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Text -- 1 Thessalonians 3:4 (NET)

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3:4 For in fact when we were with you, we were telling you in advance that we would suffer affliction, and so it has happened, as you well know.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , JFB , Clarke , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 1Th 3:4 - -- We told you beforehand ( proelegomen humin ). Imperfect active, we used to tell you beforehand. Old verb, rare in N.T. (only in Paul).

We told you beforehand ( proelegomen humin ).

Imperfect active, we used to tell you beforehand. Old verb, rare in N.T. (only in Paul).

Robertson: 1Th 3:4 - -- That we are to suffer persecution ( hoti mellomen thlibesthai ). Mellō and present passive infinitive. Not mere prediction, but God’ s appoi...

That we are to suffer persecution ( hoti mellomen thlibesthai ).

Mellō and present passive infinitive. Not mere prediction, but God’ s appointed will as it turned out in Thessalonica.

JFB: 1Th 3:4 - -- Greek, "that we are about (we are sure) to suffer" according to the appointment of God (1Th 3:3).

Greek, "that we are about (we are sure) to suffer" according to the appointment of God (1Th 3:3).

JFB: 1Th 3:4 - -- "even (exactly) as it both came to pass and ye know"; ye know both that it came to pass, and that we foretold it (compare Joh 13:19). The corresponden...

"even (exactly) as it both came to pass and ye know"; ye know both that it came to pass, and that we foretold it (compare Joh 13:19). The correspondence of the event to the prediction powerfully confirms faith: "Forewarned, forearmed" [EDMUNDS]. The repetition of "ye know," so frequently, is designed as an argument, that being forewarned of coming affliction, they should be less readily "moved" by it.

Clarke: 1Th 3:4 - -- That we should suffer tribulation - I prepared you for it, because I knew that it was according to their nature for wicked men to persecute the foll...

That we should suffer tribulation - I prepared you for it, because I knew that it was according to their nature for wicked men to persecute the followers of God.

TSK: 1Th 3:4 - -- we told : Joh 16:1-3; Act 20:24 even : 1Th 2:2, 1Th 2:14; Act 17:1, Act 17:5-9, Act 17:13; 2Co 8:1, 2Co 8:2; 2Th 1:4-6

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Th 3:4 - -- For verily, when we were with you, we told you before ... - It is not mentioned in the history Acts 17 that Paul thus predicted that special tr...

For verily, when we were with you, we told you before ... - It is not mentioned in the history Acts 17 that Paul thus predicted that special trials would come upon them, but there is no improbability in what is here said. He was with them long enough to discourse to them on a great variety of topics, and nothing can be more probable, than that in their circumstances, the subjects of persecution and affliction would be prominent topics of discourse. There was every reason to apprehend that they would meet with opposition on account of their religion, and nothing was more natural than that Paul should endearour to prepare their minds for it beforehand,

That we should suffer tribulation - We who preached to you; perhaps also including those to whom they preached.

Even as it came to pass, and ye know - When Paul, Silas, and Timothy were driven away, and when the church was so much agitated, by the opposition of the Jews; Act 17:5-8.

Poole: 1Th 3:4 - -- The apostle having said that they knew they were appointed to sufferings, tells them here they knew it because he had told them of it. Paul, by some...

The apostle having said that they knew they were appointed to sufferings, tells them here they knew it because he had told them of it. Paul, by some extraordinary instinct or revelation, often foresaw his sufferings, and God more generally told him of them at his first conversion, Act 9:16 ; and he told them of them that they might reckon upon sufferings. A faithful minister will not only tell the people of the crown, but of the cross of Christ. And what he foretold of his sufferings, he tells them

came to pass whereby they might be strengthened further in their faith about the gospel he had preached to them, and not be offended at his sufferings, being foretold to them, as well as appointed of God.

Gill: 1Th 3:4 - -- For, verily, when we were with you,.... In presence, in person, as they then were in heart and affection; when they were first among them, and preache...

For, verily, when we were with you,.... In presence, in person, as they then were in heart and affection; when they were first among them, and preached the Gospel to them:

we told you before; before it came to pass;

that we should suffer tribulation: which they might say by virtue of Christ's prediction to all his disciples, that they should have tribulation in the world; and upon its being the common case of God's people, and the usual way through which they enter the kingdom; and the Apostle Paul might foretell this, upon the discovery that was made to him how many things he should suffer for the sake of Christ, and which therefore he always, and in every place expected; and he might have a particular revelation of the disturbance and opposition he was to meet with at Thessalonica:

even as it came to pass, and ye know; referring to the tumult and uproar in Act 17:5, and which should be considered so far from being a discouragement, that it was a great confirmation of the truth of their mission and ministry; nor could it be so surprising to them as it might have been had they had no previous taste of it.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Th 3:4 Grk “just as it also occurred and you know.”

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Th 3:1-13 - --1 Saint Paul testifies his great love to the Thessalonians, partly by sending Timothy unto them to strengthen and comfort them; partly by rejoicing in...

MHCC: 1Th 3:1-5 - --The more we find pleasure in the ways of God, the more we shall desire to persevere therein. The apostle's design was to establish and comfort the The...

Matthew Henry: 1Th 3:1-5 - -- In these words the apostle gives an account of his sending Timothy to the Thessalonians. Though he was hindered from going to them himself, yet his ...

Barclay: 1Th 3:1-10 - --In this passage there breathes the very essence of the spirit of the pastor. (i) There is affection. We can never affect or win people unless we begi...

Constable: 1Th 2:17--3:6 - --1. Desire to see them again 2:17-3:5 In this pericope Paul expressed his sincere desire to retur...

Constable: 1Th 3:1-5 - --Timothy's visit 3:1-5 3:1-2 Paul returned to the report of his plans (2:17-18). He explained that by the time he, Silas, and Timothy had reached Athen...

College: 1Th 3:1-13 - --1 THESSALONIANS 3 2. Timothy's Visit on Paul's Behalf (3:1-5) 1 So when we could stand it no longer, we thought it best to be left by ourselves in A...

McGarvey: 1Th 3:4 - --For verily, when we were with you, we told you beforehand that we are to suffer affliction; even as it came to pass, and ye know . [As to the afflicti...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 1 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) First Thessalonians From Corinth a.d. 50-51 By Way of Introduction We cannot say that this is Paul’s first letter to a church, for in 2Th_2:2 h...

JFB: 1 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) The AUTHENTICITY of this Epistle is attested by IRENÆUS [Against Heresies, 5.6.1], quoting 1Th 5:23; CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA [The Instructor, 1.88], qu...


TSK: 1 Thessalonians 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Th 3:1, Saint Paul testifies his great love to the Thessalonians, partly by sending Timothy unto them to strengthen and comfort them; pa...

Poole: 1 Thessalonians 3 (Chapter Introduction) THESSALONIANS CHAPTER 3

MHCC: 1 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) This epistle is generally considered to have been the first of those written by St. Paul. The occasion seems to have been the good report of the stedf...

MHCC: 1 Thessalonians 3 (Chapter Introduction) (1Th 3:1-5) The apostle sent Timothy to establish and comfort the Thessalonian. (1Th 3:6-10) He rejoiced at the good tidings of their faith and love....

Matthew Henry: 1 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Epistle of st. Paul to the Thessalonians Thessalonica was formerly the metropolis of Macedoni...

Matthew Henry: 1 Thessalonians 3 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle gives further evidence of his love to the Thessalonians, reminding them of his sending Timothy to them, with the mentio...

Barclay: 1 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: 1 Thessalonians 3 (Chapter Introduction) The Pastor And His Flock (1Th_3:1-10) All Is Of God (1Th_3:11-13)

Constable: 1 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background Thessalonica was an important city. Cassander, the ...

Constable: 1 Thessalonians (Outline)

Constable: 1 Thessalonians 1 Thessalonians Bibliography Askwith, E. H. "I' and We' in the Thesalonian Epistles." Expositor. Series 8:1 (19...

Haydock: 1 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE THESSALONIANS. INTRODUCTION. St. Paul having preached with success at Thessalonica, the chi...

Gill: 1 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 THESSALONIANS Thessalonica was a very large, populous, and flourishing city, it was "liberae conditionis", as Pliny says a, a fre...

Gill: 1 Thessalonians 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 THESSALONIANS 3 In this chapter the apostle expresses his great love to the Thessalonians, by sending Timothy to then, to establi...

College: 1 Thessalonians (Book Introduction) FOREWORD This commentary has been produced through a full schedule of college and seminary teaching and church-based ministry. In the current climate...

College: 1 Thessalonians (Outline) OUTLINE I. GREETING - 1:1 II. THANKSGIVING - 1:2-10 A. The Initial Thanksgiving - 1:2-5 1. Paul's Constant Prayers for the Readers - 1:2 ...

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