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Text -- 1 Samuel 15:33 (NET)

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15:33 Samuel said, “Just as your sword left women childless, so your mother will be the most bereaved among women!” Then Samuel hacked Agag to pieces there in Gilgal before the Lord.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Agag king of the Amalekites in Samuel's time
 · Gilgal a place where Israel encamped between Jericho and the Jordan,a town between Dor and Tirza in the territory of Ephraim (YC),a town just north of Joppa, originally a military base (YC),a place 12 miles south of Shechem now called Jiljiliah (YC)
 · Samuel son of Ammihud; Moses' land distribution deputy for Simeon,son of Tola son of Issachar

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Saul | Samuel | SAMUEL, BOOKS OF | Rulers | Reproof | Prisoners | PUNISHMENTS | Israel | HAMAN | Gilgal | GOD, 2 | Disobedience to God | Courage | Church and State | Captive | CRUEL; CRUELTY | Amalekites | Agag | Adonibezek | ARABIA | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: 1Sa 15:33 - -- _Whereby it appears, that he was a tyrant, and guilty of many bloody actions. And this seems to be added for the fuller vindication of God's justice, ...

_Whereby it appears, that he was a tyrant, and guilty of many bloody actions. And this seems to be added for the fuller vindication of God's justice, and to shew, that although God did at this time revenge a crime committed by this man's ancestors 400 years ago, yet he did not punish an innocent son for his father's crimes, but one that persisted in the same evil courses.

Wesley: 1Sa 15:33 - -- This he did by divine instinct, and in pursuance of God's express command, which being sinfully neglected by Saul, is now executed by Samuel. But thes...

This he did by divine instinct, and in pursuance of God's express command, which being sinfully neglected by Saul, is now executed by Samuel. But these are no precedents for private persons to take the sword of justice into their hands. For we must live by the laws of God, and not by extraordinary examples.

JFB: 1Sa 15:33 - -- This cruel tyrant met the retribution of a righteous Providence. Never has it been unusual for great or official personages in the East to perform exe...

This cruel tyrant met the retribution of a righteous Providence. Never has it been unusual for great or official personages in the East to perform executions with their own hands. Samuel did it "before the Lord" in Gilgal, appointing that same mode of punishment (hitherto unknown in Israel) to be used towards him, which he had formerly used towards others.

Clarke: 1Sa 15:33 - -- As thy sword hath made women childless - It appears that Agag had forfeited his life by his own personal transgressions, and that his death now was ...

As thy sword hath made women childless - It appears that Agag had forfeited his life by his own personal transgressions, and that his death now was the retribution of his cruelties

And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces -

1.    What Samuel did here he did in his magisterial capacity; and

2.    It is not likely he did it by his own sword, but by that of an executioner. What kings, magistrates, and generals do, in an official way, by their subjects, servants, or soldiers, they are said to do themselves; qui facit per alterum, facit per se .

Defender: 1Sa 15:33 - -- This action of Samuel's has been attacked by critics as unworthy of a prophet of God. Agag's murderous cruelty, however, which had undoubtedly contrib...

This action of Samuel's has been attacked by critics as unworthy of a prophet of God. Agag's murderous cruelty, however, which had undoubtedly contributed to God's command to destroy the Amalekites at this particular time, putting into effect the promise uttered over 300 years earlier (Exo 17:14-16), was itself adequate justification for such a graphically visual object lesson to the people concerning the eventual consequences of wickedness."

TSK: 1Sa 15:33 - -- As thy sword : Gen 9:6; Exo 17:11; Num 14:45; Jdg 1:7; Mat 7:2; Jam 2:13; Rev 16:6, Rev 18:6 Samuel : It has been a matter of wonder to many, how Samu...

As thy sword : Gen 9:6; Exo 17:11; Num 14:45; Jdg 1:7; Mat 7:2; Jam 2:13; Rev 16:6, Rev 18:6

Samuel : It has been a matter of wonder to many, how Samuel could thus slay a captive prince, even in the presence of Saul, who from motives of clemency had spared him; but it should be remarked, that what Samuel did here, he did in his magisterial capacity; and that Agag had been a cruel tyrant, and therefore was cut off for his merciless cruelties. Farther, it is not likely that he did it by his own sword, but by that of the executioner. What kings, magistrates, and generals do, in an official way, by their subjects, servants, or soldiers, they are said to do themselves - qui facit per alterum , facit per se .

hewed : Num 25:7, Num 25:8; 1Ki 18:40; Isa 34:6; Jer 48:10

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Sa 15:33 - -- Hewed in pieces - Only found in this passage. Samuel thus executed the חרם chērem 1Sa 15:3 which Saul had violated, and so both sav...

Hewed in pieces - Only found in this passage. Samuel thus executed the חרם chērem 1Sa 15:3 which Saul had violated, and so both saved the nation from the guilt of a broken oath, and gave a final example to Saul, but apparently in vain, of uncompromising obedience to the commandments of God. There is something awful in the majesty of the prophet rising above and eclipsing that of the king (compare 1Ki 21:20; Jer 38:14 ff; Dan 2:46; Dan 4:27).

Poole: 1Sa 15:33 - -- Thy sword hath made women childless whereby it appears that he was a cruel tyrant, and guilty of really bloody actions, and that towards God’ s ...

Thy sword hath made women childless whereby it appears that he was a cruel tyrant, and guilty of really bloody actions, and that towards God’ s people, though it be not related elsewhere. And this seems to be added for the fuller vindication of God’ s justice, and to show, that although God did at this time remember and revenge a crime committed by this man’ s ancestors four hundred years ago, yet he did not punish an innocent son for his father’ s crimes, but one that allowed and persisted in the same evil courses.

Samuel hewed Agag in pieces by Divine instinct, and in pursuance of God’ s express and particular command, above, 1Sa 15:3 , which being sinfully neglected by Saul, is now executed by Samuel. See the like example 1Ki 18:40 . But these are no precedents for private persons to take the sword of justice into their hands; for we must live by thee laws of God, and not by extraordinary examples.

Before the Lord either before the ark, which, it seems, Saul carried with him in this, as he did in his former expedition, 1Sa 14:18 ; or before God’ s altar; or in the public assembly.

Haydock: 1Sa 15:33 - -- Pieces. Josephus adds, by the hand of others. (Menochius) --- But zeal put the sword into his own hand; and he imitated the Levites and Phinees, (...

Pieces. Josephus adds, by the hand of others. (Menochius) ---

But zeal put the sword into his own hand; and he imitated the Levites and Phinees, (Exodus xxxii. 27.) to shew Saul how preposterous had been his pity, when the Lord had spoken plainly. (Calmet) ---

Lord, as a sort of victim, Isaias xxxiv. 6. (Menochius)

Gill: 1Sa 15:33 - -- And Samuel said, as thy sword hath made women childless,.... Or, "bereaved s" them, not of their children only, but of their husbands also, and so mad...

And Samuel said, as thy sword hath made women childless,.... Or, "bereaved s" them, not of their children only, but of their husbands also, and so made them both childless and widows; by which it appears that he was a cruel prince, and justly died for his own barbarity and wickedness, as well as for the sins of his ancestors four hundred years ago:

so shall thy mother be childless among women; which was according to the law of retaliation, and what the Jews call measure for measure:

and Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal; either before the ark of the Lord, the symbol of the divine Presence; or before the altar, where Saul and the people had been sacrificing; this he did either himself, though an old man, or by others to whom he gave the orders; and which he did not as being the chief magistrate, and by virtue of his office, but acting as on a special occasion, at the command of God, and to show his zeal for him, and indignation at such a breach of his command. In what manner this was done, is not easy to say; he was not torn to pieces by the hand, without an instrument, as Baebius by the Romans t; or sawn asunder, as some by Caligula u; and as Isaiah the prophet is said to be by Manasseh, king of Judah, to which it is thought the apostle alludes, Heb 11:37. According to Ben Gersom, the word signifies he cleaved him, as wood is cleaved; or divided him into four parts, as Jarchi; perhaps he slew him with the sword, and then quartered him; that is, ordered it to be done.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Sa 15:1-35 - --1 Samuel sends Saul to destroy Amalek.6 Saul favours the Kenites.7 He spares Agag and the best of the spoil.10 Samuel denounces unto Saul God's reject...

MHCC: 1Sa 15:32-35 - --Many think the bitterness of death is past when it is not gone by; they put that evil day far from them, which is very near. Samuel calls Agag to acco...

Matthew Henry: 1Sa 15:32-35 - -- Samuel, as a prophet, is here set over kings, Jer 1:10. I. He destroys king Agag, doubtless by such special direction from heaven as none now can pr...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 15:33 - -- But Samuel pronounced the sentence of death upon him: " As thy swordhath made women childless, so be thy mother childless before women! " מנּשׁי...

Constable: 1Sa 13:1--15:35 - --C. Kingship Removed from Saul chs. 13-15 This section documents Saul's disobedience to the revealed will...

Constable: 1Sa 15:1-35 - --5. Yahweh's final rejection of Saul ch. 15 "In the short pericope 13:7b-15a obedience was the st...

Guzik: 1Sa 15:1-35 - --1 Samuel 15 - God Rejects Saul as King A. Battle against the Amalekites. 1. (1-3) A clear, radical command: destroy Amalek. Samuel also said to Sa...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF SAMUEL. The two were, by the ancient Jews, conjoined so as to make one book, and in that form could be called the Book o...

JFB: 1 Samuel (Outline) OF ELKANAH AND HIS TWO WIVES. (1Sa 1:1-8) HANNAH'S PRAYER. (1Sa 1:9-18) SAMUEL BORN. (1Sa 1:20) HANNAH'S SONG IN THANKFULNESS TO GOD. (1Sa 2:1-11) TH...

TSK: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) The First Book of SAMUEL, otherwise called " The First Book of the KINGS."

TSK: 1 Samuel 15 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Sa 15:1, Samuel sends Saul to destroy Amalek; 1Sa 15:6, Saul favours the Kenites; 1Sa 15:7, He spares Agag and the best of the spoil; 1S...

Poole: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL OTHERWISE CALLED THE FIRST BOOK OF THE KINGS. THE ARGUMENT. IT is not certainly known who was the penman of this Book, or whe...

Poole: 1 Samuel 15 (Chapter Introduction) SAMUEL CHAPTER 15 Samuel sendeth Saul to destroy the Amalekites: his army, 1Sa 15:1-5 . He favoureth the Kenites; spareth Agag, and the best of the...

MHCC: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) In this book we have an account of Eli, and the wickedness of his sons; also of Samuel, his character and actions. Then of the advancement of Saul to ...

MHCC: 1 Samuel 15 (Chapter Introduction) (1Sa 15:1-9) Saul sent to destroy Amalek. (1Sa 15:10-23) Saul excuses and commends himself. (1Sa 15:24-31) Saul's imperfect humiliation. (1Sa 15:32...

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Book of Samuel This book, and that which follows it, bear the name of Samuel in the title, ...

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel 15 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have the final rejection of Saul from being king, for his disobedience to God's command in not utterly destroying the Amalekites...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title First and Second Samuel were originally one book called the Book of...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Outline) Outline I. Eli and Samuel chs. 1-3 A. The change from barrenness to fertility 1:1-2:10 ...

Constable: 1 Samuel 1 Samuel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. The First Book of Samuel. Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English...

Haydock: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL; otherwise called, THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. INTRODUCTION. This and the following Book are called by the Hebrews, the...

Gill: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 SAMUEL This book, in the Hebrew copies, is commonly called Samuel, or the Book of Samuel; in the Syriac version, the Book of Samu...

Gill: 1 Samuel 15 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO FIRST SAMUEL 15 In this chapter are recorded the order Saul had from the Lord to destroy Amalek utterly, 1Sa 15:1 the preparation h...

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