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Text -- 1 Samuel 16:2 (NET)

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16:2 Samuel replied, “How can I go? Saul will hear about it and kill me!” But the Lord said, “Take a heifer with you and say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to the Lord.’
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Samuel son of Ammihud; Moses' land distribution deputy for Simeon,son of Tola son of Issachar
 · Saul the sixth king of Edom,son of Simeon and a Canaanite woman,son of Uzziah of Kohath son of Levi

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Saul | Samuel | SHAMMAH | SAMUEL, BOOKS OF | SACRIFICE, IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, 2 | PALESTINE, 2 | Minister | King | Jesse | HEIFER | Doubting | David | Cowardice | Church and State | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

JFB: 1Sa 16:2 - -- This is another instance of human infirmity in Samuel. Since God had sent him on this mission, He would protect him in the execution.

This is another instance of human infirmity in Samuel. Since God had sent him on this mission, He would protect him in the execution.

JFB: 1Sa 16:2 - -- It seems to have been customary with Samuel to do this in the different circuits to which he went, that he might encourage the worship of God.

It seems to have been customary with Samuel to do this in the different circuits to which he went, that he might encourage the worship of God.

Clarke: 1Sa 16:2 - -- Take a heifer with thee, and say, I am come to sacrifice - This was strictly true; Samuel did offer a sacrifice; and it does not appear that he coul...

Take a heifer with thee, and say, I am come to sacrifice - This was strictly true; Samuel did offer a sacrifice; and it does not appear that he could have done the work which God designed, unless he had offered this sacrifice, and called the elders of the people together, and thus collected Jesse’ s sons. But he did not tell the principal design of his coming; had he done so, it would have produced evil and no good: and though no man, in any circumstances, should ever tell a lie, yet in all circumstances he is not obliged to tell the whole truth, though in every circumstance he must tell nothing but the truth, and in every case so tell the truth that the hearer shall not believe a lie by it.

TSK: 1Sa 16:2 - -- How can I go : Exo 3:11; 1Ki 18:9-14; Mat 10:16; Luk 1:34 Take an heifer : For the prudent management of the affair, and to avoid suspicion, Samuel wa...

How can I go : Exo 3:11; 1Ki 18:9-14; Mat 10:16; Luk 1:34

Take an heifer : For the prudent management of the affair, and to avoid suspicion, Samuel was directed to go to Bethlehem to sacrifice, as he probably did from time to time in many different places; and the answer which he was instructed to return was strictly true though he did not tell the principal design of his coming; for though no man in any circumstances should tell a lie, yet, in all circumstances, he is not bound to tell the whole truth, though he must tell nothing but the truth, and so tell that truth that the hearer shall not believe a lie by it.

with thee : Heb. in thine hand, 1Sa 9:12

I am come : 1Sa 9:12, 1Sa 20:29; Jer 38:26, Jer 38:27

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Sa 16:2 - -- It was the purpose of God that David should be anointed at this time as Saul’ s successor, and as the ancestor and the type of His Christ. It w...

It was the purpose of God that David should be anointed at this time as Saul’ s successor, and as the ancestor and the type of His Christ. It was not the purpose of God that Samuel should stir up a civil war, by setting up David as Saul’ s rival. Secrecy, therefore, was a necessary part of the transaction. But secrecy and concealment are not the same as duplicity and falsehood. Concealment of a good purpose, for a good purpose, is clearly justifiable. There is therefore nothing in the least inconsistent with truth in the occurrence here related. Compare Exo 7:16; Exo 8:1; Exo 9:13.

Poole: 1Sa 16:2 - -- How can I go to wit, safely? a question which seems to savour of human frailty; for he should have strongly believed that God, who had set him upon t...

How can I go to wit, safely? a question which seems to savour of human frailty; for he should have strongly believed that God, who had set him upon the work, would carry him through it.

I am come to sacrifice to the Lord which he used oft to do, sometimes in one place, and sometimes in another, that so he might encourage and keep up the worship of God in all of them. This was one cause, though not the only cause, of his coming; nor was he obliged to declare all the causes of it.

Haydock: 1Sa 16:2 - -- Of the herd. Hebrew, "a heifer in thy hand." (Haydock) --- Females might be employed as peace-offerings, Leviticus iii. 1. --- Lord. This was o...

Of the herd. Hebrew, "a heifer in thy hand." (Haydock) ---

Females might be employed as peace-offerings, Leviticus iii. 1. ---

Lord. This was one, though not the principal reason. No one doubted but that he might lawfully offer sacrifice, at a distance from the tabernacle, as he was guided by God. The Jews allow that prophets have this privilege, and may dispense with the ceremonial law, (Grotius) when they act by God's authority, as we ought to believe they do, as long as there is no proof to the contrary. (Haydock)

Gill: 1Sa 16:2 - -- And Samuel said, how can I go?.... Which argues weakness of faith in Samuel, and fear of man, and a diffidence in and distrust of divine power; for ot...

And Samuel said, how can I go?.... Which argues weakness of faith in Samuel, and fear of man, and a diffidence in and distrust of divine power; for otherwise he that sent him on such an errand could protect him:

if Saul hear it, he will kill me; should hear that Samuel went and anointed another king, it would so enrage him, that he would either immediately lay hands on him, and put him to death, or order him to be put to death; and indeed were it not that this was done by the command of God, he would deserve to die; it being an overt act of treason to anoint another king:

and the Lord said, take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come to sacrifice to the Lord; a peace offering, which might be done any where in those unsettled times, the ark being at one place, and the tabernacle at another; and might be offered upon a private altar, and by a private person; and as it seems Samuel used to sacrifice at different places; see 1Sa 7:9. Ben Gersom relates it as the sense of one of their Rabbins in his age, that there was a person slain in those parts, not known by whom he was slain; and so Samuel is ordered to take an heifer to fulfil the law in Deu 21:1 and therefore Saul would make no inquiry into his reason of going thither with an heifer, and this is commended both by him and Abarbinel.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Sa 16:2 Heb “in your hand.”

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 16:2 And Samuel said, How can I go? if Saul hear [it], he will kill me. And the LORD said, Take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come ( b ) to sacrifice ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Sa 16:1-23 - --1 Samuel sent by God, under pretence of a sacrifice, comes to Beth-lehem.6 His human judgment is reproved.11 He anoints David.15 Saul sends for David ...

Maclaren: 1Sa 16:1-13 - --1 Samuel 16:1-13 The chief purpose in these verses is to bring out that the choice of David was purely God's. The most consummate art could have taken...

MHCC: 1Sa 16:1-5 - --It appears that Saul was grown very wicked. Of what would he not be guilty, who durst think to kill Samuel? The elders of Bethlehem trembled at Samuel...

Matthew Henry: 1Sa 16:1-5 - -- Samuel had retired to his own house in Ramah, with a resolution not to appear any more in public business, but to addict himself wholly to the instr...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 16:1-13 - -- Anointing of David. - 1Sa 16:1. The words in which God summonedSamuel to proceed to the anointing of another king, " How long wilt thoumourn for Sau...

Constable: 1Sa 16:1--31:13 - --IV. SAUL AND DAVID 1 Sam. 16--31 The basic theme in Samuel, that blessing, and in particular fertility of all ki...

Constable: 1Sa 16:1--18:6 - --A. David's Rise as the New Anointed 16:1-18:5 According to Swindoll, more was written in the Bible about...

Constable: 1Sa 16:1-23 - --1. God's selection of David for kingship ch. 16 "One of the many indications that the two halves...

Constable: 1Sa 16:1-13 - --David's anointing 16:1-13 This time God's choice was not a king for the people according...

Guzik: 1Sa 16:1-23 - --1 Samuel 16 - God Chooses David A. Samuel anoints David as king. Psalms that may go with this period: 8, 19, 23, and 29. 1. (1-3) God tells Samuel t...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF SAMUEL. The two were, by the ancient Jews, conjoined so as to make one book, and in that form could be called the Book o...

JFB: 1 Samuel (Outline) OF ELKANAH AND HIS TWO WIVES. (1Sa 1:1-8) HANNAH'S PRAYER. (1Sa 1:9-18) SAMUEL BORN. (1Sa 1:20) HANNAH'S SONG IN THANKFULNESS TO GOD. (1Sa 2:1-11) TH...

TSK: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) The First Book of SAMUEL, otherwise called " The First Book of the KINGS."

TSK: 1 Samuel 16 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Sa 16:1, Samuel sent by God, under pretence of a sacrifice, comes to Beth-lehem; 1Sa 16:6, His human judgment is reproved; 1Sa 16:11, He...

Poole: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL OTHERWISE CALLED THE FIRST BOOK OF THE KINGS. THE ARGUMENT. IT is not certainly known who was the penman of this Book, or whe...

Poole: 1 Samuel 16 (Chapter Introduction) SAMUEL CHAPTER 16 Samuel is sent by God; who, under pretence of a sacrifice for fear of Saul, cometh to Bethlehem; sanctifieth Jesse and his sons, ...

MHCC: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) In this book we have an account of Eli, and the wickedness of his sons; also of Samuel, his character and actions. Then of the advancement of Saul to ...

MHCC: 1 Samuel 16 (Chapter Introduction) (1Sa 16:1-5) Samuel sent to Bethlehem to Jesse. (1Sa 16:6-13) David is anointed. (1Sa 16:14-23) Saul troubled with an evil spirit, is quieted by Dav...

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Book of Samuel This book, and that which follows it, bear the name of Samuel in the title, ...

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel 16 (Chapter Introduction) At this chapter begins the story of David, one that makes as great a figure in the sacred story as almost any of the worthies of the Old Testament,...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title First and Second Samuel were originally one book called the Book of...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Outline) Outline I. Eli and Samuel chs. 1-3 A. The change from barrenness to fertility 1:1-2:10 ...

Constable: 1 Samuel 1 Samuel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. The First Book of Samuel. Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English...

Haydock: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL; otherwise called, THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. INTRODUCTION. This and the following Book are called by the Hebrews, the...

Gill: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 SAMUEL This book, in the Hebrew copies, is commonly called Samuel, or the Book of Samuel; in the Syriac version, the Book of Samu...

Gill: 1 Samuel 16 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO FIRST SAMUEL 16 In this chapter Samuel is ordered to anoint a king among the sons of Jesse of Bethlehem, 1Sa 16:1 all whose sons we...

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