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Text -- 1 Samuel 4:10 (NET)

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4:10 So the Philistines fought. Israel was defeated; they all ran home. The slaughter was very great; thirty thousand foot soldiers fell in battle.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Philistines a sea people coming from Crete in 1200BC to the coast of Canaan

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Tabernacle | Superstition | Phinehas | Philistines | Parents | Judgments | Israel | HOPHNI AND PHINEHAS | HOPHNI | Ebenezer | Eben-ezer | Army | Armies | Ark | Aphek | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: 1Sa 4:10 - -- To his habitation, called by the ancient name of his tent.

To his habitation, called by the ancient name of his tent.

Wesley: 1Sa 4:10 - -- Before, they lost but four thousand, now in the presence of the ark, thirty thousand, to teach them that the ark and ordinances of God, were never des...

Before, they lost but four thousand, now in the presence of the ark, thirty thousand, to teach them that the ark and ordinances of God, were never designed as a refuge to impenitent sinners, but only for the comfort of those that repent.

TSK: 1Sa 4:10 - -- Israel : 1Sa 4:2; Lev 26:17; Deu 28:25; Psa 78:9, Psa 78:60-64 every man : 2Sa 20:1; 1Ki 12:16, 1Ki 22:36; 2Ki 14:12 a very great : 2Sa 18:7; 2Ch 13:1...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Poole: 1Sa 4:10 - -- Into his tent i.e. to his habitation, called by the ancient name of his tent. Before they lost but four thousand, now in the presence of the ark thir...

Into his tent i.e. to his habitation, called by the ancient name of his tent. Before they lost but four thousand, now in the presence of the ark thirty thousand, to teach them that the ark and ordinances of God were never designed for sanctuaries or refuges to impenitent sinners, but only for the comfort and relief of those that repent. Horsemen are not mentioned; either, first, Because they had few or none, God having forbidden the multiplication of their horses, Deu 17:16 , and the Philistines, their lords and oppressors, having taken away what they had. Or, secondly, Because they fled away, as is usual in such cases, whilst the footmen were more easily overtaken.

Haydock: 1Sa 4:10 - -- Footmen. They had no cavalry, (Calmet) as God seemed to discourage any. (Haydock) --- Even after Solomon's time, they had not many horsemen. (Cal...

Footmen. They had no cavalry, (Calmet) as God seemed to discourage any. (Haydock) ---

Even after Solomon's time, they had not many horsemen. (Calmet) ---

The Israelites had before lost 4,000: now when they were full of confidence, and fought with valour, they behold 30,000 fall. The ark proved thus fatal to them. (Haydock)

Gill: 1Sa 4:10 - -- And the Philistines fought,.... With great ardour and spirit, quitted themselves like men of valour and courage, their case being desperate as they im...

And the Philistines fought,.... With great ardour and spirit, quitted themselves like men of valour and courage, their case being desperate as they imagined, since God was in the camp of Israel:

and Israel was smitten: were routed and beaten:

and they fled every man into his tent; such of them as escaped the sword of the Philistines fled to their own houses in the several cities from whence they came; so the Targum,"every man to his city''so that their army was quite broken up:

and there was a very great slaughter far greater than in the first battle:

For there fell of Israel thirty thousand footmen; their army chiefly, if not altogether, consisting of footmen, there being few horses in Israel; and if any cavalry now, these may be supposed to flee; before they lost only 4000, now 30,000; so that the ark was no security to them, which was suffered, to show their vain trust and confidence in it.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: 1Sa 4:10 Heb “and they fled, each to his tents.”

Geneva Bible: 1Sa 4:10 And the Philistines fought, and Israel was smitten, and they fled every man into his tent: and there was a very great slaughter; for there fell of Isr...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: 1Sa 4:1-22 - --1 The Israelites are overcome by the Philistines at Ebenezer.3 They fetch the ark unto the terror of the Philistines.10 They are smitten again, the ar...

Maclaren: 1Sa 4:1-18 - --1 Samuel 4:1-18 The first words of verse 1 are closely connected with the end of chapter 3.,and complete the account of Samuel's inauguration. The wor...

MHCC: 1Sa 4:10-11 - --The taking of the ark was a great judgment upon Israel, and a certain token of God's displeasure. Let none think to shelter themselves from the wrath ...

Matthew Henry: 1Sa 4:10-11 - -- Here is a short account of the issue of this battle. I. Israel was smitten, the army dispersed and totally routed, not retiring into the camp, as be...

Keil-Delitzsch: 1Sa 4:10-11 - -- Stimulated in this way, they fought and smote Israel, so that every onefled home ("to his tent,"see at Jos 22:8), and 30,000 men of Israel fell. The...

Constable: 1Sa 4:1--7:2 - --II. THE HISTORY OF THE ARK OF THE COVENANT 4:1b--7:1 Most serious students of 1 Samuel have noted the writer's e...

Constable: 1Sa 4:1-22 - --A. The Capture of the Ark 4:1b-22 A new subject comes to the forefront in this section and continues to ...

Constable: 1Sa 4:1-11 - --1. The battle of Aphek 4:1b-11 The Philistines, as we have already seen in Judges, were Israel's...

Guzik: 1Sa 4:1-22 - --1 Samuel 4 - The Capture of the Ark of the Covenant A. The Ark is captured. 1. (1-2) Israel is defeated before the Philistines. And the word of Sa...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF SAMUEL. The two were, by the ancient Jews, conjoined so as to make one book, and in that form could be called the Book o...

JFB: 1 Samuel (Outline) OF ELKANAH AND HIS TWO WIVES. (1Sa 1:1-8) HANNAH'S PRAYER. (1Sa 1:9-18) SAMUEL BORN. (1Sa 1:20) HANNAH'S SONG IN THANKFULNESS TO GOD. (1Sa 2:1-11) TH...

TSK: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) The First Book of SAMUEL, otherwise called " The First Book of the KINGS."

TSK: 1 Samuel 4 (Chapter Introduction) Overview 1Sa 4:1, The Israelites are overcome by the Philistines at Ebenezer; 1Sa 4:3, They fetch the ark unto the terror of the Philistines; 1Sa ...

Poole: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL OTHERWISE CALLED THE FIRST BOOK OF THE KINGS. THE ARGUMENT. IT is not certainly known who was the penman of this Book, or whe...

Poole: 1 Samuel 4 (Chapter Introduction) SAMUEL CHAPTER 4 The Israelites are smitten by the Philistines at Eben-ezer, 1Sa 4:1,2 . They fetch the ark from Shiloh; receive it with a great sh...

MHCC: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) In this book we have an account of Eli, and the wickedness of his sons; also of Samuel, his character and actions. Then of the advancement of Saul to ...

MHCC: 1 Samuel 4 (Chapter Introduction) (1Sa 4:1-9) The Israelites overcome by the Philistines. (1Sa 4:10, 1Sa 4:11) The ark taken. (1Sa 4:12-18) The death of Eli. (1Sa 4:19-22) The birth...

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Book of Samuel This book, and that which follows it, bear the name of Samuel in the title, ...

Matthew Henry: 1 Samuel 4 (Chapter Introduction) The predictions in the foregoing chapters concerning the ruin of Eli's house here begin to be fulfilled; how long after does not appear, but certai...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) Introduction Title First and Second Samuel were originally one book called the Book of...

Constable: 1 Samuel (Outline) Outline I. Eli and Samuel chs. 1-3 A. The change from barrenness to fertility 1:1-2:10 ...

Constable: 1 Samuel 1 Samuel Bibliography Ackroyd, Peter R. The First Book of Samuel. Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English...

Haydock: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) THE FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL; otherwise called, THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. INTRODUCTION. This and the following Book are called by the Hebrews, the...

Gill: 1 Samuel (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO 1 SAMUEL This book, in the Hebrew copies, is commonly called Samuel, or the Book of Samuel; in the Syriac version, the Book of Samu...

Gill: 1 Samuel 4 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO FIRST SAMUEL 4 This chapter is a narrative of a war between Israel and the Philistines, in the time of Samuel, and of the consequen...

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