Text -- 1 Timothy 5:22 (NET)

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collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Robertson: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Lay hands hastily ( cheiras tacheōs epitithei ).
Present active imperative of epitithēmi in the sense of approval (ordination) as in Act 6:6; A...
Lay hands hastily (
Present active imperative of

Robertson: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Be partakers of other men’ s sins ( Koinéōnei hamartiais allotriais ).
Present active imperative of Koinéōneō (from Koinéōnos , par...

Robertson: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Keep thyself pure ( seauton hagnon tērei ).
"Keep on keeping thyself pure."Present active imperative of tēreō .
Keep thyself pure (
"Keep on keeping thyself pure."Present active imperative of
Vincent: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Lay hands on
Probably with reference to that rite in the formal restoration of those who had been expelled from the church for gross sins.
Lay hands on
Probably with reference to that rite in the formal restoration of those who had been expelled from the church for gross sins.

Suddenly (
Better, hastily .

Vincent: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Neither be partaker of other men's sins ( μηδὲ κοινώνει ἁμαρτίαις ἀλλοτρίαις )
Letter, make common ...
Neither be partaker of other men's sins (
Letter, make common cause with . See on communicating , Rom 12:13. Comp. Rom 15:27; 1Pe 4:13; Eph 5:11. By a too hasty and inconsiderate restoration, he would condone the sins of the offenders, and would thus make common cause with them.

Vincent: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Keep thyself pure ( σεαυτὸν ἁγνὸν τήρει )
Comp. 1Ti 6:14. Enjoining positively what was enjoined negatively in the prece...
Wesley: 1Ti 5:22 - -- That is, appoint no man to church offices without full trial and examination; else thou wilt be accessary to, and accountable for, his misbehaviour in...
That is, appoint no man to church offices without full trial and examination; else thou wilt be accessary to, and accountable for, his misbehaviour in his office.
JFB: 1Ti 5:22 - -- That is, ordain (1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 1:6; Tit 1:5). The connection is with 1Ti 5:19. The way to guard against scandals occurring in the case of presbyters i...
That is, ordain (1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 1:6; Tit 1:5). The connection is with 1Ti 5:19. The way to guard against scandals occurring in the case of presbyters is, be cautious as to the character of the candidate before ordaining him; this will apply to other Church officers so ordained, as well as to presbyters. Thus, this clause refers to 1Ti 5:19, as next clause, "neither be partaker of other men's sins," refers to 1Ti 5:20. ELLICOTT and WIESINGER understand it of receiving back into Church fellowship or absolution, by laying hands on those who had been "rebuked" (1Ti 5:20) and then excommunicated (Mat 18:17); 1Ti 5:20 favors this. But as in 1Ti 4:14, and Act 6:6; Act 13:3; 2Ti 1:6, the laying on of hands is used of ordination (compare however as to confirmation, Act 8:17), it seems better to take it so here.

JFB: 1Ti 5:22 - -- By negligence in ordaining ungodly candidates, and so becoming in some degree responsible for their sins. Or, there is the same transition from the el...
By negligence in ordaining ungodly candidates, and so becoming in some degree responsible for their sins. Or, there is the same transition from the elders to all in general who may sin, as in 1Ti 5:19-20. Be not a partaker in other men's sins by not "rebuking them that sin before all," as well as those that are candidates for the presbytery, as also all "that sin."

JFB: 1Ti 5:22 - -- "thyself' is emphatic. "Keep THYSELF" clear of participation in OTHER men's sin by not failing to rebuke them that sin (1Ti 5:20). Thus the transition...
Clarke: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Lay hands suddenly on no man - Do not hastily appoint any person to the sacred ministry: let the person be well proved before he receives the imposi...
Lay hands suddenly on no man - Do not hastily appoint any person to the sacred ministry: let the person be well proved before he receives the imposition of hands. Some understand this of laying hands on the sick

Clarke: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Neither be partaker of other men’ s sins - It is a sin for any improper person to thrust himself into the sacred office; and he partakes of tha...
Neither be partaker of other men’ s sins - It is a sin for any improper person to thrust himself into the sacred office; and he partakes of that sin who introduces, helps him forward, or sanctions him in it. O, what an account will rash, undiscerning, and prejudiced bishops, presbyters, and others, have to render to God for their ordinations! Their laying rash or careless hands "on skulls that cannot teach, and will not learn;"while probably they refuse inducting others well qualified for the Christian ministry

Keep thyself pure - From this and every other evil.
Calvin -> 1Ti 5:22
Calvin: 1Ti 5:22 - -- 22.Lay not hands suddenly on any man There can be no doubt that he intended to guard Timothy against ill-will, and to obviate many complaints, which ...
22.Lay not hands suddenly on any man There can be no doubt that he intended to guard Timothy against ill-will, and to obviate many complaints, which are continually arising against the godly servants of Christ, who refuse to comply with the ambitious requests of any. For some accuse them of sternness; others of envy; and some exclaim that they are cruel, because they do not at once receive those who boast of having some recommendatory qualities. This is what we abundantly experience in the present day. Paul therefore exhorts Timothy not to lay aside judicious caution, and not to suffer himself to be overpowered by improper feelings; not that Timothy needed such an admonition, but to restrain, by his authority, those who otherwise might have given annoyance to Timothy,
First, the “ laying on of hands ” means Ordination: 112 that is, the sign is put for the thing signified; for he forbids him to receive too easily any one that has not been fully tried. There are some who, through a desire of novelty, would wish to receive into the ministerial office, some person hardly at all known, as soon as he has given one or two exhibitions that are reckoned good. It is the duty of a wise and thoughtful bishop, to resist this troublesome feeling, in the same manner as Paul here bids Timothy do.
Neither partake of other men’s sins He means that he who consents to an unlawful act of ordination is involved in the same guilt as the chief actors in it. Yet some explain it thus: “If he admit unworthy persons, whatever faults they may afterwards commit, to him will be imputed the blame or a part of the blame.” But I think that this is a more simple view of it: “Though others rush forth to such rashness, do not make thyself a partaker with them, lest thou share in their guilt.” Even where our judgment is otherwise sound, it often happens that we are carried away by the folly and levity of others. 113
Keep thyself pure I consider this also to have the same reference as the preceding clause. As if he had said, “If others do anything that is wrong, beware lest any contagion reach you, either by consent or by approbation. If you cannot hinder them from polluting themselves, it is at least your duty to have your counsels at all times separated from theirs, so that you may keep yourself pure.” If any prefer to view it as a general statement, let him enjoy his opinion; but, for my own part, I reckon it to be more suitable to limit it to the present context.
Defender -> 1Ti 5:22
TSK -> 1Ti 5:22
TSK: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Lay : 1Ti 4:14; Act 6:6, Act 13:3; 2Ti 1:6; Heb 6:2
suddenly : 1Ti 3:6, 1Ti 3:10; Jos 9:14; 2Ti 2:2; Tit 1:5-9
neither : Eph 5:11; 2Jo 1:11; Rev 18:4

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> 1Ti 5:22
Barnes: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Lay hands suddenly on no man - Some have understood this of laying on hands to heal the sick (Koppe); others of the laying on of hands to absol...
Lay hands suddenly on no man - Some have understood this of laying on hands to heal the sick (Koppe); others of the laying on of hands to absolve penitents, but the obvious meaning is to refer it to ordination. It was usual to lay the hands on the heads of those who were ordained to a sacred office, or appointed to perform an important duty; notes, 1Ti 4:14; compare Act 6:6; Act 8:17. The idea here is, that Timothy should not be hasty in an act so important as that of introducing people to the ministry. He should take time to give them a fair trial of their piety; he should have satisfactory evidence of their qualifications. He should not at once introduce a man to the ministry because he gave evidence of piety, or because he burned with an ardent zeal, or because he thought himself qualified for the work. It is clear from this that the apostle regarded Timothy as having the right to ordain to the ministry; but not that he was to ordain alone, or as a prelate. The injunction would be entirely proper on the supposition that others were to be associated with him in the act of ordaining. It is just such as a Presbyterian father in the ministry would give in a charge to his son now; it is in fact just the charge which is now given by Presbyterians and congregationalists to those who are set apart to the sacred office, in reference to ordaining others.
Neither be partaker of other men’ s sins - This is evidently to be interpreted in connection with the injunction "to lay hands suddenly on no man."The meaning, in this connection, is, that Timothy was not to become a participant in the sins of another by introducing him to the sacred office. He was not to invest one with a holy office who was a wicked man or a heretic, for this would be to sanction his wickedness and error. If we ordain a man to the office of the ministry who is known to be living in sin, or to cherish dangerous error, we become the patrons of the sin and of the heresy. We lend to it the sanction of our approbation; and give to it whatever currency it may acquire from the reputation which we may have, or which it may acquire from the influence of the sacred office of the ministry. Hence, the importance of caution in investing anyone with the ministerial office. But while Paul meant, doubtless, that this should be applied particularly to ordination to the ministry, he has given it a general character. In no way are we to participate in the sins of other people. We are not to be engaged with them in doing wrong; we are not to patronize them in a wicked business; we are not to be known as their companions or friends; and we are not to partake of their unlawful gains. We are not to lend money, or a boat, or a horse, or a pistol, or a bowie-knife, for an unlawful business; we are not to furnish capital for the slave-trade, or for manufacturing intoxicating drinks, or for an enterprise that contemplates the violation of the Sabbath.
Keep thyself pure - Particularly, in regard to participation in the sins of others; generally, in all things - in heart, in word, in conduct.
Poole -> 1Ti 5:22
Poole: 1Ti 5:22 - -- By Lay hands suddenly on no man is certainly, to be understood: Do thou suddenly set no man apart to any ecclesiastical employment. Laying on of ha...
By Lay hands suddenly on no man is certainly, to be understood: Do thou suddenly set no man apart to any ecclesiastical employment. Laying on of hands was but an external ceremony used in blessing, Gen 48:14,15 , and in the conferring of power upon persons. Num 27:18 Deu 34:9 . In the New Testament, we find this rite used: in prayer upon healing the sick, Mar 16:18 Act 28:8 ; in blessing, Mar 10:16 ; in conferring the gifts of the Holy Ghost, Act 19:6 ; in ordination, or setting persons apart to some ecclesiastical employment, 1Ti 4:14 Act 6:6 ; and being so used, it is sometimes put for the whole action. This the apostle forbids Timothy to do suddenly, that is, without a first proof of the person’ s fitness for his work, 1Ti 3:10 , both with respect to his knowledge, and to his holiness of conversation.
Neither be partaker of other men’ s sins: this participation of other men’ s sin ought to be taken heed of in the whole course of our conversation, but it seemeth here to be especially forbidden with reference to what was before spoken of, viz. the setting men apart for or putting them into any ecclesiastical employment; he who puts into the ministry any erroneous or ignorant persons, or any persons of a lewd conversation, makes himself guilty of all the harm they do, if he hath not first taken a due and reasonable proof of them, but hath laid hands upon them suddenly. Amongst other ways by which we interest ourselves in others’ guilt, one is, by not hindering it, having power so to do. He, or they, whom it lies upon to admit, or not admit, men into the ministry, have a power to refuse them in case upon proof of them they do not find them apt to teach, or fit for the ministration they are to undertake, or such for holiness of life as God requireth: God by his word declaring what such persons ought to be, and commanding him or them first to prove such persons, and to lay hands on none suddenly, hath invested him or them with such a power, of which man cannot deprive them.
Keep thyself pure: the purity here mentioned, is comprehensive of that chastity which some would have the word here signify, but it is most reasonable to understand it here with relation to what went before, viz. partaking of other men’ s sins; If thou canst not keep the church pure, but ignorant or erroneous persons, or sots, will get into the church, yet let them not get in through thy hands,
keep thyself pure
Haydock -> 1Ti 5:22
Haydock: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Impose not hands lightly upon any man, in promoting him to be a minister of God by the sacrament of orders, unless he be duly qualified. ---
Impose not hands lightly upon any man, in promoting him to be a minister of God by the sacrament of orders, unless he be duly qualified. ---
Neither in this be partaker of other men's sins, as they make themselves who ordain others rashly. (Witham)
Gill -> 1Ti 5:22
Gill: 1Ti 5:22 - -- Lay hands suddenly on no man,.... Which is not to be understood of removing censures from off offenders, upon their repentance, which should not be su...
Lay hands suddenly on no man,.... Which is not to be understood of removing censures from off offenders, upon their repentance, which should not be suddenly and hastily done; and which it seems in later times has been done by imposition of hands; but since no such custom obtained in the apostle's time, and a taking off of censures is never in Scripture signified by this phrase, it cannot be intended here; but rather the admission of persons into the work of the ministry, and the installing of them into the office of an or pastor; upon whom, in these early times, hands were laid by the apostles, whereby gifts were conveyed, as on Timothy; See Gill on 1Ti 4:14.
And from this rite this act was so called, as it might be when it was laid aside; just as, with the Jews, an ordination of one of their doctors is called
neither be partaker of other men's sins; of any of the members of the church; by doing the same, joining with them therein, or by consenting to them and taking pleasure in them, as done by others; by conniving at them, and not restraining them, nor reproving for them: or rather this refers to rash and hasty ordinations of ministers; and either regards the sins of those who lay hands suddenly on men, and with whom the apostle would not have Timothy join, that he might not be a partner in their sins; or else the sins of those that are ordained, and these, whether before or after their ordination; which such involve themselves in, who either rashly and ignorantly ordain such persons; and much more if they do it, knowing them to be such: and these sins may include both immorality and error; see 2Jo 10,11. Keep thyself pure; not from his own sins, the sin of nature, indwelling sin, and actual transgressions; no man is, or can be pure, from either of these; nor can any man keep himself; Christ only is able to keep them from falling. But the apostle's meaning is, that he should keep himself pure from the sins of others, by not rashly and suddenly admitting any into the ministry; just as the apostle was pure from the blood of all men, by faithfully preaching the Gospel; so he suggests that Timothy would be pure from partaking of other men's sins, by observing a strict discipline in the house of God. Some refer this to chastity of body, in opposition to the sin of uncleanness, which his youthful age and the temptations about him might expose him to the danger of; and which is scandalous and infamous in a minister of the word. Which sense serves to show the connection of the following words, which otherwise seem to stand unconnected.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> 1Ti 5:1-25
TSK Synopsis: 1Ti 5:1-25 - --1 Rules to be observed in reproving.3 Of widows.17 Of elders.23 A precept for Timothy's health.24 Some men's sins go before unto judgment, and some me...
MHCC -> 1Ti 5:17-25
MHCC: 1Ti 5:17-25 - --Care must be taken that ministers are maintained. And those who are laborious in this work are worthy of double honour and esteem. It is their just du...
Matthew Henry -> 1Ti 5:17-25
Matthew Henry: 1Ti 5:17-25 - -- Here are directions, I. Concerning the supporting of ministers. Care must be taken that they be honourably maintained (1Ti 5:17): Let the elders th...
Barclay -> 1Ti 5:17-22; 1Ti 5:17-22
Barclay: 1Ti 5:17-22 - --Here is a series of the most practical regulations for the life and administration of the Church.
(i) Elders are to be properly honoured and properly ...

Barclay: 1Ti 5:17-22 - --(iii) Those who persist in sin are to be publicly rebuked. That public rebuke had a double value. It sobered the sinner into a consideration of his ...
Constable -> 1Ti 5:3-25; 1Ti 5:17-25
Constable: 1Ti 5:3-25 - --C. How to deal with widows and elders 5:3-25
Paul now addressed how Timothy was to deal with the two mai...