34.Awake righteously As he saw that the Corinthians were in a manner intoxicated, 97 through excessive carelessness, he arouses them from their torpor. By adding, however, the adverb righteously, he intimates in what way he would have them wake up For they were sufficiently attentive and clear-sighted as to their own affairs: nay more, there can be no doubt that they congratulated themselves on their acuteness; but in the mean time they were drowsy, where they ought most of all to have been on the watch. He says accordingly, awake righteously — that is, “Direct your mind and aim to things that are good and holy.”

He adds at the same time the reason, — For some, says he, among you are in ignorance of God This required to be stated: otherwise they might have thought that the admonition was unnecessary; for they looked upon themselves as marvellously wise. Now he convicts them of ignorance of God, that they may know that the main thing was wanting in them. A useful admonition to those who lay out all their agility in flying through the air, while in the mean time they do not see what is before their feet, and are stupid where they ought, most of all, to have been clear-sighted.

To your shame Just as fathers, when reproving their children for their faults, put them to shame, in order that they may by that shame cover their shame. When, however, he declared previously that he did not wish to shame them, (1Co 4:14,) his meaning was that he did not wish to hold them up to disgrace, by bringing forward their faults to public view in a spirit of enmity and hatred. 98 In the mean time, however, it was of advantage for them to be sharply reproved, as they were still indulging themselves in evils of such magnitude. Now Paul in reproaching them with ignorance of God, strips them entirely of all honor.

TSK: 1Co 15:34 - -- Awake : Joe 1:5; Jon 1:6; Rom 13:11; Eph 5:14 sin not : Psa 4:4, Psa 119:11; Joh 5:14, Joh 8:11 some : 1Co 8:7; Rom 1:28; 1Th 4:5 I speak : 1Co 6:5; H...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Co 15:34 - -- Awake to righteousness - See the note on Rom 13:11. The word here translated "awake"denotes, properly, to awake up from a deep sleep or torpor;...

Awake to righteousness - See the note on Rom 13:11. The word here translated "awake"denotes, properly, to awake up from a deep sleep or torpor; and is usually applied to those who awake, or become sober after drunkenness. The phrase "to righteousness"( δικαίως dikaiōs ) may mean either "rouse to the ways of righteousness; to a holy life; to sound doctrine,"etc.; or it may mean "as it is right and just that you should do."Probably the latter is the correct idea, and then the sense will be, "Arouse from stupidity on this subject; awake from your conscious security; be alarmed, as it is right and proper that you should do, for you are surrounded by dangers, and by those who would lead you into error and vice; rouse from such wild and delusive opinions as these persons have, and exercise a constant vigilance as becomes those who are the friends of God and the expectants of a blessed resurrection."

And sin not - Do not err; do not depart from the truth and from holiness; do not embrace a doctrine which is not only erroneous, but the tendency of which is to lead into sin. It is implied here, that if they suffered themselves to embrace a doctrine which was a denial of the resurrection, the effect would be that they would fall into sin or that a denial of that doctrine led to a life of self-indulgence and transgression. This truth is everywhere seen and against this effect Paul sought to, guard them. He did not regard the denial of the doctrine of the resurrection as a harmless speculation, but as leading to most dangerous consequences in regard to their manner of life or their conduct.

For some have not - Some among you. You are surrounded by strangers to God; you have those among you who would lead you into error and sin.

I speak this to your shame - To your shame as a church; because you have had abundant opportunities to know the truth, and because it is a subject of deep disgrace that there are any in your bosom who deny the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, and who are strangers to the grace of God.

Poole: 1Co 15:34 - -- Awake to righteousness, and sin not: sin is in Scripture compared to sleep, Rev 13:11 Eph 5:14 , and that very properly; for as the natural senses ar...

Awake to righteousness, and sin not: sin is in Scripture compared to sleep, Rev 13:11 Eph 5:14 , and that very properly; for as the natural senses are bound up in natural sleep, so the sinner’ s spiritual senses are locked up, so that he doth not exercise them to discern between good and evil; and as he that is asleep is void of all care and fear, is secure, so the sinner is secure and void of fear. And repentance is set out under the notion of awaking; we are not only concerned to eschew evil, but to do good; not only to awake from sin, but to righteousness, that is, to a holy life and conversation, that is it which is here called righteousness, all spiritual rectitude being to be judged from the soul’ s conformity to the Divine rule; hence sin is called a crooked way, because it will not agree with the rule of God’ s word.

For some have not the knowledge of God for some amongst you have not a due and saving knowledge of God, or a right apprehension of the things of God;

I speak this to your shame though it be a shame for them that have it not, considering the light and means of knowledge which you have had by my ministry, and the ministry of others who have been amongst you.

Gill: 1Co 15:34 - -- Awake to righteousness, and sin not,.... The apostle represents the Corinthians as inebriated with bad principles and notions, and as fallen asleep, a...

Awake to righteousness, and sin not,.... The apostle represents the Corinthians as inebriated with bad principles and notions, and as fallen asleep, and as greatly remiss, and declined in the exercise of grace and discharge of duty; and therefore calls upon them to awake out of sleep, to watch and be sober, and attend to "righteousness"; to the justice of God, which requires the resurrection of the dead, and makes it necessary that men may receive the things done in the body, whether good or evil; for as it is a righteous thing with God to render tribulation to them that sin against him, and trouble his people; so it is but just, that those bodies which Christ has purchased with his blood, who have served him, and suffered for his sake, should be raised again, that, together with their souls, they may enjoy the happiness provided for them; and to the righteousness of Christ, to look unto it, lay hold on it, exercise faith upon it, desiring to be found in it living and dying; and to works of righteousness, to a holy life and conversation, a living soberly, righteously and godly; and not spend their time, and give up themselves to vain speculations and notions; which were so far from being edifying, that they were very detrimental to themselves and others. The Vulgate Latin version reads, "awake, ye righteous": for righteous persons, good men, the wise as well as foolish virgins, sometimes fall asleep, and need awaking out of it; which is done by one providence or another, or by the ministry of the word, and whenever to purpose, by the powerful and efficacious grace of God: the words may be rendered, "awake righteously"; or as the Syriac version reads, "awake your hearts righteously"; and as the Arabic, "with a due awaking"; that is, as it becomes you, and as it is just, right, and proper you should: "and sin not"; not that they could be, or that it could be thought they might be without sin in them, or without sin being done by them; but that they ought not to live a sinful course of life, which the denial of the resurrection led unto, or indulged in; or not sin by denying that doctrine, and giving themselves up to a vicious life in consequence of it:

for some have not the knowledge of God; are like the Gentiles that are without God, and know him not; they know not, or, at least, do not own the truth of God in his word, declaring and testifying the doctrine of the resurrection; they err in that point, not knowing the Scriptures, the sense of them, and this truth contained in them; nor the power or God in raising the dead, nor the justice of God, which makes it necessary that the dead should be raised:

I speak this to your shame; that there should be such ignorant persons in their community; that there were any of such bad principles as to deny the resurrection of the dead, and of such dissolute lives as to give up themselves to sensual lusts and pleasures: that such were continued in the church, kept company with, indulged and caressed; and that there was so great a corruption in doctrine, discipline, and conversation, among them.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Co 15:1-58 - --1 By Christ's resurrection,12 he proves the necessity of our resurrection, against all such as deny the resurrection of the body.21 The fruit,35 and t...

MHCC: 1Co 15:20-34 - --All that are by faith united to Christ, are by his resurrection assured of their own. As through the sin of the first Adam, all men became mortal, bec...

Matthew Henry: 1Co 15:20-34 - -- In this passage the apostle establishes the truth of the resurrection of the dead, the holy dead, the dead in Christ, I. On the resurrection of Chri...

Barclay: 1Co 15:29-34 - --Once again this passage begins with a very difficult section. People have always been puzzled about what being baptized for the dead means, and even...

Constable: 1Co 7:1--16:13 - --III. Questions asked of Paul 7:1--16:12 The remainder of the body of this epistle deals with questions the Corin...

Constable: 1Co 15:1-58 - --F. The resurrection of believers ch. 15 The Apostle Paul did not introduce the instruction on the resurr...

Constable: 1Co 15:12-34 - --2. The certainty of resurrection 15:12-34 In the preceding paragraph Paul firmly established tha...

Constable: 1Co 15:29-34 - --Other arguments for resurrection 15:29-34 Paul turned from Christ's career to the Christian's experience to argue ad hominem for the resurrection.377 ...

College: 1Co 15:1-58 - --1 CORINTHIANS 15 VIII. MISUNDERSTANDING OF BELIEVERS' RESURRECTION (15:1-58) A. THE GOSPEL PAUL PREACHED (15:1-11) 1. Relation of the Corinthians ...

McGarvey: 1Co 15:34 - --Awake to soberness righteously, and sin not; for some have no knowledge of God: I speak this to move you to shame . [Do not be deceived by freethinker...

Lapide: 1Co 15:1-58 - --CHAPTER 15 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER He proves the resurrection of the dead against the false teachers who denied it:— i. From the fact of Christ'...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: 1Co 15:34 False converts . Paul acknowledges that there were false converts in their midst; to their shame, some among them did not know God, were dead to right...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) First Corinthians From Ephesus a.d. 54 Or 55 By Way of Introduction It would be a hard-boiled critic today who would dare deny the genuineness o...

JFB: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The AUTHENTICITY of this Epistle is attested by CLEMENT OF ROME [First Epistle to the Corinthians, 47], POLYCARP [Epistle to the Philippians, 11], and...


TSK: 1 Corinthians 15 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Co 15:1, By Christ’s resurrection, 1Co 15:12. he proves the necessity of our resurrection, against all such as deny the resurrection o...

Poole: 1 Corinthians 15 (Chapter Introduction) CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 15

MHCC: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) The Corinthian church contained some Jews, but more Gentiles, and the apostle had to contend with the superstition of the one, and the sinful conduct ...

MHCC: 1 Corinthians 15 (Chapter Introduction) (1Co 15:1-11) The apostle proves the resurrection of Christ from the dead. (1Co 15:12-19) Those answered who deny the resurrection of the body. (1Co...

Matthew Henry: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians Corinth was a principal city of Greece, in that partic...

Matthew Henry: 1 Corinthians 15 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle treats of that great article of Christianity - the resurrection of the dead. I. He establishes the certainty of our Sa...

Barclay: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: 1 Corinthians 15 (Chapter Introduction) Jesus' Resurrection And Ours (1Cor 15) 1Cor 15 is both one of the greatest and one of the most difficult chapters in the New Testament. Not only is...

Constable: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background Corinth had a long history stretching back into the...

Constable: 1 Corinthians (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-9 A. Salutation 1:1-3 B. Thanksgiving 1:4-9 ...

Constable: 1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians Bibliography Adams, Jay. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presb...

Haydock: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE CORINTHIANS. INTRODUCTION. Corinth was the capital of Achaia, a very rich and populous city...

Gill: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 CORINTHIANS This was not the first epistle that was written by the apostle to the Corinthians, for we read in this of his having ...

Gill: 1 Corinthians 15 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 CORINTHIANS 15 The apostle, in this chapter, recommends the Gospel, and gives a summary of it, proves the resurrection of Christ,...

College: 1 Corinthians (Book Introduction) FOREWORD Since the past few decades have seen an explosion in the number of books, articles, and commentaries on First Corinthians, a brief word to t...

College: 1 Corinthians (Outline) OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION - 1:1-9 A. Salutation - 1:1-3 B. Thanksgiving - 1:4-9 II. DISUNITY AND COMMUNITY FRAGMENTATION - 1:10-4:21 A. ...

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