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Text -- 1 Peter 3:3 (NET)

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3:3 Let your beauty not be external– the braiding of hair and wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes
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Dictionary Themes and Topics: Women | Wife | WOMAN | Righteousness | PLAITING | OUTWARD MAN | MARRIAGE | Hair | GOLD | ESSENES | Dress | BRAIDED; BRAIDING | ADORN | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Whose adorning ( hōn kosmos ). Genitive plural of the relative referring to gunaikōn (wives). Kosmos has here its old meaning of ornament (cf...

Whose adorning ( hōn kosmos ).

Genitive plural of the relative referring to gunaikōn (wives). Kosmos has here its old meaning of ornament (cf. our cosmetics), not the common one of world (Joh 17:5) considered as an orderly whole. Mundus in Latin is used in this double sense (ornament, world).

Robertson: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Let it be ( estō ). Imperative third singular of eimi . Not the outward adorning of plaiting the hair (ouch ho exōthen emplokēs trichōn ). T...

Let it be ( estō ).

Imperative third singular of eimi . Not the outward adorning of plaiting the hair (ouch ho exōthen emplokēs trichōn ). The use of ouch here rather than mē (usual negative with the imperative) because of the sharp contrast in 1Pe 3:4 (all' ). The old adverb exōthen (from without) is in the attributive position like an adjective. Emplokē is a late word (from emplekō , to inweave, 2Ti 2:4; 2Pe 2:20) in Strabo, but often in the papyri for struggle as well as plaiting, here only in N.T.

Robertson: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Of wearing ( peritheseōs ). Late and rare word (Galen, Arrian) from peritithēmi (Mat 27:28), to put around, a placing around. Ornaments of gold...

Of wearing ( peritheseōs ).

Late and rare word (Galen, Arrian) from peritithēmi (Mat 27:28), to put around, a placing around. Ornaments of gold were worn round the hair as nets and round the finger, arm, or ankle.

Robertson: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Or of putting on ( enduseōs ). Old word from enduō (to put on), here only in N.T. Peter is not forbidding the wearing of clothes and ornaments ...

Or of putting on ( enduseōs ).

Old word from enduō (to put on), here only in N.T. Peter is not forbidding the wearing of clothes and ornaments by women, but the display of finery by contrast. Cf. 1Ti 2:9-13; Isa 3:16.

Vincent: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Of plaiting ( ἐμπλοκῆς ) Only here in New Testament. Compare 1Ti 2:9. The Roman women of the day were addicted to ridiculous extravag...

Of plaiting ( ἐμπλοκῆς )

Only here in New Testament. Compare 1Ti 2:9. The Roman women of the day were addicted to ridiculous extravagance in the adornment of the hair. Juvenal (" Satire," vi.) satirizes these customs. He says: " The attendants will vote on the dressing of the hair as if a question of reputation or of life were at stake, so great is the trouble she takes in quest of beauty; with so many tiers does she lead, with so many continuous stories does she build up on high her head. She is tall as Andromache in front, behind she is shorter. You would think her another person." The hair was dyed, and secured with costly pins and with nets of gold thread. False hair and blond wigs were worn.

Vincent: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Putting on ( ἐνδύσεως ) Only here in New Testament. Female extravagance in dress in the days of the empire reached an alarming pitch.

Putting on ( ἐνδύσεως )

Only here in New Testament. Female extravagance in dress in the days of the empire reached an alarming pitch.

Wesley: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Three things are here expressly forbidden: curling the hair, wearing gold, (by way of ornament,) and putting on costly or gay apparel. These, therefor...

Three things are here expressly forbidden: curling the hair, wearing gold, (by way of ornament,) and putting on costly or gay apparel. These, therefore, ought never to be allowed, much less defended, by Christians.

JFB: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Literally, "To whom let there belong (namely, as their peculiar ornament) not the outward adornment (usual in the sex which first, by the fall, brough...

Literally, "To whom let there belong (namely, as their peculiar ornament) not the outward adornment (usual in the sex which first, by the fall, brought in the need of covering, Note, see on 1Pe 5:5) of," &c.

JFB: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Artificial braiding, in order to attract admiration.

Artificial braiding, in order to attract admiration.

JFB: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Literally, "putting round," namely, the head, as a diadem--the arm, as a bracelet--the finger, as rings.

Literally, "putting round," namely, the head, as a diadem--the arm, as a bracelet--the finger, as rings.

JFB: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Showy and costly. "Have the blush of modesty on thy face instead of paint, and moral worth and discretion instead of gold and emeralds" [MELISSA].

Showy and costly. "Have the blush of modesty on thy face instead of paint, and moral worth and discretion instead of gold and emeralds" [MELISSA].

Clarke: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Whose adorning - Κοσμος . See the note on Heb 9:1, where the word κοσμος, world or ornament, is defined; and also the note on Gen 2:1

Whose adorning - Κοσμος . See the note on Heb 9:1, where the word κοσμος, world or ornament, is defined; and also the note on Gen 2:1

Clarke: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold - Plaiting the hair, and variously folding it about the head, was the most ancient and most simple mode of...

Plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold - Plaiting the hair, and variously folding it about the head, was the most ancient and most simple mode of disposing of this chief ornament of the female head. It was practised anciently in every part of the east, and is so to the present day in India, in China, and also in Barbary. It was also prevalent among the Greeks and Romans, as ancient gems, busts, and statues, still remaining, sufficiently declare. We have a remarkable instance of the plaiting of the hair in a statue of Agrippina, wife of Germanicus, an exact representation of which may be seen in a work of Andre Lens, entitled Le Costume de Peuple de I’ Antiquite, pl. 33. Many plates in the same work show the different modes of dressing the hair which obtained among the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, and other nations. Thin plates of gold were often mixed with the hair, to make it appear more ornamental by the reflection of light and of the solar rays. Small golden buckles were also used in different parts; and among the Roman ladies, pearls and precious stones of different colors. Pliny assures us, Hist. Nat., l. ix. c. 35, that these latter ornaments were not introduced among the Roman women till the time of Sylla, about 110 years before the Christian era. But it is evident, from many remaining monuments, that in numerous cases the hair differently plaited and curled was the only ornament of the head. Often a simple pin, sometimes of ivory, pointed with gold, seemed to connect the plaits. In monuments of antiquity the heads of the married and single women may be known, the former by the hair being parted from the forehead over the middle of the top of the head, the latter by being quite close, or being plaited and curled all in a general mass

There is a remarkable passage in Plutarch, Conjugalia Praecept., c. xxvi., very like that in the text: Κοσμος γαρ εστιν, ὡς ελεγε Κρατης, το κοσμουν· κοσμει δε το κοσμιωτεραν γυναικα ποιουν· ποιει δε ταυτην ου χρυσος, ουτε σμαραγδος, ουτε κοκκος, αλλ ὁσα σεμνοτητος, ευταξιας, αιδους εμφασιν περιτιθησιν· Opera a Wyttenb., vol. i., page 390. "An ornament, as Crates said, is that which adorns. The proper ornament of a woman is that which becomes her best. This is neither gold, nor pearls, nor scarlet; but those things which are an evident proof of gravity, regularity, and modesty."The wife of Phocion, a celebrated Athenian general, receiving a visit from a lady who was elegantly adorned with gold and jewels, and her hair with pearls, took occasion to call the attention of her guest to the elegance and costliness of her dress, remarking at the same time, "My ornament is my husband, now for the twentieth year general of the Athenians."Plut., in vit. Phoc. How few Christian women act this part! Women are in general at as much pains and cost in their dress, as if by it they were to be recommended both to God and man. It is, however, in every case, the argument either of a shallow mind, or of a vain and corrupted heart.

Calvin: 1Pe 3:3 - -- 3.Whose adorning The other part of the exhortation is, that wives are to adorn themselves sparingly and modestly: for we know that they are in this r...

3.Whose adorning The other part of the exhortation is, that wives are to adorn themselves sparingly and modestly: for we know that they are in this respect much more curious and ambitious than they ought to be. Then Peter does not without cause seek to correct in them this vanity. And though he reproves generally sumptuous or costly adorning, yet he points out some things in particular, — that they were not artificially to curl or wreath their hair, as it was usually done by crisping-pins, or otherwise to form it according to the fashion; nor were they to set gold around their head: for these are the things in which excesses especially appear.

It may be now asked, whether the Apostle wholly condemns the use of gold in adorning the body. Were any one to urge these words, it may be said, that he prohibits precious garments no less than gold; for he immediately adds, the putting on of apparel, or, of clothes. But it would be an immoderate strictness wholly to forbid neatness and elegance in clothing. If the material is said to be too sumptuous, the Lord has created it; and we know that skill in art has proceeded from him. Then Peter did not intend to condemn every sort of ornament, but the evil of vanity, to which women are subject. Two things are to be regarded in clothing, usefulness and decency; and what decency requires is moderation and modesty. Were, then, a woman to go forth with her hair wantonly curled and decked, and make an extravagant display, her vanity could not be excused. They who object and say, that to clothe one’s-self in this or that manner is an indifferent thing, in which all are free to do as they please, may be easily confuted; for excessive elegance and superfluous display, in short, all excesses, arise from a corrupted mind. Besides, ambition, pride, affectation of display, and all things of this kind, are not indifferent things. Therefore they whose minds are purified from all vanity, will duly order all things, so as not to exceed moderation.

Defender: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Although male modesty may not have been a problem in the days of the apostles, the principle of modesty in dress and ornamentation would need to be ur...

Although male modesty may not have been a problem in the days of the apostles, the principle of modesty in dress and ornamentation would need to be urged on Christian men as well as women today, especially in these days of flamboyancy and stress on physical attributes (1Ti 2:9)."

TSK: 1Pe 3:3 - -- adorning let : 1Ti 2:9, 1Ti 2:10; Tit 2:3-15; Rom 12:2 that : Gen 24:22, Gen 24:47, Gen 24:53; Exo 3:22, Exo 32:2, Exo 33:4, Exo 35:22, Exo 38:8; 2Ki ...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Whose adorning - Whose ornament. The apostle refers here to a propensity which exists in the heart of woman to seek that which would be esteeme...

Whose adorning - Whose ornament. The apostle refers here to a propensity which exists in the heart of woman to seek that which would be esteemed ornamental, or that which will appear well in the sight of others, and commend us to them. The desire of this is laid deep in human nature and therefore, when properly regulated is not wrong. The only question is, what is the true and appropriate ornament? What should be primarily sought as the right kind of adorning? The apostle does not condemn true ornament, nor does he condemn the desire to appear in such a way as to secure the esteem of others. God does not condemn real ornament. The universe is full of it. The colors of the clouds and of the rainbow; the varied hues of flowers; the plumage of birds, and the covering of many of the animals of the forest; the green grass; the variety of hill and dale; the beauty of the human complexion, the ruddy cheek, and the sparkling eye, are all of the nature of ornament. They are something superadded to what would be merely useful, to make them appear well. Few or none of these things are absolutely necessary to the things to which they are attached; for the eye could see without the various tints of beauty that are drawn upon it, and the lips and the cheeks could perform their functions without their beautiful tints, and the vegetable world could exist without the variegated colors that are painted on it; but God meant that this should be a beautiful world; that it should appear well; that there should be something more than mere utility. The true notion of ornament or adorning is that which will make any person or thing appear well, or beautiful, to others; and the apostle does not prohibit that which would have this effect in the wife. The grand thing which she was to seek, was not that which is merely external, but that which is internal, and which God regards as of so great value.

Let it not be that outward adorning - Let not this be the main or principal thing; let not her heart be set on this. The apostle does not say that she should wholly neglect her personal appearance, for she has no more right to be offensive to her husband by neglecting her personal appearance, than by a finical attention to it. Religion promotes neatness, and cleanliness, and a proper attention to our external appearance according to our circumstances in life, as certainly as it does to the internal virtue of the soul. On this whole passage, see the notes at 1Ti 2:9-10.

Of plaiting the hair - See the notes at 1Ti 2:9; Compare the notes at Isa 3:24. Great attention is paid to this in the East, and it is to this that the apostle here refers. "The women in the eastern countries,"says Dr. Shaw, (Travels, p. 294,) "affect to have their hair hang down to the ground, which they collect into one lock, upon the hinder part of the head, binding and plaiting it about with ribbons. Above this, or on the top of their heads, persons of better fashion wear flexible plates of gold or silver, variously cut through, and engraved in imitation of lace."We are not to suppose that a mere braiding or plaiting of the hair is improper, for there may be no more simple or convenient way of disposing of it. But the allusion here is to the excessive care which then prevailed, and especially to their setting the heart on such ornaments rather than on the adorning which is internal. It may not be easy to fix the exact limit of propriety about the method of arranging the hair, or about any other ornament; but those whose hearts are right, generally have little difficulty on the subject. Every ornament of the body, however beautiful, is soon to be laid aside; the adorning of the soul will endure forever.

And of wearing of gold - The gold here particularly referred to is probably that which was interwoven in the hair, and which was a common female ornament in ancient times. Thus, Virgil says, crines nodantur in aurum. And again, crinem implicat auro. See Homer, Iliad , B. 872; Herod. i. 82; and Thucydides i. 6. The wearing of gold in the hair, however, was more common among women of loose morals than among virtuous females - Pollux iv. 153. It cannot be supposed that all wearing of gold about the person is wrong, for there is nothing evil in gold itself, and there may be some articles connected with apparel made of gold that may in no manner draw off the affections from higher things, and may do nothing to endanger piety. The meaning is, that such ornaments should not be sought; that Christians should be in no way distinguished for them; that they should not engross the time and attention; that Christians should so dress as to show that their minds are occupied with nobler objects, and that in their apparel they should be models of neatness, economy, and plainness. If it should be said that this expression teaches that it is wrong to wear gold at all, it may be replied that on the same principle it would follow that the next clause teaches that it is wrong to put on apparel at all. There is really no difficulty in such expressions. We are to dress decently, and in the manner that will attract least attention, and we are to show that our hearts are interested supremely in more important things than in outward adorning.

Or of putting on of apparel - That is, this is not to be the ornament which we principally seek, or for which we are distinguished. We are to desire a richer and more permanent adorning - that of the heart.

Poole: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Let it not be let it not be chiefly, or not so much the adorning of the outward man as the inward; the negative here is to be taken as a comparative,...

Let it not be let it not be chiefly, or not so much the adorning of the outward man as the inward; the negative here is to be taken as a comparative, as Exo 16:8 Luk 14:12 . The apostle doth not absolutely condemn all kind of ornaments, or rich attire, which we find used sometimes by the godly themselves in the Scripture, Gen 24:22,30 Es 5:1 ; compared with Psa 45:9,13 , where the spiritual ornaments of Christ’ s spouse are set forth by terms taken from the external ornaments of Solomon’ s wife; and Eze 16:12 , these things are spoken of as God’ s gifts. But he taxeth all vanity, levity, immoderate sumptuousness or luxury in apparel, and bodily ornaments in women, (or men), whatsoever is above their place and condition in the world, or above their estate and ability; such as proceeds from any lust, (pride, wantonness, &c.), or tends to the provoking or cherishing any, or is accompanied with the neglecting or slighting of inward beauty and spiritual ornaments.

Gill: 1Pe 3:3 - -- Whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning,.... Or that only and principally; let not that be solely or chiefly attended to, nor anxiously so...

Whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning,.... Or that only and principally; let not that be solely or chiefly attended to, nor anxiously sought after, nor ever in order to allure and ensnare others, or to fill with pride and vanity; nor should it be indecent and luxurious, immodest and immoderate, and unsuitable to the age, character, and station of persons; otherwise clothing is both convenient and necessary; and a decent garb, neat and modest apparel, and what is suitable to the years, rank, and quality of persons, is very commendable: nor are we to suppose that the apostle forbids the use of what follows, but only when used in a luxurious and extravagant manner, and to feed pride and vanity, and encourage, lasciviousness and wantonness:

of plaiting the hair; folding it up in curls, tying it up in knots, and putting it into the form of horns and towers, made by their crisping pins, with their cauls and round tires, like the moon, as was the custom of those times, and still is. There were women among the Jews, whose business it was to plait women's hair; Mary Magdalene is thought to have her name from thence, and that to be her business. The Jews often speak of one Miriam or Mary, by whom they seem to mean the mother of our Lord, who, they say m was ayyvn reyv aldgmmgdla vyer nvyya , "a plaiter of women's hair"; see Gill on Mat 27:56.

And of wearing of gold; or "golden things"; golden ornaments, as bracelets, chains, and rings, or pieces of gold stuck in the plaitings and folds of the hair. The Jewish women used to wear a crown of gold on their head, in the form of the city of Jerusalem, called a golden city n; and which they wore, after its destruction, in memory of it; but with those they might not go out on a sabbath day. R. Akibah, it is said o, made a golden city for his wife, and the wife of Rabban Gamaliel envied her, for it seems this was reckoned a grand dress. Not that the sense is, that every thing of this kind is forbidden, but when used to excess and extravagance; otherwise the daughters of Abraham and Sarah were decked with ear rings, bracelets, and jewels of gold; see Gen 24:22.

or of putting on of apparel; that is "excellent", or precious, as the Syriac version adds; or "of great price", as the Ethiopic; that is beyond a person's ability or rank; the apostle means such apparel as is unbecoming and unsuitable, for he cannot be thought to forbid the putting on of any apparel; but his sense is, that women should not so much regard, and be so intent upon the outward adorning of their bodies, with any sort of clothing, and especially such as does not become them, as the inward adorning of their minds, next mentioned,

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Pe 3:3 The word “jewelry” is not in the Greek text, but has been supplied to indicate that gold ornaments or jewelry is intended; otherwise the r...

Geneva Bible: 1Pe 3:3 ( 3 ) Whose adorning let it not be that outward [adorning] of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; ( 3 ) He condem...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Pe 3:1-22 - --1 He teaches the duty of wives and husbands to each other;8 exhorting all men to unity and love;14 and to suffer persecution.19 He declares also the b...

MHCC: 1Pe 3:1-7 - --The wife must discharge her duty to her own husband, though he obey not the word. We daily see how narrowly evil men watch the ways and lives of profe...

Matthew Henry: 1Pe 3:1-7 - -- The apostle having treated of the duties of subjects to their sovereigns, and of servants to their masters, proceeds to explain the duty of husbands...

Barclay: 1Pe 3:3-6 - --Bengel speaks of "the labour bestowed on dress which consumes much time." Such labour is no modern thing. We have already seen that in the ancient ...

Constable: 1Pe 2:11--4:12 - --III. The responsibilities of the christian individually 2:11--4:11 Since Christians have a particular vocation i...

Constable: 1Pe 2:13--3:13 - --B. Respect for Others 2:13-3:12 This section of the letter clarifies what it means to function obedientl...

Constable: 1Pe 3:1-6 - --3. Wives' respect for their husbands 3:1-6 Having explained before how Christians should conduct themselves in the world, Peter next gave directions a...

College: 1Pe 3:1-22 - --1 PETER 3 D. WIVES, SUBMIT TO YOUR HUSBANDS (3:1-6) 1 Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe t...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE GENERAL OF PETER ABOUT a.d. 65 By Way of Introduction The Author The Epistle is not anonymous, but claims to be written by "...

JFB: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) ITS GENUINENESS is attested by 2Pe 3:1. On the authority of Second Peter, see the Introduction. Also by POLYCARP (in EUSEBIUS [Ecclesiastical History,...


TSK: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) As the design of this Epistle is excellent, remarks Dr. Macknight, so is its execution, in the judgment of the best critics, does not fall short of it...

TSK: 1 Peter 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Pe 3:1, He teaches the duty of wives and husbands to each other; 1Pe 3:8, exhorting all men to unity and love; 1Pe 3:14, and to suffer p...

Poole: 1 Peter 3 (Chapter Introduction) PETER CHAPTER 3

MHCC: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) The same great doctrines, as in St. Paul's epistles, are here applied to same practical purposes. And this epistle is remarkable for the sweetness, ge...

MHCC: 1 Peter 3 (Chapter Introduction) (1Pe 3:1-7) The duties of wives and husbands. (1Pe 3:8-13) Christians exhorted to agree. (1Pe 3:14-22) And encouraged to patience under persecutions...

Matthew Henry: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Epistle General of Peter Two epistles we have enrolled in the sacred canon of the scripture w...

Matthew Henry: 1 Peter 3 (Chapter Introduction) Wherein the apostle describes the duties of husbands and wives one to another, beginning with the duty of the wife (1Pe 3:1-7). He exhorts Christia...

Barclay: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST LETTER OF PETER The Catholic Or General Epistles First Peter belongs to that group of New Testament letters which are k...

Barclay: 1 Peter 3 (Chapter Introduction) The Silent Preaching Of A Lovely Life (1Pe_3:1-2) The True Adornment (1Pe_3:3-6) The Husband's Obligation (1Pe_3:7) (1) The Marks Of The Christian...

Constable: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background This epistle claims that the Apostle Peter wrote it...

Constable: 1 Peter (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-2 II. The identity of Christians 1:3-2:10 A....

Constable: 1 Peter 1 Peter Bibliography Bailey, Mark L., and Thomas L. Constable. The New Testament Explorer. Nashville: Word Publ...

Haydock: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) THE FIRST EPISTLE OF ST. PETER, THE APOSTLE. INTRODUCTION. This first Epistle of St. Peter, though brief, contains much doctrine concerning fa...

Gill: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 PETER That Simon, called Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, was the writer of this epistle, is not questioned by any; nor was the...

Gill: 1 Peter 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 PETER 3 In this chapter the apostle instructs wives how to behave towards their husbands, and husbands how to behave towards thei...

College: 1 Peter (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION This commentary is written for the general reader with a serious interest in Scripture. Its purpose is to provide a historical interpret...

College: 1 Peter (Outline) OUTLINE I. THE GREETING - 1:1-2 II. A CALL TO BE HOLY - 1:3-2:10 A. The Hope of Salvation - 1:3-9 B. The Glory of This Salvation - 1:10-1...

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